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how to rp


Level 63
Hello! Our server is a minecraft server as you can maybe see, you can join us at! When connecting to the server, you will be sent to our lobby! From there, when you are connected, simply walk forward to find the NPC that says ‘schoolrp’ then right click it! It will connected you to our main roleplay server! From there, you will have to go through our tutorial that will help you get started, after getting through that, you will be able to go to the main map and start roleplaying.

If that was not what you were asking, may you please specify what you mean? Thank you!

If you have more questions, feel free to ask away!


Level 107
If you're referring to the discord chat, here is the link to our main platform; - There's multiple other servers which is listed at the top of our discord, I will paste an image for instance.

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