Level 1
Hugh Lynch

Basic Information
First Name: Hugh
Surname: Lynch
Preferred Name: Hugh
Aliases: Ginger Giant
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 189cm (6'2)
Weight: 95kg (209lbs)
Build: Mesomorph
Skin Color: Sandy pale
Eye Color: Caramel Brown
Hair Style: Slightly frizzed, and put in pigtails. (If not it would hang down past his shoulders
Hair Color: Safety Orange
Fashion: Normally seen in suit and tie attire
Abnormalities: Hugh is missing a patch of skin on the lower half of his back, this was taken as excess of fat on his body to be repatched onto his arm. He had gotten into a fight with a wolf trying to save a rabbit and suffered serious damage to his arm. As a result they skin grafted his arm back to normal.
Date of Birth: April 2nd, 2005
Place of Birth: Cloghan, County Offaly, Ireland
Nationality: Irish
Race: Gaelic
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Religious Beliefs: Catholic
Political Beliefs: He's not that interested, prefers to stay out of it
General Appearance
Appearance: Hugh is a tall, muscular young man with fuzzy orange hair tied up in pigtails, the color is reminiscent of traffic cones, and thick eyebrows.
Personality: Hugh is an outgoing, friendly, and kind man. He's a diligent worker and won't stop doing a task unless told specifically. He is very determined when something is important to him. He often speaks in a boisterous manner and despite being a more emotional man he never looses his cool or succumbs to impulse. He isn't the brightest and will often find himself in less than ideal scenarios as a result.
Diseases/Illness: N/A
Character Voice: His voice has that slight irish hint to give him some charm
[Feel free to link a youtube video with a clip of talking]
Equipment: Fishing rod
Clothes: Hugh is rarely seen without a suit, however, he does have multiple sweaters and short sleeves he can wear. He also has a maid outfit, which was bought for him as a joke by his brother
Hobbies: Hugh finds comfort in fishing and will often do so during his off time
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Hugh often forgets to watch his eating habits, and may forget to eat if not reminded. He also often disregards his physical health while in fights. This has garnered him some scars and stitches over the years. Hugh suffers from body dysmorphia as a result of his skin patch on his arm, he often wears long sleeves to hide this.
Skills: Hugh is an active man and has no trouble running or jumping around if it is required. He'll charge at you if he happens to see you passing by and he knows who you are.
Querks: Hugh isn't the brightest like stated prior and is often very open to blindly trusting people. He also rarely thinks before blurting out his sentences, he thinks he is breaking the tension. He is not.
Family: Hugh's parents are both alive and his brother has headed off to pursue a college education in America down to California.
Conor Lynch: Father
Ryley Lynch: Mother
Cillian Lynch: Brother
Backstory: Hugh Lynch was born on the 2nd of April of 2005 in a hospital in Cloghan, Ireland. He was raised modestly despite his parents owning the local car dealership. They taught not to think badly of other until proven otherwise, which he constantly acts upon in any given scenario. Early in his life, Hugh had rescued a small trapped crow in his backyard. With the help of Hugh and his family, the bird made a full recovery. For the foreseeable future, it continued to make its way back to the Lynch's house. Until one day in 2010, where they decided to adopt Donnach, the crow, as a pet. Hugh attended a public school for several years and during so some major events happened. During a winter in 2019, or Hugh's freshmen year of high school, he was wandering through some local woods around his home town. He had found an injured bunny whilst there. He immediately rushed to its aid in order to help rescue it. He hadn't however, noticed the large wolf prowling just beyond the trees. It attacked him with ferocity grabbing onto his arm and ripping at it. It tore some of the flesh from his arm, and after around a minute, Hugh retaliated. Hugh proceeded to beat the wolf into submission, throwing it a few times. By the time Hugh was found by officials, he was huddled over the small bunny with his arm covered in blood. The wolf was found heavily wounded against a tree. It was later put out of its misery. Hugh would soon after be taken to a hospital and had skin from his back taken so that they could skin graft his arm back to normal. Also during Hugh's freshman year, he would meet a half Japanese half Finnish student. That students name would be Uzimaki Oshiro. During Hugh's sophomore year of high school Hugh would begin to date Uzi, Uzi was not the greatest boyfriend to Hugh. He was also not a good person in general. Around the early summer of 2021, or the summer just before junior year, Uzi would break up with Hugh. He had stated that he wished to change, and Hugh accepted and approved his wishes. Just around that same year, as soon as summer ended, Hugh would ask his parents an important question. Could he travel to Karakura island to study at their academy. He had also wanted to reunite with his "Old Friend" Uzimaki Oshiro Arya. He was allowed to go however, he would be forced to wait for another year. Thus, Hugh took a gap year from school to study the Japanese language and some of the culture behind it. He arrived in summer of 2023 and has spent his remaining time in Karakura. Since then, Hugh has made several friends and is now living with Hoshi Scarlet.
More to be added at a later date.

Basic Information
First Name: Hugh
Surname: Lynch
Preferred Name: Hugh
Aliases: Ginger Giant
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 189cm (6'2)
Weight: 95kg (209lbs)
Build: Mesomorph
Skin Color: Sandy pale
Eye Color: Caramel Brown
Hair Style: Slightly frizzed, and put in pigtails. (If not it would hang down past his shoulders
Hair Color: Safety Orange
Fashion: Normally seen in suit and tie attire
Abnormalities: Hugh is missing a patch of skin on the lower half of his back, this was taken as excess of fat on his body to be repatched onto his arm. He had gotten into a fight with a wolf trying to save a rabbit and suffered serious damage to his arm. As a result they skin grafted his arm back to normal.
Date of Birth: April 2nd, 2005
Place of Birth: Cloghan, County Offaly, Ireland
Nationality: Irish
Race: Gaelic
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Religious Beliefs: Catholic
Political Beliefs: He's not that interested, prefers to stay out of it
General Appearance
Appearance: Hugh is a tall, muscular young man with fuzzy orange hair tied up in pigtails, the color is reminiscent of traffic cones, and thick eyebrows.
Personality: Hugh is an outgoing, friendly, and kind man. He's a diligent worker and won't stop doing a task unless told specifically. He is very determined when something is important to him. He often speaks in a boisterous manner and despite being a more emotional man he never looses his cool or succumbs to impulse. He isn't the brightest and will often find himself in less than ideal scenarios as a result.
Diseases/Illness: N/A
Character Voice: His voice has that slight irish hint to give him some charm
[Feel free to link a youtube video with a clip of talking]
Equipment: Fishing rod
Clothes: Hugh is rarely seen without a suit, however, he does have multiple sweaters and short sleeves he can wear. He also has a maid outfit, which was bought for him as a joke by his brother
Hobbies: Hugh finds comfort in fishing and will often do so during his off time
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Hugh often forgets to watch his eating habits, and may forget to eat if not reminded. He also often disregards his physical health while in fights. This has garnered him some scars and stitches over the years. Hugh suffers from body dysmorphia as a result of his skin patch on his arm, he often wears long sleeves to hide this.
Skills: Hugh is an active man and has no trouble running or jumping around if it is required. He'll charge at you if he happens to see you passing by and he knows who you are.
Querks: Hugh isn't the brightest like stated prior and is often very open to blindly trusting people. He also rarely thinks before blurting out his sentences, he thinks he is breaking the tension. He is not.
Family: Hugh's parents are both alive and his brother has headed off to pursue a college education in America down to California.
Conor Lynch: Father
Ryley Lynch: Mother
Cillian Lynch: Brother
Backstory: Hugh Lynch was born on the 2nd of April of 2005 in a hospital in Cloghan, Ireland. He was raised modestly despite his parents owning the local car dealership. They taught not to think badly of other until proven otherwise, which he constantly acts upon in any given scenario. Early in his life, Hugh had rescued a small trapped crow in his backyard. With the help of Hugh and his family, the bird made a full recovery. For the foreseeable future, it continued to make its way back to the Lynch's house. Until one day in 2010, where they decided to adopt Donnach, the crow, as a pet. Hugh attended a public school for several years and during so some major events happened. During a winter in 2019, or Hugh's freshmen year of high school, he was wandering through some local woods around his home town. He had found an injured bunny whilst there. He immediately rushed to its aid in order to help rescue it. He hadn't however, noticed the large wolf prowling just beyond the trees. It attacked him with ferocity grabbing onto his arm and ripping at it. It tore some of the flesh from his arm, and after around a minute, Hugh retaliated. Hugh proceeded to beat the wolf into submission, throwing it a few times. By the time Hugh was found by officials, he was huddled over the small bunny with his arm covered in blood. The wolf was found heavily wounded against a tree. It was later put out of its misery. Hugh would soon after be taken to a hospital and had skin from his back taken so that they could skin graft his arm back to normal. Also during Hugh's freshman year, he would meet a half Japanese half Finnish student. That students name would be Uzimaki Oshiro. During Hugh's sophomore year of high school Hugh would begin to date Uzi, Uzi was not the greatest boyfriend to Hugh. He was also not a good person in general. Around the early summer of 2021, or the summer just before junior year, Uzi would break up with Hugh. He had stated that he wished to change, and Hugh accepted and approved his wishes. Just around that same year, as soon as summer ended, Hugh would ask his parents an important question. Could he travel to Karakura island to study at their academy. He had also wanted to reunite with his "Old Friend" Uzimaki Oshiro Arya. He was allowed to go however, he would be forced to wait for another year. Thus, Hugh took a gap year from school to study the Japanese language and some of the culture behind it. He arrived in summer of 2023 and has spent his remaining time in Karakura. Since then, Hugh has made several friends and is now living with Hoshi Scarlet.
More to be added at a later date.
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