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Is schoolRP dying


Level 104
Is schoolRP dying out? It seems so because most of my time consists of running around the plaza and if you don't engage in RP your're just there gangRP is dying a bit, we use the same mechanics day and day again idk why I'm writing I'm just bored asf


Level 41
SRP is not dying. It's just that we need new stuff to be introduced. we all had our hopes up for the new map but that was back in January so I don't even know if they plan on doing it anymore. I think we just need more updates and new features implemented. Pretty sure the last major update to SRP was back in January. FRP has been getting a whole load of attention from the server owners lately so I hope SRP can get a bit of the same love.
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Level 5
I'd say SchoolRP isn't dying, just that it may seem more "dull." Games becoming boring are natural, and ofc that's gonna happen when you invest hundreds of hours in a single one. Here's a few ideas on how you can make SchoolRP (or other games) last longer for you.

1. Take breaks. Try playing other video games temporarily, or even just play regular MC. Maybe even briefly drop onto another RP server and laugh at how bad it is compared to SRP.
2. Try something new with your characters. Do something you've never done before. (Join a job you've never been in, become a maid, or be very naive)
3. Go crazy with detailrping

While yes, it may seem a bit dead due to the lack of updates. There might be one soon, or one in a while. Who knows. Just vibe 'till then

Speaking as a FantasyRP community team member, the SRP side of the staff only focuses on SRP. Im6 and Duckings spend all of their time on SchoolRP, only logging onto FRP to stream tournaments.
FantasyRP is mostly developed by Rumpo and Teegs, who both work their asses off to code stuff. The majority of FantasyRP events are hosted by individual nation event planners, who aren't staff members. Those event planners are completely unassociated with SchoolRP, and most of them probably haven't even played SRP before.


Level 183
It's just that we need new stuff to be introduced.

Which means it's dead because there isn't new things being introduced. Honestly I agree. The only role players that do engage in things are teachers and students.
Cops used to have slot of things to engage in, but not anymore.
Same for hospital staff to save someone in a GangRP situation.
Everybody sees minor perms unnecessary which kills GangRP because perms aren't being gained and passed.

The only thing that is there is events. I didn't mean to offend any staff or anyone that works with the community as your efforts are really appreciated. I'd highly recommend everyone to again start engaging in more CombatRP and K.O's and don't be scared as- to K.O the opponent just do it.

Also expanding ways perms can be gained can be helpful in my opinion. People keep saying it but yall don't listen, GangRP is dead. Which apparently means less tasks for citizens, less tasks for cops, less tasks for hospital staff. Fix the GangRP in the server and three RP categories get fixed which will make the server more alive.

I also think more risks to KPD would be good idea. Within applying for KPD you should be aware and ready for risks and engaging in GangRP situations and there's many people IC that hate you ("IC"). I'm not saying major things just minor things and risks that can make them engage with players more and dangerously to make it fun.


Level 272
yes Im dying so THE WHOLE server dying with me (Dont take me serious please)



Level 9
Find your group of people to engage in rp with! If you're into gangrping go ahead and do that, find a group of friends and get together have fun, create your own gang if you're really crazy about it.
As for those who want to be more involved in academics, try joining a club and getting more active! Start role playing to your character's interests.
Try applying for a job, career day is soon!
I stopped playing for a while to focus on my grades but when I came back I was given many opportunities to roleplay.
You may be right on school rp's activity and interest decline, but this is solely player based as to how you want to go with your roleplay experience.
[EDIT] I've also started to get into doing very detailed actions and family rp. The forums is aso a very fun place to write about your character in roleplay documents, I happen to enjoy creating them. Get more involved with the community as well!​


Level 63
I think it's safe to ask; what would you guys want added to SchoolRP? Other then the new map of course, just looking for some feedback other then the actual feedbacks that are just ideas you could've thought about but dont Know how to develop


Level 87
I think it's safe to ask; what would you guys want added to SchoolRP? Other then the new map of course, just looking for some feedback other then the actual feedbacks that are just ideas you could've thought about but dont Know how to develop
I don’t think it’s so easy to give out feedback as to what can be implemented. Not in a certain tone but when people suggest stuff, especially something that brings a whole new concept to srp, it’s usually turning the server into straight up cityrp which the owners are 100% in denial of doing so. Even an idea of mine that wouldn’t have overtaken the balance of school and city was denied and was told to do it myself yet the point was that it’s hard to get something out there for people to get involved in.

People are suggesting cool and interesting things but I’m starting to get bored of it as well. It’s just a repeating cycle of getting on and playing the role of whatever you’re supposed to do. Maybe I haven’t personally settled down to actually roleplay but it’s a little hard for myself when I’ve surrounded myself with people who don’t take that much time to do so. Regardless, we can sit here and talk about suggestions and feedback but I think the biggest thing staff should discuss is how they plan to actually start taking a turn into a new era of srp and be open to other ideas that may change srp just a bit.

there’s not much to do and you’re basically told or expected to make your own goals from the start. It gets boring fast because what not after you achieve your own goals? There is no end goal for srp. There is nothing to actually achieve. Only events to be proposes in hopes the community stays entertained.

I went on a rant there and am sorry but before srp can become more.... lively, I think staff should hold a meeting together or even do an “event” where staff and the entire community get into a vc to discuss concerns and such. Then from there see how far we all can get.


Level 183
I don’t think it’s so easy to give out feedback as to what can be implemented. Not in a certain tone but when people suggest stuff, especially something that brings a whole new concept to srp, it’s usually turning the server into straight up cityrp which the owners are 100% in denial of doing so. Even an idea of mine that wouldn’t have overtaken the balance of school and city was denied and was told to do it myself yet the point was that it’s hard to get something out there for people to get involved in.

People are suggesting cool and interesting things but I’m starting to get bored of it as well. It’s just a repeating cycle of getting on and playing the role of whatever you’re supposed to do. Maybe I haven’t personally settled down to actually roleplay but it’s a little hard for myself when I’ve surrounded myself with people who don’t take that much time to do so. Regardless, we can sit here and talk about suggestions and feedback but I think the biggest thing staff should discuss is how they plan to actually start taking a turn into a new era of srp and be open to other ideas that may change srp just a bit.

there’s not much to do and you’re basically told or expected to make your own goals from the start. It gets boring fast because what not after you achieve your own goals? There is no end goal for srp. There is nothing to actually achieve. Only events to be proposes in hopes the community stays entertained.

I went on a rant there and am sorry but before srp can become more.... lively, I think staff should hold a meeting together or even do an “event” where staff and the entire community get into a vc to discuss concerns and such. Then from there see how far we all can get.

Agreed. I know this shouldn't be City RP but doesn't mean they can't add anything in general for fun outside school. It became just about teachers and students, but what about adults, or other jobs, or even off-school time.


Level 87
Agreed. I know this shouldn't be City RP but doesn't mean they can't add anything in general for fun outside school. It became just about teachers and students, but what about adults, or other jobs, or even off-school time.
I feel like they do that on purpose. Make it boring to be outside of school so you can try to go back to being a student or something. If you’re not part of the other factions then you most likely gangrp or just an ordinary adult running around probably bored as well.


Level 63
I like to be optimistic in a way to put out ideas and to try and get them realized even if it takes time. Sometimes the key is patience, even if it's an idea that you have that would have to do with the city rather then school, propose it so we can hopefully few it back/build onto it, I'll read every single idea and will give thought into each of them, I just cannot promise it'll get done, this is just to brainstorm ideas for the server yeah?

Let's just give out ideas and not try to blame things and blahblah, im trynna get ideas from yall man, listening to you

Let's not cause drama or smth LOL
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Level 87
I like to be optimistic in a way to put out ideas and to try and get them realized even if it takes time. Sometimes the key is patience, even if it's an idea that you have that would have to do with the city rather then school, propose it so we can hopefully few it back/build onto it, I'll read every single idea and will give thought into each of them, I just cannot promise it'll get done, this is just to brainstorm ideas for the server yeah?

Let's just give out ideas and not try to blame things and blahblah, im trynna get ideas from yall man, listening to you

Let's not cause drama or smth LOL
Well I don’t mean for you to take it that way. It’s not drama it’s just personal experience and opinions.


Level 87
Eitherway; do you have ideas ? Let's say there's no limit, anything you'd propose?
I could and do and would have ideas besides previous ones that’s been lost in a great war from 1955. As much as I try to be optimistic and out the idea out there, I sometimes know the outcome/decision either by the staff or the general public themselves. So I don’t put it out there until I have it fully planned out like the one I did before


Level 63
Man, mgiht aswell for me to asking players in /looc instead, my whole point of asking in the first place was to see if we could give something more fun that would work with everything we have in place now; which is totally duable


Level 86
In reply to PashOP's post somewhere in here, to be honest when gangrpers are being boring murderhobos or that week where they kept killing cops for no real in-character reason it made me want to log on that account a whole lot less. I don't think there's any big problems with the perms system as is.

I think the main thing SRP is experiencing is stagnation when everyone expected a major change (the new map). For example, Gangrp has done nothing new as of recent and it's more or less always the same stuff. Not even the people who gangrp change all that often, and I have a belief that the various bypassers and whatevers tend to shoo away any new players that want to try and gangrp. . . So the circle of gangrpers stagnates as well. I'd say take a break from gangrp and meet some new people. It helps out a LOT with the stagnation. (go out and meet some greenies!! SRP still gets new players!!)

I'd say you're in the minority here (old, old SRP players) and might just be stuck in your own stagnation. I do wish SRP got a lot more love put into it again like how FRP does. I think the new map and a change of scenery will help out a LOT since we've all been trapped in Karakura for like 2-3 years now.

Another thing.. Try out new characters and get out of your comfort zone! One of the things I've done is joining a team and actually getting involved with the people on it, and then in my roleplay group outside of there we've all been playing with the idea of playing the children of each other's adult characters.

EDIT: as for taking breaks, try playing on frp for a bit!! maybe u can get some swag ideas from there
EDIT 2: as for the original post, this is a roleplay server if you're not engaging with roleplay ... then why are you on a roleplay server


Level 68
SchoolRP is not dying.

The server has just become dull due to the lack of implementation. Updates are not as often pushed out, and for plenty of reasons. Lack of suggestions, or stuff that can ACTUALLY be added. A lot of people got their hopes up for the new map which would've pushed tons of players to play once more. Although the idea seemingly has been pushed back. Eventually, we will get one.

The server itself has a lot to do with friend groups, Interactional based sequences, and such. If you want to experience more roleplay then engaging yourself into groups of people, or even certain people, and then overly progressing is a good way to obtain roleplay if you do not want to sit around spawn.

Lastly, there is not a whole lot of things to do outside of school. School is the main point of the server as said in its name, although as plenty of people have mentioned they do not want to change the server into CityRP, despite there being city-like roles. Although in all reality they are not a whole lot of ideas that can be implemented, although if you have noticed they add small things around the map such as a skate park that serves no purpose.

Enough of me speaking, if you do have a suggestion then posting a thread about it would be the best bet. Keep in mind that make it realistically doable for roleplay aesthetic, alongside possible to implement. I would like to see more activities other than SCHOOL although if you have not done so already, they are plenty of things to do in the School such as sports, clubs, counseling, etc.


Level 87
Man, mgiht aswell for me to asking players in /looc instead, my whole point of asking in the first place was to see if we could give something more fun that would work with everything we have in place now; which is totally duable
Well I was recently thinking about changing gangrp and putting it in a “new era” but people may be against it as a whole. Dropping all the weapons and mainly fist fights. Leaving the students to school gangs and claiming parts of the school as their territory and leaving the brutal part of gangrp to adults/certified people. Maybe that will sort the negativity inside of gangrp. It’s only just a slight idea since I personally thought about getting into it if it was made that way


Level 68
Let's just give out ideas and not try to blame things and blahblah, im trynna get ideas from yall man, listening to you
No one is purposefully and/or trying to blame things. In reality, it is not so much blaming, it's more so acknowledging the evident. They are plenty of players who still play, therefore it does not make much of a difference. Though we thank you for listening.


Level 63
Even if people still play, I play only adults myself I know how it is to be bored out of your mind without anything to do and just end up running around talking in OOC or something because yeah, hense the whole point of the conversation ykyk?

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