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How important should killing characters/character death be to SRP?


Level 86
Originally, I was gonna post this thread in feedback but I couldn't quite get it to fit with the format. Take this thread as a sort of branch from that HUUUGE feedback post about psuedo-removing kps as a whole. I soooort of wanted to add this question in on the feedback thread but it's so long and borderline convoluted I figured making a new thread would be easier & stuff. To be clear, I want to have a discussion and not a debate. I'm just curious on what everyone else thinks.

Anyone who's been on SRP for more than like four weeks has probably heard about some person's character dying or getting murdered etc, it's been that way for an awfully long time. Personally, I'm in favor of character death being less frequent, as having a reoccurring cast of characters allows more meaningful IC relationships to form.


Level 134
I have a belief that character death should be a very VERY rare thing, especially in a Japanese school town. And when your character DOES kill someone, your character should be affected by that for the rest of their life.

For example, every time Ryuu Tashiro orders the death of someone after the hit is complete, he drinks a glass of whiskey and prays for their soul. He has yet to kill someone with his own hands, I'm saving that moment for a VERY VERY special time in his life. Ryuu has come to terms with the fact that he is a bad person, an indirect killer, but he sees it as necessary for his job. What I'm getting at is that death is no joke to him, he takes this VERY seriously, and while he is the cause of their death, he is VERY affected by it. (and even tries his best to honor them)

I am tired of seeing people kill someone and then start jumping on their body in a banana costume, making jokes about their dead body. . I've never seen this specific instance, but it's an example of similar things I see almost DAILY.


Level 134
I have a belief that character death should be a very VERY rare thing, especially in a Japanese school town. And when your character DOES kill someone, your character should be affected by that for the rest of their life.

For example, every time Ryuu Tashiro orders the death of someone after the hit is complete, he drinks a glass of whiskey and prays for their soul. He has yet to kill someone with his own hands, I'm saving that moment for a VERY VERY special time in his life. Ryuu has come to terms with the fact that he is a bad person, an indirect killer, but he sees it as necessary for his job. What I'm getting at is that death is no joke to him, he takes this VERY seriously, and while he is the cause of their death, he is VERY affected by it. (and even tries his best to honor them)

I am tired of seeing people kill someone and then start jumping on their body in a banana costume, making jokes about their dead body. . I've never seen this specific instance, but it's an example of similar things I see almost DAILY.
Idk if thgis had anything to do with the question I ain't gonna lie, I just wanted to vent about this topic LOL


Level 84
Ok, so here's an Idea. Just an idea, nothing more.

1. I see that you're NapRP? I know that guy! He's the guy I got kps on and then got banned before I could use them. You also logged out while being hunted down. Anyway that's besides the point. The idea here is to not be a detective/cop of any kind if you don't want to die.

2. Is this a problem for all your characters? Here's another idea.. Don't give people perms. There's been lots of people I wanted to kill when I played srp and I wasn't able to kill half of them because they were just chill players who focused on developing their characters instead of arresting innocent people or chopping people's limbs off for fun.
The Problem is that even if you become a pacifist, people can still pick fights with you easily, and if you win out of self-defense, people are still gonna be coming after you with a knife or a spiked bat.

The Entire "Don't give them perms" or "Don't get into trouble" is pretty much nonsense, because A LOT of things can give someone perms on yourself even if you're doing pretty much no Physical actions, and hell some people wants small-fights that doesn't have to end up with someone getting their limbs cut off.

GangRP has been recently been less of a Roleplay, and more like a Strategy, RNG and text-based PVP.


Level 86
Thread starter
Ok, so here's an Idea. Just an idea, nothing more.

1. I see that you're NapRP? I know that guy! He's the guy I got kps on and then got banned before I could use them. You also logged out while being hunted down. Anyway that's besides the point. The idea here is to not be a detective/cop of any kind if you don't want to die.

2. Is this a problem for all your characters? Here's another idea.. Don't give people perms. There's been lots of people I wanted to kill when I played srp and I wasn't able to kill half of them because they were just chill players who focused on developing their characters instead of arresting innocent people or chopping people's limbs off for fun.
Hey! I can appreciate the reply and all that, but you didn't really address the question very well. I'm not talking about perms, but the roleplay itself. This isn't meant to be a discussion about perms, moreso the actual loss of characters. The perm discussion can be found on the original feedback thread. Nor do I really mind having people with perms on my characters, if I did have a problem with this, I would've quit KPD a long time ago. I'd like to request if you can keep the thread on topic, or at least carry a more respectful tone.

Having characters frequently kill isn't a very great thing. I can get around what Kana said. At times killing characters can make a lot of sense, but at the same time I don't think it should be too common. As of right now it seems like killing characters is vital to some parts of the server (gangrp) and I want that to be changed.. at least to a degree. Things that are rare tend to have more meaning I suppose


Level 331
For example, every time Ryuu Tashiro orders the death of someone after the hit is complete, he drinks a glass of whiskey and prays for their soul. He has yet to kill someone with his own hands, I'm saving that moment for a VERY VERY special time in his life. Ryuu has come to terms with the fact that he is a bad person, an indirect killer, but he sees it as necessary for his job. What I'm getting at is that death is no joke to him, he takes this VERY seriously, and while he is the cause of their death, he is VERY affected by it. (and even tries his best to honor them)
Now this is what I call good roleplay You do not even have to give up on CombatRP advantages; only roleplay out making your character behave like a human being. Of course, your character can also not be phased by someone's death negatively, but there are also other ways of displaying character development.

For example, some days ago Hiroto almost got stabbed while he was chasing someone on his own. Although he's the type of guy that wouldn't really be affected if someone needs to be executed or not, once he arrived at the station he partially broke down and had to even throw up due to the built-up pressure he felt when he almost got stabbed on his own

My point here is that, regardless of whether your character does or does not mind killing someone, you can still add that little character flavour to your roleplay to make your OC actually human

Now in regards to the actual post, I believe that character deaths should only happen when it contributes to roleplay. In fact, Kill Permissions were made to fit what "roleplay-deaths" should be all about by trying to provide an IC motive to want to kill someone


Level 185
News Lead
I personally find it unrealistic that characters are killed so often. And then the reactions are no better when it comes to finding out the character is dead.
In my opinion, (dont kill me gangrpers) if you kill a character, there should've been a sort of build up. There should still be a moment of questioning if it's right or wrong. It shouldn't be "He gave me ouchie :((( I stab now" and then off to the next kill.

Good example for that is. My character Kaz and your old character Olive. After Kaz thought he had killed Olive he was a mess, left Karakura and everything. He's learned that he isn't a good person, but even when he was a BMD he never wanted to kill someone. Usually with the excuse of "Too messy" when in fact he just can't deal with that sort of grief.


Level 125
Originally, I was gonna post this thread in feedback but I couldn't quite get it to fit with the format. Take this thread as a sort of branch from that HUUUGE feedback post about psuedo-removing kps as a whole. I soooort of wanted to add this question in on the feedback thread but it's so long and borderline convoluted I figured making a new thread would be easier & stuff. To be clear, I want to have a discussion and not a debate. I'm just curious on what everyone else thinks.

Anyone who's been on SRP for more than like four weeks has probably heard about some person's character dying or getting murdered etc, it's been that way for an awfully long time. Personally, I'm in favor of character death being less frequent, as having a reoccurring cast of characters allows more meaningful IC relationships to form.
SRP deaths should be rare and I agree. While I may have encountered several deaths previously on former characters, I decided to play differently with Katsuhito, allowing him to rarely or even never meet someone that might die in the future. Because of the new approach, I took, to myself and my characters, I never see any deaths around me.

Katsuhito has entrapped himself at home for most of his life and has never really befriended many people. It's only after he got out of his journalist cave that he became a swim-team member and later on a cheerleader. Even when he became more social, I made him avoid most of town. Any crowded areas or places that are known for GangRPers, Katsuhito would avoid. So, he never really got to experience seeing someone die and is ignorant of most of the crimes. Yes, he does he hear about the crimes but he personally has never encountered such a thing. He knows nothing of what a dead body might look like and I would like it very much that the first person that Katsuhito sees dead is someone significant in his life. (Junpei Saiky.)


Level 183
For example, some days ago Hiroto almost got stabbed while he was chasing someone on his own. Although he's the type of guy that wouldn't really be affected if someone needs to be executed or not, once he arrived at the station he partially broke down and had to even throw up due to the built-up pressure he felt when he almost got stabbed on his own

My point here is that, regardless of whether your character does or does not mind killing someone, you can still add that little character flavour to your roleplay to make your OC actually human

Oh damn that sounds.. Realistic? Deep and basically roleplay.. A very good example to your department and also the community that's a thing to learn from I've never thought about going this deeply realistic, impressive

arresting innocent people

You know.. Back then, arresting innocent people is impossible- and although right now it could be slightly possible since corruption stuff was allowed, and like cases, lawsuits, etc... They're still probably very rare x-x


Level 18
I have a belief that character death should be a very VERY rare thing, especially in a Japanese school town. And when your character DOES kill someone, your character should be affected by that for the rest of their life.

For example, every time Ryuu Tashiro orders the death of someone after the hit is complete, he drinks a glass of whiskey and prays for their soul. He has yet to kill someone with his own hands, I'm saving that moment for a VERY VERY special time in his life. Ryuu has come to terms with the fact that he is a bad person, an indirect killer, but he sees it as necessary for his job. What I'm getting at is that death is no joke to him, he takes this VERY seriously, and while he is the cause of their death, he is VERY affected by it. (and even tries his best to honor them)

I am tired of seeing people kill someone and then start jumping on their body in a banana costume, making jokes about their dead body. . I've never seen this specific instance, but it's an example of similar things I see almost DAILY.
This is what roleplay is, I wished more people would do this instead of treating a character's death like it's a minor thing.


Level 217
cool opinion,

but personally; kill, kill, kill, hunt, hunt, hunt, wake up. Wake up. Wake up. There’s bugs under your skins. Wake up. There’s seven days. Seven days. It’s calling. Wake up.


Level 18
How do people act like it's a minor thing?

For example, my character has nothing to do with this I just wanted to do what you guys are doing.

I am tired of seeing this though. Anyway, I don't think people act like that. Every time you're about to kill someone they stall for hours at a time to where you have to go afk for 10 minutes so you can pretend to go to bed then sneak back out and finish the hit.

This was probably worded incorrectly (my fault) but I’m more focusing on the roleplay aspect . Some people just kill someone and don’t really roleplay it out/have a reaction to it. It would be nice to see more going on after a hit, but I haven’t experienced it all.


Level 272
I'd cry if my chars would die; But there're ways to avoid it and it doesn't really matter bc with officers, in case a gangrper will get perns in the end like every person, they wouldnt want their chars to die

There're ways to avoid the kps and such, as even after I reported icly about a crime nothing happened to my char. Although my teacher char almost died twice or 3 times;


Level 231
Ok, so here's an Idea. Just an idea, nothing more.

1. I see that you're NapRP? I know that guy! He's the guy I got kps on and then got banned before I could use them. You also logged out while being hunted down. Anyway that's besides the point. The idea here is to not be a detective/cop of any kind if you don't want to die.

2. Is this a problem for all your characters? Here's another idea.. Don't give people perms. There's been lots of people I wanted to kill when I played srp and I wasn't able to kill half of them because they were just chill players who focused on developing their characters instead of arresting innocent people or chopping people's limbs off for fun.
POV you opened a thread to see the worst hot take of all time srp edition

- - -

Level 15
I have a belief that character death should be a very VERY rare thing, especially in a Japanese school town. And when your character DOES kill someone, your character should be affected by that for the rest of their life.

For example, every time Ryuu Tashiro orders the death of someone after the hit is complete, he drinks a glass of whiskey and prays for their soul. He has yet to kill someone with his own hands, I'm saving that moment for a VERY VERY special time in his life. Ryuu has come to terms with the fact that he is a bad person, an indirect killer, but he sees it as necessary for his job. What I'm getting at is that death is no joke to him, he takes this VERY seriously, and while he is the cause of their death, he is VERY affected by it. (and even tries his best to honor them)

I am tired of seeing people kill someone and then start jumping on their body in a banana costume, making jokes about their dead body. . I've never seen this specific instance, but it's an example of similar things I see almost DAILY.
Nice Idea, Ill start doin that with my character from now on too but instead of whiskey it's gonna be a paralyzer syringe for extra long sleep

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