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iRosed | KPD Application


Level 3

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I have not applied to any other factions yet, due to my lack of interest in them.

Describe your activity on the server:
I try to log onto the server every day for at least two to four hours, but I usually end up staying online longer. The majority of my time is spent roleplaying on my adult character with friends or trying to make new friends, or on my college character, where I'm usually seen working or hanging out at Mai-Yume. On top of that, I am usually available every day of the week. Though some days I will be on at weird hours due to my sleep schedule constantly changing.

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation towards applying for KPD is because it has been a faction I have had an interest in since joining the server. Throughout my time on the server, I have been engaged in GangRP and crimeRP in general. I’ve had several interactions with KPD while in gangs, and those interactions have always piqued my interest. I also have multiple friends that were in the faction, and are still active in the faction. The faction has intrigued me for some time, but I've been holding off on applying, to learn more about the faction.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Main Division
The ranks within the Main Division consist of Commissioner, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol Officer, and Cadet. The main division focuses on straightforward tasks; they go out on patrols together or alone. They will often sit at the front desk, taking bail money from people to bail out certain characters. They will also answer any question that is asked at the front desk. If someone is to commit a crime and they’re caught committing the crime by CCTV, a police officer's body camera, or if they’re just caught by KPD in general and decide to evade them, the KPD is able to request a warrant to raid the apartment, house, or penthouse of the player who committed the crime. A warrant, however, needs to be signed by a judge for it to be issued.

The highest position in the Karukara Police Department is the Commissioner. Being the highest rank inside of the department, you carry a list of responsibilities. The Commissioner is responsible for overseeing both the Detective Division and the Main Division to ensure that there is no corrupt behavior occurring within the department and that everyone is in compliance. Additionally, the Commissioner is in charge of choosing and elevating additional officers to a higher-up position.

The Captain is the second-highest rank in the Karukara Police Department. Within the division, promotions are another job the Captain has to do. The Captain has to train newly recruited cadets and those advancing to a position of higher authority. The only rank with a higher authority than the Captain is the Commissioner.

Lieutenants are more likely to have a higher set of skills within public safety. Lieutenants hold the third highest rank inside of the Main Division. They are also more likely to have better insight when it comes to patrolling. If the Captain needs any form of assistance with training, Lieutenants will be the ones to provide it. The Captain and Lieutenants are the ones to train lower ranking officers into becoming a Sergeant. At this rank Lieutenants are given access to the police cruiser.

Sergeants are expected to act as a higher-up if no other higher-ups are present; they’re slowly proving themselves to be a higher-up, each time they step up and take some responsibilities in certain scenarios that an actual higher-up would hold. Sergeants are the last ranking inside of the Main Division that isn’t actually a higher-up, they’re the highest position before being promoted to a rank with higher authority. When promoted to being a Sergeant, you now get a new responsibility since you’re given access to the tranquilizer at this rank.

The rank immediately above Patrol Officer is Corporal. Being promoted from Patrol Officer up to Corporal is a big deal for the ones who just get promoted. Officers within the Corporal ranking must demonstrate their ability to handle difficult situations. Corporals are able to conduct trainings with the Cadets. They also get access to their crowbar, which allows them to participate in raids. While being a Corporal you also get access to your own police motorcycle.

Patrol Officer
Patrol Officers are recently promoted Cadets who passed their physical and informational Cadet exams. Patrol officers can go out on patrol alone if the emergency level is low enough. If the emergency level is too high, every officer is required to patrol in a group of at least two or three.

In the faction, cadets are the most recent officers to be admitted and have the lowest status overall. Both a physical and an informational exam are given to cadets. Cadets must pass both the physical and informational exam to be promoted to Patrol Officer. They get an additional week of training and retake the exams if they don't pass the previous exams. Cadets cannot patrol by themselves. During their training, cadets are not permitted to go off duty.

Detective Division
The Detective Division has five ranks within it. The highest to lowest of the ranks would be (DSI) Detective Superintendent, (DCI) Detective Chief Inspector, Detective Inspector, Detective Sergeant, and Detective Constable. The Detective Division does everything the Main Division does, though they also do other things that the Main Division doesn’t do. They are able to investigate existing crime scenes if they need to be further looked into. All Detectives are capable of interviewing witnesses, and examining official reports.

Detective Superintendent (DSI)
As the leader of the Detective Division, the Detective SuperIntendent is in charge of everything that would occur inside of the division. The DSI is in charge of overseeing officers who want to join the Detective Division. If the DSI deems another officer as ready for the division, said officer will be promoted into the Detective Division. The Detective Superintendent is the one who will promote other Detectives to a higher-up position, or any other rank inside of the division.

Detective Chief Inspector (DCI)
Aside from the Detective Superintendent, the only detective inside of the division of a higher-up position is the Detective Chief Inspector. The DCI will report anything of importance to the DSI, whether it be someone who they think should need more training, or if it’s someone they believe should be promoted. The Chief Inspector also hosts the Detective training sessions, similar to how the Captain will host training for the Main Division. Detective Chief Inspectors are one of the only ranks that have access to the police cruiser.

Detective Inspector
The Detective Inspector would be considered the Sergeant of the Detective Division. Detective Inspectors, like Sergeants, are able to step in and act as a higher-up if they’re the highest position there. If they were to be the highest ranking in a scenario, they’re expected to take control of the situation. Detective Inspectors are another one of the ranks that get access to the tranquilizer.

Detective Sergeant
Detective Sergeants are previous Detective Constable’s that passed their Detective training. At this rank they’re now able to help with the training of Detective Constable’s.

Detective Constable
The lowest-ranking detective is the Detective Constable, it is the very first rank once joining the division. They now undergo Detective training at this rank, where they’ll learn more about the various activities that a Detective has to perform. They also learn all the responsibilities any Detective holds. By completing the training, the higher-ups will now understand that you are capable of being a Detective.

The KPD is equipped with an assortment of items, including a baton and handcuffs. Some of the items have to be itemRPed, like luminol spray. Batons, handcuffs, pepper spray, stun guns, tranquilizers, breathalyzers, riot shields, crowbars, gas masks, and their radios are all among the items that do not need to be itemRPed. All cops also have a body camera on them at all times, and they are continuously recording.

Handcuffs are used to restrain the suspect's hands; handcuffs are available to all cops. Handcuffs are not able to be mugged.

When the police are unable to use the stun gun, police officers use a baton. Batons are used to render people unconscious and can be mugged from their hands if the player has proper permission.

Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is used to temporarily blind a player. Additionally, all emergency units have access to pepper spray. It is not able to be mugged.

Stun Gun
When someone runs at the KPD with a weapon drawn or attempts to evade the cops, they can be tased with the stun gun. The stun gun cannot be fired in water. Successful hits with the stun gun will stun the player for a minute OOCly. Cannot be stolen.

The breathalyzer is used to check how drunk people are. The breathalyzer can determine the amount of alcohol a person has consumed.

The police radio is waterproof, available to all officers, and utilized by all emergency units. You can use a sharp or blunt weapon to destroy it.

If the tranquilizer dart hits a target, the target will be rendered unconscious for two OOC minutes. The tranquilizer is accessible to Detective Inspectors and Police Sergeants to use.

Riot Gear / Gas Mask
The police will use their riot gear when searching people's place of residence, often paired with a gas mask to conceal their identities. Riot gear is used when there is a high emergency level or in any kind of raid the cops are doing.

During raids, police corporals and higher-ups use the crowbar to pry open doors in people's homes, apartments, or penthouses. It can be mugged with proper permissions.

Riot Shield
If the police officer using the riot shield is rendered unconscious and if the player has the proper permissions to do so, the riot shield can be stolen. When used defensively, officers are not able to use offensive tools. While used defensively, it blocks all frontal and side damage. If it is being used offensively, it will no longer block any damage, but the cop can then use any offensive tool. It is also accessible to all officers.

Body Camera (ItemRPed)
The body camera is waterproof and records continuously. It cannot be removed from the player but can be broken with two hits from a blunt weapon or one hit from a bladed weapon.

First Aid Kit (ItemRPed)
The first aid kit is used to extend someone's bleed-out timer by five minutes. All cops on duty have access to the first aid kit.

Luminol Spray (ItemRPed)
All officers who are on duty are able to use luminol spray to check for blood on weapons, unless they've been cleaned with water or any other form of cleaning supplies. The cops are needed to spray Luminol Spray onto any form of weapon to check for blood; they are also required to look for any form of denting on a weapon; if there are dents, the cops can question you about them.

KPD will often go on patrol based on how severe the emergency level is. If the emergency level is high, they will go out in groups; if the emergency level is low enough, anyone from Patrol Officer and up can patrol alone. The only rank that is not allowed to patrol alone are cadets.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
In SchoolRP, police play a crucial role in reducing the number of crimes. Outside of the school, gangs and criminals in general are always running around on the streets. Without KPD, there would be significantly more people getting killed, knocked out, or even having their bones broken. The police are able to keep everything in check. Outside of crimeRP and gangRP, the KPD are still active on the server. The police in general are able to report to any emergency calls, even if the call is not crime related. There are still other kinds of roleplay that KPD can be in without it being around gang members; they sometimes can be seen standing outside of government trials to protect the people inside of the trial, or kick anyone out that is causing any sort of disturbance within the courtroom, and the cops are also sometimes involved inside of the trials due to non-guilty pleas. The KPD often patrols without even arresting anyone during that patrol; it’s just more of the roleplay that they’re emerged in. KPD is also needed because of how many weapons people have; with each arrest, they’re lowering the number of weapons out in the streets. If KPD weren’t around, no weapons would be taken away from gangs or any of the criminals, which would lead to everyone carrying a weapon of their own for protection or towards some people fleeing from Karakura.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that I’m required to attend training while online, or I’ll be punished.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Esme Liu Flores

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female | She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Icelandic, French, and JSL

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Esme Liu Flores weighed 167 pounds and stood at an incredible height of 6'0. Esme would frequently talk in a firm but soft tone. Her hair would mainly be worn in pigtails and be a split color between blue and black. If her hair happened to not be in pigtails, it would drop down over her shoulders and down her back. Esme’s eyes appeared to be a warm, suva gray. Throughout the years of Esme helping people, she learned to remain composed under pressure. Her skin color would be slightly darker due to the tan she has from her time in Spain, as well as the amount of time she spends out in the sun. Esme had numerous smaller tattoos scattered around her body; the only visible tattoo would be the small heart on Esme’s left arm, which frequently gets covered by her outfits. Esme has a faint scar around her abdominal region. Due to Esme frequently playing volleyball, she’s learned to jump higher than the average person.

Esme's calm and polite nature is one of the several traits that differentiate her from other people. Esme always did her best to protect the ones around her, or even random people that needed help. Esme would often go out of her way to assist in getting criminals off the street; she’d also help people make their way to the hospital should they require medical attention. Esme strongly believes in and encourages people to help each other out.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional situation, Esme is more mature due to the young age she needed to mature at. Esme is always polite towards the ones around her; she keeps her temper in check when she is near those who don’t really know her. Esme tends to be more reserved and quiet in a professional situation unless she’s needed to talk. She has the quick ability to change her current mood. Esme’s past has taught her to maintain her composure under pressure.

Esme tends to be a little more hyper in a casual setting; she will often crack jokes with the ones that she’s close to, revealing her true nature. Esme tends to talk more in a casual situation compared to a professional situation, where she is more likely to be quiet. In a more informal setting, Esme tends to be more carefree and easygoing.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Esme always has a positive and cheerful attitude towards those around her. She believes teamwork is something that can and should be used in any scenario, particularly in law enforcement. She believes co-workers would be people that she could always trust and rely on, no matter what it is she needs to tell them. Esme puts a lot of trust in the ones around her, and the co-workers would definitely be the people she puts the most trust in. Even if teamwork isn't someone's strong suit, it is definitely something that can be improved.

What's your character's backstory?
Esme Liu Flores was born in the city of Lyon, France. She lived in Lyon for a few years until her parents sadly passed away at a young age due to a car accident. Esme had to live on her own for a few years; she ended up poor and on the streets at a young age in her life. She was a single child, and she had no one else to care for her after her parents passed. Esme had to start working as soon as she reached the required age to do so. As Esme proceeded to work, she continued to save her money, hoping to be able to afford an apartment one day.

After a few more years, Esme had money saved up and finally got the apartment she needed. She continued to work and save her money. At her workplace, she met someone who was a part of the Monet family. After the Monet family learned about her past, they decided to take her in and let her be part of the family.
After a few more rough years, Esme and the Monets decided to move out of France and into a small town in Japan. Esme had a fresh start in the town of Karakura; she went back to school and finished high school. The school was different from what she was used to, but she managed and finally got into college.

As Esme continued to grow with the Monets, she wanted to be a bodyguard for the family. Esme would always protect the family, no matter the circumstances. Esme didn’t let her family members get injured, and if something were to happen, she’d help them around. Esme would also help others who were injured. She’d help them get to the places they needed to be.

Sadly, later on, Esme noticed the Monets were committing crimes and started to distance herself from them. She hated distancing herself from what she called family, but it was better for her to not know what was going on. Two years later, Esme sadly stepped out of the Monet family, looking towards joining the Karukara Police Department since she had protected people for so long.

After stepping away from the Monets, Esme began to see less and less of them. Maybe they moved back out of Japan? Back to France? It didn’t matter to her anymore. Esme made several friends throughout her high school years, and though she may have lost some of them, she still definitely has some that care about her more than the Monets did.

Esme has a few friends who got into the police department and now wants to follow along with them. She tries to help the cops whenever she can, attempting to rid the gangs of the town that she now loves.
Esme worked with her friends for a while at Mai-Yume, but now she is attempting to continue her dream of joining the Karakura Police Department. She sadly left Mai-Yume, but her friends gave her a place to live until she could afford one of her own. Esme has nothing but the utmost respect for the ones that still took care of her after the Monets abandoned her.

After most of the Monets left Karakura, Esme was once again on her own. She was stable enough this time to live on her own, especially since she was basically a bodyguard for her family members. She was now trained in hand-to-hand combat, so if someone tried to take money from her or injure her severely, she could protect herself. Esme only used her hand-to-hand combat training for good.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“Nope! Having a pocket knife is illegal and will end up getting you arrested.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“You can buy unbranded bandages, wooden canes, paracetamol, cough syrup, and iron supplements, all of the items I listed can be bought without a prescription. You can buy up to five unbranded bandages at the price of ¥1,000 per pack, two wooden canes at the price of ¥7,000 per cane, three packs of paracetamol at ¥1,500 per pack, two bottles of cough syrup at the price of ¥6,000 per bottle, and three bottles of iron supplements at the small price of ¥2,500 per bottle!”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“I would make sure my body camera is actively recording if I witnessed a coworker mistreat an inmate so I could get proof of the incident. I would then step in and try to separate my co-worker from the inmate. I would get another co-worker to supervise the inmate while I stepped out with the co-worker who was in the wrong, keeping them out of the same room as the inmate. I would later show my bodycam footage to a higher-up.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“I would immediately radio in my location and the situation.I would then intervene with my taser out and give assistance to my co-worker. I would shout for the people assaulting my co-worker to get on the wall. Anyone who flees will get tased and charged with evasion and assault on a government official. The ones who stop will also be charged with assaulting a government official. After making sure everyone that was involved was detained or placed under arrest, I would take my co-worker to the hospital and make sure they got checked out and treated.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“I would immediately notify one of my higher-ups if I discovered one of my co-workers was supporting any kind of criminal or criminal organization. After my higher-ups knew of the situation, I would search for additional evidence of the co-worker aiding criminals, such as them leaving the station alone, or accepting bribes from criminals. I would also look for other corruption signs, like them physically abusing someone or misuse of the authority they hold."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“If a criminal were to attempt to bribe me, I would turn down their bribe, give them a fine for bribery, and continue on with what was happening beforehand. They can pay the fine with the money they attempted to bribe me with.“​
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of your applications detail & reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
Try applying to other factions to improve your reputation around the server and try to include more detail within your application.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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