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itsmariavv HS Council Application


Level 211

What is your Minecraft Username?:
itsmariavv (alt, the one that i would use if i were accepted)
itsmariav (main)

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
I just got warned for speaking portuguese in “/lang Portuguese” for 7days.

What is your timezone?:
AMT (Amazon Time)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:
Yes, I do. It is mariav#5505

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
College Application - Approved
Portuguese Application - Approved
French Application - Approved
JSL Application - Denied (Due to already have two languages)
JSL Application 2.0 - Approved

Describe your activity on the server?:
Checking the SRP community is part of my daily life. Every day I play on the server for at least 5 to 6 hours in a row, in addition to being very active on discord, where the only time I'm not online is when I'm sleeping. I also regularly check the forum, which ended up becoming my hobby when I don't have much to do as I already finished school. Besides that, as being part of the football team, my activity is monitored and if i had to be inactive i would do an inactivity log right away.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I am aware of this and I accept any and all punishments that apply to me.


What is the student council?:
The student council is a group of students who, on a voluntary basis, help the school in various ways. Ensuring that other students follow the school campus rules, helping clubs to plan events, helping Teachers and Professors when needed to deal with some students, etc. In addition, the student council is headed by the President and the Vice President of the council, having one of each, High School and College. In the student council, there are usually students who dedicate themselves to school, both in class, studying, and in extracurricular subjects, such as clubs and the school community.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
I had already noticed that there was a student council in Karakura and I found it interesting, but I only really wanted to participate when my friend joined the college student council and started telling me more about what they do and I was very interested. In addition, after spending many months with the same character, the desire to change and improve my roleplay with things I had never done before on SRP grew in me, what made me buy an alt and make an original character, to challenge myself and live experiences that I haven't had in this community yet.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
The student council of Karakura makes sure that all students are following the rules of the school, making “patrols” around the campus watching them and directing the students to the classrooms when a class begins. In addition, they deal with students who breach school rules by applying punishments such as detention after class or even, in more serious cases, can be communicated to a superior and students can be given a suspension or even an expulsion. Besides that, the Karakura student council is also linked to school clubs, helping them to organize school large and small events.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
I would say that I am a person with a very strong sense of leadership. When i was in High school, I was part of the student council and in my last year I was part of the Graduation Committee as well, organizing fundraising events, graduation themes, attractions, everything. Due to the covid, I am still part of the 2020 class committee, as we haven’t had the possibility to do the graduation.

What interests you the most about the student council?:
Planning events and organizing it. I actually did exactly that for almost two years in high school and i really enjoyed it (Graduation Comittee and invited by the teachers to help on school events as ONU simulations, etc.), even though it can really be stressful i enjoy seeing the final product and receiving people’s feedback about it. Besides that, it can sound a little weird but I also like making people follow the rules and do that on the school campus would also be fun for me.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
Since I was little I always liked to play in the "Machinimas" (as formerly minecraft roleplays were called, at least in Brazil) and before knowing about RPH and SRP, i used to play in a brazilian roleplay server called Hopeland, really similar to Fantasy RP, where i played since the server opened to the last day, when they annouced that it was going to be shut down. In addition, in my personal life, I have always had a strong interest in theater and musical theater in general. At SRP, I am part of the college female football team and have been playing for almost a year on the server. Gael is my second character and I have loved roleplaying with it because he is different from my other character and also because I can challenge myself more while I roleplay with him.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
Since it is not up to me to make the only decision, I would hear the whole idea of it and, if they gave me an opening, I would speak my opinion, obviously without being rude or disrespecting my colleague. I would express what I don't like about the idea and give suggestions on how I would change it to something better. If the majority likes the idea that I didn’t, I wouldn’t complain because it was the majority’s decision and I respect that.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:
If I trust my idea too much, I would struggle a little more trying to prove that it is good, being respectful. If the other members still don't like it, I would accept it, respecting and listening to the opinion of others. So, I could reflect on how to improve my idea and know where I went wrong so that next time I can deliver an idea that the collective approves.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I would try to calm my colleagues' nerves, explaining that this is not the reason for a fight. Besides trying to organize and reverse the situation, giving everyone the chance to show their opinion respectfully, ensuring that everyone hears the opposite opinions so that, in consensus, we can reach an agreement.

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:
First of all, I would talk to the President or Vice-President of the council and alert him about the councilor's attitudes since it is up to them to give the punishment that the councilor deserves. However, after that I would probably talk to my colleague because I would be concerned with why he started acting this way and would advise him if he wanted my advice because I believe that, when someone acts this way, there is something else behind it, a difficult day or week, problems in the family or love relationship, many reasons. Therefore, I would be there if my colleague needed someone to talk to.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
This would probably happen at a meeting, talking about something. When he finished speaking I would ask for permission to give my opinion and quote all the points that I do not agree with. Obviously, it would be respectful and it is not necessary for any fight to start because of this. We are all part of a group where opinions are valid and criticism is constructive. If I am the only one who does not agree with what the President said, I would understand.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
I would probably talk to them and ask them to leave personal matters for after school. I don't like to get involved in dramas that have nothing to do with me, so I would just ask them to behave like professionals and deal with their problems outside the school. If this continues to interfere with their work as councilors, I would tell what was going on to someone in a higher position than me. As the President or Vice President and would let them settle that matter.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
I think that, alone, there is not much to do other than try to convince that member to stop doing that and if just talking didn't work, I would instantly report it to the Vice President, President, Principals or Deans. I’d do that because I think they have more power to do something about it and make sure that that will change. Of course, I would help with whatever was necessary to report and ensure that it does not happen again.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
I would directly say that I cannot do anything for him. He put himself in that situation and probably deserved the punishment he took. Obviously for being my friend it would hurt me more to do this, but the work in the council must be taken seriously and the appropriate punishments must be taken.


Character Name:
Gael Hart

Character Gender:

Character Age:

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:
Gael Hart is a boy, above all, confident. He knows his flaws and qualities and handles it very well. He is a faithful friend and cares about his colleagues, but that doesn't stop him from making fun of them constantly (with those he has opening to). Gael is outgoing, makes friends easily and is not ashamed to show who he is and how he acts. Normally, he always had a lot of courage when speaking in public and presenting works, rarely getting nervous with the audience, always more concerned with his appearance and whether he knows exactly everything he has to say. In general, Gael is a boy who wants to learn more every day to be the best at whatever he decides to do in the future.

Character appearance/attire:
Gael has silky black hair, with a strand of his bangs dyed white. He is a white boy with heterochromia, being one eye blue and the other green. His body is slightly athletic, of someone who went to the gym a few times. He would have broad shoulders and stand at 5’11” tall. Besides, he would always be well dressed, with clean and ironed clothes. Moreover, his nails would always be done, with a sparkling nail polish on them.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
“I would say that I am the type of person with a very strong sense of leadership and dedication in me. I always do my best to be the best in everything I do and the Council would be no different. In addition to having ideas for joining the council, I am very sincere, so I would always give my opinion on the ideas that come up. That's why I think I can be different from other participants and good for the council.”

Why do you want this position?:
“I came to Karakura in search of better quality of teaching, I am very dedicated in class and I value the school, and bothers me a lot to see students breaking the rules, disrespecting employees and colleagues, etc. I want to be able to help make the school a better environment for everyone. In addition, I am very interested in the other works of the student council, such as organizing events in partnership with the clubs. I wish I could participate and integrate the ideas that I have.”

What interests you the most about student council?:
“I cannot deny that I am looking forward to helping organize school events. I want to be able to give my opinions and ideas to the other members of the council on this and I am very excited about it, if I am accepted. But... What strangely interests me most is to make sure that school rules are followed. Back in Brazil, the school I was studying was completely vandalized and I always wanted to do something about it, but unfortunately I never had the opportunity. I want to be able to do something more in Karakura and have our school preserved.”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
“Ah… there are so many things that come to mind when i think about it... I want to be able to help in all matters, whether by hanging posters publicizing the events, helping my friends and classmates to study… even making rounds at the school, ensuring that everyone is following the rules and taking good care of the school campus because, in a way or on the other, we are there almost every day for many hours, which ends up giving a feeling of "home". I want everyone to have this feeling that I have.”

Thank you for reading my application!


Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

- Congratulations you have been accepted. Your application was reviewed by myself and the Council Presidents and it was agreed upon to accept you. All you need to do join the Academics Discord and @ WiffyBanter inside of the #help channel. You'll recieve your Discord Role. Later you may either request your IN-GAME role through /help, Role Request or request it from me in the Council Chat when I am online.​

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