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Improving the limited residence edit mode range for houses!

What's your Minecraft Username?: LocalSingleMoms
What's the title of your suggestion?: Improving the limited residence edit mode range for houses!

What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion is extending the range and tweaking with the residence edit mode range for houses!

So we all know that houses on SRP are decently expensive [depending on how much money you got] and depending on which house you get, you get different limitations. My suggestion is just to tweak the limited range.

I see around the server with some of the older houses [houses placed down in like 2019 and earlier] or houses that used to be owned by teams, that they have 'special' decorations. Up until earlier this year, team houses were removed and replaced with dorms but before that, if you asked about being able to build in your backyard or front of the house, you'd have to ask staff or a builder to do it or you were simply told 'Only Team houses get to do this.' but now they're gone and I just think to make it fair to every house owner that they get to add some more decoration to the outside of their house.

Now obviously the decorations should stay within SRP's housing rules [No additional rooms outside, no additional balcony, appropriate, etc...] and I am not saying that home owners should be able to build pass the subtle andesite box around their homes but for example for the houses with pools, I think we should be able to edit within these red lines [obviously with restrictions!!]

{sorry for the giant bird.. i couldn't get a ss without it}

Other houses, they should have their range extended, again, to the subtle andesite box!

Examples of houses with extra decorations down below via imgur !!
House 004

House 407

Again, to reiterate, home owners should not be allowed to make changes to the actual skeleton of the property [the exterior walls of the house, the little walls outside of the house with the trapdoors on it, roofs, windows, so on.] without getting permission from staff and getting it done by a member of staff or a builder, I just think we should be able to edit a bit more than what we got now!

{Note: my brain is a bit fried, i apologize if this makes no sense, i will add more in the comments of this suggestion to clarify if needed!}

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think this will benefit the community because I know myself and some others have been disappointed in not being able to fully edit our houses whilst seeing other people have fully decked out houses past the usual barrier. It's just not fair to see something so pretty and not being to replicate it in your own home due to restrictions on YOUR property specifically and it can provide with some fun small decorations around the holidays!

{Note: I could not find if someone has made this suggestion before but if someone has, I'm sorry !!}


Level 29
+1 please. The default garden thing at the front of my house is dirt and like 3 twigs, it's genuinely depressing to look at. There are houses near mine that look like genuine jungles, but I'll have to settle for burnt grass with a side of nothing? Not to mention how decorated some of the ex-team houses' exterior walls and backyards are.

Unfortunately I've seen what team houses looked like during Halloween and other holidays, with their wide edit range. I'm not confident that the playerbase could be trusted with that sort of power. Also afaik changing the regions is tedious/slow/difficult, and I'm not sure how much more time consuming it would be to make the shell of the house uneditable while the rest is editable. If the walls are left in the edit region, I think it's inevitable that people will start trying to extend their houses.

I want this badly but unfortunately I doubt they'd change the regions :(


Level 191
Community Team
Lore Team

I want this to happen SO BADLY. But, if it were accepted Kimi would have to go to EVERY. SINGLE. HOUSE. On the map and edit it's range we are able to build in. I am unsure on what commands he would have to do or what the whole process changing regions are, but you have to admit there are a lot of houses.

I personally don't think we should have access to edit that little sidewalk piece as its public property(it being off your property line). But I would love to see the backyards being able to be edited or the front gardens on other houses


Level 86
+1 It might take a while to do that because it is a manual process but within a month all residences could have their building range extended.


Level 40
I believe house 004 was a ex staff member house that's why it's so unique, it was never a team house. Don't quote me 100 percent
Last edited:


Level 40

Although I would like to be able to edit the garden on the side of my house, because my house design has a front garden and back however I heard that editing regions is extremely difficult and glitchy and it could make it worse.

However besides that I feel like it would be nice to be able to edit our house gardens more freely to match what we would like, therefore allowing for more diversity on house appearances along with possibly making them more suited to a players build style as some people prefer to have messy houses due to it being their characters nature.


Level 13
+1 !! Like others said, it may take a while to implement, but this would be really nice to have :3


Level 85
Community Team
Event Team

I don't mean to speak for everyone, but I'd bet that we'd all be happily patient with waiting for it to be implemented as long as it is at some point.


Level 352
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- This currently isn't possible, however at some point we will be improving this system which may enable us to do this and allow floor customisation later down the line.​

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