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Ingrid Gunilla Johansson | Biography


Level 12
Ingrid Gunilla Johansson
ingrid's playlist
(listen to this playlist whilst reading through, it’ll make it cooler, i promise)

Basic Information

First Names

Ingrid Gunilla
Preferred Name
Gunilla Johansson

Date of Birth
June 19th, 200X
Place of Birth
[REDACTED], Sweden
Swedish, Russian
Sexual Orientation
Religious Beliefs
Political Beliefs
She doesn’t own much stuff but wherever she goes, she has her smartphone with her.

Physical Appearance


5’9 (approx. 175 cm)
141 lbs (approx. 64 kg)
Skin Color
Her skin color is that of a pale white, with red undertones.
Eye Color
Hazel, with green spots in it.
Hair Style
Her hair is as straight as spikes, usually she keeps it down. If she does do a hairstyle, she likes doing small buns on each side on the top of her head.
Hair Color
Dirty blonde
She usually has a combination of different eyeshadows and eyeliner accenting her eyes, she’s also got huge eye bags under them as well.
She has acne on her face and chest, and she has 20/50 vision, causing her to need glasses but she doesn’t have a prescription.
Character Voice
Her voice is around mid-pitch, and she has a slight Swedish accent to her speech.



She is an ambivert, but leaning more toward the extroverted side. She has a hard time displaying sympathy toward others, but she tries her best to comfort them when they are in need.
Her hobbies include painting (specifically oil painting, she has a hatred for any other paints), exploring nature to find more places to photograph and/or make a picture of. She also has a love for running around town, just back and forth, even if she’s running in a circle.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Causes her to have an extremely short memory and attention span.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
She has autism, which for her, means she has difficulty feeling empathy toward others.

She is a skilled painter, but she doesn’t do much else with it other than put the paintings she’s made up on display in her apartment.
She likes to walk up to people and ask them whatever questions are in her mind at that specific moment. Occasionally she’ll quite literally run around in a circle as a “workout”.


[ Nihilistic ]

Ingrid is a self-proclaimed Nihilist, she believes that humankind has ruined the beauty of the earth and honestly, wouldn’t mind if humans as a species would be eradicated off it.

[ Impatient ]

She has a very short attention span and cannot wait for things for very long.

[ Unfiltered ]
Ingrid doesn’t exactly have a verbal filter, and kind of just spits out whatever is on her mind. Pretty much, her internal monologue = her external monologue.

[ Relaxed ]
Ingrid is a very calm and relaxed person, she doesn’t stress out about many things and sometimes it even seems like she doesn’t have the ability to stress out about anything.

[ Persevering ]
Due to having been put into foreign and difficult situations many times before, especially as a child, she feels very comfortable in situations that feel foreign to her.

Backstory (still a bit of a wip)

Ingrid Gunilla Johansson was born on June 19th in [REDACTED], Sweden to a Swedish father and a Russian mother. Due to her city being by the ocean, she spent a lot of time at the beach, or simply by the ocean. She was the youngest child in her family, her two sisters, being twins, were 2 years old when she was born. She started doodling and drawing at the age of 5, since she felt she could express herself better with her drawings than she could with her words. Her mother still has some of her earliest drawings pinned onto the fridge with magnets.
When she was around 8, she and her family moved to Saint Petersburg, Russia, being her mother’s hometown and she was enrolled into a school there. She didn’t know the language as well as the other children, being native Russian speakers and she was heavily bullied for this. The bullying did start dying down as time passed, but she had to witness her bullies go from her, to another person in the class. Ingrid had attempted to report this a multitude of times to the teachers, but they couldn’t care less. This was where her nihilism had started to grow. When she was 15, which was around 7 years after they had first left Sweden, they moved back and she was enrolled into a school in Sweden.
Back in Sweden, her hometown had started to become more and more polluted. She was so incredibly disappointed in the state of her beloved city. So, she decided to do something about it. She organized protests, she got old friends and her sisters to go out there with her, start petitions, or at least do something. Unfortunately, the government didn’t do anything about it. She was so incredibly infuriated, she felt so hopeless. She couldn’t bear to watch everything she loved disappear in the matter of years, so she decided to put herself completely into her studies.
That’s when she first got interested in learning a fourth language, since she already knew English, Russian and Swedish, and when she was 17, she went for an exchange year to Japan, specifically, Karakura. She loved it so much there and she learnt the local language, Japanese, almost fluently. So, not long after she had gotten back from her exchange year, she booked a flight back to Karakura with a friend but this time, there wasn’t a return flight included.


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