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Itsuma Forest


Level 8


"Oh my god don't attack me for being inspired by Violet Evergarden, her backstory is absolute extraordinary."
[ WIP]

It is currently 6AM in Tokyo, Japan. I would be seen in the door entrance perhaps waiting for someone. Having to be seen a porcelain like lady approaching me. She’d launch her left heel together with her right, being followed with a “click.” Raising her right hand up to her forehead at an angle. It would seem like a salute. “At your service.” Would be heard from the woman. I would nod her head, grabbing her hand gently, “Let’s go.” They walked off into a hidden room back at my apartment, to start an interesting interview.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Sitting down, across, face to face. I’d be holding a clipboard. Starting off with, “What’s your name?” In response she replied with “Itsuma.”

“Itsuma Forest.”

“Preferred Name.”

“What’s your Aliases?”

“How old are you?”

“How tall are you?”

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

I would write down her posture, features, what she has seemed to be.. “She would be quite fairly muscular and agile, with a dexterity posture being followed with a strong stance. Seemed to have a baby face.”
Writing down more things about her.. “Porcelain, being usually giving off a “doll” like vibe.”
“Her eyes would be seen like and Ocean-Sky Blue.”
“Her hair is quite short, since she worked in a dangerous job, long hair was / is not recommended.”
“With her hair being Pure Diamond, quite Blonde..”

“Her clothing taste is quite bland to be noticed. Her fashion is something to be non-existent, as she is normally being told to do something, being put in a habitat where they’d usually be in uniform, she doesn’t have much clothing.”

There would be a section called “Abnormalities.” Not being quite the strange one, I just asked her to describe any sort of “imperfections” that she’d seen to have.
“Battle scar on her left cheek, gentle faded scar.”

Asking where she was born is quite strange I thought, I asked if she had known something of her own birthday, if she even celebrated it.
" ████████ "

“Place of birth?” I asked myself, Jesus christ..
“We couldn’t even find her own parents.”
" ████████ "

Continuing on our search, I began to ask about her again. “What’s your Nationality?”
“German, Japanese”


“Sexual Orientation..”
“Straight? Bisexual? Pan? Asexual? Jesus christ, there’s too many sexualities..”
“Let’s just put her as.. ████████”

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Moving my hand a bit more down, seeing..

“General Appearance”

Using the pen and paper as before, I’d write down what she seemed to look like, glancing at her each time. “An elegant, calm and firm lady that she’d seem as. Quite lifeless, doll porcelain sharp facial features with a long cut going across her cheek, horizontally though. She seems to be like a rock. Sitting straight forward, no relaxed or slouched posture. Sometimes she’d response in a weird tactic having to bring her heels together and raising her arms into a salute. Soldier personally, addressing people with “Sir’s” or “Ma’am’s.” Altogether, she seemed quite lifeless. I’m sure throughout this interview I have gotten a few things wrong, but she doesn’t seem to talk unless needed to. She doesn’t do anything else but stand like a Soldier.”

“I can’t tell her personality as much, but I’ll describe it the best I can.”

“I can’t seem to see why she doesn’t eat unless told to, perhaps she forgot how to eat? All she does it sit there until being told to. Is she spaced out often? Claimed that she has been told to eat little and do things quick, conserving time.. She’s very- People would describe her as a kid, helpless, a warrior- A warrior? Why a warrior..” I’d put my pencil down, tapping my chin, asking her “ [ Information has been blacked out ] “ She would not respond. In shock I was, what’s going on? I continued writing, “She seems to be emotionless, perhaps doesn’t know how to express her emotions in a sort of manner or form. Being seen with a straight face on her all the time, no smile, just blinks: a bland reactions that she’d constantly hand to me. She never seems to not speak unless needed to, quite, but she’s efficient which is not a bad thing to have as a human. She would have lanky arms but it seems like she can handle with them, being able to fight such things that appeared throughout her lifetime. Being able to fight like a warrior. She’s not a bright, positive female being usually quite dull. Her posture, stance, reactions, fit with her personality overall. Perhaps someone special could impact her life for the better. Maybe someone to guide her in such manner. She seems to be clingy or to be attached to the people who are close with her or people that she knows.”

Character Voice:
“She’s very gentle sounding but with a strong tone. She seems to be understanding and knowing what to do or is told to do. Questioning new things in life but perhaps it’s for the best for her.”

“For some reason, I’d always see her with gloves.. and a certain stuffed animal that seemed to be gifted by someone, calling the animal "Harold". . . I wonder why. .”

I’d ask myself instead of writing this out.. “Should these questions even be taken seriously at this point.”

“She’s a hard working person from what I see. Being able to respect and be respected. Not the wisest, but she can get the job done with no incorrections nor hesitation. She can maneuver and fight quite well said from her peers. Having her to seem quite emotionless helps her have no guilt in her actions. I believe that she could be quite important to the people around her if they know what to do with her being. She’s smart and efficient. Her talents are spellbinding. Quite above advance placement. Hence why her nickname was given to her.”

“Quirks.. To the testing chamber” Going through multiple tests on her to see her reactions to some things. I was able to gather information. I began writing.
“If something were to happen to her friends, she’d just watch. Having to be seen quite pathetic, she won’t fight without being told to. She won’t protect until told to. Though she can act upon herself, perhaps poking her can get a response. She’ll poke back. She’s fairly quiet but isn’t mute. Something to be noted.”

In reaction of seeing this, I crossed it out. This at all should not be important to her wellbeing, in fact not even knowing where she came from. She came from somewhere dangerous, had no taste of family, no taste of what it felt like to have a bond. I handed her a piece of paper, I told her. “From since you were born until now, tell me everything that happened throughout your lifetime.”

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───


“I love you.”

“Itsuma Forest, age 18, current location: Tokyo, Japan. I was born and raised in Germany. I didn’t have anyone by my side. I didn’t have friends, or parents. I was a nobody. I didn’t have anyone, I felt lost, for actually once, I seemed to have felt emotion. Until someone found me, and enlisted me for the army. - I lied. I had parents, until I was 6. I barely understood words, understood how life worked. I had my own parents taken away from me. Right in front of my eyes, they didn’t get dragged away, they were shot in front of me. I barely understood who they were but called them “mommy” and “daddy” to them have strangers break in just to kill them. My mom was urging to save me, but why me? I always and still wonder to this day. She told me to escape, find freedom in this cruel world, and that she loved me. But what does “love” mean. I could never seem to find the right expressions or words but just hear the word “love.” For some reason, I always thought about my mother.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

“This is your new owner.”

At age 8, I was thrown into the army to help protect and fight. Almost losing everything I had, I was able to get through it all. 2 years of training. I learned how to be human but not how to feel human. I had no pity nor guilt, everyone was just a person who knew each other by name and not by character. My general seemed to have liken me for who I am. I was a gift to him. All I did was listen to my General. Obeyed orders, and listened to him. He trusted me as much as I trusted him. My general was quite sweet to me. He taught me how to speak, wright, infact understood what life had contain. My General was someone important to me. Other than the fact I obeyed orders from him, he was quite a brother to me. He became someone who impacted my life. He seemed to have cared for me. To feel like I had an importance, and my duty was to protect him, to save him. My general didn’t treat me like how’d treat his comrades. Though, I felt just like the others.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

“Continue on, Itsuma.”

My life on the army consisted of the same things, waking up, warm ups, and then heading off into battles. Learning new ways to maneuver around. Realizing that people were going to lose their own friends in battle, I just stood by my General’s side. Being quite a loyal “pet” to him, I felt limited happiness. I was happy but it felt like there was a limit to it. No one showed expressions but sorrow on the playing field. There was no smiles, no happiness, just dead lifeless bodies. And that’s how I became. But my general told me a couple things, how weighting helps, and that if anything happens to him, I should continue. Now, I never knew why he seemed to have disappeared after battle. But all I know is that he’s waiting for me for my next post. I soon, will be there with him, is what I hope to believe. I stayed 4 years in the war, fighting for battle.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

“You’re a stranger to the rest of us.”

I been through in multiple the******s, and foster homes to believe that I don’t have a fit in a place. Other than the fact I have been taking the******s for my health, I don’t fancy any bit of it. Perhaps maybe because I don’t know how to show emotion. Or I don’t know what to do. But it shouldn’t be the reason of why people won’t genuinely accept me. I might perhaps find the reason in the end. But for now, hopefully better in the future. I can maybe perhaps express something. But I’ll seem like a doll, as I am a strong soldier, I am a weapon. I happen to question a lot of things that has happened to me, events that happened. If my major happens to be alive, if maybe it was my fault my parents died, if my parents were heros. I wondered if I should of been the one who should have died. I began writing letters to my general, always waiting for a response of some sort. I never got to see the end of it.”

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Letter ???
“General Harold.
October 5th, 2015
Stuttgart, Germany
It’s been 2 days since I have woken up from the hospital. I can’t seem to remember a lot of words to write, but I’ll try my best of what’s going on. Hopefully I can be able to see you again and fight side-by-side with you. Infact my knowledge is quite limited, but I can assure you that I will regain my memories. I feel a bit stronger than the first day, I was able to sit up fairly better now. Other than the fact that the people here are quite nice, I still seem to not understand what happened to the end of the battle. I have been notified that we won the war. Hurray!
Itsuma Forest.”
Letter ???
“General Harold.
October 12th, 2015
Stuttgart, Germany
It’s been 1 week since I have woken up from the hospital. I can’t really inform you about many things that has been going around me. All I can say is that I can somewhat talk out of this bed. It feels like a jail cell, I hope to return to my post as soon as possible. Hopefully you’re resting quite well. It appears that I might be transferred to a new hospital soon to continue to do research about me. Movement is doing much better.
Itsuma Forest.”

Letter ???
“General Harold.
October 15th, 2015
Ulm, Germany
I got transferred, the view is quite fantastic if I do say so myself. Although it’s quite bland, again, I’m stuck here again. I know it’s just 3 days after my letter but.. It’s my birthday! Woo, turned 14, Am I growing quite old sir? Well, I still have quite a lot to learn about this so called world. I’m sure we can travel more out when the war is.. No longer existing or something. But, the food here is better than back in Stuttgart. They have been a bit lazier of getting me things though, maybe it’s a sign that I am more well. See you soon General.
Itsuma Forest.”

Letter ???
“General Harold.
November 15th, 2015
Ulm, Germany
Not trying to be rude or anything General, but I’d love to have a word back from you. I have been waiting for a whole month without a reply, surely we can work something out? Perhaps you can teach me? Come visit me? I have been waiting for your arrival since I have been here. Maybe once you come we could get ice cream? Perhaps something fun, it’s been awhile since we last talked. I’m sure that we can work something out.. Anyways, I have been taking movement therapy and it’s been going quite well for me. Though speech therapy is quite annoying.. I just like writing better, but surely I need it so I can talk to you of course!
Itsuma Forest.”

Letter ???
“General Harold.
January 6th, 2016
Munich, Germany
It’s a new year, new life correct? I got transferred, it seems like every friend I try to make it gets taken away. What a solid loss. Maybe because they recover faster than me, but I guess that doesn’t matter.. Hopefully they come back to visit me.. Emotion huh? It seems like it’s something I don’t need. Everyones just the same old thing, working hard with bland emotions. I think I can do that.. Hopefully, we can see each other again? I’m starting to lose hope, or maybe because you’re quite busy. Keep doing your best General.
Itsuma Forest.”

Letter ???
“General Harold.
June 10th, 2016
Berlin, Germany
Sir Harold. I have concluded to reason with myself that you have past away. Being lied to from the hospital was not okay, finding out army men isn’t needed anymore made me realize, I was in total guilt for the past 4 weeks, I hope this goes away soon. I decided to soon move out and hope to see someone in Japan, hopefully a new fresh start. This will be the last letter you will happen to receive from me. In hopes I’ll go out from your reach and explore what the world could have given me. Life is short, I must explore it with my thoughts and actions, see what it has to offer. I shall not end up in the same guilt and pattern as you as a soldier. I shall make change, a new path General.
Itsuma Forest.”

Letter ???
“General Harold.
??? ??, 2015
Nuremberg, Germany

Sir General Harold, I would like to thank you for this chicken that you happen to give me. I will name it after you of course. The nurses were nice enough to tell me that you got it for me- Of course, assumingly.. Sometimes I feel like it might not be you, it doesn’t have your scent or presence of it. Though, why a chicken? Of course, not all questions should be answered. I hope to see you soon.. I’m slowly forgetting what day it is sometimes in this hospital. It’s quite lonely without you sir. See you soon.
Itsuma Forest.”

Letter ???
“General Harold.
December 19th, 2015
Berlin, Germany
A fire broke out, they decided to move me to a different hospital before anything could happen to me. Perhaps it could be because of something that happened in the kitchen. But I am safe. The chicken gift, I held quite tightly to, made sure that would not get out of my reach. I hold it dearly, it’s the closest thing it will ever be like you. I- I really miss you. I hope to see you soon again.. Surely it might not happen, but I can assure you that I will be fairly happy to see you once more.
Itsuma Forest.”

For some apparent reason, some of the information has been blacked out by someone, perhaps the person doing the interview? But why? You would ask, is it because she’s too strong? Too powerful? Is knowing things about her a bit too much for the people around her? Perhaps information shouldn’t have been spread around. Other than the fact from the information that we have gathered. She’s a strong wellbeing. Assure, she can truly be something. She has been sent to be taken care under Nozomi’s arm. Though with her time with her. Accidentally, Itsuma became a maid like person. But, at least now she’s acting on her own a bit. Perhaps, Itsuma will write letters to Nozomi when she’s on her business trips. Although, Nozomi did later find out some terrifying information which Nozomi would just gag at the thought of it. Perhaps, Itsuma is a yandere? Who honestly knows anything about her. Itsuma is like a dead soul. She can’t do genuinely anything to help support herself. Perhaps her having genuine feelings for someone could lead to terrible disaster. If you think about what Itsuma has gone through, possible signs of a yandere personality might come out..

Just gonna mention..... Amazingly Itsuma became a maid for certain people.. though still not being able to show expression in her actions..

[ WIP ]


Level 8
Thread starter
Legit sounds like the name of a new forest being made... We don't need more, but now we have a walking forest... SHIT.


Level 231
great another evergarden

also uh she cant of been in the army when she was 8 sorry just isnt a thing.

minimum enlistment age is 18 in germany, same with japan so kind of failrp

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