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Pending Hospital Application | Psychiatrist.


Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
As of now, I am active on a daily basis. However, I do have school coming up which takes most of my time, but even then I am still particularly active. If I had to explain my activity in numbers, I would say it was a seven or eight out of ten. I do, and will, put my IRL life over SRP.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
Russia Lang | ACCEPTED
Italian Lang | ACCEPTED
Psychiatrist App | ACCEPTED
Russian Lang ALT | ACCEPTED
Ban Appeal | ACCEPTED
Psychiatrist App | DENIED

List your current roles on the server:
I currently play my Heddo character the most. She is probably my main however, majority, if not all, my characters are grade 10 - 12’s. I do not have an account that is in a faction.

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
For the last four years, I have been playing SRP. However, for the last two years I have been actively playing, and RPing. I have been in all sorts of situations within those two years from gangs killing other gang members to KPD flirting with EMS; or EMS flirting with each other. I HAVE been in EMS before, therefore I already understand some sort of RP in the area.

I have also done roleplays on Roblox.. Embarrassing, I know. However, that’s where I first started as a little ol’ me playing Bloxburg, Royal High, and/or High School Roleplay. That was a few years back when I was still young.

What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying is pretty simple, if not it's the same as everyone else. I Want to experience more RP after being on the server for a long time. After a certain time, RPing the same things starts to get repetitive and boring. Once you’ve experienced the same experiences over, and over again, you want something new. Something fresh. I was in EMS previously, and loved it. It was something I wish I stayed in till this day as it was silly, but serious at the same time. That’s what I enjoyed.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
: The head of the hospital, the person who leads the entire hospital. This is the person you go to when there's a problem or when someone is causing problems, and it needs to be taken to a higher position other than the Clinical lead. Consult the director when there’s a MAJOR problem. Do not bother

Clinical Manager : This is the right-hand man of the Director. The person who takes the jobs that the director passes town. This is the LEAD of the Clinical leads, the person who takes in the Clinical Lead’s problems before taking it to the director unless, once again, it's a MAJOR problem.

Clinical Lead : This is the same as a Psychiatrist or a Doctor however, they are a HU (Higher-Up). These people are the main people you should go to when you have a problem that needs to be spoken about ASAP. Clinical leads host training, and are in charge of the department they run.​
This is the person who deals with the mental illness, and people who have a chemical balance. These people deal with the conditions of patients, and deal with evaluating the patients mind. They work alongside with doctors, and also help when to comes to patients who are passed out, and/or need an IV and basic nurse work. They also work in the pharmacy and prescribe medications (Only if they're allowed to prescribe that medication like Aripiprazole, Fluoxetine, etc.) They also preform monthly KPD evaluations to ensure that the officer is in proper condition to stay as an officer. These Psychiatrist mostly work in diagnosing, performing the same task as an official OOC psychiatrist.​
This is the person who deals with a patients psychical illness, and physical pain. They're USED to be a surgeon, but the Doctor and Surgeon role got combined into one. They can preform task like surgeries, stab wounds, etc. They offer MRIs, X-Rays, surgery, CT scans, casting etc. They understands the physical needs of a patient. They examine them at first then go through their medical history to see if they have any proper problem with them that's from the past. They hold medical records, and treat people of all ages, just like a Psychiatrist! They ask about the patients problems, asking for their symptoms, and then from there on they proceed to do their job; treating them as needed until the patient got better, performing the same task as an official OOC doctor.​
Vet/Paramedic (Certification)
Vets and Paramedics are their own certifications.

Vets work on animals, treating them if they are injured or ill. They often perform task with medical equipment like X-Ray's, an ultrasound, and use surgical tools if an animal were to need surgery. They perform the basic necessities of a doctor, just on pets!

Paramedics work on humans, treating them if they are injured or ill, just like a vet however, these Paramedics work under more stress and answer to outside calls like if someone is having a situation and CANNOT at all cost be transferred to a hospital. A Psychiatrist CANNOT be a paramedic.​

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge that if training is held whilst I'm online, I am expected to attend or else I will be punished.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Yoriko Katsumi

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female ; She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background:
Katsumi grew up with her brother and mother. Her brother, Ujarak grew up to study in America. Yoriko often has her nose in books however, she was also sweet and caring. Who would be a psychiatrist that was mean? After high school, Katsumi entered a college in Japan, studying psychology, and minoring in fashion design. This girl knew how to DRESS. #DressToImpress.

She would’ve gotten her bachelor’s after doing the necessary four years to earn a bachelor’s degree aka four years of medical school. However, she also performed in four more years of training to earn her official psychiatry certification.

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Character Backstory:
Yoriko Katsumi lived in Osaka with her brother, Ujarak Katsumi. Together they lived with their mother. Their father seemed to be absent as he worked in America, but after all he was American. The father often came by with gifts, stories, and other random stuff a father could possibly come with. However, that never made up for the fact that he wasn't there. Together Ujarak and Yoriko learned their knowledge and basic living necessities from their mother, but Ujarak and Yoriko knew they also had each other. Only two years apart in age, they grew pretty close together. While Ujarak had his own life, working from home, cleaning, cooking. He was basically the man of the house while their father wasn’t there. As for Yoriko? She was artistic, spending most of her time drawing and making female figures, after all she wanted to be a fashion designer. She was also extremely gothic, loving the fashion and makeup aspect of it. As they both got older, Ujarak seemed to care for his sister more as their bond became even more inseparable. They continued this routine until they graduated high school.

After high school, Ujarak went to the medical field after getting a scholarship to a school in America. Although it made Yoriko sad to lose her brother, she was excited to know that both her brother, and her were following their dreams; even if they were ways apart.
“Ujarak, I'm so happy you got accepted into a school in America! However, I’m going to stay here and continue to study fashion designing” Spoke Yoriko.

“I know, Riko.. I’m happy as well, but I'm sad about leaving you. I’m just glad that we’re both going down a path we will enjoy.” Said Ujarak as tears were falling from his eyes, sad to leave his sister

As Yoriko placed a kiss on her brother's cheek, hugging him as she spoke “Follow your dreams, Ujarak. I’ll be right behind you! The only difference is I'll be in Japan.”
Yoriko was going to continue her fashion designing with or without her brother.

After Ujarak left, Yoriko went to apply to colleges, showing off her portfolio to all who cared. People on the street, people at home, people online. This was exciting to her as it was HER work. After going to count-less colleges, Yoriko finally showed up to her dream college.. She calmed her breath, shaking from both anxiety and excitement. She walked in, a portfolio filled with papers and printed out images of the stuff she’s made. As she walked in, she went to the office and spoke to the director. There is when she opened her portfolio, showing off her work.

“Here is my work. There’s a separation between the stuff I’ve already made, and the stuff I plan on making!” She faced the director as down below was a layout of the last five years of Yoriko’s designs. She continued to yap, and yap about all her designs, the inspiration of them, etc. The director took interest.

(Credits to the artist on Pinterest!)

A few days later, Yoriko got her acceptation letter!

Later through the years, Yoriko grew to be a pretty good fashion designer. However, an unfortunate turn of events had happened when she realized she no longer loved her passion for fashion designing. She wanted to become a psychiatrist, following her big brothers steps. Yoriko's transferred school offered a medical program which she chose to do. She wanted to become a psychiatrist after her brother brought up the idea, and after her underlying daddy issues. #TheNeighourhoodDaddyIssues.

Yoriko changed her major to psychology. This is where she would've studied the brain and learned the basics of it. How meds would help a chemical imbalance in the brain, and how it affects people's day-to-day lives. During medical school, She would’ve done four years, and training before becoming a resident at Osaka Hospital. During her training residency, she became an familiar with psychiatry work. Learning more about the history of psychology, along with the research methods. The brain structure, cognitive and emotional development; how childhood or environments can affect one's brain. However, there was one problem. She missed her brother. She would've called him, asking where he was located, and if he was still in America. In this conversation, Katsumi realized her brother resided in Karakura, Japan. As she was excited to hear her brother's voice, she was also excited to know that he was back in Japan. She asked her hospital to transfer her from Osaka hospital to Karakura hospital. They agreed on the terms that she had to restart her training considering they have different ways of working. Yoriko nodded in agreement, she wanted out. She wanted to see her brother. Once the transfer was committed to and agreed upon, Yoriko once again, packed her things and booked her flight to Karakura.

Once in Karakura, Ujarak was called. She needed a ride to his house, obvi! They met up, hugging and talking. On the ride to his home, they talked about everything. After talking, they realized they were transferred to the same hospital. The beginning of their story started once again.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Majoring in psychology, working her way to become a psychiatrist. She wasn’t often the helping type considering she used to be a fashion designer. However, after realizing she wanted to become a psychiatrist she realized the IMPORTANCE of helping others, causing her to ultimately become a better psychiatrist. On top of that, Katsumi was often a good listener and had good communication skills. If someone was in need, Yoriko would always be the first to raise her hand or risk her life.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After medical school, Yoriko became a residency at her local hospital. Helping the old folks, and adolescents. Here is where she learned the basic medical necessities along with viewing over a few sessions with the consent of the patient. However after a chit-chat with her brother, Katsumi booked a flight to Karakura, Japan. This is where she continued her training.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Yoriko began her trainee career in Osaka, Japan. Considering her background as a fashion designer, the train was needed. She completed her schooling in Osaka and started her training there before requesting to transfer to Karakura, Japan. In Osaka, she would’ve how to take care of patients, but most importantly on how to WORK with the patients. She would’ve gone over the basic medical necessities. Being a trainee constantly kept her on her toes.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Completely turning from medical, Yoriko completed school in arts and design AKA fashion designing. She was a fashion designer for quite some time before she found herself no longer loving it as much as she used it. Don't get me wrong, she still adores it however, she doesn't love it as much as before. She was always sewing, drawing, and making clothes. Making clothes for her friends' costume parties, or just making clothes that her friends found interest in. Katsumi enjoyed her time as a fashion designer.
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Yoriko Katsumi was a 5 '10 female who was goth. Her dark straight hair framed her face in the right ways as her dark-brown almond shaped eyes complimented her face. She had dark smudged makeup while on-duty, gothic enough to prove a point, but also help herself in a professional manner. Her clothes she wore consisted of corsets, creepers, maxi dresses, etc. Her favorite color was red, always having her short-tamed nails that color. Despite having hip dips, and a body more on the thicker side. Despite not fitting societies ‘social norm’ Yoriko still showed off her body, wearing the tightest dress she can find on the top half, and poofy on the bottom half. Her voice was calm, more on the monotone side. Often getting confused for a sarcastic tone. Despite looking “scary,” she was a sweetheart at heart, and couldn’t hurt a fly or a bee. People often perceive her as out-going, considering her bold style and makeup.

(Credits to the people on Pinterest!)

How does your character act on and off duty?
On-Duty, Katsumi was completely different compared to her Off-Duty self. While on-duty, she was tame. Often being seen conversating with patients and her co-workers. She was a friendly person and maintained that throughout her entire duty.. even off-duty. Yoriko is not one to hesitate in a conversation with someone however, she also kept her dedication her work hours. She was hard-working, and constantly on her toes, ready to help anyone, and everyone in need.​
Off-Duty, Yoriko was an entirely different person.. goth makeup, goth clothing. She was constantly wearing black, red, and/or purple. She was either out partying with friends or at home making clothes as gift or for herself. She was always wearing the tight corsets with the biggest, chunkiest heels she could find. She would even go out of her way to host her own parties whenever she got too bored at home! OF COURSE, it was always last minute, but those are when you make the best memories.​

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Yoriko works so much better with others! She loves collaborative work. and if anything likes taking the leadership role in a group. Although being a leader, she is not biased either; giving them all equal work. Although sometimes yes, she does want to be by herself at times, but if she is forced with others she wouldn't complain either! Yoriko LOVES making new friends #FriendlyGal.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Katsumi would LOVE to start her own family at some point, she had boyfriends, and girlfriend in the past, but they haven't worked out the way she has wanted it to. She would absolutely adore little Katsumi's running around and I'm sure her brother will too. On top of that, she would love to rekindle her relationship with her brother. Yes, they didn't leave on bad terms, but they were apart for some time and grew to be two different people. Moving on from those two, she would also love to work her way up in the EMS faction, wanting to help more, and more people.



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Level 263
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to place your application on pending, as we do not currently have any open slots within the faction.

When more slots are opened, your application will be re-reviewed, meaning you are not required to submit a new application when the next wave is announced. Nonetheless, we recommend you spend time editing your application if you are still interested in joining the faction. If in this time you decide you no longer wish to apply, change the title of this thread to "REMOVE"

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - @6Pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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