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Imaya Whisk

please keep in mind she started off as a fantasy character, ears are not actually canon.
Imaya Whisk

Basic Information

First Name: Imaya
Surname: Whisk

Preferred Name: Imaya

Aliases: Sneak Thief

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 136lbs

Build: Average, somewhat hourglass.

Skin Color: Caucasian

Eye Color: Pale Grey

Hair Style: Shoulder length, unkempt hair

Hair Color: Blonde

Fashion: Blue, Red, Grey. Mostly sweaters and jeans.

Abnormalities: Red Eyeliner in the shape of a scar over one eye.

Date of Birth: April 2nd, 1998

Place of Birth: Chester, England

Nationality: English

Race: Caucasian

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Religious Beliefs: Raised Christian however lost her beliefs, therefore, Atheism.

Political Beliefs: Would die for Monarchy

General Appearance

Appearance: Imaya is a decently sized woman, ranging around 5'6. She has a very smug look on her face a majority of the time and seems to always wear a red bandana. She is usually seen with an old aviators cap that she found, along with welders goggles that she had fastened onto the cap since the original goggles were nowhere to be found. She wears very long, finger-less gloves.

Personality: Imaya is very stubborn, and if you do her wrong, you might end up missing a few hundred Yen. If you get to know her however, she's a very chill person and is very down to earth.

Diseases/Illness: N/A

Character Voice:
0:20 - Juli Kidman - with a hint of English

Aviator's Cap, Goggles, Phone, Wallet.

Blue Sweater and/or Cropped Hoodie, Grey jeans and/or Grey skirt. Red Bandana. Black, forearm length finger-less gloves.

Hobbies: Sneaking, Cracking Jokes, Scheming.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: N/A

Skills: Pickpocket

Querks: Very lazy, Sometimes speaks in Shakespearean English.

Evan Whisk - Father
Yulia Whisk - Mother

[Working on it]

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