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Iris's BackStory


Level 1

Iris Black!!


Age: 19

Birthday: April 6, 2005

Height: 4ft, i8n

Weight: 120

Skin Color: White

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Style: Long, and Messy, Usually in a ponytail

Hair Color: Ginger

Birth Place: Glasgow

Nationality: Scotland

Race: Human

Some Dislikes: Being lonely, Coffee, Having people take her for granted, and Nuts

Some Likes: Nice people, Drawing, Baking, Walking, and Foxes

Religious Beliefs: She believes that there must be a point to life, because if there isn't then why are we on this Earth for the first place, she also believes in another life before this one. But she isn't a part of any religion, she is still trying to figure that part out.

Political Beliefs: She kinda has mixed feelings about politics. But for the most part her politics sound like two or more people yelling at each other. She believes that politics might be a good thing if we're doing it right and helping the people who actually needs help, and not just caring about the rich and famous people

Appearance: A 17 year girl with brown eyes, and long slightly messy ginger hair up in a ponytail. She's slightly skinny too.

Personality: She's curious about what's happening around her. She is a kind person who puts others first before themselves. She's the first to respond whenever there is trouble. Drawing calms her down, and she has trust issues. Not too good at starting conversations. She loves to be a tease and can be sassy a lot. Iris is a creative person and loves her friends and the people that she cares about. Because of her past self, she thinks of herself as less valuable than everyone else, so she’s always putting herself in harm's way to make sure others don’t get hurt.

Character Voice: Soft, kindly sounding voice.

Clothes: She usually wears anything that's green and not to fancy.

Hobbies: Drawing, going on nature walks, cooking

Flaws: He has a problem of trusting people because of her past, and as a hard time talking to people making hard for her to make friends

Skills: Drawing and Cooking

Quirks: She can be playful sometimes

Relationships: She’s Married to Markus Tohru Sentryon

Hopes: She hopes that one day everyone will be happy and accept one and another for who they are.

Fears: Everyone she knows does not want to be with her anymore.


Mom (Ellie Black): Ellie Black and Jason were happy together, and they had a girl, Jason made a mistake and nearly killing a young girl, She, like her husband, believes that no one else in this pathetic world deserves to actually be in their presence.. So found a way to bribe the police to make him innocent, He changed his ways and they put the past behind him, but she couldn’t have Iris as a child to forget what happened, so she treated the girl just like that, trash and when she decided she didn’t need her to remind her of the guy, left Iris alone on the street at the age of four never coming back.

Dad (Jason Black): Jason Black loved his wife and when he regretted almost killing a child, to change his ways he disowned Iris the only reminder of his mistake.. He punished her for his mistakes and Jason and Ellie decided to make her as miserable as possible. He was strict with her and treated her like everyone else, a low life, not deserving to actually be able to be in their presence. They wanted children of their own, so deciding to start over, Iris’s use for them is slipping, so talking to his wife, they decided to give her up, and left the child on the streets at the age of 4.

Sister (Daffodil Black): Daffodil and Her Brother Raven are twins. After her parents left Iris on the street they had twins. Daffodil learned from a young age about her sister, and that she had a “separate” father that nearly killed someone, because of this Iris has a murder in her blood and might fully follow in his footsteps might actually complete the killing too. She learned to hate her sister at a young age and will not stop at nothing to find Iris and make sure her life is a living heck. She carried the same thought process of her parents, Knowing no one deserved to be in their presence, and that Iris was the lowest of them all.

Brother (Florian Black): Unlike his sister Raven saw through his parents' lies, and learned that Iris’s dad was the same papa as him, and that the only real reason for them to treat Iris like this was for them to feel better about their mistakes and decisions. Unlike Daffy and his parents he tried everything in his power to find and help Iris live a better life than the one that his parents had demanded her to have. He did this in secret, afraid of what his parents would do to him if they knew. He cares about the people of the world and helps them with their struggles. He snuck out of the house when he had enough of his parents, and looked for Iris.


Iris and her Parents went on a trip to the ice cream shop for a special treat. Iris was so excited this was the first time her parents ever did something nice like that.
“Mommy can I have the mint one please” Iris said happily
“Alright dear” Her mother said with a sinister smile, looking at the man running at the store pointing at the mint. The man scooped up 2 scoops of mint ice cream in the bowl, Iris took it and after they paid the family sat down at the table.
The phone rang and her Father picked it up “Hello, oh yes agree. We need to go over this now. Fine, I understand. Yeah thanks” He turned to his wife “Honey they need us at the office we best get going.” He went back to the phone “Yes we are on our way” He hung up the phone.
They both stood up and her Mom turned to her “Don’t worry we will be back,” she said with the same sinister smile and they walked off away from Iris.
1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hours passed, and they weren’t back, Iris started to worry, the shop was about to close, what if something happened to them. Another hour and the icecream keeper walked told
her, “Miss it’s time to leave” She shocked her head not saying anything, “I’m not going to say it again, leave” he grabbed her hand
and pushed her out of the door. In tears Iris looked around for her parents but didn’t find anything.
Except she looked down to the floor and found a note, Picking it up she noticed that it was in her parents writing, she opened it and read “Dear Iris, for what you remind us of we don’t want you anymore, so would you please be a dear and never come back on our doorstep your not welcome anymore. From, Mister and Misses Black.” Devastated by what she read she couldn’t believe it her parents finally got rid of her, she was given hints of this happening but never actually expected it to actually happen.
Though it was only a few minutes it felt like days passed, she couldn’t believe it she didn’t want to believe it, her life though may have been a bad one was over with no parents to guide her down the right way to go. Finally getting the strength to stand, she began to start her new life on the streets.

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Years passed from that day, Iris learned how to fight and survive on the streets with outgoing diseases and hunger. From time to time. When hope seemed lost she found a group of kids on the street. She walked up to them “Hello, you guys seem to be in the same situation as me. I want to be friends” she asked.
The boys turned and laughed, giving the same sinister grin that her mother used to give “Sure, girly we can be friends what’s your name.”
Overjoyed with finally having a group of friends “Iris, Iris Black and what about you guys?”
A tall boy walked forward, “I’m Bones, the skinny one is Spider, the big one is Bull, and the little one next to him is Thunder, and you will be our little Flower.” saying the last part more darkly then the rest..
Iris learned quickly what the guys meant by their little flower. They treated her more badly than her parents. She was forced to cook, clean and prepare different rooms for certain occasions.
Once again she was a slave to her life and she had enough of it, but nothing she can do right now will affect the outcome. The boys made her learn as soon as possible what would happen if she disobeys. They would cut her and beat her up on the minor mistakes but on the bigger one she was locked inside a dark room with barely that much food for a week, only at times they would come to the room and beat her up.
She was like their puppet beat into submission, she was terrified what would happen if she escaped so she looked for the right opening.
Finally one night she found that the boys were all fast asleep, and she finally got the courage to stand up and run away from them. She was so close to out of the building and on to the streets when she heard shouting. They were awake. Fighting desperately the urge to freeze she ran out of the front door. They were right on her tail throwing things trying to hit her, but she was able to dodge and weave and sooner than later was able to lose them. Out of breath she looked down to find a notebook and pencil on the ground.
Picking them up and opening up the notebook she realized that it was blank. She got this sudden urge to draw something she doesn’t know what but she just placed her pencil on the paper and started to draw a fox in a forest alone and scared just like her. She felt great like she finally found the freedom that she needed, why didn’t she try this before drawing will set her free.

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More years passed Iris stayed on the streets always moving this time never trust anyone at her path, especially what happened last time she did. She was walking through the woods one day when she stumbled upon the city of Karakura, still being curious as always she took a look around hearing about their free schooling and that she would finally be able to go to school, decided to stay and learn more about this place and its secrets and hopefully her life gets turned around in the process.
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