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I will starve


Level 1
What's your Minecraft Username?: Stersani
What's the title of your suggestion?: I will starve

What's your suggestion?:
Fix the godamn vending machines they dont work and the only one that works is in plaza and its only one and i aint going all the way from my apartment to get 5 apples.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It will make people happy whitout ranks


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

there are other ways on getting food than vending machines. There is fishing, you can get the fish and cook it on the many stoves scattered around the map. you could ask players if they have any food(in looc or whatever) etc


Level 117
I don't think there is any reason we shouldn't fix them, since a fair amount of them can't be used atm


Level 76

Now I ain't saying they don't need to fixed, they absolutely do need fixed at some point. Though I don't think it fully needs to be a high priority fix, as there's plenty of other ways you can get food like buying from a shop or cooking food (which cooking it will increase your attribute so 2 in 1!)


Level 66

there are other ways on getting food than vending machines. There is fishing, you can get the fish and cook it on the many stoves scattered around the map. you could ask players if they have any food(in looc or whatever) etc
Yeah, why fix server issues that makes new players UNABLE to play the game, I wish you good luck with fishing, because you need OVEN to cook. And for oven, apartment is needed. For apartment, at least 30k is needed (unsure if school dorms for 500 Yen have ovens or editmode) it doesn't change the fact this is EXTREMELY uncomfortable for new players, not to mention how much they waste yens on food, because they dont have ranks with /feed command. And NO, solution is not simply BUYING a rank. Not everyone can afford it. Also, vending machines are just easier way, and more comfy. Imagine you'd have to go to the pond whenever you're hungry.

If you don't get what I'm saying - I have a challenge for you. For next day, instead of using /feed go fish and cook. I doubt you will have any fun from doing so.

@Stersani If you need food, I will happily share some with you. Add me on server [IGN is Vexosphere] and contact me whenever. Help for new players is needed, in this way we will only discourage new people from playing SRP.


Level 331
If they use the same system as back in the day, it should be a relatively easy fix (though only the Owner can actually attach events to blocks)

However, given the huge backlog of bugs after the 1.21 update, this might take some time.

Besides, this post will most likely be categorized as a Bug Report, so you should probably go there next

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