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IceVVS2 | BMD Application


Level 0
IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts)
Applying with IceVVS2, other accounts are IceVVS & IceVVS3.

Previous bans/warns/kicks:
No kicks or bans, but minor warnings a while back for small things like instantly voiding situations, and chat spam.

Describe your activity on the server:
I had no activity for a few months because I had originally quit SRP, but I’ve decided to come back with the help of some friends and decided to finally apply for BMD, so even though it's been a few days with me being back I am quite active again and willing to continue that activity streak for as long as I am in BMD.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
My discord username is IceVVS#0025 and yes I have a microphone that is working perfectly fine.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I currently have a CST time zone.

What are your motivations for applying for the black market dealer role?:
I was in the KPD for a while and had always wanted to be in or run a gang, but in general, I just wanted to be able to join GangRP but it was difficult with the rules being how they are. I am not complaining about the rules and I completely understand them, but now since I am no longer a part of the KPD I can finally do what I have been wanting to try and do and that is apply for Black Market Dealer. The main motivation I have as to why I want to apply for the Black Market Dealer role is to develop my character Ono Sadakuno a lot more than I can right now. Being involved in one of the biggest parts of the Crime Faction with Ono Sadakuno could bring this character to life and how I want to roleplay him. For example, Ono had such a hard life as he grew up but as he finally became an adult he knew exactly what he wanted to do being such a mysterious person and no one knowing who you are could fit into his personality. The gift Ono’s father gave to him when he was younger made him find out who he wanted to be, but with a few things of his own being added onto it could fulfill himself. Ono Sadakuno would hide behind a mask for most of the time until he was around a crowd and with that, he would only remove it when he was comfortable or wanted to show people his true self, and his true self was the clown beneath his stitched up smile and his mask. If Ono is to become a Black Market Dealer and be a very secretive person, it would be something he’d enjoy most. Making money is something I’m here to do. I want to see how well the Black Market Dealer team can develop my character into his true form. I would love to finally roleplay with him exactly how I planned him to be.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
What makes me stand out from other applicants and how I can uniquely provide is I could be more willing to do things with everything that I get as maybe some other applicants wouldn’t be, but I believe that I could make a good Black Market Dealer and useful for most people within SRP. I also know that I can be consistent with my work and just all in general be very active for the team and server.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
My previous experience with working with a team was KPD and while I was a Higher-Up within the faction I was able to work very well with fellow Higher-Ups and lower rankings within the KPD. So think I can do well while being a part of the Black Market Team

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
The suggestions I have to help better the Crime Faction are simple suggestions that could help the Faction in small ways. I may not have anything planned but there should be more Crime Events for the server, it wouldn’t matter if they are full events or just small flash events.

Another suggestion was maybe placing or well “claiming” more vibrant gang hideouts for the Crime Faction and just for maybe specifically Verified gangs only of course and smaller areas for the BMD team themselves.

My last suggestion was maybe we could have a new update for the powerplant. It wouldn’t have to be a huge update but maybe make it fully functioning or just a small flash event for the server to change it. If not the powerplant then maybe we can add some other areas on the map that could be good for the Crime Faction.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
I know I am familiar with the rules that involve weapon profiles, combat rules, and permissions. Being within the KPD for just a little over a year as a Higher-Up has taught me a lot about each of those rules and learning all about them.

Are you familiar with the idea that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
I understand the idea of me leaving the Black Market Dealer team at any point that the said team would now have permanent kill permissions on my character that was within the faction at the time.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
I have an understanding that if my character within the Black Market Dealer team is killed or arrested twice that I will be removed from the team.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
I am familiar with the rule that I cannot and will not reveal any Out-of-Character plans or additions to the Black Market to anyone outside the faction or any friends of mine.


Full Legal Name: Ono Sadakuno

Criminal Alias: “Joker”

Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role)
Ono Sadakuno is 30 years of age and is Unoccupied.

Gender & Marital Status:
Ono Sadakuno is a Male and is currently a single individual.

Ethnicity & Race:

Known Languages:
None languages at the moment other than English within roleplay.

Former Associations/Occupations:
No former Occupations.

Highest Level of Education:
College Student with a Master’s Degree

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Pseudobulbar affect is a clinical entity characterized by episodes of exaggerated or involuntary expression of emotions, including uncontrolled laughing or crying.

Known Family Members: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Sadly both of his parents passed away, leaving him the only left in his family.

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Ono Sadakuno is just like any normal Karakura Citizen! Well maybe except for his face.. Ono is a very tall individual standing at about six foot five but yet an extremely scrawny man. The second you look up and away from his body you’d see his face and I would think it would be pretty hard to look away seeing as his face is pretty screwed up, he’d have what seemed to be burns all over his face and minor scars around it as well. He’d have just three more scars around his mouth as if he was the real Karakura Joker, he had two stitches with scars under them on the right side of his mouth and just one more on the left side. It looked like the stitches were trying to make him smile but didn’t work the way you think it would have.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
The greatest detail of Ono Sadakuno’s personality is his smile. As soon as Ono shows his smile to anyone in front of him it would make them uncomfortable, but it’s his specialty. If he were to smile fully along with his laughter it would be even better than his regular smile.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)
Ono Sadakuno was a good kid growing up with his parents, he has always had a Mental Ailment called the Pseudobulbar effect. It usually made his life pretty hard during school hours or when he was out in public, he would always randomly start laughing or even crying and struggled to hide it or to stop it and so the best thing he could do was let it happen. He was bullied because of it for pretty much his whole life until he finally got to College and ended up getting his Master's Degree. Ono Sadakuno had dealt with the bullying for years upon years non-stop, but something had finally done it, with him getting ready to finally drop out of college the news hit him on a Tv nearby within the school.. “Breaking News, a local townhouse has just gone up in flames! No sources have any information on what has happened yet but Emergency Services are en route with no time to waste. We’ll be right back after these short messages with more details.” Just like that the channel had switched and Ono knew the exact address that had gone up in flames, he rushed out of the school as fast as he possibly could, and within just minutes of running around the corner, he smelt the smoke and saw the house just before him. Ono looked around for a little bit trying to see if he could see his Mother or maybe even his Father whom he wasn’t very fond of around anywhere, but sadly there was no sign of them anywhere. He screamed out asking where his parents were and in seconds an Officer grabbed him and spoke to him as calmly as he could, “Hey kid. . I’m so sorry to be the one to have to tell you this but, your parents didn’t make it out of the house before it went up in flames. I’m so sorry buddy.” The Officer brought him over to an ambulance with two other Officers to keep an eye on him, but Ono was devastated. He had no idea what to think, and so that was what had set him off finally. After years of being in a household where his Mother was the only one who cared for him and his Father was the drinker and abusive parent, he had so much trauma. For years Ono Sadakuno could only think about how his Father put those scars along his mouth while being drunk and hurting his Mother. Years later he finally grew up and decided to move to a city that was full of crime, and that was Karakura, Japan. Why would he want to move to a crime-filled city? Because he wanted to do the crime himself, with his new forced-upon smile that looked like it hurt him every time he smiled he knew he could scare the citizens of Karakura. So now with a few years of being in Karakura, he has decided to take his crime further and take his chances at becoming a Black Market Dealer. Only time will tell what will happen in Ono Sadakuno’s future.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
Ono Sadakuno would open his section of the Black Market getting ready to sell weapons and other illegal items to the criminals of Karakura, he'd wait somewhere that wasn’t in the public for most people while watching all of his surroundings to make sure he was safe while doing such a deal. He waited just a little longer before getting his first call from a normal Karakura citizen… Or so he thought.

Ono had taken the call because money is money, am I right? Well anyways given the time that Ono had waited the Citizen had finally arrived at the secluded meet spot with their head down and a hood over them… Couldn’t seem any more suspicious.
Sadakuno didn’t care either way; he was only there to get the weapons in and the money out, as simple as it was. The man who had finally begun to slowly tilt his head up while pulling his hoodie off showed his face; it had turned out to be the second most important person within the Karakura Police Department…. The Police Captain. The second Ono saw his face he froze, but it wasn’t a scared freeze.

Ono Sadakuno began to slightly smile behind his mask that hid his face before letting out slight giggles that eventually led up to him laughing like a full-on maniac. The Police Captain pulled out his Glock and began to try and force him to the wall but Ono didn’t budge. See where these two were? There was water all around and just like that, Ono used it to his advantage. He slapped his hand into the water and splashed it into The Captain's eyes giving him that split-second opening to run away.

The Police Captain was not far behind while calling in all the backup he could from the KPD, but Ono had made it to the ladder that led out of the sewers and made a break for it. Just as soon as the Captain made it to the top… He was gone just like that.

Ono Sadakuno can make his escape just like that and no one would know.

Police Captain | Ono Sadakuno

*The Phone Call:*

“Hey, I would like to buy a Naginata and two Katanas.”

“Head to the back of the school and go down the sewer entrance, I’ll have your order ready. ¥1,050,000”

*Phone Call Ended…*

“Pay up and let's call it a night, I don’t have all day.”

“Alright. . Alright. . I got the money right here bud- Freeze! Drop all of your weapons and move to the wall. Now! This is Police Captain Saiky. I need backup immediately down in the sewer entrance closest to the back gates of the School.”

*Ono Sadakuno’s eyes widened at the sudden reaction of the Captain, he froze for a moment before thinking to himself and looking around his surroundings.*

“Hey, pal… You’re making a big mistake, you know? Hehe. .”

*Ono slapped his hand into the water a few times splashing as much as he could into the Captain's eyes right as he spoke*

“No games pal, you’re under arrest for Weapon Trafficking. Now move to the wall- AGH My fucking eyes!”

*Ono Sadakuno ran instantly after the Captain couldn’t see and damn he was fast.*

“I warnedddd you! HAHAHAHA, catch you on the flip side Captain.”

*The Police Captain made his way to the top of the sewer entrance as quickly as possible seeing as he was just behind the psycho, but when he got there. . . No one was around except his backup that showed up quite late.*

“Where did he go..? I was right behind him.”

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
If Ono Sadakuno is given the role of being a real Black Market Dealer of Karakura he would be a little calmer with his Co-Workers but still be his “Psychopath” Self towards others.


Level 92

Thank you for taking the time to apply; sadly, the position has just been filled.


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