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[HS] Council Application - Phospha


Level 5


What is your Minecraft Username?:


Past warns/kicks/bans?:

None at all! I intend to keep it that way.

What is your timezone?:
NZST (GMT +12)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Language App - [DENIED]
Language App - [ACCEPTED]
Private Tutor - [ACCEPTED]

Describe your activity on the server?:
I've been playing since November of 2019 and it's been such a wild ride! I have very frequent activity on the server, I contribute up to 4+ hours of my day to SRP and its community, when I'm online. You'll see me either conversing with Karakura's inhabitants or exploring the nooks and crannies of its streets. I put lots of my time into socializing with others and making sure everyone feels engaged in roleplay like their time and interactions really create an impact!
Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
I fully accept this and will remain active! In the case I am inactive I will place an inactivity log.



What is the student council?:

The student council is a team of students whose goal and purpose is to create a better environment for those around school, with frequent meetings and open discussions. The environment around the school is in constant change thanks to the positive input of the school's council, taking frequent feedback in order to make Karakura Highschool the best it can be! They uphold the core values of the school and are the role models for its students.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
I've always seen the student council around school, their characters are always so kindhearted and selfless. I always hoped to join them and become one of those few. My interest and passion for the council has continued to grow, so today's the day I finally apply! This is an opportunity like no other to engage in a new kind of roleplay, one where I can take on a larger role in the community.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
The council of Karakura Highschool maintains its position as the role models of the school, upholding its core values. Keeping other students on track and making sure nobody's breaking and rules and staying within the school's guidelines. They also open themselves to listen to the troubles of fellow students, trying to help them with any issues they may have. They're also able to assist teacher's around the classroom when able. They also tend to impact the school's environment and events, discussing ideas for changes around the school and its upcoming events.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
I would like to consider myself a very driven and passionate person when it comes to work, I always give everything my best. While I admit I can be a little bit stubborn sometimes, this always helps me reach my goal. I always engage myself in each situation with efficiency and complete my tasks as quickly as possible and to the highest standard. I'm also fairly sociable and always consider the thoughts and feelings of others before making decisions.

What interests you the most about the student council?:
I personally find such a large interest in the roleplay opportunities that come with being a member of the student council. Not only are you a student, but you're also given the chance to make a positive change around the school. Being one of the leaders of the school's community moving into the future. Proposing new ideas that can impact the school for the better. Making not only the school a better environment but SRP as a whole.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
I've been roleplaying on SRP for just over a year now, I can confidently say that this has been one of the best years for me. I've engaged in more roleplay and interaction with others, not only has this made me a more confident and sociable person. But it's also improved my writing, I've been roleplaying on apps like Amino beyond this past year. I could say I've been roleplaying for about 4 years now! It's been such a fantastic journey so far, getting to interact and touch the hearts of many. I've been a Private Tutor in the past and I can say that this gives me a certain edge when it comes to roleplay, It's given me a small insight into what it's like to be a crucial part of Karakura Highschool's social climate, going beyond being a student or a teacher. But one of the school's leaders going into the future.



You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
I would calmly say that I believe that idea isn't one that we should consider. I'd make sure not to come off as aggressive and reinforce my statement with something positive. Telling them what I liked about the idea and how we could work upon it to make it better. I wouldn't want to completely shut them down and make them feel like their idea is awful.
"I personally loved that part about [BLANK], but maybe we could work on [BLANK] and improve that instead. How about, we maybe [BLANK] and build off of your idea to make it even better!"

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:
I would engage in the situation with a gentle and calm manner, making sure my intent was clear and held no aggression. I'd politely ask if there was anything I could do to improve my idea so going into the future I can continue to improve my following ideas. It'd be a fantastic opportunity to learn so I'd refuse to turn down the chance to learn from it.
"Sorry if that was a silly idea, what exactly did everyone dislike about it? I'd love to learn from this so I can get a better idea of what's good and bad in the future!"

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I'd calmly ask everyone to calm down and maybe step away from the situation for a moment to take a breather, get some water. Take a deep breath before coming back to the situation. I'd take the opportunity to talk to everyone individually and see what headspace everyone's in and give them the opportunity to tell me their ideas.
"Hey everyone, how about we settle down a little. Maybe take a sec' to get some water and take some deep breaths? Everything's gonna be okay, we should just take a break for a few minutes before we get back to it. Remember what our goal is here, to produce something great for the school. Arguing isn't going to help that, so let's all take a deep breath and maybe take five, yeah?"
If the argument continued when we all returned, then I'd consider maybe dropping the idea for a moment and possibly getting everyone's ideas individually and making a compromise of all of them.

A counselor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:
I'd approach them in a calm, yet stern manner. Politely asking them if we could talk in private about the situation. I'd take the time to talk to both of them individually about the issue and how we could resolve it. Whilst I believe it's important to talk to the victim about the issue. It's important to also talk to the counselor about it, perhaps there's something going on in their private life that's causing them to act so negatively?
"Hey there! Mind if we talk in private for a moment? I have a few things that I've been meaning to speak to you about if you don't mind!"
I'd of course pass the information of the encounter onto the fellow councilors and make sure they're all informed of the situation. Allowing them to collectively make a decision on what should be done with the counselor.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
I'd make sure my intent was clear and wasn't mean to be harmful, I'd engage the situation with a gentle tone. I'd give them some positive reinforcement before telling them why I personally disagree with the idea.
"In no way do I think that's bad, I actually really liked [BLANK]! But how about we perhaps step away from that for a moment and think about [BLANK]?"

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: Usually, when issues arise between two people, it can begin to slowly spread to other people within the group. I'd take some time to identify what's causing the tension. Taking the opportunity to speak with both of them individually and let them talk about the issue and see if there's a common ground they can both reach together. Maybe even taking them aside together and letting them talk it out calmly in private.
"I've noticed a lot of tension between you and [BLANK] recently, I just wanted to make sure everything's okay? I'm more than happy to listen if there's anything you want to get off your plate."

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
I'd make sure to take the issue to one of the school's HR's as soon as possible, an abuse of power from the school faculty is not to be tolerated and should be handled immediately. Their negative behavior could encourage students to do the same and make the environment around the school much more unsafe and negative.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
I'd politely, but sternly say that I wasn't in the position to do that. I'd give them some positive reinforcement before asking them if they'd like me to walk them to detention.
"I don't think I'm really allowed to do that, I'm sorry! Besides, it's only one detention. I bet it'll fly by! If you'd like, I can walk you there and we could talk about it along the way?"



Character Name:
Connie C. Cortez

Character Gender: Male

Character Age:

Character phone-number: 971-917-482

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:
Connie is a bubbly socialite with a passion for helping others, he's always seen with a beaming smile on his face. Others describe him as having "a warm and welcoming aura". He engages in every situation with charm and a smile, making sure to calculate and think over what he says before he says it. Making sure not to say anything that could hurt someone elses feelings. His focus isn't on being in the spotlight, it's on supporting those who are. He allows himself to be open for others to talk about their feelings, always listening to their problems and assisting however he can.

Character appearance/attire:
Connie is a cute young man standing at 5'6 with a slim build. He presented himself with very energetic body language, a bounce in every step he took. He'd radiate a positive aura with his beaming smile, he'd have delicate and soft blonde hair which gently rested upon his head. His cheeks would be decorated with freckles. His appearance was accompanied by the faint aroma of cotton candy and other assorted sweets.

As for attire, Connie would either show up to school wearing the uniform. As for the days where he perhaps overslept, he'd arrive at school in an oversized pink sweater and white trousers. His favorite color was pink, those who were around him long enough within and outside of the school's boundaries would be quick to discover that.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
"I personally think I'd be great for this position thanks to my can-do attitude! You can do anything if you put your heart to it, I want to be able to spread that message to others around the school. I've lived in Karakura for just over a year now, so I can confidently say I know how things around here work. Perhaps I could give my wisdom to those who might not be so well knowledged with the ins and outs of Karakura!"

Why do you want this position?:
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm more than aware of the mental state of plenty of Karakura's youth. There's plenty that suffer from mental health issues, I'd like to become a beacon of hope and positivity for those who may be struggling. I want people to be able to come to me with their problems and know that I'll listen and provide as much love and support as I can. I want to make more positive change around here! I have a voice, I want to use it to the best of my ability to make Karakura Highschool a safe and happy place for all, whether they be students or faculty."

What interests you the most about student council?:
"The student council is held in such high regard by everybody, they're so well respected and looked upon for their passion and selflessness. I want to be able to contribute to that and join them, growing close bonds with each of them and helping them make a real positive change in Karakura! The school maintains and upholds so many great values and messages, perhaps if I join the council. I could help spread those messages and help others feel loved and valued."

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
"I can contribute my positive attitude, that's for sure! I have more than enough time to contribute to the students of Karakura Highschool, so I'd love to put it towards a greater cause. Students deserve to feel appreciated, I hope I can help them feel that. Even if it's as simple as asking them "How're you?" It's the little things that can make the greatest impact."

Thank you for taking the time to read my application, I really appreciate it! If there’s any further questions you wish to ask then feel free to contact me via discord! <3
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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Congratulations! After both the council presidents and I have reviewed your application we decided to accept it!
To get your roles on the Karakura Academics discord applied ping @Tippie#6666 in #help, for the roles in-game you can either DM me or paste the link of this application in /help. Welcome to the student council!

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