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Hyo-Sonn Dong-Geun | Biography


Level 88
Hyo-Sonn Dong-Geun

Hmm… my name? Well, my name is Hyo-sonn Dong-Geun, you can call me… Hyo for short, or most people call me red or redhead, its cute I guess. I’m the age of 22, most people say I look younger than my age which I must disagree. My hair is red with black stripes, many people do say that my hair is just a watermelon, which… no.. not at all. My eyes are pretty brown, but I really do dislike the color of my eyes, I wish I had a brighter color. I am the height of 5’3 and I am from South Korea, don’t ask me if I know the language of Korean because I will tell you that I do not.


Choon-Hee Dong-Geun
Hyo-Sonn’s mother had given birth when she was the age of 16, she was a planned child. Her mother always kept a good watch of Hyo, ever since her father had left. Hyo and Choon-Hee love each other and always are close with each other.

“I’m happy that I am her child, I’m happy that she is my mother. Ever since I’m moved she has messaged me nonstop! I’m glad that she wants to see me and that she cares, but.. My studies are very very important right now, and I don’t have time for her anymore.”

Chin Dong-Geun
Hyo-Sonn’s father had left around the time Hyo turned 14, she believes that she's the reason why he left, but after he left Hyo’s mother had become very close to Hyo, so she likes the fact that her father is gone.

“Mother is happy for you to be gone, so I guess I’m happy too! I’m sorry that I ruined everything for you and mom, give us a visit, huh?”

Ina Y. Vissarionovich
Hyo-Sonn had met Ina when she had first moved into Kakakaru; they have been friends since she had moved. They started to grow close to each other in the most recent days, they always hang out or just silently sit next to each other.

“ As you are mute it is hard to know your voice, but if you had spoken to me I would be in love with your voice, as I am in love with you now, of course in a friend way. I will never split away from you, if my mom wasn’t around then you would be my best friend.”

Mei Adashi
Hyo had met Mei when they were both in Korea for visiting, this had been years ago. They are very close and seem to piss each other off at some points. Hyo finds Mei dumb, but no matter what Hyo loves Mei very dearly and will never replace her.

"I love you and it's very clear, I mean who wouldn't love you, you're so cool and smart and everything! Ever since the day I met you in Korean you became the one person who matters to me the most. I love how you play and how you focus, you're just so cool!”

Luna Inu M Vissarionovich
Hyo met Luna at school in a class, they haven’t known each other for long but they are still very close. They have been hip to hip most of the time nowadays. They go shopping with each other all of the time, even when they know that they are completely broke.

“It’s so fun to be around you! I love when we shop, even just to look around. I like our little conversations that we have, your husband seems like a good guy you always speak about him! I love hearing about your life, it seems -
Hyo didn't want to finish her own sentence.

{ LORE }
W. I. P

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