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I'm getting it out.


Level 118
I'm not the type to talk about this, but it's something I want to get out.

There are times, where you have a close friend, a very very close one, they say that they'll be your friend forever. That really helps you when your in a deep situation, something like that, but shortly after this friend will go on a quiet note, blocking you, unfriending you everywhere.

In this friends POV, they might be pissed, might want to end on a quiet note, or etc. Without saying anything, explanation or anything, they just go quiet.

To N/A's POV, once you get blocked, you start to panic sometimes, at times you just stare there, asking yourself "Huh? What did I do?.." sometimes "What?!..." confused miserable, etc.

It really hurts a lot when you get left on a quiet note, nothing no explanation. Really hurts you know.

Sometimes you go on an alt, asking what happened, then their friends come along and say "Stop harassing him/her."

I'm saying this from MULTIPLE. Personal experiences, It really does hurt a lot, being one who does cry a bunch, It feels.

I sometimes, meet very ... people, which make me have bad ass trust issues, being one who's been left multiple multiple times, you develop this.. feeling everywhere you go, I've been losing around 20+ friendships, over the past year. Close ones, which really does hurt my weak heart.

Sometimes I don't say it, just maybe sometimes it be great to have a close one.

Thanks @A7XM for supporting me. Over this, year.. (and few months)

Thats it, I'm getting it out my system.

Good 'ol me.. just staying being me, normal old me..


Level 18
Giving the biggest hug right now. If you ever need someone to talk to or someone to just play silly games with, let me know!


Level 104
Shit bro if someone unfriended and blocked you al you gotta do is let that shit go, they prolly aint wanna explain in tha' first place no point in going on an alt because that kinda can be called harassement. Honestly you win some you lose some js chop it up to the game and say it is what it is


Level 163
Your voice is heard! Never be ashamed of speaking about things you want to get out. If you want to DM just to talk for fun or anything really or if you need more friends in general shoot me a PM on discord: @/kustomzero :)


Level 199
I feel you. I've lost multiple friends as well due to problematic, unknown, and physical reasons... I couldn't agree more that it does hurt. Don't be afraid to speak out if you know it's the best decision for you. One sad thing for me is the fact that I lost almost all of my friends I made in SRP in 2022, and it feels harder to communicate with people today (in real life and in-game) due to paranoia. Before making friends you know feel like you can trust, and follow what your heart tells you, will they be a trustworthy friend?


Level 39
I don't wanna sound like that guy, but friends are hella overrated. I can barely stand Somq and EmotionalAsh, and these two always have ways to drive me crazy. The best advice I can give you is go crazy, go stupid, and go big. Ainno time for friendos that block you, ainno times for dizzy bizzy dramas with your girlfriend/boygfriend, ainno time for discussions, THERE'S ONLY THE NOW, AND NOW IS CALLING YOU TO BECOME A SILLY BILLY!


Level 115
I applaud the courage you had to post this, and I am very proud of you for doing so!! It is not an easy step I would assume to talk about certain topics like this one.

Much relates to what Polar said. The next step is just letting go. We cannot deny that I won't go painlessly or without a bother to us, however, I do think we can acknowledge that wasting our time, effort, and mental space on it is something we don't want to do! And who knows, maybe it was for the better that someone unfriended/blocked you. Those are mysteries only to be revealed by time, or hidden even further beyond the point of needing an answer. But, at the end of the day. Time and life goes on, and you will have countless more opportunities to meet even greater people. So do yourself a favor now by letting them rest where they belong, in the past, and in your memories.


Level 206
All relationships have their own timing.
Often, we don't get to choose how they begin or end, which can be disheartening.
Still ~ there is strength and courage in relying on others, confiding in them, and building trust, knowing full well that there are no guarantees in life or friendships.

Take your time. Ease your mind. Steel your guts. And continue to trust. You got this!


Level 108
you're heard. the amount of respect i have for you posting this. trust me you are not the only one

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