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Hospital Recovery


Level 154
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
After thinking about the suggestion for a little while I’ve decided to lean more towards a -1. Despite the idea encouraging recovery and roleplay within the hospital, this will very much negatively impact the crime faction for the following reasons;

- With characters being practically “jailed” after getting majored, it will likely increase the amount of throwaway characters created in order to get back into GangRP as quickly as possible.
- Gang roleplay will effectively in a way become police roleplay due to the fact that majoring someone can pretty much jail their character for a certain period of time.
- This will also likely decrease activity within the “crime clinic” or hospital in general because those who engage in gang roleplay do not wish to see their character gone for a week and will probably start evading the hospital just to avoid having to lose their character for such a long time. One may say “they NEED to go to the hospital anyway”, however I see that fact there causing many issues on its own with management on staff’s behalf.

i think the idea is good don’t get me wrong, however when executed I believe it can seriously harm the crime faction when put into practice. One can try to say “well that’s not how the crime faction should roleplay”, however that’s simply the reality of how the majority of the faction itself runs.

Adding onto my statement above, my second issue is with the recovery dates. Average recovery time after most operations whilst INSIDE the hospital is 1-4 days unless you’re having issues recovering. (I did my research on this by the way), so I think that each operation having a 1 OOC day (1-4 IC day) recovery day is significantly more fair and realistic, and would also help combat the potential issues with the crime faction.

I think that forcing players to only be able to roleplay in the hospital for such extended periods of time can be rather demotivating and won’t gain much activity at all, especially if your majority audience is criminal roleplayers. So I think 1 OOC day will be enough to capture audience of players who wish to roleplay recovery in the hospital, and if they choose to stay longer then they can.

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Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to implement it.

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