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Housing Suggestion: Capsule Hotels


Level 1
IGN: MaccaRegi
DATE: 01/02/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Building Capsule Hotels for more apartment space.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Although there are already apartments around Karakura, they are usually already occupied. Sometimes this leaves your character essentially homeless, which isn't too bad. However, it means your only space available to carry items is in your inventory. Building a capsule hotel would be able to fit many players into small "capsule rooms" at a cheaper price and allow them a place to store items. This would also benefit those, like myself, who aren't interested in decorating/designing an apartment in a large space. Since Karakura is set in Japan, having a capsule hotel would fit right in and be another unique experience/housing options for those who want it!


Level 40
Maybe even just a storage unit location could be added. Idk this is a cool suggestion, but I don't know about map space for this.


Level 211
I like this concept; I've heard that new apartments are being added to the map, but I'm not sure if that's true, and if it is, I'm not sure when they'll be completed. This would be extremely useful for players who normally have a full inventory or who need to sell a few items to make room for something else. The positioning, as well as the designing and construction, are the disadvantages of this concept. It wouldn't be something the staff team would work on right immediately because they have other pressing concerns to deal with, such as larger updates, but it would be cool if they did. As previously stated, the majority of the users on the server appear to be homeless or do not wish to decorate a room or anything other than have a place to put their belongings, which is acceptable and reasonable.

For example, if one of these were implemented, I can assure you that by the first week, all rooms would be swept clean, as players are desperate for a place to store their belongings. In 1979, in Osaka, the first capsule hotel opened. They are still widely distributed across Japan and beyond. Having a capsule hotel in a Japanese setting wouldn't be out of the ordinary. To everyone who reads this topic and gives it a thumbs down, don't do it because you already have an apartment; it would be beneficial to others, if not yourself; simply look at it from a different perspective.

A great idea and a +1 from me.


Level 1
Thread starter
Just like every other "Housing" it'll be sold out within minutes.
True. But if they're small, it'd possibly be easier to copy/paste a bunch of them. I also like servicedoggo's idea of just having storage lockers someplace to rent out to put your things. Which would be also pretty easy to copy and paste, maybe even make it an underground thing so it doesn't have to fit into the city layout?


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

We have plans to add short housing in the future, this being in the form of a motel which players without an apartment/house can purchase & claim something for a couple of hours which they can use for roleplay. Click here

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