Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?: ilovedprv
How old are you?: 14
Do you have any previous bans?: N/A
What Country are you from?: Denmark
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):koi.minecraft_95390
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I fully understand. This role requires frequent activity to keep the college active and running smoothly.
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I'm fairly active on the server, although I've had recent breaks due to school and family issues. I can usually spend near 4-5 hours a day on the server. However I'm not as active on the forums as I should be. If I do receive this role I plan on being fairly active due to this role being important and needing to be filled by active players in which I am willing to do.
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
russian Language Application [ACCEPTED]
proffesor Applications [DENIED]
russian language Application [ACCEPTED]
police officer [ pending]
What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My main motivation for becoming a Professor is to be able to experience new role-play and motivate players to actively attend classes and school. I want to be able to host a comfortable yet fun class to entertain students and to encourage them to continue attending class. Although there has been more college classes, they are not entertaining and quite boring to attend to at times, though it depends on the professor. However, with my character I hope to be able to create an amusing yet educational class. Being a professor or teacher in SRP is a large role to fill as it is what keeps the school and server active and allows the full experience of being apart of SRP. Without classes being taught, the server would not be what it is today as it's mostly about experiencing school and all the other assets that come along with it. I want to be able to fill a large role like this and be a helpful part to the SRP community.
Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
Yes, I have plenty of experience in role-play especially on multiple minecraft role-play servers. I have been playing role-play servers for quite a few years now in which has made me grow and learn more skills when emoting and playing a character to their full potential. From medieval to modern city-like role-play I have learned and experienced plenty and I'm ready to further that.
What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs is the process in which professors show proof of classes taught in order to receive payment. It's important to log your classes in order to keep track of the activity as a professor and to determine the payment depending on how many classes were taught and logged. Without classroom logs there would simply be no proof of classes taught by the professors meaning there would be no salary. These logs not only help the professors, but as well as the other school employees as it aids in organizing.
As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
As a professor, the main rule in a class is to be respectful of all things and fellow classmates.
1. Remain quiet during any lectures; Raise a hand if asked a question or in need to leave the classroom.
2. All work must be turned in the same day when assigned, unless said otherwise.
3. Cheating is prohibited; if caught you will be immediately sent to the Dean’s office.
4. Conducting in any disrespectful or disturbing behavior during class will lead to an automatic detention.
5. Remain respectful to your peers.
6. Eating or drinking of any kind is not allowed, it's disrespectful and shows a lack of manners.
7. Any form of technology (phones, switches, laptops) are prohibited and should be put away before entering class unless said otherwise.
8. Students must be seated in their chairs during class time unless stated other wise.
9. Speaking over the professor will lead to a warning and if the actions worsen you will be given a detention.
10. Have fun and enjoy class hours, do not fool around as if it's a joke.
Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
Before joining SRP I role-played on medieval servers in which I gained lots of experience and knowledge from. Those servers helped me to grow to become a more experienced emoter. In SRP I've role-played as a student for both the college and high school, a teacher, and a nurse. All of these roles have given me many different experiences and have allowed me to grow as a role-player.
College-Professor Knowledge
Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
A college professor’s sole purpose is to share their knowledge in said subject to their students. Not only do they educate these students, but they set a future example and should be an inspiration to their students. College professors also have the duty of caring for their students and said school, they are not simply here to educate others. However, educating is their main task and it's highly important they pass on their knowledge to their peers to further their knowledge and allow for a greater future. Professors represent their school, in this case, Karakura’s College. A professor’s salary depends on how many classes were taught, but their default salary is 300,00¥ in which can become greater the more classes logged.
Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Bertha Larue is quite a hefty old woman. Her overweight body is a cause for knee problems and slow movements, however her personality is full of energy. Grey hairs and multiple wrinkles may reveal her elderly age, but within she is a youngster at heart. Bertha has lived through multiple decades, she has been through the good and bad in which makes her knowledge exceedingly greater than the other professors here at Karakura. All these years being surrounded by children and education is what makes Bertha unique. She knows what it takes to become a professor and educate students. Students to her not only come to class for education, but a place of comfort and well-being. She treats these students as her own. Her fellow co-workers are just as important as her students. They are to be treated with utter respect as long as they return the same. Bertha can be described as cheerful, grateful, and the one ray of sunshine that allows others to continue their days in joy. She hopes to retire after a few years of working here in Karakura college where she moves away to the countryside by her longing.
You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
My first action would be to confront the members with a simple warning and a possible detention. The warning would include directions and guidance to how a college student should be behaving during school hours. A college student should behave with manners and respect to their peers. Shouting and screaming in the halls is a poor example. If the action continues, they will be sent to the Dean’s office.
A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
As a college student they should be behaving as an adult with utmost respect towards their fellow classmates and professor(s). Disruptful behavior as such will lead to an automatic detention and a 0 in conduct and overall grade for said subject. They'll also be given a warning or lecture after class, a simple reminder on how college students should act during school hours. They must represent the school and be an inspiration and guidance to the high-school students and younger citizens of Karakura. If their behavior continues, a trip to the Dean’s office it shall be.
Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me plopped into her chair, her rolls of fat jiggling along with her movements. A relieved sigh escaped her lips as she opened the large book atop her desk.
/me leaned against her desk, her weight overpowering as the desk squeaked and slowly slid back.. The pen in her hand swung between her fingers while being rapidly clicked.
/me strolled through the spaces between the students’ desks, eyeing her fellow peers as they worked on the given assignment.
/me “Class is dismissed!” She stood, slowly walking to the classroom’s doors as they opened with a creak. Waving to the passing students, she wore a forced smile.
/me fixed her fragile glasses to sit at the tip of her nose, her pupils moving to the very bottom of her eyes as she continued to gaze at the students.
Viktoriia Rodriguez was born in italy by two religiously strict parents. Viktoriia grew up surrounded by Sundays spent at church, picking fruits from their farm and earning a poor education by her mother. When viktoriia was of age for university she moved away to Japan in hopes of a better education in which she received. Japan is where she met her husband, Zephyr . They both fell in love immediately as though it was love at first sight, a classic love story. After graduating from University, Viktoriia began her teaching career. She and her husband had children, four of them in fact. They raised their children in France and unlike Bertha, her children went to elementary and high-school. Victor worked with cars, building and fixing with aspirations of entering the race car business. The Rodriguez family were living peacefully, time flying. Once their children were of age they went off to Universities and studied for their future careers. However, Bertha and Victor soon began to fall into debt, forcing the two to move to a smaller house and work multiple jobs. In the most difficult of times, Zephyr tragically died in a mechanical malfunction. Viktoriias children came back home, but they soon began to part their ways once more when they began families of their own. Viktoriia was alone, sad- maybe, but her spirit was full with life. Continuing her teaching career for multiple years, she settled in Karakura, Japan. Here in Japan, she lived in a small apartment away from her family but grateful for the opportunity to continue teaching. Her children, along with her grandchildren vacation here in Japan to visit Viktoriia once in a while. She seemed happy alast, settled down. She carries her husband’s ashes with her everywhere, a vivid reminder to continue and move onwards in life.
In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Viktoriia Rodriguez
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Miss Rodriguez Miss Viktoriia
Preferred Name: Miss Rodriguez
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Catholic
Marital Status: Widowed
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): 7
Working Experience (# of years): 8
Academic Degree: Master’s Degree
Year of Graduation: 2017-2018
Major(s): Education, Environmental Science
Minors: Biological Sciences
Native Languages: Japanese italian
Other Languages: russian
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No.
Preferred Teaching Subject: Medical Studies and/or Botany
Additional notes about your application (if any):
My character:
Added a bit more detail to the questions, hope this helps.
Do you have any questions?: also the backstory is like also cus she will be pwegenat
What is your Minecraft username?: ilovedprv
How old are you?: 14
Do you have any previous bans?: N/A
What Country are you from?: Denmark
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):koi.minecraft_95390
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I fully understand. This role requires frequent activity to keep the college active and running smoothly.
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I'm fairly active on the server, although I've had recent breaks due to school and family issues. I can usually spend near 4-5 hours a day on the server. However I'm not as active on the forums as I should be. If I do receive this role I plan on being fairly active due to this role being important and needing to be filled by active players in which I am willing to do.
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
russian Language Application [ACCEPTED]
proffesor Applications [DENIED]
russian language Application [ACCEPTED]
police officer [ pending]
What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My main motivation for becoming a Professor is to be able to experience new role-play and motivate players to actively attend classes and school. I want to be able to host a comfortable yet fun class to entertain students and to encourage them to continue attending class. Although there has been more college classes, they are not entertaining and quite boring to attend to at times, though it depends on the professor. However, with my character I hope to be able to create an amusing yet educational class. Being a professor or teacher in SRP is a large role to fill as it is what keeps the school and server active and allows the full experience of being apart of SRP. Without classes being taught, the server would not be what it is today as it's mostly about experiencing school and all the other assets that come along with it. I want to be able to fill a large role like this and be a helpful part to the SRP community.
Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
Yes, I have plenty of experience in role-play especially on multiple minecraft role-play servers. I have been playing role-play servers for quite a few years now in which has made me grow and learn more skills when emoting and playing a character to their full potential. From medieval to modern city-like role-play I have learned and experienced plenty and I'm ready to further that.
What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs is the process in which professors show proof of classes taught in order to receive payment. It's important to log your classes in order to keep track of the activity as a professor and to determine the payment depending on how many classes were taught and logged. Without classroom logs there would simply be no proof of classes taught by the professors meaning there would be no salary. These logs not only help the professors, but as well as the other school employees as it aids in organizing.
As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
As a professor, the main rule in a class is to be respectful of all things and fellow classmates.
1. Remain quiet during any lectures; Raise a hand if asked a question or in need to leave the classroom.
2. All work must be turned in the same day when assigned, unless said otherwise.
3. Cheating is prohibited; if caught you will be immediately sent to the Dean’s office.
4. Conducting in any disrespectful or disturbing behavior during class will lead to an automatic detention.
5. Remain respectful to your peers.
6. Eating or drinking of any kind is not allowed, it's disrespectful and shows a lack of manners.
7. Any form of technology (phones, switches, laptops) are prohibited and should be put away before entering class unless said otherwise.
8. Students must be seated in their chairs during class time unless stated other wise.
9. Speaking over the professor will lead to a warning and if the actions worsen you will be given a detention.
10. Have fun and enjoy class hours, do not fool around as if it's a joke.
Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
Before joining SRP I role-played on medieval servers in which I gained lots of experience and knowledge from. Those servers helped me to grow to become a more experienced emoter. In SRP I've role-played as a student for both the college and high school, a teacher, and a nurse. All of these roles have given me many different experiences and have allowed me to grow as a role-player.
College-Professor Knowledge
Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
A college professor’s sole purpose is to share their knowledge in said subject to their students. Not only do they educate these students, but they set a future example and should be an inspiration to their students. College professors also have the duty of caring for their students and said school, they are not simply here to educate others. However, educating is their main task and it's highly important they pass on their knowledge to their peers to further their knowledge and allow for a greater future. Professors represent their school, in this case, Karakura’s College. A professor’s salary depends on how many classes were taught, but their default salary is 300,00¥ in which can become greater the more classes logged.
Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Bertha Larue is quite a hefty old woman. Her overweight body is a cause for knee problems and slow movements, however her personality is full of energy. Grey hairs and multiple wrinkles may reveal her elderly age, but within she is a youngster at heart. Bertha has lived through multiple decades, she has been through the good and bad in which makes her knowledge exceedingly greater than the other professors here at Karakura. All these years being surrounded by children and education is what makes Bertha unique. She knows what it takes to become a professor and educate students. Students to her not only come to class for education, but a place of comfort and well-being. She treats these students as her own. Her fellow co-workers are just as important as her students. They are to be treated with utter respect as long as they return the same. Bertha can be described as cheerful, grateful, and the one ray of sunshine that allows others to continue their days in joy. She hopes to retire after a few years of working here in Karakura college where she moves away to the countryside by her longing.
You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
My first action would be to confront the members with a simple warning and a possible detention. The warning would include directions and guidance to how a college student should be behaving during school hours. A college student should behave with manners and respect to their peers. Shouting and screaming in the halls is a poor example. If the action continues, they will be sent to the Dean’s office.
A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
As a college student they should be behaving as an adult with utmost respect towards their fellow classmates and professor(s). Disruptful behavior as such will lead to an automatic detention and a 0 in conduct and overall grade for said subject. They'll also be given a warning or lecture after class, a simple reminder on how college students should act during school hours. They must represent the school and be an inspiration and guidance to the high-school students and younger citizens of Karakura. If their behavior continues, a trip to the Dean’s office it shall be.
Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me plopped into her chair, her rolls of fat jiggling along with her movements. A relieved sigh escaped her lips as she opened the large book atop her desk.
/me leaned against her desk, her weight overpowering as the desk squeaked and slowly slid back.. The pen in her hand swung between her fingers while being rapidly clicked.
/me strolled through the spaces between the students’ desks, eyeing her fellow peers as they worked on the given assignment.
/me “Class is dismissed!” She stood, slowly walking to the classroom’s doors as they opened with a creak. Waving to the passing students, she wore a forced smile.
/me fixed her fragile glasses to sit at the tip of her nose, her pupils moving to the very bottom of her eyes as she continued to gaze at the students.
Viktoriia Rodriguez was born in italy by two religiously strict parents. Viktoriia grew up surrounded by Sundays spent at church, picking fruits from their farm and earning a poor education by her mother. When viktoriia was of age for university she moved away to Japan in hopes of a better education in which she received. Japan is where she met her husband, Zephyr . They both fell in love immediately as though it was love at first sight, a classic love story. After graduating from University, Viktoriia began her teaching career. She and her husband had children, four of them in fact. They raised their children in France and unlike Bertha, her children went to elementary and high-school. Victor worked with cars, building and fixing with aspirations of entering the race car business. The Rodriguez family were living peacefully, time flying. Once their children were of age they went off to Universities and studied for their future careers. However, Bertha and Victor soon began to fall into debt, forcing the two to move to a smaller house and work multiple jobs. In the most difficult of times, Zephyr tragically died in a mechanical malfunction. Viktoriias children came back home, but they soon began to part their ways once more when they began families of their own. Viktoriia was alone, sad- maybe, but her spirit was full with life. Continuing her teaching career for multiple years, she settled in Karakura, Japan. Here in Japan, she lived in a small apartment away from her family but grateful for the opportunity to continue teaching. Her children, along with her grandchildren vacation here in Japan to visit Viktoriia once in a while. She seemed happy alast, settled down. She carries her husband’s ashes with her everywhere, a vivid reminder to continue and move onwards in life.
In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Viktoriia Rodriguez
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Miss Rodriguez Miss Viktoriia
Preferred Name: Miss Rodriguez
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Catholic
Marital Status: Widowed
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): 7
Working Experience (# of years): 8
Academic Degree: Master’s Degree
Year of Graduation: 2017-2018
Major(s): Education, Environmental Science
Minors: Biological Sciences
Native Languages: Japanese italian
Other Languages: russian
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No.
Preferred Teaching Subject: Medical Studies and/or Botany
Additional notes about your application (if any):
My character:

Added a bit more detail to the questions, hope this helps.
Do you have any questions?: also the backstory is like also cus she will be pwegenat