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In game social media

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Level 33
IGN: RandomlyAccepted
DATE: 4/17/2020
I think there should be a social media in SRP, it can be great for selling, meeting up with one or multiple people, and many other things. It can be a way that it won’t spam ooc and people yelling ‘mEtA’ here are some examples that could be added if this was such a thing in game. I will use twitter as an example sort of.

· App on phone – There could be an app on the phone that would disable/enable it, so your chat won’t be spammed with messages

· /tweet – Publicly post a message out that anyone with the app enabled can see.

o If your character name is mentioning their name can be in color

o Example – [Character Name] Message

o Example - [Jane Doe] Selling bananas meet me at school if you want one!

o Example – [John Doe] Party at (penthouse number) 18+!

· /pmt (username) (message)– (Private message tweet) Privately message someone. This can act like you are calling someone, but you need not give out your number.

o Examples – [PM] [John Doe] How about 6k for that banana?

o Examples – /pmt [username] Deal, where are you?

· /blockt (name) – Block someone from messaging you and seeing their tweets

o To unblock you would do /unblockt (name)

· /creategc – (Create Group Chat) Sometimes you want to message multiple people the same message so many in the social media app you can create group chats so you can easy message your friends!

o /creategc (group chat name) (username) (username) (username) (username) (username)

· /msggc (name) - Message the group chat.

o /msggc Friends Hey can you all meet us at the apartment?

o Example – [Friends] [Jane] Hey John can you grab the alcohol in the apartment?

· /removegc (name) – (Remove Group Chat) Removes someone/yourself or disband the chat.

o /removegc Username123

o If there is just you in it and you remove yourself the group chat will be disbanded

o If you are the owner of the group chat you can remove other people

· /createpage – Any sport teams or clubs or just anything related to that can create a page! You can announce something that is going on soon such as a party.

o /createpage HS - Track team

o /createpage Gaming Club

· /pageannouncement – announce something that is going on

o /pageannouncement Highschool track tryouts are starting soon!

o /pageannouncement Gaming club is having a party at (time here) (location here)

o Example – [!] [HS – Track Team] Tryouts are starting soon!

o Example – [!] [Gaming Club] Gaming party at (time) (location)! Bring your friends!

· /pagefollow (name) – Follow a page

o You can follow different type of pages, sometimes you might want announcements from the swim team then track team, it can be a way so if you have the app enabled you wont get spammed with other teams/clubs info

o /pagefollow HS-Trackteam

o To unfollow you would do /pageunfollow (team)

As I said above I think a social media type platform in game can be very helpful and be useful to people who want to sell items in person or wanting to have a party. There can be many more things to add for this but these are just some ideas I thought of if there was social media in game.

I am sorry if there is any grammar / spelling mistakes and if there was a post like this before mine. This just randomly came in my head one day and i want to see what other people might think about it!


Level 183

- Thank you for taking the time to post this feedback however we've chosen to deny it.​
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