Level 6

What is your Minecraft username?: Boristheraccoon
What is your time zone?: EST
What is your Discord username? (eg @muffincats) astrocastroenvy
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Spanish Application ACCEPTED
French Application ACCEPTED
Lang Application ACCEPTED
Lang Application ACCEPTED
Lang Application ACCEPTED
Physiatrist Application DENIED
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
4-11 pm | 4-11 pm | 11-2 pm / 4-11pmam | 4-11 pm | 4- whenever I feel like it pm | All Day | All Day |
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have been roleplaying since 2020, but in August got back into SRP and have been heavily invested and seriously improved, and I am proud of how far I've come. I have 9 characters all from different backgrounds and mindsets, Some have child minds and others are children. One is schizophrenia one a sociopath, another a mother. So I've had practice with all different aspects of Roleplay. The character I'm using for this application is an older brother and soon-to-be father who grew up fighting to keep his sister from harm. He is compassionate and wants to teach younger minds. He's been someone I've used as a role model, especially for the “Beaufoy Family” which he is a branch head of. Before Srp it used to just be me and my sister building worlds and roleplaying in them, later on, I recruited my nephew, and it's what started my passion for roleplaying.

Evangeline Beaufoy- a brain-damaged 16-year-old who's in 2 families, Togomi and Beaufoy, who disowned her mother with the help of Zixin Togomi, who's been her father figure. She even went into a coma due to an ungodly amount of stress and has since grown a backbone and became part of a council for the Togomi Family
Astrodite Hades- My first character since returning to SRP and is now engaged with a somewhat adopted son Lucas. This character is where I found all my main friends.
Ani Sterling Osiris- she was made for a friend and branched out to families and now works at Yeobo.
Issac Beaufoy- a father figure and Marine. He is deeply involved with Evangeline and Freya and their backstories.
Freya Lucia K. Huxley-Astely- My gangrp character She is in Manen. I made her especially for this gang because of my love for it and the people within it, I had to make a return after retiring Guadalupe. This character is the character I made huge growth with DetailRP. This character I have to be detailed with because of her being in Manen i have to be very detailed about what I'm doing and make sure I have the right information and be certain I know it ICLY.
Guadalupe Hernandez- she has schizophrenia and has made a deep impact on people's lives, her story is rooted in many lives, and has since been retired unless I'm able to do something more with her. She was huge for me and the start of better DetailRP and GangRp.
Adria Vinke- a new character that is under development
Angelina Aetos- She was made for Mazerp but I didn't get into it that much so I transferred her over, she is now engaged to Gwayne Aiuchi and works at Yudokuna and used to work at Honey Corp(A building and tailoring business). She is a peaceful character but has gotten into some drama.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP: Just a 12th grader, raccoon
What is the subject you want to teach?: English

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
His life growing up was severely rough. When he arrived home he was working to get out of being gang affiliated due to his sister getting hurt and that shook him up, not paying as much mind to her Angie joined the Togomi Family and met a girl named Pua and they discovered they were half-siblings Angie was quick to introduce Pua to Issac and he immediately took Pua under his wing, happy to have another sister. He had to be more than just an older brother, he had to be a mentor a teacher someone these kids had to rely on. So he began diving deep into the teaching world and strived not just to teach his ever-growing family but to teach more young minds about the world. He wants to teach his students there is so much more to the world than technology and there's so much more than violence. He wants to teach his students how beautiful the world is especially through writing. Issac has been an excellent writer his whole life, he had to write many stories about his different personas and be different people. All these stories have made him who he is today and he isn’t ashamed.
In the past, my motivation started from a desire to engage in role-playing that delved deeper into character development, something different from the typical, less intense interactions. Currently, I'm driven by a determination to have students interact more in classes. Having experienced the monotony of lecture-based teaching firsthand, I'm eager to break free from this pattern. As someone who has been deeply involved in gang role-playing for quite some time, I'm now seeking a fresh perspective and new challenges as a roleplayer in SRP. Not only will this break my attention from GangRP but it’ll also give me something to look forward to. My main goal is to get into the teaching community, seeing the significant role that interaction plays in the server given it's a school-based server. I aspire to create an environment where students are encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions and explore scenarios through role-playing, providing them with a unique and immersive educational experience then sitting AFK for a class period, they could potentially gain something from it. Though initially it seemed like a hard job and something I wouldn't want to do, my experience has taught me that change is sometimes needed, regardless of the role we have within SRP. Embracing this change, I'm committed to getting into this side of RP and learning from its educational environments that prioritize student engagement and participation. I chose English specifically because it will encourage people to action out what they are doing and assist them in getting better at detail roleplay, especially with rule changes, i want to help encourage more detailed actions
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. Hosting an interactive class with English games is a fantastic way to engage students while reinforcing their vocabulary skills, this will also open up their vocabulary to be able to detailrp a bit better.
Game: Vocabulary Challenge - Word Association
Objective: To expand students' vocabulary and encourage quick thinking.
How to Play:
Setup: Divide the class into teams. Each team should have a designated speaker.
Begin with one team. The speaker from that team starts by saying a word out loud, for example, "moon." The next team's speaker must quickly say a word that is associated with the previous word. For example, if the first word was "moon," the next speaker might say "light." The game continues with each team taking turns to provide a word that is associated with the previous one. For example: "shine" -> "dark" -> "night" -> "stars" -> "moon" and so on. The teams must work together and agree on a word.
- Words must be related in some way to the previous word.
- Each word should be said promptly to keep the game fast-paced.
- If a team repeats a word that has already been said or fails to come up with a word in time, they are out for that round.
Winner: The last team standing, or the team with the most correct associations when time runs out, wins the round and earns a sticker.
Benefits from the game:
- Encourages quick thinking and creativity.
- Expands vocabulary by exploring word associations.
- Promotes teamwork and communication skills.
- Helps them write faster and think quickly which will help them in later detailed rps.
2. Speeches and Debates, this exercise will help students think fast and write about the subject, it could also extend for 2-3 class periods.
Objective: To develop students' public speaking skills, critical thinking, and argumentation abilities.
Begin by discussing the importance of effective communication skills and the role of speeches and debates in conveying ideas persuasively. Provided examples of famous speeches or debates from history and their impact on society will be given. Break down the components of a speech: introduction, body, and conclusion. Discuss the purpose of each section and how to craft compelling openings, develop arguments, and end with a strong conclusion. Each group presents its speeches and leads a feedback session after being divided into groups. Encourage students to offer constructive criticism regarding the content, presentation, and overall efficiency. Underscore the significance of steady and deferential scrutinizing. Explain the structure of a debate, including opening statements, rebuttals, and closing arguments. Highlight the importance of researching both sides of an issue and formulating strong arguments. Divide the class into two teams: Those who agree and those who disagree. Assign a debate topic (e.g., "Should school uniforms be mandatory?") and give each team time to research and prepare their arguments. Both sides will debate with each other, ensuring that each side has equal time to present their arguments and rebuttals. Encourage active listening and respectful engagement from all students. Which is Issac's basic rules of the classroom. Close the class with a reflection meeting where the students share their contemplations on the experience. Discuss the main takeaways, difficulties encountered, and areas in which public speaking and debate skills can be improved. Support the significance of training and diligence in creating successful correspondence capacities.
- Students are allowed to practice various aspects of public speaking and argumentation by incorporating speeches and debates into the classroom. As a result, they gain confidence and proficiency in expressing their ideas persuasively, they also are given more experience with roleplaying and detailing an argument.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
ICLY: English field trip- as someone who traveled a lot growing up and was a Marine, I want my students to experience their surroundings in a different light. Show them that there's more to Kara Kura than just the screen. I want to show off the beautiful scenery of our town. Having them go out as a whole and see the city as more than just the place they live and write about what they’ve seen and experienced would be remarkable for them. It's an eye-opener when you see where you live in a new light. They would all be provided books and list the things they see and turn them into a small story detailing what they felt and what the experience was like while they traveled.
OOCLY: I have had a teacher take us to the park and make us write about things we saw and detail them. In my opinion, this was an incredible idea, not only does it improve people's DetailRP but it makes them think more about how they will detail and what exactly are they going to be writing about. It's important to encourage people to practice their Detail RP so that in other situations they can detail their actions better and be able to do things such as P2L, they will be able to be better prepared to detail their actions. Another example is clubs, I have a character in drama club, and I need to be able to detail my actions and use color codes. Classes like this will be able to help build up my and other's strengths in DetailRPing.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Issac would firstly assist the situation depending on what happens, he would first tell the students to stop crowding around the high school student and get to class, if it continues he will get the counselors and break up the crowd and ask what is exactly happening if it's a friendly type of thing as in playing around with the high schooler, Issac will just remind them not to crowd a person and try to look less like they were having some sort of malicious intent with it by how it appears. If they are jumping/attacking the said high schooler, Issac would instantly give them detention because he will not tolerate that behavior from adults in college and should know better, especially with his personal views. He has his kids and wouldn't want grown adults attacking his teenage kids. After he gives them detention he will tell them why they shouldn't be behaving in such a manner and not repeat it and that he will be informing SLT about their way childish behavior.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
He would sternly ask them to stop asking unwarranted questions if they are unwarranted, or talking during detention as is a time for punishment for their actions. However, if they're asking questions about the detention assignment or things of that nature he will gladly answer. If he is unable to help them depending on what the assignment is about he will tell them, “It's alright if you can't figure it out or get it wrong, as long as you did your best and genuinely attempted it all will be well”. If it was an English-based type of detention slip he would discuss what it is about and then make them write whatever the subject is about with some guidance, not giving them much assistance on it because again this is their punishment. After that, he will ignore any other unneeded questions they ask if it is off-topic and remind them to not talk during detention.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Issac's wondering eyes would look at the cheerleaders, who disrupted the class. His expression has changed as he starts to look more serious dropping his calmer more friendly look. He would verbally warn them to stop playing around, turn off their phones, and respect their peers as they are concentrating on the task. Along with this, if they continue he would tell them for the second time to turn off their phones and not repeat the same actions, if this behavior proceeded to happen another time he would take their phone for the rest of the class and tell them that they possibly get detention if they do not comply with their behavior. If for some reason, they choose to disrespect him another time he would give them detention as he already gave them many warnings to change their behavior and be the bigger person, this behavior should not be tolerated at their age as they are to be a role model to the bobcats or high schoolers.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Isaac would get in between the fight, without harming any of the students and tell them to break it up before he gives them detention. If that doesn't work and after three warnings, Isaac will get in between them and stop the fighting, making sure they're away from each other and they receive detention, “That's enough, cut it out before I inform SLT about both of your behaviors.” The main way of getting into it is to stop the fighting as much as possible and to get them separate, Issac is used to fighting he grew up around it. If he cannot break it up he’d call for backup. Issac isn't afraid of getting hurt by students. If he does successfully break it up he would get the students to the nurse's office and get them patched up if they did get any bleeding or harmed excessively. After that, he'll try to get why they fought from insight to both sides before deciding on what to do exactly. He sees no point in fighting with our hands, more with words. He understands the anger of younger kids he used to be angry like them and understands why they are.

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Issac Beaufoy has fiery short red hair and it shines brightly, making him a striking figure. His penetrating red eyes appear to hold a force that can both enrapture and threaten the individuals who meet his look. Standing tall and certain, he conducts himself with a demeanor of confidence, that oozes an attractive mystique that draws consideration any place he goes. Issac's intricate dragon sleeve tattoo is one of his most distinctive features. It wraps around his muscular arm and extends to his chest, creating an impressive picture of mythical creatures and swirling designs. Issac possesses a certain mysterious quality despite his bold appearance, indicating the depths of his character that lie beneath his outward appearance. He might seem fearsome from the beginning, yet the people who get to know him to realize he is a wonderful friend or an enthusiastic supporter for purposes near his heart, he is kind-hearted and cares for those around him. Issac Beaufoy is a man of logical inconsistencies, mixing strength and weakness, power and responsiveness, in an enthralling and extraordinary bundle.
Personal Morals
Issac Beaufoy's educational encounters, especially his job as a dad and his military background shape his way of dealing with instructing and working with others. His point of view as a dad impacts how he sees his students not just as kids to be instructed, but as people with their contemplations, sentiments, and viewpoints. He loves to hear their feedback and effectively pays attention to them during examples, encouraging them to use their voices and that they are heard and regarded. While he sees them as people, he holds them in somewhat higher respect because of their common interest in learning. He talks to them thoughtfully, eager to learn from their experiences and teaching methods, which he sees as opportunities for professional and personal growth. Issac's military background instills discipline, self-assurance, and resilience in him. His conventional disposition and certain attitude mirror his long stretches of administration, and he can stay calm even in testing circumstances, like fights or other conflicts. Issac's hopes for the future are based on his desire to support his family, particularly his newly discovered daughter Anais. His objective is clear: to guarantee she has the most ideal life, loaded up with adoration, and opportunity just like how he raised Evangeline. In general, Issac Beaufoy emerges as another conscious, respectful, focused on the two most important things to him, his occupation as a teacher and his commitments as a father. His diverse foundation enhances his connections and shows his way of dealing with life, forming him into a coach who focuses on sympathy, understanding, and development.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Issac Beaufoy is a male native of France, having lived there through childhood and adolescence. Growing up in a small home with his overworked mother, baby sister, and non-existent father was harsh on the male. With his mother always working, it was often left up to Issac to take care of Evangeline. From the moment he was physically able to, he would take his sister to school, then go home and make food for the two. After Isaac turned 17, his mother started taking on more shifts due to the landlord raising the already high monthly rent. Due to this, he found that any lasting strands of a relationship he and his little sister, who was only an infant at this time, had with their mother snapped quickly. Anytime she talked with her kids, the conversations were short and terse. Oftentimes, Isaac ended the nights arguing with his mother about her availability.
It was the night of his 18th birthday that genuinely led to a downhill slide in his future. His mother had promised to take the day off to celebrate with him. Issac planned the entire day, from making breakfast for her to going out to bowl and enjoy the arcade! Instead, he stood at the breakfast table with a cold plate of pancakes and Evangeline in his arms for hours. The morning turned to noon, and the driveway was still empty. Issac spent his 18th birthday making food for Evangeline and doing chores. When it hit 11 pm, Issac silently lit his birthday candle, blowing it out and leaving the cake uneaten. The next morning, his mother didn't come home. Or the day after. Issac called her job, but they said she quit suddenly and left. That was when he knew that she wasn't coming back.
Not long after this, Issac started getting involved in places he should have avoided. Sacrificing everything to ensure he and his younger sister could have a proper life, he found himself getting involved with crime, joining small rag-tag gangs to make quick cash when needed. It was difficult, and he had to learn what it meant to leave his heart at home when he left to do missions. Not long after the Mafia, a big gang in the city at the time, took notice of the new criminal. They took him under their wing, calling him "BAIN". With a new alias and some new friends by his side, his involvement in gangs and illegal activity only grew. Despite this, he did everything he could to ensure his younger sister would not be involved.
They paid for him and his sister to spend some time in Mexico to make a trade for some weapons and temporarily lend a hand to a partnering gang. While they were there, Issac noticed his younger sister growing an interest in Ice Skating. Considering everything the two had been through together, he was happy to see her doing something she wanted for once and wanted to support her in every way he could. After talking to his higher-ups, they put Evangeline into Ice Skating lessons while Issac focused on his mission. It was a long year, full of hardships and events that could have led to Isaac's demise, but the gang rewarded him with an option after he completed the mission. Beaufoy could either return to France and take up a higher spot or take a break entirely and return another time. Keeping Evangaline in mind, he chose the latter.
Due to the many opportunities given to him, he moved with Evangeline to New Orleans in the United States of America. Despite being on break, he continued to work as a criminal to keep earning quick cash for himself and his sister. He focused on working through college and helping fund his younger sister's Ice Skating career. Evangeline was old enough to be trusted alone during this time, and Isaac allowed her. This was a mistake and one that the Beaufoys would soon regret. While in the city, 'BAIN' was not an open book. He made sure that every little detail about him was inconspicuous, and he did not once mention to anyone that he had a sister. He was wise in his decisions and careful about where he went and who he kept around. Despite the cautionary steps he took, they did not protect his sister the day it mattered the most.
Issac had just finished another deal, putting his mask and bat away as he looked around his apartment. He noticed the time and figured it was about time he started dinner for when his sister got home. That way, she could have a hearty meal to help her muscles, which were often sore from her practices. After he prepared some sushi with noodles and rice, he sat down and waited for her arrival. The clock turned, a ticking sound that never ended or slowed down, and his phone stayed un-used, no new messages showing up either. He was getting worried. She was usually home by this point; where was she? Two hours later, with 36 missed calls, Evangeline opened the door. Her clothes were matted, and her face was full of bruises and cuts, but she was otherwise fine. The other girl, one around Evangeline's age, had blood on her as well. Albeit the blood was not from herself, as explained. Evangeline was on her way home when a group of men attacked her, leading to the strange newcomer stepping in to save the day. This girl introduced herself as Freya Astley and quickly became a close member of their family.
Issac was beyond distraught to hear his little sister had been attacked. It was something that he had spent his whole life trying to avoid, how could it be possible that it happened when he made damn sure he protected her the best he could? Deciding to do some research, he dug around the city to find security cameras, files of criminals, and anything that might tell him who it was that hurt Evangeline. In a month, he finally got the information he needed. The person who hurt her was an ex-mafia member, who was after Issac for revenge on the gang as a whole.
Issac realized what he needed to do. He told Evangeline to say goodbye to her new friend and pack up her things. They were going to move one last time and take advantage of the smaller island with less recognition. Moving to Karakura meant that Isaac could start anew, and leave behind his past of crimes. After having finished college, he hoped to work at the School and give Evangeline a better life without the worry of being hunted down for something she didn't do. After finding out that Freya, her friend she met back in New Orleans, actually lived in Karakura with a Beaufoy past deeper than anyone knew, he took her under his wing as another sister.
Now living in Karakura, he has severed all connections to his Criminal past and lives a free man simply doing his best to protect his family and help educate future generations in any way he can. No matter what happens, or where his job leads him, he will never leave his family's side.

Full Name: Issac Beaufoy
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Beaufoy
Given Name(s): Issa, Bain
Preferred Name: Issa
Age: 30
Gender & pronouns: Male he/him
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: French
Current Location: House 208
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): 7 years
Working Experience (# of years): 12 years
Academic Degree: Bachelor's/master's in English and a PhD
Year of Graduation: 2012
Composition: The study of the craft of writing poetry or prose.
English literature: The study of poetry and prose written in the English language and literary criticism.
Linguistics: The scientific study of language.
Composition studies
Creative writing
English linguistics
Native Languages: French
Other Languages: Jsl
Preferred Teaching Subject: English
Extra/ Additional notes about your application (if any):