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jaeyla's police application


Level 248
Council Lead
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Jaeyla's Police Application
gotsnapped's Event Application
Jaeyla's Governor Application
Describe your activity on the server:

I recently just finished school and moved so I only work and have an abundance of free time. Although, due to my current job, I work from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays. On weekends, I am usually completely free.
What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying can be defined into three reasons. The first reason is that I am currently not in any factions as a member and I miss the community feeling associated with being in a faction. The second reason is that I simply love all KPD and government-related events. Since being an event-team member for a long time, I have procured a multitude of events but nothing brings me more joy than KPD and government-related events. Lastly, I believe it’s the multi-dimensional complexity of the faction and the duality of the KPD but also the characters within the faction as they are all intriguing. Also, the collaboration and interaction with other factions is an extremely fun aspect of the KPD that I enjoy.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

My knowledge of Police Work on the server is that the Karakura Police Department acts as a law-enforcing faction for the government faction and its laws. Although their primary focuses are typical law enforcement such as arrests and fines; They also assist when it comes to crowd control, animal assistance within the forest, and overall consistent peace and security for the town.

Breaking down more into the roles of the police department, the head role is named the Commissioner. The Commissioner is basically the overseer of the faction and below are the higher-ups of their respective divisions; There is the Captain and the Detective Superintendent. The Captain is towards the main division and the Detective Superintendent is for the detective division. Focusing on the main division first in order, there are the Lieutenants, who are also considered higher-ups within the main division. Their main responsibilities usually include delegating or planning trainings and keeping order within the force. The next rank is the Sergeant and their responsibilities include training within their respective trainer responsibilities. They also like the rank above, have the responsibility to watch over the lower ranks, whether that is teaching them or governing over them. Continuing, the next rank is Corporal and they are usually the newer trainers within the force and assist with cadet-training. Next are the Patrol Officers and these are the officers that have officially passed their cadet and are not trainers. Lastly within the main division are the cadets, these are the newly admitted officers within the force and partake in trainings and eventually their cadet test to pass on to the patrol officer rank.

Now focusing attention on the detective division, they are the investigative side of the police department. For clarification and partaking in repetition, the highest rank in the detective division is the Detective Superintendent as they are responsible for overseeing the detective division as a whole. Next is the Detective Chief Inspector, they are the equivalent of the Leiutentants but within the detective division. They are responsible for the lower rank detectives, planning training or delegating trainings and overall investigation. Following, are the Detective Inspectors, and while these are also the main trainers within the detective division; they also focus on the investigative side of the department. Lastly are the Detective Constables, they are considered the cadets of the detective division. They are not equal to the actual cadets within the main division but they are in the same in the sense of requiring training to progress to the next rank within their division.

Although the explanation of each rank within the police department does involve repetition, it is also a great example of how the police department consistently needs each other as a faction. This is reflected when a person would eventually transition into a trainer when reaching the Corporal rank. There are two different trainings that Corporals and above teach and cadets learn: physical and informational training. The physical trainings focuses on actual applications of our own skills within a what-to-do scenario. These scenarios could consist of micro-situations such as what to do when someone is wearing a mask to what is the correct procedure with being approached with a katana. These trainings are essential because consistent training across the force enables consistent responses towards general situations. The informational training side focuses more on knowledge within the KPD such as how to calculate bail, which law-breaking ends in a fine or arrest, and overall knowledge of the laws of Karakura.

Moving on to the police officers as individuals and respective towards their rank as some have these items and others do not, they all generally have the items: stun-blaster, pepper spray, breathalizers, batons, radios, handcuffs, gas masks, tranquilizer, luminol spray, evidence bags, fingerprint scanner, a body camera, crowbars, a badge, first-aid kit, and riot shields for when the situation calls for it. For the use and characteristic breakdown of each item in the previous sequence would start with:
  • Stun-blaster is an item that is used as a way to deter people from crimes as a fear factor and allows a quick response towards running perpetrators.
  • Pepper spray which is an item that allows for neutralization if the stun-blaster is not in use. It sprays the person in the face, leaving them unable to see for a few moments.
  • A breathalyzer is used to measure the percentage amount of alcohol someone has drank.
  • A baton is a blunt item used as a defense for officers when they are unable to use their other protective gear.
  • Radios are used as a quick communication between not only officers but also officers and EMS.
  • Handcuffs are used for arresting and detaining someone for further procedures.
  • Gas Masks are used as a way to protect an officer's identity and from airborne dangers that might be present within a situation.
  • Tranquilizers are another item used for the preparator when they are running away or attacking an officer. By shooting a dart towards someone, they are unable to move or run away for a few moments. This item is usually reserved for the higher ranks.
  • Luminol Spray is used for detecting blood that might not be detectable to the human eye on items or in crime scenes.
  • Evidence Bags are used as an item to store evidence from a crime scene for detectives to later process for their investigations.
  • Fingerprint Scanner is an item used to scan people’s fingerprints as an identifying tool.
  • Body Cameras are used for the protection of officers but also for the protection of citizens. Their primary use is for officers to check on each other outside of the station and if in trouble; they will have the ability to pinpoint exactly where the officer could be.
  • Crowbars are a tool used for breaking down doors when the situation calls for it or opening chests within a raid.
  • Badges are an identifying factor between officers and the public and consist of their call sign and name.
  • First-aid kits are used for officers to quickly asses a medical situation whether it is because an EMS cannot immediately respond to the scene or because someone needs immediate medical attention.
  • Riot Shields are another protective measure officers use to protect themselves from weapons and other destructive forces
Lastly is the police department's collaboration with other factions such as the Hospital and Government Faction. With the Hospital faction, their collaboration usually consists of immediate communication on the dire situation that requires medical expertise or their evaluation of a situation with a medical perspective. With the Government faction, they work together when it comes to bringing punishment to those who break the law and are subject to the environment of a courtroom; whether this is because it was requested by the person or the case itself just requires it. The police department also works with the government on more micro issues such as restraining orders and warrants.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

I’ll preface with a more realistic approach to why the Police are so important towards SchoolRP. To start, the majority of the population is youth which leaves a large part of the city vulnerable due to their age group. Also, another factor is the high crime rate and cities with high crime rates tend to need a larger police enforcement or presence to deter crime. Just the presence of the police is enough to deter some from committing crimes. Another reason why the police are so important to SchoolRP is the duality and balance that the faction provides. For there to be a crime, there must be an active force against it. Furthermore, the consistent intersection of the Police with other factions not only offers integration but allows the process of an actual system to be put into place. If the police lock someone up, they must be allowed a fair trial and for them to have a fair trial, there must be a government faction put into place. It could be said the same if there is someone injured whether it is in the KPD or due to crime; The EMS would be there as a supportive system. To sum up the previous thought, Police on SchoolRP offers balance and constant growth for opportunities of collaboration.

In my opinion, the general consensus of why the Police are so important and previously stated; The Police on SchoolRP offer competition and drive. If someone is constantly winning or has no opposing force then there’s honestly no fun in the journey.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I do acknowledge this.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Macias Washitowao
How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Male, any pronouns
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Masters. He has a Master's degree in Criminal Justice.
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Japanese Sign Language and Malagasy
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Macias is a lanky 5’11 individual that protrudes an awkward aura to them. It’s not really his fault though. His ethnic background consists of a mixture of Madagascan and Japanese. Macias’ hair is brown locs with miniature gold braces around the upper half or mid-way point of certain locs. Her ears pretty consistently sported a pair of hearing aids.

What sets Macias apart is not only their unique attributes but their drive. After spending, almost half of their twenties, buried in a book or in academics; He realizes that in order to cause change, you need to be a part of it. Macias has an undeniable drive to them that propels them into facing uncomfortable and dangerous situations. However, these situations do vary to a degree for Macias. An uncomfortable situation? Informing his coworker that they have food in their teeth but they’ve already been talking for thirty minutes straight so it’s too late to inform the person because then they’ll wonder what kind of person Macias is for letting someone talk with food in their teeth! What’s a dangerous situation for them? Well, Macias doesn’t really know that yet but he did read in that thriller-book series about how this one guy had to jump on top of a train to avoid the cops and escape so that has to count for something.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

In a professional situation, Macias is constantly and consistently listening and sometimes taking these a bit too seriously. I mean, there’s no joking when it comes to crime-fighting; It’s a serious business. However, what is so compelling about Macias’ professionalism is their ability to see beyond the business theatrics. Through all the bureaucratic talking, there comes a final understanding. Whether that is for why certain things are the way they are or a heightened sense to see through all the professional talks; Macias knows there is a clear division. Within a casual situation, Macias is extremely similar to their professional persona; Although, this is only with people she does not know. After the eggshell exterior cracks, Macias is an affable individual who tries his best to make everyone and anyone feel included. This might not be the exact picture of talking to everyone for no reason but more of a someone-is-quiet-in-the-corner, let’s talk to them.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Macias is all in when it comes to teamwork and collaboration. I mean, who would join the Karakura Police Department and not trust everyone with their life; It comes with the job. To define their outlook, it would have to be the point of view of an optimist. Macias understands that everyone comes from different backgrounds and reasons for joining the KPD but at the end of the day, they did join the KPD. He believes the allegiance of joining the job is enough to prove that everyone there wants to be there. It’s not like how in school, some people are just forced to be there and genuinely do not enjoy their environment.
What's your character's backstory?

There wasn’t anything remarkable about the date May 9th of 1998, except for the fact that Eveyone’s [Backstreet’s Back] - Backstreet Boys was peaking in the top five songs of the Billboard Hot 100. Also, Macias Washitowao was born in Tokyo, Japan. From the very beginning of his life, he was always faced with a certain duality that did not always seem fair. It was as if there was no way to blend or combine aspects of his life together; It was like trying to get fire and water to mix. Luckily, his parents were a perfect example of duality working. If his parents could exemplify that it was possible then that was her mindset moving forward. Although Macias being hard of hearing was a proven difficulty in their everyday life, it did not make things impossible. In fact, it was people that made things hard for Macias. Usually, the typical underestimation or purely ignoring him allowed him to form some unsociable traits. The second he was in a social situation, his eyes darted straight toward the corner of the house that had a tall plant or maybe the food table. It depended on his mood that day.

Macias was constantly reminded by his parents of the importance of his name or to be more exact, his last name. A combination of his parent’s last names and cultures, all cultivated and placed right on top of Macias’ shoulders to carry on. A heavy burden that they would not or could not forget. It was not like his parents constantly pushed him towards success, regardless of failure but mostly that his parents were so scared that if Macias ever failed; He would not be able to push past that failure. It wasn’t an underestimation on their part but just his parents and mostly his father, attempt at any approach of motivation. His mother always understood where Macias’ mind was at but could never motivate Macias’ to move past their own convictions. Not even Macias knew where he exactly was within his mile-long mind space, which probably didn’t help him leave academics. He would use academics as a placeholder for what he wanted to do with his life. If her parents ever asked “Hey, Macias! How is it going? What are you up to?” School was an acceptable answer but after a while, school started to become a daunting realization that maybe Macias couldn’t hide from the actual commitment of adulthood. The idea of joining a lifelong career scared her and she wished she knew why. Although, that was another conundrum for a later time. Eventually, his built-up anxiousness and need for more propelled him to apply to the Karakura Police Department.

General Knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No. Wait, is that a trick question? Define pocket knife. You know what.. final answer is no.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

“So… there’s an eyepatch, paracetamol, a bandage, and cough syrup. Wait, that’s four... Right, so add a wooden cane to the list. You don’t need a prescription for a wooden cane but if you’re missing a leg then a wooden cane probably wouldn’t be the best solution to that, maybe a prosthetic? Or a wheelchair? It depends, wait never mind; That wasn’t a part of the question. Can you forget the last part? Thanks. ”
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

“If we’re talking physical abuse then I’ll hide out of their sight and radio for some back-up to separate my co-workers from the inmate. After that, I would assess the inmate and see if they have any serious injuries, regardless; I would call for EMS for a medical check-up and evaluation. Now, if we’re taking emotional abuse? I would yell for my coworker’s attention to distract them from the inmate then later report the unprofessionalism on their behalf.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

“Okay, but assault by what? Are we saying by people? If it’s by people then I’m calling for back-up on the location and then attempting to remove my co-worker from the situation. Also.. for clarification, when I say removal, I’m not talking about like fighting them too; I mean that I want to separate them from the danger. Now, if we’re talking about assault from an animal; It depends because I would not fight certain animals. However, if it’s a small animal like a cat or dog, I will radio EMS about an animal bite and then separate my co-worker from the animal. But, do not fret because if it is a large animal, I obviously will not abandon my co-worker. I will just from a distance radio for backup and EMS, then stun the animal. That works, right? If that doesn’t work, I read in a book that if you yell at bears and then make yourself look bigger, they’ll back off. Although, if that doesn’t work, I’ll just start attacking the animal with my baton. And do not worry if that doesn’t work. I have other large-animal backup plans. Share them? No… “
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“REPORT THEM! Oh, wait, you want a detailed plan. Okay well, I wouldn’t just call for backup because what if my co-worker has friends on the radio? I would wait until my co-worker was out of sight then inform a higher-up of my co-worker’s corruption and how they have been helping criminal organizations. Again, do not worry because I have also planned in the scenario that I do not have a radio and I’m off-duty and there are no higher-ups in my vicinity. First, I would write down all information regarding what the co-worker is doing, such as who they are talking to and where they are then I would run to the station and inform a higher-up about the situation.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“Say no and fine them for trying to bribe an officer. Is this a trick question? Okay wait, let me actually plan this out. Right so I’m in front of the station and some person comes up to me and he’s like ‘Do this illegal act and I’ll pay you 40k’ First, he’s already caught on camera because of my body cam and CCTV. After informing him of what law he broke, I would fine him and if he continued to try and bribe me; I would walk away and inform my co-workers of a guy trying to bribe officers with 40k.”


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!​

In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

- We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!​

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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