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illegal items Penalties for giving vs selling when caught in public

IGN: Mattyboymun
Reason: Change rules

I think there should be less of a penalty if a person either over age or under age gives alcohol to a minor for free compared to selling it for a profit. There are some adults or kids who give it away free which should be less of a penalty. For say a group of 4 under aged kids split one bottle and doesn't charge any of them anything there shouldn't be a issue or less of a penalty. Say someone charged 3 people for 5k each for 250 ml out of the 1000ml bottle then that should be penalized differently. The action of profiting from passing an illegal item action should be handled a little differently as am example of alcohol. If your making money at the expense of selling illegals versus giving.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your feedback.

- After discussing this with the Police Faction Lead and staff team, we believe the current penalties for these offences are fine as they are. We also encourage those that want to see law/police procedures changed to visit the court house in-game with a petition In-Character.

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