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Level 73
What's your Minecraft Username?: DarkxWalker
What's the title of your suggestion?: HOSPITAL ¬ EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT

What's your suggestion?:
Oh, illustrious deities of SchoolRP, lend thine ears to my humble entreaty, for I approach thee in supplication for a final boon, a counsel for improvisation. I humbly beseech thee; thus, I shall commence.

After completing my exquisite introduction to this astonishing yet important suggestion, I appear before the council of staff members, and hospital higherups (and primarily, 6Pancake) to suggest that the hospital faction's newly instated emergency department be removed because it was never a necessary addition in the first place. There goes a saying that if something doesn't need to be fixed, then don't fix it.

Some people believe that this is a good change. I've joined the faction twice already, so I'm always up for fresh perspectives and experimental additions. But only one side benefits from this recent segregating addition, while the enjoyment factor for two other sides is extremely reduced as a result.

For those who are not part of the hospital faction or those who do not share my perspective, allow me to present it from another point of view. Anyone who is solely in the doctor and psychiatric departments, with the exception of higherups, is unable to patrol because of the addition of the emergency department.

Additionally, depending on their original department beforehand, the emergency department workers can continue to carry out their usual doctor and psychiatric duties. When you are just at level 120 and can hardly finish the DLC, this department is, in Elden Ring terminology, an unbeatable boss.

A lot of people find their own ambitions for applying for the hospital faction in the first place is to be a paramedic. This is still possible if you join the emergency department which isn't easy, however, the two original departments get extremely sidetracked and ignored whilst the emergency department is the superior of the three departments in total; being able to complete doctor or psychiatric tasks (dependent on the paramedic's previous department) whilst also being able to patrol given that they have passed their training.

Last but not least, given the circumstances of the recent implementation of the emergency department, doctors and psychiatrists alike are no longer able to go on patrol even with the inclusion or presence of a paramedic (which previously wasn't the case when the paramedic certificate was a thing.)

I might not be a hospital worker anymore. However, given that I am not fond of this idea; similarly to other hospital workers, the removal of the emergency department and revitalization of the paramedic certificate for both the psychiatric and doctor departments should be seriously considered. Additionally, any of the recent promotions should be redirected to the hospital workers' respective factions as a result of the removal of the emergency department (if this suggestion is to be accepted.)

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Understandably, I know my opinion doesn't hold much of an impact or any significance at all now that I am no longer a part of the faction. However, it's important to be considerate when realizing that the revitalization of the paramedic certificate which turned into a sole department will result in:
- Less psychiatrists and doctors wishing to get online or get quota (which might become a common pattern nowadays, especially for psychiatrists)
- Psychiatrists and doctors are more likely to get burnt out.
- Psychiatrists and doctors are given a disadvantage, entertainment-wise, due to their incapacitation in going on patrols.
- Both departments won't be the main focus of the faction, with many people trying to go for the emergency department once they reach the foreseen rank and decide to get trained after a date is officialized.
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Level 73
Thread starter
the department has existed for 6 days
It's better to address the current problem at hand & the issues it may cause rather than let it settle for a while, therefore making the emergency department more imminent to stay imo


Level 128
Shop Lead

I'm not a big fan of attempting to remove something that has barely had a chance to prove itself
Change always brings different reactions and I think removing it entirely is just going to hinder hospitals progression in terms of any updates


Level 36
Hi, just here to provide my response to this as the lead of the Emergency Department! Nothing I say here is to be mean, or anything like that, just clearing up some clear misunderstandings.

Anyone who is solely in the doctor and psychiatric departments, with the exception of higherups, is unable to patrol because of addition of the emergency department
Last but not least, given the circumstances of the recent implementation of the emergency department, doctors and psychiatrists alike are no longer able to go on patrol even with the inclusion or presence of a paramedic
This is true, as doctors and psychiatrists don't have the training necessary to respond to emergency situations. It wouldn't work well for members of these departments to respond to emergencies while on patrol, as they wouldn't be able to react to the situation in the way that paramedics have been trained to.

And while I do understand the frustration of not being able to leave the hospital on patrol anymore, there is off-duty for that! Patrols are for looking for injured people to bring back to the hospital, without risking their health/safety (which paramedics are trained on).

A lot of people find their own ambitions for applying for the hospital faction in the first place is to be a paramedic
This is still a very viable goal to have, and one that I know a lot of current hospital workers possess. This department is difficult to get into with limited spots, and having to express your interest, but it'll still be a long-term goal for passionate members of the hospital faction to work toward!

- Less psychiatrists and doctors wishing to get online or get quota (which might become a common pattern nowadays, especially for psychiatrists)
- Psychiatrists and doctors are more likely to get burnt out.
- Psychiatrists and doctors are given a disadvantage, entertainment-wise, due to their incapacitation in going on patrols.
- Both departments won't be the main focus of the faction, with many people trying to go for the emergency department once they reach the foreseen rank and decide to get trained after a date is officialized.
- I'm not entirely sure why the emergency department (a department that specialises in responding to calls and going on patrol) would result in members of the psychiatry or doctor departments not logging on anymore. If this does become an issue, steps will be taken within the faction itself to better/change whatever the departments need.
- This department is able to do the work of both departments, which actually lessens the chance that doctors and psychiatrists will be burned out as there are more members of the hospital to perform their duties. Addressing this now, but this doesn't mean they get priority for treatment. Doctors and psychs will get offered the opportunity to treat patients before a paramedic will step in, if they want to perform that treatment.
- Off duty exists if they want entertainment.
- I assure you all of the departments are given the same amount of attention by the department leads, supervisors (there are two higher-ups for each department, so it's equal!!) and the faction lead themself. It might seem at current that the Emergency Department has more attention on it, because it's new and developing, and details are still being worked out regarding it.


Level 125
It's better to address the current problem at hand & the issues it may cause rather than let it settle for a while, therefore making the emergency department more imminent to stay imo
Let the future tell itself when it comes

now for a more serious tongue and a proper response to the entire feedback, we shall speak in times new roman

Firstly, let us bring up the issue of patrol. Due to how hospital workers operate now and bringing in believability (no, I'm not calling it realism as that is a topic I will discuss later in one of my many critiques on the player base), a paramedic would make more sense to go out on patrols. As you mentioned, patrols now are solely restricted to the paramedic department, but with every action, there is a consequence, and that is giving priority to inner-hospital treatment, both physical and mental, to be dealt with by the original, respective departments. As a result of the restriction, paramedics are not to attend to patients unless the circumstances of no doctor or psychiatrist are present within Karakura Hospital.

Segregation cannot be given as a title to this new update due to the fact if that is the case, we might as well call the entirety of the staff team, community teams, and factions all across the server from the tiniest of clubs to the intimidating number of KPD officers to be segregation. "I cannot detain someone with a baton? Segregation! I cannot participate in the biannual sports tournaments? Segregation!" No, that is not segregation; it is simply promotion. A goal, and like you said, members of the community desire to apply for the hospital with the goal of being a paramedic. Well, now that paramedics have the illustrious perks of practically doing anything, it is more of a reason to make it a goal, even if the cost now is to be more active. There is nothing with no price.

Now, if this change is seen as unnecessary since 'if something does not need fixing, then do not fix it', why are we considering it a fix? Change is normal, whether people like it or not, and this is one of them. If you are afraid that the other factions are being overlooked, fret not, for they still comprise the majority of the medical body of Karakura Hospital. Would paramedics have the light shed more on them? Perhaps, but we also cannot judge as the spotlight is on the department already since it is new, and new stuff is constantly overused/overtalked (I personally do not see it as over-blank).

Let the change happen, as experimenting causes more good than harm.

Level 40

I was going to make a suggestion about this as well but I lowkey forgot about it for the past couple of days, but i do have things to say so buckle up also im writing this at night im tired and english isnt my first language if you make fun of my incoherent writing you're being ignorant and sexist and homophobic haha heres my take as someone whos been both a doctor and a psych fairly recently

I'm not sure if many people remember this, but the paramedics were first introduced as a separate department. There was no certificate, it was a separate department. I will be very honest; I did not like the department from the start, mainly because it took the ability to respond to calls and go pick people up from doctors and psychiatrists. Anyway, the department failed because people didn't join it, maybe due to the lack of content it had, and also bc you had to abandon your doctor/psych training for it. I don't know, I won't delve deep into that because I don't really care no shade!! The department was afterwards turned into the certificate it had been known as for a long time now. thought i'd just give a short ems history lesson from 2023 to preface

I do not know why the paramedic department was introduced AGAIN, especially with the way it is currently. This change was very much unneeded, since the certificate worked just fine earlier and the department had already failed once. Sure, the department might not be doomed for the same kind of fall as the last one, considering it's basically the opposite of the previous version; the new paramedic department has TOO MUCH!!!! while the old one had basically nothing, which made it boring. With the debut of 2.0 paramedic department, the paramedics can do basically anything which is like, questionable? Genuinely, why, what is the point?

If you got to choose between being doctor and doing doctor's duties, being a psychiatrist and doing psychiatrist's duties or being a paramedic where you can literally pick and choose your favorite shit to do while gaining more priviledges (ambulance, patrolling etc), everyone would choose paramedic. It's because there is an INSANE jump between the regular departments and the imposter. More to do = more fun, which is why being a paramedic gives you way more than anyone has gotten. Previously only CLINICAL LEADS, not even all higher-ups, were able to do both departments' work, but now the paramedic department can do anything. With all the perks you get for just being a paramedic, it feels much more like a "higher-up department" than anything. In fact, official higher ups don't even do as much as the department.

Also, just to bring the point of realism (and to show how absurd the freedom paramedics have), I am yet to have been diagnosed for clinical depression by a paramedic. That's done by a psychiatrist. I can understand urgent surgery and first aid IF no doctors are available, but THERAPY?????? Hello?????

Speaking of therapy, the recent changes are a worthy topic of discussion while at it. Idk if the psychiatrist quota and department changes are a result of the paramedic department, but I will be frankly honest with you; these were awful changes for psychiatrists, with all respect and no personal attacks intended. Being a psychiatrist in EMS is EASILY the most draining and stressful job, considering everything is very theoretical, yet you still have a lot of rules to follow. I personally didn't enjoy being a psychiatrist thanks to how stressful it was to do, but some like it. That's a part of the job, and I don't think the training should be changed. Psychiatrists DO however need more ways to earn quota and I am QUITE SURE this has never been a secret? like, i've seen and heard a bunch of psychiatrists talk about this. Removing the ability to gain quota points from IVs AND PATROL for psychiatrists is very unneeded. It's much more difficult to gain a full quota now compared to the other departments. I am saying this from experience, as I have been both a psychiatrist and a doctor: Being a doctor is way easier, at least in terms of writing and the time you spend on procedures. As a doctor, I can write about 3, 4 or 5 actions for a full yet detailed procedure in a fairly short time (bc I don't need to think, I just need to write the procedure in funny words lol) but as a psychiatrist, you usually write closer to 10 OR MORE actions per session, all of which take much more energy. Sure, there would be no issue with this if the points you got were fair - but they're not. I'll spend 15 minutes doing a procedure as a doctor for 2 quota points, whereas a psychiatrist might spend anywhere between 30 minutes to a couple of hours doing therapy for 3 quota points. That is nothing, that is literally nothing, especially when one of the best ways to earn quota has been removed for no reason.

Anyhow, what can be done to be improved the psychiatrist faction? Simple answer, add more ways to gain quota for psychiatrists AND give more points for therapy. Don't make a department that can steal one of the last and main ways for psychiatrists to gain quota points (therapy). Also, to have the vet certificate just taken away is a little.... yeaah. Anyway, also give psychiatrists a good nights kiss every evening i hope youre all well

How do you improve paramedics? Don't make a separate faction for friendly higher-ups that can do basically anything. Personally, I saw no problem with the previous paramedic certificate, so a big change such as this is likely going to be a downgrade regardless. The department is too limited in terms of getting in, and gives way too much freedom for its workers.

I do not think the changes made this wave were good, especially for the psychiatrists, but not for the doctors either. It feels like a slap in the face after everything. People like to shit on EMS for stuff already, but when the call is coming from inside the house, it feels even harsher and unmotivating. I do know some EMS workers are not happy, and I do hope you will have the confidence to speak up and help the faction improve. I also hope the feedback here is taken seriously, even if some people are not in EMS! I am all for updates. Things need changes to move on and to keep things interesting, but these changes were not good. People are upset and I think a drastic change like this needs to be altered a lot to be successful. As for how it can be altered and improved: Ask your faction. Not higher-ups, not your friends, not the ones who benefit from it, but the actual regular workers workers. Those are the people who know what would make it nicer to work in. Changes will work if they are properly discussed - and in case it needs to be clarified, these changes were NOT discussed. Not with the ones who they affected, at least.

As always no hard feelings no offense no personal attacks no shade no hate all is said with love and care and love for jesus and the other two in mind

So, to summarize, these are my 2 main issues w the paramedic department:
1.1. They're able to do way too much - more than any other workers. A doctor higher up can typically do less than a regular paramedic. It affects both doctor and psychiatrists directly, but especially the latter, because taking work for psychiatrists will obviously leave less appointments and work for them!
1.2. Paramedics shouldn't be able to do any psychiatrist procedures, because that is not "first aid work" and only takes away from other workers. Paramedics also shouldn't be taught to do any non-urgent doctor work such as consultations and psothetics.
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Level 27
I can't give a good -1 or +1 to this as I can understand both sides. I do agree it's only be at most a week since the department came out so maybe give it a month before any suggestions are made maybe by the end of september or october all of EMS could have a discussion on it. Having also been in Psychiatrist and Doctor the quota for psychiatrist is very limited but that's a separate issue. I do believe this department can be good as long as every bit of the faction still gets focused on equally and quota is balanced a bit more although to be fair it's been I think 1 or 2 months since I was last in EMS so for all I know quota has been balanced but I do hope this department can be a good change for EMS. Okay bye now back to waiting for more suggestions to read and not comment on.


Level 47
Community Team
Neutral as I haven't experienced it myself properly to give a good review.


Level 24
Community Team
Event Team
And while I do understand the frustration of not being able to leave the hospital on patrol anymore, there is off-duty for that! Patrols are for looking for injured people to bring back to the hospital, without risking their health/safety (which paramedics are trained on).
I think the concept of removing privileges we had in the first place leaves a sour taste in everyone's mouth who lost it. While I understand the reasoning behind it, the logic, etc. which was brought up previously, it still feels pretty bad in my opinion when the psych department loses stuff over and over again. Then doctors are now facing that same issue, ex. loss of their paramedic tag, having no say in it whatsoever. This paramedic change is really cool! I think the way it was done though could've been executed better, letting a bit of fairness for people who wanted to express their interest in the department rather than hand picking the first wave.

I love being a psychiatrist, but it gets tiring to lose things a lot and it feels like we are progressively getting things taken away from us to the point it might just leave us with the bare bones of the department. My main job is to provide therapy, however you and I both know that therapy can get extremely draining. I will admit that we are lenient on therapy since we all understand it, so for that I applaud HU's and above for allowing us to be so flexible with it.
I'm not entirely sure why the emergency department (a department that specialises in responding to calls and going on patrol) would result in members of the psychiatry or doctor departments not logging on anymore. If this does become an issue, steps will be taken within the faction itself to better/change whatever the departments need.
It's a bit demotivating to get on anymore when it feels like you had no say in what happened. That right now I think is the issue, losing certifications felt so unfair to at least me. Though, in the future as paramedics leave and people get to express their interest in the more fair way that is meant to come in the future that it seems you guys have planned out, it'll feel fairer to newer EMS who join. For those of us who had nice privileges, such as patrol, vet/paramedic certif, etc. it feels bad to see people do the stuff you were striving to do and were in progress (or already achieved) just to not be able to do it. People have already expressed it saddened them to lose what they had, though it doesn't seem like anyone seems to exactly notice aside from those who aren't a paramedic and a select few who are. I could go on about how I feel inside the faction right at this moment but it's more of a conversation to have in the future privately.

Overall, I feel as if EMS just needs more communication, I understand that there are changes that we as normal members can't do much about, though it feels like we should be able to express our opinions on it. Let it be known here: I'm all for change! I'm all for improvements! However when you execute it in a way that'll disappoint some people who "didn't make the cut" such as I, it's demotivating especially when I myself feel as if I've been working really hard to solidify my spot in the faction.
Well, now that paramedics have the illustrious perks of practically doing anything, it is more of a reason to make it a goal, even if the cost now is to be more active. There is nothing with no price.
I can agree with this, the one issue I see here is "the cost to be more active." I have been extremely active, almost every single night it ends up where I am the only EMS worker online. Along with that, I feel as if I've tried my best to take leadership in situations etc. So, I don't believe it's just 'be more active'. I don't know what the requirements were to be picked to be a paramedic when the change was made, but it definitely felt bad when I know myself have been active and attentive in the faction for a while but I didn't get a chance.


Level 10
I think the concept of removing privileges we had in the first place leaves a sour taste in everyone's mouth who lost it. While I understand the reasoning behind it, the logic, etc. which was brought up previously, it still feels pretty bad in my opinion when the psych department loses stuff over and over again. Then doctors are now facing that same issue, ex. loss of their paramedic tag, having no say in it whatsoever. This paramedic change is really cool! I think the way it was done though could've been executed better, letting a bit of fairness for people who wanted to express their interest in the department rather than hand picking the first wave.

I love being a psychiatrist, but it gets tiring to lose things a lot and it feels like we are progressively getting things taken away from us to the point it might just leave us with the bare bones of the department. My main job is to provide therapy, however you and I both know that therapy can get extremely draining. I will admit that we are lenient on therapy since we all understand it, so for that I applaud HU's and above for allowing us to be so flexible with it.

It's a bit demotivating to get on anymore when it feels like you had no say in what happened. That right now I think is the issue, losing certifications felt so unfair to at least me. Though, in the future as paramedics leave and people get to express their interest in the more fair way that is meant to come in the future that it seems you guys have planned out, it'll feel fairer to newer EMS who join. For those of us who had nice privileges, such as patrol, vet/paramedic certif, etc. it feels bad to see people do the stuff you were striving to do and were in progress (or already achieved) just to not be able to do it. People have already expressed it saddened them to lose what they had, though it doesn't seem like anyone seems to exactly notice aside from those who aren't a paramedic and a select few who are. I could go on about how I feel inside the faction right at this moment but it's more of a conversation to have in the future privately.

Overall, I feel as if EMS just needs more communication, I understand that there are changes that we as normal members can't do much about, though it feels like we should be able to express our opinions on it. Let it be known here: I'm all for change! I'm all for improvements! However when you execute it in a way that'll disappoint some people who "didn't make the cut" such as I, it's demotivating especially when I myself feel as if I've been working really hard to solidify my spot in the faction.

I can agree with this, the one issue I see here is "the cost to be more active." I have been extremely active, almost every single night it ends up where I am the only EMS worker online. Along with that, I feel as if I've tried my best to take leadership in situations etc. So, I don't believe it's just 'be more active'. I don't know what the requirements were to be picked to be a paramedic when the change was made, but it definitely felt bad when I know myself have been active and attentive in the faction for a while but I didn't get a chance.


Level 45
I think the concept of removing privileges we had in the first place leaves a sour taste in everyone's mouth who lost it. While I understand the reasoning behind it, the logic, etc. which was brought up previously, it still feels pretty bad in my opinion when the psych department loses stuff over and over again. Then doctors are now facing that same issue, ex. loss of their paramedic tag, having no say in it whatsoever. This paramedic change is really cool! I think the way it was done though could've been executed better, letting a bit of fairness for people who wanted to express their interest in the department rather than hand picking the first wave.

I love being a psychiatrist, but it gets tiring to lose things a lot and it feels like we are progressively getting things taken away from us to the point it might just leave us with the bare bones of the department. My main job is to provide therapy, however you and I both know that therapy can get extremely draining. I will admit that we are lenient on therapy since we all understand it, so for that I applaud HU's and above for allowing us to be so flexible with it.

It's a bit demotivating to get on anymore when it feels like you had no say in what happened. That right now I think is the issue, losing certifications felt so unfair to at least me. Though, in the future as paramedics leave and people get to express their interest in the more fair way that is meant to come in the future that it seems you guys have planned out, it'll feel fairer to newer EMS who join. For those of us who had nice privileges, such as patrol, vet/paramedic certif, etc. it feels bad to see people do the stuff you were striving to do and were in progress (or already achieved) just to not be able to do it. People have already expressed it saddened them to lose what they had, though it doesn't seem like anyone seems to exactly notice aside from those who aren't a paramedic and a select few who are. I could go on about how I feel inside the faction right at this moment but it's more of a conversation to have in the future privately.

Overall, I feel as if EMS just needs more communication, I understand that there are changes that we as normal members can't do much about, though it feels like we should be able to express our opinions on it. Let it be known here: I'm all for change! I'm all for improvements! However when you execute it in a way that'll disappoint some people who "didn't make the cut" such as I, it's demotivating especially when I myself feel as if I've been working really hard to solidify my spot in the faction.

I can agree with this, the one issue I see here is "the cost to be more active." I have been extremely active, almost every single night it ends up where I am the only EMS worker online. Along with that, I feel as if I've tried my best to take leadership in situations etc. So, I don't believe it's just 'be more active'. I don't know what the requirements were to be picked to be a paramedic when the change was made, but it definitely felt bad when I know myself have been active and attentive in the faction for a while but I didn't get a chance.


Level 20
Community Team
Lore Team
Noah and Iris explained things perfectly. Being in the psych department has made me realize how draining therapies can be, especially when grinding them to hit our max quota of 40.

As for the certs, i was one of the few that was very saddened about the change since i had my vet certificate and hadn't gotten to make any use of it yet. It honestly just feels like we are more limited of what we can do, and not only were we (psychs) affected by this but so was the doctor department. My motivation has been kind of shot down as of recently, especially just thinking about what we can no longer do anymore.


Level 73
Thread starter
I have noticed the common pattern.
Previously, it was easy to get your quota done in about less than a week as either a psychiatrist or doctor back in April.
Psychiatrists have it much harder now, which is a prevalent message that this suggestion made by @windswake had a short effect but that slowly depleted— which is, once again, exhausting the psychiatrists of the faction.


Level 185
News Lead
Being in the psych department, I'm honestly just vibing!

Some people apply for psych, as every other doctor / medical stuff doesn't peek their interest. I'm honestly kind of happy I don't have to stress about someone randomly bleeding out if I ever went out on patrol. Cause I'd have no clue what to do.

A very important part of being a psych is also planning. Taking on referrals and properly fitting them into your schedule. They take strain and concentration so it's always good to space them out. But one session with one person gives you 3 points and if you do group, each person is one additional point.

I believe the only issue psychs have. Are the timezone problems. (I'm still one of the few people who are in CET)

Give it a shot! If in a month everything is miserable, HU will fix and adjust. But you can't quite judge something when it's still in the works of fixing the smaller things and when no one is quite used to it! :D


Level 24
Community Team
Event Team
I believe the only issue psychs have. Are the timezone problems. (I'm still one of the few people who are in CET)
This as well... we need EU and/or australian psychs... some people in those timezones struggle to get sessions accepted!!


Level 76
big -1

This is gonna be long. Please note this all is simply my view and ways how I do not see this update is negative and will negatively affect the faction, but also help people understand a bit more that may confuse them and see how these things have been used in other factions and in the past. I do not mean to be rude at any point within this as IK people tend to take my words that way via text.
Alright, while I am not EMS currently I was one of the first paramedics when this department was first ever introduced months ago though at first yes a department it quickly became a certificate. And now, nothing will ever be perfect, as the emergency department itself has been having trial and error as it figures out what works for and it doesn't and I witnessed that plenty before my departure and I promise if something doesn't work the HUs will do their best to figure out what isn't working and figure out something that will. Doctor and psych departments themselves are also not perfect and need tweaking here and there as time plays out. The emergency department works very similarly (of course not completely) to how it may work in a OOC perspective, these are the people who a specifically trained to go straight into a line of combat(if there is any though typically will wait till it is safer), how to use what they have around them, etc. to protect not only themselves but to protect the patient and to help the patient get to the hospital as safely as possible no matter their injury, but also have the capacity to at least begin small treatments to stabilize the patient as much as possible till they are able to receive proper medical attention by a doctor or psych.
This update has a whole has only been around for 6 days.
It's not even been a week since this revamp came along, which is not merely enough time to see how it may play out, as other current EMS workers have commented people who come in for a psych or doctor, the people in those departments will be prioritized before a paramedic dares to take over the patient as they are already at the hospital and as I imagine even ones paramedics bring in as that was something I often did and trained others to do, hand it to an actual psych or doctor first before you take over. Obviously right now because it is so new to the public eye it's going to attract more attention than the other two departments for a little bit but eventually it will calm. As a whole this department can be something to strive for as when I was newer to EMS (please remember this is early 2022) if you were a HU you also got to learn everything from psych, to doctor, to surgeon, to nurses when it was around which was something that helped making the climb in ranks more appealing as a goal for those who wanted it but HUs made sure those who weren't had the chance to treat the patients first if it wasn't their main department. Of course it wasn't for everyone and this isn't to say this was the only reason people wanted a HU position as not everyone does, its the same thing here for paramedic. A good comparison I see to this is the detective department in KPD, it's much smaller compared to the main division meaning there's a harder chance to get into the department when there is openings and there's special perks that detectives have that main division doesn't. At the end of the day though detectives and main division have the capability to do all the regular task as everyone starts out as main division, detectives just have added things while main division has its own perks too that are different from detective once you're higher in ranks. Paramedic vs doctor and psych works very similarly in that manner, while yes doctors and psychs cannot patrol, now patrols while I was EMS RARELY happened even with those with the paramedic certificate or before it was a thing, but yes paramedics will be the one to go out of the hospital to help patients doctors and psychs will still be the primary people who treat patients.

Another thing I want to add to this is this may actually increase activity within the two main departments as especially with psychs they typically get burnt out rather quickly as it takes lots of OOC timing and thinking and knowledge to be able to even have the idea of holding a session let alone host one. Having the paramedics also help can not only open the time zones that someone who is trained in psych is available but also relive stress off others where time zones may not be as popular such as EU or Australian or even popular time zones likes EST or BST where majority of the player base is, both often being high demand.

I don't believe people should be making full decided opinions on the department just yet, at least with this update and give it at least a month to fully see how the department as a whole may play out. You can of course have your opinions now but give it time to see if they may change since this is still so new.
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Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
The emergency department (or new department) hasn't even existed that long. One, give it a chance, and two I feel like this suggestion should be from someone who is currently in EMS because they'd be able to know what's currently going on. (Also I think it'd be great if there was a test run on how others in the faction are feeling about this/a study of activity change or other things to see if the effect was actually bad and have that run for a month before bringing that data to the faction lead.)

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