Level 5
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Information
IGN: pvchiekisq
DO YOU HAVE A WORKING MICROPHONE FOR DISCORD CALLS: I do, yes, I've joined calls with people frequently
DISCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: I started playing around 2 or 3 years ago and I have been off the server for a year because of personal reasons but I am on for about 2 or 3, whenever I am free.
WHAT KNOWLEDGE DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE OF SHINTOISM AND ARE YOU PREPARED TO LEARN ABOUT THE RELIGON? Nothing much besides the regular Japanese things and a few games I played, you bow before you enter and always walk on the side of the road in for the Kami to go down the middle and the emotions and sincerity to your actions are important. it's about nature spiritual beings and ancestors through Japanese history and a few rituals. Although I don't know much know I will learn the religion over time and over studying.
WHAT MAKES YOU STAND OUT FOR THIS ROLE OVER OTHER APPLICANTS? I am in high school JROTC (IRL) and the first squad leader in my company so with what I observe from my squad mates is how to lead multiple people which is needed to have a role of leadership such as a priest along with the dedication and I have both, and after being a private tutor in SRP for a few months I learned how to deal with people.
In-Character Information
WHY ARE YOU APPLYING TO WORK AT THE MONASTERY?: After all this time being out of school and getting older I want to do something to do in my free time, and thought I have little knowledge of the religion, I want to learn and do something with my life besides what the others are doing. With this free soul and the Kami around us, I feel a drawing to this religion and have this yearning to learn it and over time I did learn it, I learned many things about it and around us, about the spiritual being around us and the way they speak to us, with this knowledge I want to explore it more and learn even more.
TELL ME WHAT HISTOY AND INFORMATION YOU KNOW ABOUT SHINSEI SEINARU MONSATERY: The religion was formed in the 8th century and worships ancestors, nature spirits and the belief of sacred power in both living and non living things. It was the main religion until 1945 but people turned away from it to focus on the events around them. It is classified by scholars as the indigenous religion and as a nature religion. The "sacred power" they worship is called a Kami and it is a spiritual being of nature.
TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF: I was born in Japan but have traveled to China and France, staying there for a few years of my younger time in school learning the languages and the culture of both Chinese and French. Over my time in China I made friends and even close enough friends I call family. During my time in China my dad found a book about monastery, during that time I was interested in spirits and what other people called mythical creatures, so my dad bought the book and that is kind of is where my knowledge of the religion started, me being my kid self, I lost the book and the religion got lost in the back of my mind and by the time I was 9 it was time for me to leave. I came back to Japan for my high school. At the age of 21 I went to France on a few year vacation with my family, my mom and dad, I grew up with no siblings besides the friends I met in China. My mother often got sick, though it wasn't a bad illness it caused my family to stay extra time in the places we traveled to, even though my mother was sickly she still liked to travel which is why we still traveled even when she wasn't in the best shape. When I came back to Japan, many years later, my dad, being the geek about the different religions of Japan, he found me another book about the religion and that brought back my knowledge of the religion and after reading and finding a few books about it, it deepened my yearning for the religion.
"Dear most knowing Monastery Head,
I am writing to you for you to understand my truths, my needs, and my wants to use my knowledge to the fullest, therefore, please bring this letter into consideration that my want to become a priest under your control, into your caring hands that holds so many. I wish to learn from you and about their undying power that came to me in a dream. It is the spirits that speak to me to reach out to you, Monastery Head.
To seek the blessing sun and the moon,
~Itto Yuu"
Knowledge Section
What are the steps before entering the Shrine? You have bow before you enter or preform some sort of action to show respect to the Kami and the shrine, you have to walk on the side of the road going in, the middle is where the Kami enter and leave the shrine, be polite to the shrine and the people, if you damage the shrine the Kami will get angry. You have to go through a sort of purification/cleaning ritual with all the Tori gates before you enter to keep the Kami and the other visitors of the shrine safe. With knowing that its best to know that you do walk in knowing your actions are with good emotions and you mean everything.
How are rituals to a Kami preformed? Through the many events of the shrine, there are many rituals to do with them. One of the rituals is a "Impurity ritual" where the Shinto teaches that certain deeds create a kind of ritual impurity that one should want cleansed for one’s own peace of mind and good fortune rather than because impurity is wrong. They undergo in a daily or weekly cleaning to purify themselves and receive a blessing from the priest.
What is the job of a Shinto Priest and Maiden? The job of he Shinto priest and Maidens are regularly taking care of the shrine grounds and making sure its cleaned and purified for the Kami to walk around in. They live on the shrine grounds and don't leave so they spend their time writing or maybe singing, something peaceful and with good will.
Someone wishes to receive a rite of passage for their child, how do you proceed?: The Shinto Priest or Maiden will normally do the rite of passage in early birth, somewhere in between 1 to 5 months after their birth. They will begin by stating the child's, parents, and any other family members name, then the child's birthday before the priest gives the Kami a sakaki-tree branch as an offering then the parents and other family members who came will also give the branch as an offering while giving a prayer.
Someone comes to the shrine and asks for information about Shintoism, what can you respond to them with using your own knowledge about the religion?: I could tell them that it is a religion that believes in Kami, which are spiritual beings in things such as the mountains and the trees or maybe even the wind. It is a religion that goes through many rituals and teachings that cleanses their soul, mind, and body and wishes for them not to be impure. The priest can give blessings to your child or for your wedding or funeral, and I could tell them the basics of respecting the shrine like the correct way to walk in or the way to wash yourself before talking to the Kami.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship? The tree kami, kodama, because it bares many fruits and flowers.
IGN: pvchiekisq
DO YOU HAVE A WORKING MICROPHONE FOR DISCORD CALLS: I do, yes, I've joined calls with people frequently
DISCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: I started playing around 2 or 3 years ago and I have been off the server for a year because of personal reasons but I am on for about 2 or 3, whenever I am free.
WHAT KNOWLEDGE DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE OF SHINTOISM AND ARE YOU PREPARED TO LEARN ABOUT THE RELIGON? Nothing much besides the regular Japanese things and a few games I played, you bow before you enter and always walk on the side of the road in for the Kami to go down the middle and the emotions and sincerity to your actions are important. it's about nature spiritual beings and ancestors through Japanese history and a few rituals. Although I don't know much know I will learn the religion over time and over studying.
WHAT MAKES YOU STAND OUT FOR THIS ROLE OVER OTHER APPLICANTS? I am in high school JROTC (IRL) and the first squad leader in my company so with what I observe from my squad mates is how to lead multiple people which is needed to have a role of leadership such as a priest along with the dedication and I have both, and after being a private tutor in SRP for a few months I learned how to deal with people.
In-Character Information
WHY ARE YOU APPLYING TO WORK AT THE MONASTERY?: After all this time being out of school and getting older I want to do something to do in my free time, and thought I have little knowledge of the religion, I want to learn and do something with my life besides what the others are doing. With this free soul and the Kami around us, I feel a drawing to this religion and have this yearning to learn it and over time I did learn it, I learned many things about it and around us, about the spiritual being around us and the way they speak to us, with this knowledge I want to explore it more and learn even more.
TELL ME WHAT HISTOY AND INFORMATION YOU KNOW ABOUT SHINSEI SEINARU MONSATERY: The religion was formed in the 8th century and worships ancestors, nature spirits and the belief of sacred power in both living and non living things. It was the main religion until 1945 but people turned away from it to focus on the events around them. It is classified by scholars as the indigenous religion and as a nature religion. The "sacred power" they worship is called a Kami and it is a spiritual being of nature.
TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF: I was born in Japan but have traveled to China and France, staying there for a few years of my younger time in school learning the languages and the culture of both Chinese and French. Over my time in China I made friends and even close enough friends I call family. During my time in China my dad found a book about monastery, during that time I was interested in spirits and what other people called mythical creatures, so my dad bought the book and that is kind of is where my knowledge of the religion started, me being my kid self, I lost the book and the religion got lost in the back of my mind and by the time I was 9 it was time for me to leave. I came back to Japan for my high school. At the age of 21 I went to France on a few year vacation with my family, my mom and dad, I grew up with no siblings besides the friends I met in China. My mother often got sick, though it wasn't a bad illness it caused my family to stay extra time in the places we traveled to, even though my mother was sickly she still liked to travel which is why we still traveled even when she wasn't in the best shape. When I came back to Japan, many years later, my dad, being the geek about the different religions of Japan, he found me another book about the religion and that brought back my knowledge of the religion and after reading and finding a few books about it, it deepened my yearning for the religion.
"Dear most knowing Monastery Head,
I am writing to you for you to understand my truths, my needs, and my wants to use my knowledge to the fullest, therefore, please bring this letter into consideration that my want to become a priest under your control, into your caring hands that holds so many. I wish to learn from you and about their undying power that came to me in a dream. It is the spirits that speak to me to reach out to you, Monastery Head.
To seek the blessing sun and the moon,
~Itto Yuu"
Knowledge Section
What are the steps before entering the Shrine? You have bow before you enter or preform some sort of action to show respect to the Kami and the shrine, you have to walk on the side of the road going in, the middle is where the Kami enter and leave the shrine, be polite to the shrine and the people, if you damage the shrine the Kami will get angry. You have to go through a sort of purification/cleaning ritual with all the Tori gates before you enter to keep the Kami and the other visitors of the shrine safe. With knowing that its best to know that you do walk in knowing your actions are with good emotions and you mean everything.
How are rituals to a Kami preformed? Through the many events of the shrine, there are many rituals to do with them. One of the rituals is a "Impurity ritual" where the Shinto teaches that certain deeds create a kind of ritual impurity that one should want cleansed for one’s own peace of mind and good fortune rather than because impurity is wrong. They undergo in a daily or weekly cleaning to purify themselves and receive a blessing from the priest.
What is the job of a Shinto Priest and Maiden? The job of he Shinto priest and Maidens are regularly taking care of the shrine grounds and making sure its cleaned and purified for the Kami to walk around in. They live on the shrine grounds and don't leave so they spend their time writing or maybe singing, something peaceful and with good will.
Someone wishes to receive a rite of passage for their child, how do you proceed?: The Shinto Priest or Maiden will normally do the rite of passage in early birth, somewhere in between 1 to 5 months after their birth. They will begin by stating the child's, parents, and any other family members name, then the child's birthday before the priest gives the Kami a sakaki-tree branch as an offering then the parents and other family members who came will also give the branch as an offering while giving a prayer.
Someone comes to the shrine and asks for information about Shintoism, what can you respond to them with using your own knowledge about the religion?: I could tell them that it is a religion that believes in Kami, which are spiritual beings in things such as the mountains and the trees or maybe even the wind. It is a religion that goes through many rituals and teachings that cleanses their soul, mind, and body and wishes for them not to be impure. The priest can give blessings to your child or for your wedding or funeral, and I could tell them the basics of respecting the shrine like the correct way to walk in or the way to wash yourself before talking to the Kami.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship? The tree kami, kodama, because it bares many fruits and flowers.
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