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Jaibatsume Children » Mee-young Jaibatsume


Level 146
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

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Character Summary:
Mee-young Jaibatsume Mawji grew up under her mother's custody on a small estate in Fukui, Her relationship with her mother far surpassed that of her relationship with her father, she was physically abused by him on almost a daily basis causing her many problems in life and the signature development of her main disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (Split Personality Disorder)​
She has developed three alters as of now standing as Clover, Kimiko, and Kanna. Each holds their own respective set of skills and abilities which allow them to prosper in their own goal, they each have a certain trigger that causes them to become conscious but they are also able to randomly take over when required.​

Living With Alters:
She went through her life from 7 - 16 years old believing that her breaks in consciousness and unplanned blackouts were a regular part of life, hence why she had never challenged it.

Upon stumbling over some knowledge in a library one evening at the age of 16 she began to view it a little odd, especially when answers to her questions about this occurrence came back different to her own.​
At the age of 17, she had been informed by a relative (Lia Celestiasume) that what she was experiencing might be the aforementioned, disorder, causing her to seek further help and information on the topic, she had been officially diagnosed with the disorder.

She used a diary (see on the right) of hers to track everyday thoughts and communicate information between personalities.

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Agility and Endurance.-
Mee and all of her alters share enhanced agility and endurance being able to run at full speed for 4 - 5 minutes at a time, her height heavily benefits this allowing her to move faster undetected as she is smaller, this has also fed into Kanna's weapon choice, as she deliberately chose her weapon small to minimize her weight, allowing her to take full advantage of her speed.​
She can also be a very skilled dodger and evader, usually attempting to use her opponent's energy against them before engaging in a fight. Her movement style is oddly similar to the martial arts set of baguazhang.​

Mee is the only stable mind out of her alters, this gives her the advantage over better communication despite her social anxiety. She fully loses her ability to speak or communicate in large crowds or around peers due to her fear of being rejected by them.​

Lack of Morality or Humanity.
Clover has a lack of sense of remorse allowing her to project herself as quite the extrovert, This comes in 3 stages: at Stage 1, she shows a basic lack of human sympathy or remorse and can be a walking time bomb to some, her extroverted manner allows her to fight back in arguments quite fluently.​
In stage 2, Clover begins to show stage 1's lack plus the lack of human empathy and behaviour. She becomes distant, responding brutally to comments or questions, this leads her to make bad choices during conversations with her lack of morality and logic.​
In stage 3, Clover shows all previous lacking, adding the complete absence of humanity, going as far as to threaten people or endanger one's well-being, she can also become proficient in using weapons however at the cost of her own body most of the time through lack of fundamental knowledge of safety, at this stage of her mindset your only chance is to incapacitate her.​

Combat Experience.
Kanna holds what some may call a library of knowledge on weapons allowing her to adapt herself to most tools, when possible, however, her weapon of choice is a pair of custom-made scissors which she has choreographed her skillset for using a hybrid of the dagger's move sets.​
Kanna is a hybrid of Mee-young's hatred combined with the lack of morality and humanity in Clover at stage 3. Kanna is usually quite passive, however, if you ever happen to come face to face with her in a fight to the death after aggravating her your only hope is to hope you're quicker and more skilled.​
One of her most absurd weapon skill sets involves a shovel.​

Primal Instincts.
Only in life-threatening situations can Mee-young feed into a state of mind where her sole focus is survival, in this state she holds a total disregard for much else, even going as far as forgetting speech.​

Natural Marksmanship.
Jaibatsume's generationally used to hunt hares and sheep for their food and clothing purposes, Mee-young is no exception, showing skill in both archery and using hunting rifles, albeit a very unused skill now days.​
Deceitful and Deceptive.
Linking to Mee-young's agility[1], Mee-young is able to trick the people surrounding her, to look away from her at any point is a surefire way to completely lose sight of her presence.​
Mee-young is additionally an unremorseful liar if it benefits her situation, making her slightly more believable than most.​

all personalities know how to speak Japanese, Korean and Japanese sign language, Kimiko sometimes forgets, however.​

Otherwise, known as streetwise Mee and Kanna share a sense of heightened perspective on the environment as they do not usually act with impulsive decisions as Clover and Kimiko do.​

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Mee Jaibatsume is a 5'1" blue-haired Korean girl, her height combined with her other physical attributes makes her look almost 17, some even mistaking her for a teenager. Her hair has a red streak flowing down the right side of her face and a scar sits on her right eye which she finds repulsing despite the scar being mostly healed over today, she no longer covers up this scar however mention of it can make her slightly uncomfortable.​

Mee-young was and can still be quite shy and reserved, though her core personality takes a more extroverted approach to things as a senior journalist; Always trying her best to make the most of a situation or fix things herself, avoiding troublesome situations, even going out of the way to focus on another's health more than her own.​
This contradicts her childhood though and a short period in her time in Karakura; In her earlier years around the ages of 10 to 15 she showed almost no emotion, being unresponsive the most things including her abuse, she'd commonly spend her break times at school reflecting on her life or being questioned on how she had attained the many bruises she had acquired from her father over the years, lying about them in silent fear of further beatings.​
Any vivid reminders of her father or her beatings can swiftly send Mee into flashbacks, causing her to panic or freeze up.​



Date of birth
24th of November

Madeline (Pseudonym)
Demon Child (Nickname)
Cinnamon (Nickname)
MJ (Nickname)
Bluey (Nickname)

Queen of Karakura High School[3](Title)

She has a scar on her right eye.
Her arms are laced with cuts and scratches
Has a slight nut allergy
Knows too much...
(yes fuck you, it's a Komi can't communicate reference)
Shopkeeper (Jaibatsume Cosmetology)
College Cheerleader [Captain] (formerly)
College Journalist (Lead) (formerly)
College Student (Masters) (formerly)
Council [Vice President] (formerly)
Track-Team [Co-Captain] (formerly)

Mental Health / Disabilities
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

Dissociative Identity Disorder[2]
Anxiety (Social)

Post-Traumatic Narcolepsy (Injury)

Fears and Phobias
Fear of Abandonment

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Art created By a Friend at

Art created By CitruzFruit on Instagram

Relationships and Family

[ IC Canon Relations ]

Asami Hasegawa ALIVE

Asami wasMee-youngs significant other, Mee usually referred to her as "sweet bun".
They had been married 3 years but messy problems between them drove them apart and caused a messy divorce.

Eva Adamec ALIVE
Mee-young had previously settled down with Eva Adamec, who held an unbelievable record for the amount of eggs collected. One day, she simply disappeared.

She reappeared in Karakura one day and they both meet randomly under unforeseen circumstances, they had a talk and both agreed it was best to move past each other.

Hana Jaibatsume ALIVE
Biological Sister / Twin
Mee-young's Sister, born 1 hour and 24 minutes after her, These two are very separate personalities and goals in life, Mee seeking seclusion and peace whilst Hana seeks attention and fame with her streaming.

Eden Jaibatsume ALIVE
Biological Sister
Mee-young's younger sister was born three years after Mee and Hana.
Mee and Eden have a strong bond from the torment they shared in childhood, often supporting each other or providing comfort in times of need.

Den 'Wick' Celestiasume[3] ALIVE
Foster Brother / Cousin
One of the three foster children raised on the estates alongside Mee-young and her sisters, he would frequently involve himself in misadventure and foolery, even being the only one to witness the true events of Mee-young's father's death.

A secret he will likely take to the grave with him.

Beatrice Hamilton Jaibatsume ALIVE
Foster Sister?
Beatrice was often looked after by Yumi on the Estates, so much so she earned the unofficial title of sister among the Jaibatsumes.

Beatrice was often quite sporty, enjoying physical activities but kept reserved when needed, making her a favourite among Ena and Mee.

Ena Jaibatsume ALIVE
Adopted Sister
Ena was adopted by Yumi, she had found the poor girl at the park, alone. Ena, being blind did not know how to find her way around the playground, Yumi had taken Ena to the police in an attempt to find her parents, however, after 2 weeks of no result, she had decided to legally adopt the girl and raise Ena herself.

Ena is still not quite versed with the environment and lives with Wick in Karakura.

Ena is universally loved by all her siblings, Wick included, often getting up to mischief with him.

Kim O'Sullivan ALIVE
Friend / Ex-Councillor
Kim randomly appear to Mee one day, she took a liking to her quiet reserved nature and frequently conversed with her before she had become a councillor, she now considers her a close friend.

Crackhead Pet
Twig is Mee's childhood pet, a fox found on the estates injured in bad condition which the Jaibatsume children decided to foster, care for and raise.
Twig took a liking to Mee's reserved calm attitude and Wick's playfulness.

Henry Hamilton ALIVE
Father figure
Henry Hamilton, affiliated with Beatrice, often visited the estate to spend time with Yumi, a friend, Mee-young often saw Henry as her own true father figure.

Mazaki Harishima-hiden ALIVE
Mazaki and Mee-young had so much in common back then! Blue hair
They decided to become friends at the auction house and warmed themselves up over a burning oil drum in the spartans house at a party!

Piper Quinn ALIVE
Piper and Mee-young met on the council, they spoke frequently and worked together on the team before Mee-young became the Vice-President.

After a few months of leave, Piper returned to Karakura and greeted Mee-young again. They now speak every so often. about the weather.

Raika Miki ALIVE
Raika met Mee-young on the track team, and the two got to know each other through the team's bonding activities.

Raika eventually became the captain of the track team, which was soon followed by Mee-young becoming the Co-Captain.

Lia Celestiasume ALIVE
Lia is Mee-young's cousin, living in Karakura with her, she owns a room in her apartment.
Lia was the one that happened to bring Mee-young's odd behaviours and dissociative amnesia to her attention.

Suzume Mawji ALIVE
Annoying child
Need I say more?

Winter Celestiasume ALIVE?
"Your father was problematic, and I do not regret disposing of him when I did, and by the look on your face, it seems like you agree."

Mi-cha Jaibatsume[6] DEAD
An old Ancestor within the Jaibatsume family who now roams the forests wilds of Karakura

Yuu Narukami ALIVE
"Life is unfair; You are nothing without your band."​

[ Lore Canon Relations ]

Chikako Takahashi ALIVE
Childhood Friend
Back in Junior School, Chikako had an infatuation with Mee-young, She decided she wanted to be her friend one day, Mee-young started out with no interest in the girl as she thought it would only end badly, however, Chikako slowly grew on Mee-young.

Chikako and Mee-young lost contact with each other when Mee-young moved to Karakura.

Mirai Matsuda ALIVE
Childhood Bully/Ex-Crush
Mee-young was bullied quite frequently in Kilikimoto Junior High, one of the most notable of those who picked on her being Mirai Matsuda, infamous for being the worst of them all, going as far as to cutting Mee-youngs hair in small chunks and making small subtle regards to her demeanour in the halls in front of her group, Mee-young used to like the girl but an incident between the two made Mirai grow spite towards her.

Mirai was a friend to Kaede Lauraels, who was part of Den's friend group.

Interestingly, Mirai has found herself in Karakura.​

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Birth And Beginning
(Mee-young is born alongside her sisters, Hana and Eden Jaibatsume.)
Mee-young was born in Fukui on the 24th of November, alongside her twin sister Hana and a year later her sister Eden.​

Trials And Trauma
(Mee-young experiences her time in elementary and junior school relatively alone, suffering trauma at home alongside her sister, Eden, however, in elementary school, she meets one friend that would stick by her for her time in Fukui. Unknown as to why she was trying to befriend her, Mee-young was sceptical at first, the girl eventually grew on her.)
Throughout her childhood, she and her sister Eden were put under constant abuse from their father Kenzou. Their Mother was unaware of how bad the extent of his actions was. Mee-young developed a disorder which split her personality into multiple fragments of herself, each developing their memories and ideals separately. Eden has developed a fear of speaking to anyone in the events it made her father mad, a disordered Mee would similarly develop later in life. Hana remained untouched due to her absence from home, spending most of her time at club gatherings or in the town with her friends, being the absolute antithesis of Mee-young.

Mee-young did not have many friends in her elementary and junior years of school, students saw her differences and looked down on her, even fearing her, she remained reserved and alone crushed by the weight of her struggles unable to understand them fully, one student specifically took interest in her, however. Mee-young did not take too kindly to the girl's attempts at befriending her at the start, thinking it would only end badly, a fear of rejection and losing someone close to her broke her confidence. Mee-young eventually grew on the girl who she found was named Chikako, seeing that her intentions were genuine, Mee-young wasn’t too sure if the girl was too oblivious to notice the differences between her and other students due to her general airheaded nature or if she simply did not care.​

Different By Far
(Mee-young gets herself into some trouble and antics in junior school, embarrassing herself in front of the class and becoming a target for bullies to pick on, meanwhile at home, Mee-young has her resources for studying Korean and Japanese sign language destroyed in front of her by her father, pushing her anger and hatred towards him further down the rabbit hole.)
Mee-young had gone through the years experiencing a few hiccups, embarrassing incidents in classes had brought more attention to her as a target for bullying. At home, her father’s abuse continued relentlessly, Mee-young had been studying Korean and Japanese sign language alongside her foster brother, Den. Alone in the room one evening her father had come in drunk, destroying Mee-young’s resources for her studies, leaving no evidence of his involvement, her mother was unaware of the actual events due to Mee-young’s silence, brushing it off as Mee-young’s usual emotional unbalance with her anger, buying her new materials to study with, when in reality it had been one of her split personalities, Clover, carrying her ‘usual’ anger outbreaks.

On the walk back home one day from school, Mee-young ended up taking a different route to her usual one due to road works, she was in no rush to get home and dusk was breaking, and the sun was beginning to set. In an alley Mee-young went down, a man lying half alive on the floor pleaded for her help, he looked critically injured and Mee-young had frozen up. The look in the man’s eyes, the desperation in his vulnerable state struck fear into Mee-young that she could never forget, her intrusive thoughts overwhelmed her and caused her to sprint off in the other direction down unfamiliar alleys, she sat down, hugging her knees to her chest down one of the streets until the police found her crying, bringing her back to her family.​

Kilikimoto Incident
(Mee-young snaps, in a display of anger, she proceeded to harm three students who had been bullying her, she had dislocated one boy's arm, broke another boy's nose and given the last boy a concussion, this made her a target for bullying to the entire school who did not understand the situation she was faced with.)
One day after school hours, Mee-young broke, injuring three students badly and earning her a 2-week suspension, the three boys had been mocking and bullying her, physically harming her and ruining her school supplies. It was named the Kilikimoto Incident, after the school's name and is known as the most severe case of student lash back the town had ever seen to date. For two years, Mee-young's desk was vandalised with different horrible phrases and she is still regarded as a “demon girl” in her hometown to this day.​

The 'Three' For All
(Mee-young grew so tired of the constant abuse and trauma she and her sister was put through, it created a second personality, Kanna, who was not afraid to take the stand, she planned a night she'd be able to strike her father, unaware that two others, her foster brother Den and her unintroduced half-sister, Winter, both had the same plan as her, it was a Free for all between the three on who hit first, unfortunately, things did not seem to go as planned for Kanna.)
Mee-young grew sick of the abuse, she wanted an escape but was too discouraged to act upon the feeling, the second split in Mee-young’s personality formed, Kanna. She was not afraid of the consequences of her actions and was merely concerned with protecting herself, on a seemingly quiet night, Kanna had devised a plan to end it once and for all, killing Kenzou, what Kanna was unaware of was the two others sharing the same goal that night, it seemed coincidental, however, Kenzou worked by a structure, a schedule, every fortnight, he would spend the night in his study, the two sharing the same idea as Mee-young knew of this too.

Mee-young brought a tray into Kenzou’s study one night, on it, was a specially designed teapot to hold a second liquid and pour it when needed. Behind a shoji in the room where a window was, a 17-year-old girl holding a sharp 27-inch katana hid waiting for a moment to attack, this girl was Winter Celestiasume, the half-sister of Mee-young. In the closet of the room, Den hid holding a shattered glass bottle in pure unadulterated rage, the week previous, he had discovered that Kenzou was the murderer of his pet bird, Angie.

Walking in, Mee-young, under Kanna’s influence, presented the tea tray to her father, almost immediately the man responded furiously, he threatened her in every manner possible telling her to get out, without a second thought, a bottle flew down over Mee-young’s head, shattering into several pieces causing the tray of tea to fall to the ground, at that moment a direct antithesis of Kanna was created in Mee-youngs mind, a third split named Kimiko. The bottle that shattered formed a long shard at the side of the bottle, this attack carried through and as Mee-young closed her eyes, the shard of glass created a long cut down her right eye, marking her with the scar she holds today permanently. As Mee-young fell to the floor slowly drifting unconscious, she saw a blade pierce her father's chest, the man screamed as he fell to his knees and the blade pulled back out of him, within seconds, he was dead, and Mee-young was unconscious.​

Ending the Cycle
(Winter, having landed the final strike, makes a hasty escape, leaving Mee-young on the ground unaware of her relation to the girl, Den finds the courage to leave the closet he had been hiding in and grab the attention of his mother to get Mee-young the medical attention she needed to survive her injury in the altercation.)
Winter had killed the man without hesitation, the moment she saw an opportunity, she struck with the intent to kill and had finished the job leaving the way she came through. She left Mee-young on the ground with Kenzou, unaware of her relation to the girl and Den in the closet, terrified of the scene that had unfolded before him, backing down for his safety. Den eventually found his way out of the closet, throwing the glass bottle down onto the floor, accidentally hitting Kenzou in doing so, she ran to Yumi, his foster mother and Mee-young’s mother, speaking with panic making her aware of an ‘accident’ that had occurred, Mee-young was hospitalised that night and Kenzou was declared dead by an unknown attacker, unable to associate any of the evidence to the children present at the scene.​

Starting New
(Mee-young recovers and makes a decision, she wants to move to a city named Karakura and attend a school named Karakura High, she wanted her childhood friend, Chikako, to come with her, however, their goals and aspirations are too different.)
Mee-young took a few months to recover, passing through her 16th birthday, she made a decision that would inevitably without her knowledge complicate her life further, to move to Karakura, she wanted Chikako, her friend who had stuck with her all those years to come with her, experience Karakura with her and study alongside her, unfortunately, their goals were too different and Chikako had other things that she had a responsibility to in Fukui, she remained there, Mee-young losing contact with Chikako through her years spent in Karakura

(Entering Karakura Arc.)
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The Games Begin
(Mee-young freshly arrives in Karakura and meets her new roommate, along her new journey she experiences some trouble with her mental health which leads to a family friend setting her on the path to help.)
Mee-young settled down in Karakura in a room her mother had brought out for her; here she prepared to attend her new school, Karakura High and Community college, whilst unpacking she met one of the residents of the shared house, Fugori Ikari, a Russian male who barely spoke much Japanese.

During a night out, Mee-young began experiencing a sharp ringing pain in her head, her memories were in blocks and her senses were awry, by chance, someone happened to be nearby, someone who rushed to the aid of a distressed Mee-young, unknowing to the girl, Mee-young happened to be a distant cousin, this girl was Lia Celestiasume.

Lia had managed to calm Mee-young down to a point she could understand the reason, she had noticed the symptoms of her switching tones and behaviour and pointed it out to Mee-young, which later down the line led to Mee-young seeking therapy with an official diagnosis for Split Personality Disorder.​

Running Up And Running Elected
(Mee-young meets her first proper love, Eva and has joined the track team, not soon after her team is disbanded and she pursues council, eventually running to become the council vice-president whilst her lover disappears, nowhere to be found.)
After settling into Karakura, Mee-young had found her first placement among the track team under Raika Miki's lead, during her time on the track team she met one of her first loves, Eva Ademic, opening her eyes to her sexuality and giving her the chance to explore it, the two were highly ambitions and were even engaged within a year, a decision that was quite rushed in the long run but would not last long.

A term into play, the track team was let go for a new team to take its place, out of role, Mee-young pursued a new passion, Student Council, during her time in council the unexpected occurred and her partner, Eva disappeared without much reason, worried and unknowing to her situation, she continued forward as she had with everything else in her life, pouring her efforts into her duties as a councillor and eventually running to and becoming the Council Vice-President to President Au.​

Second Chances
(Mee-young's ruthless rule over the council earns her a title for her reputation, and an encounter with what mee-young believed to be a normal bothersome student, ended up sparking new love in her sight, eventually leading to a second chance at love.)
Love was a meaningless endeavour towards Mee-young during her time within the council, her duties towards the school came first and she eventually would come to be known as the queen of Karakura High during her reign, she lived by the arm band and her leadership was unbreakable, cold and ruthless, using fear as her crutch, she was not a perfectionist because of her popularity, rather her strategy and approach.

One morning, during her daily routine before patrol, she overheard a student outside of the councillors room voicing some particularly biased opinions regarding the inner council, some of the comments were not notably kind, so she had come to confront the student; Asami Hasegawa

Asami was abrasive at first, Mee-young did not see her much more than the usual students in her year and their first encounter was bittersweet, Over time, Mee-young began to feel something towards Asami she hadn't felt for a while, her feelings confusing her at first leaving her in denial, flustered by encounters, with time however, and the help of her sister Eden as a wingman, they eventually confessed their feelings to each other and began their relationship.​

[coming soon]

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Personalities Explained

(The following personalities are in chronological order of creation.)

Mee-young N/A

Core Personality
Mee-young is the core personality, she is the one that each alter is defined from and built off of, She is often shy and awkward around those she is unfamiliar with due to her social anxiety, often freezing up and rendered unable to speak in any form besides slight writing. When masked she adopts a more confident alter ego around those who do not know who she is as she is not longer associated with her actions.

Mee-young is aware of all other alter's existence.


Clover was the first alter formed in Mee-young, she was created in response to stress to handle the almost daily abuse her father put her through. Clover believes Mee-young is not strong enough to handle basic stresses and abuses her own body in a twisted attempt to become resilient to harm, both emotionally and physically.

Clover is aware of all other alter's existence.


Kanna is the cold mix of Mee-young's stability and Clover's instability, she carefully considers each action she makes and understands the consequences to them, usually disregarding them. Her only objective is to protect Mee-young's body from harm, however, Kanna pseudo serves as a memory holder, each second she is conscious she holds the memories of most of her fathers abuse, being conscious too long can send her swiftly into a defensive state of panic or trigger her primal instincts.

Kanna is aware of all other alter's existence.


Little/Memory Holder
Kimiko was created in response to Mee-young's father's death in the moment he was murdered, Kimiko serves as a sort of symbolism to Mee-young gaining her childhood back as Kimiko is stuck in a child's mindset, often acting out and sulking like one. Kimiko also serves as a memory holder alter, remembering a lot of the abuse that Mee-young went though in order to numb the effect is has on Mee-young's day to day life. Mention of her father to Kimiko can quickly send her into extreme panic.

Kimiko is aware of Clover and Mee-young's existence.

Willow FEAR
Fragmented Personality.
Willow, named by Asami, is the most recent development of a personality within Mee-young after 6 years; Created in response to traumatic events experiences in Karakura, her demeanour and personality fragment from Mee-young's lingering Anxiety and Childhood isolation, she prefers to remain reserved and unspoken to those she doesn't fully have trust or an understanding of trust for.

Willow is Aware of Mee-young's existence, Willow is of interest to the mediator.

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Last edited:


Level 146
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
Thread starter

[+] Added Kim O'Sullivan render.
[+] Added Asami Hasegawa render.
[+] Fixed slight errors mentioned to me.

Do you know Mee-young in-character personally? Message me at Customable#7352 to claim your spot in the biography and earn a place on the character render sheet!​


Level 146
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
Thread starter

[+] Added Mazaki Harishima-hiden render.
[+] Added Piper Quinn render.
[+] Added Henry Hamilton render.
[+] Added Raika Miki Render.
[+] Added Lia Celestiasume render.
[+] Fixed Slight errors mentioned to me.

Do you know Mee-young in-character personally? Message me at Customable#7352 to claim your spot in the biography and earn a place on the character render sheet!​


Level 29

Character History

Character Summary:
Mee Jaibatsume Mawji grew up under her mother's custody on a small estate in Fukui, Her relationship with her mother far surpassed that of her relationship with her father, she was physically abused by him on almost a daily basis causing her many problems in life and the signature development of her two main disorders, Dissociative Identity Disorder (Split Personality Disorder) and C-PTSD.​
She has developed three alters as of now standing as Clover, Kimiko, and Kanna. Each holds their own respective set of skills and abilities which allow them to prosper in their own goal, they each have a certain trigger that causes them to become conscious but they are also able to randomly take over when required.​

Living with an dissocation:
She went through her life from 7 - 16 years old believing that her breaks in consciousness and unplanned blackouts were a regular part of life, hence why she had never challenged it.

Upon stumbling over some knowledge in a library one evening at the age of 16 she began to view it a little odd, especially when answers to her questions about this occurrence came back different to her own.​
At the age of 17, she had been informed by a relative (Lia Celestiasume) that what she was experiencing might be the aforementioned, disorder, causing her to seek further help and information on the topic, she had been officially diagnosed with the disorder.

She used a diary (see on the right) of hers to track everyday thoughts and communicate information between personalities.​


Agility and Endurance.
Mee and all of her alters share enhanced agility and endurance being able to run at full speed for 4 - 5 minutes at a time, her height heavily benefits this allowing her to move faster as she is smaller, this has also fed into Kanna's weapon choice, as she deliberately chose her weapon small to minimize her weight, allowing her to take full advantage of her speed.​
She can also be a very skilled dodger and evader, usually attempting to use her opponent's energy against them before engaging in a fight. Her movement style is oddly similar to the martial arts set of baguazhang.​

Communication and Knowledge.
Mee is quite the socialite, being the host, she is the only stable mind out of her alters, this gives her the advantage over communication and basic logic as she can hold a stable mindset despite her disorders. She can temporarily lose this skill in large crowds however as they easily overwhelm her.​

Lack of Morality or Humanity.
Clover has a lack of sense for remorse allowing her to project herself as quite the extrovert, This comes in 3 stages: at Stage 1, she shows the basic lack of human sympathy or remorse and can be a walking time bomb to some, her extroverted manner allows her to fight back in arguments quite fluently.​
At stage 2 , Clover begins to show stage 1's lacks plus the lack of human empathy and behaviour. She becomes distant, responding brutally to comments or questions, this leads her to make bad choices during conversation with her lack of morality and logic.​
At stage 3, Clover shows all previous lacking, added the complete absence of humanity, going as far as to threaten people or endanger one's well being, she can also become proficient in using weapons however at the cost of her own body most of the time through lack of fundamental knowledge of safety, at this stage of her mindset your only chance is to incapacitate her.​

Combat Experience.
Kanna holds what some may call a library of knowledge on weapons allowing her to adapt herself to most tools, when possible, however, her weapon of choice is a pair of custom made scissors which she has choreographed her skillset for using a hybrid of the dagger's move sets.​
Kanna is a hybrid of Mee-young's hatred combined with the lack of morality and humanity on clover at stage 3. Kanna is usually quite passive, however, if you ever happen to come face to face with her in a fight to the death after aggravating her your only hope is to hope you're quicker and more skilled.​
One of her most absurd weapon skill sets involves a shovel.​

Primal Instincts.
All alter besides Kimiko can call on a state of mind referred to as her "Primal Instincts", it grants the user a large variety of knowledge across all personalities via a mediator, essentially creating the ideal personality holding all required abilities she has for her situation, All alters besides ones stated against have command over this, however, Kanna has mastered this observant skill fully, being able to use it in Mee subconsciously as a gateway for her entrance.​
Primal instincts are usually only used when she is in a life-threatening situation.​
Prolonged use of instincts can cause loss of her consciousness.​

all personalities know how to speak Japanese, Korean and Japanese sign, Kimiko sometimes forgets, however.​

Otherwise know as streetwise Mee and Kanna share a sense of heightened perspective to the environment as they do not usually act with impulsive decisions as Clover and Kimiko do.​

Mee Jaibatsume is a 5'1" blue-haired caucasian girl, her height combined with her other physical attributes make her look almost 17, some even mistaking her for a child. Her hair has a red streak flowing down the left side of her face and a crochet flower covers a scar on her right eye which she finds repulsing despite the scar being mostly healed over today.​

Mee is quite cheerful and can be very stoic, trying her best to make the most of a situation or fix things herself, even going out of the way to focus on another's health more than her own.​
This contradicts her childhood though, in her earlier years around the ages 10 to 15 she showed no emotion, being unresponsive the most things including her abuse, she'd commonly spend her break times at school reflecting on her life or being questioned on how she had attained the many bruises she had acquired from her father over the years, lying about them in silent fear of further beatings.​
Any vivid reminders of her father or her beatings can swiftly send Mee into flashbacks, causing her to panic or freeze up.​

General Information



Date of birth
24th of November

She has a scar on her right eye, usually covered by a flower

Council Vice President,
Track-Team [Co-Captain] (formerly)

Mental Health / Disabilities
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Post-Traumatic Narcolepsy (recent)

Relationships and Family

Asami Hasegawa [Alive]

Lover / Partner in crime
Asami is Mee-youngs significant other, Mee usually refering to her as "sweet bun".
The amount of times these two have broken PDA is quite frankly shocking.

Eva Hashirama Kaneko [???]
Mee-young had previously settled down with Eva Kaneko, who held an unbelievable record for amount of eggs collected. One day, she simply dissapeared.

Hana Jaibatsume [Alive]
Biological Sister / Twin
Mee-young's Sister, born 1 hour and 24 minutes after her, These two are very seperate personalities and goals in life, Mee seeking seclusion and peace whilst Hana seeks attention and fame with her streaming.

Eden Jaibatsume [Alive]
Biological Sister
Mee-young's younger sister, born one year after Mee and Hana.
Mee and Eden have a strong bond from the torment they shared at childhood, often supporting each other or providing comfort in times of need.

Den 'Wick' Celestiasume [Alive]
Foster Brother / Cousin
One of the three foster children raised on the estates along side Mee-young and her sisters, he would frequencly envolve himself in misadventure and foolery, even being the only one to witness the true events of Mee-young's father's death.

A secret he will likely take to the grave with him.

Beatrice Hamilton Jaibatsume [Alive]
Foster Sister?
Beatrice was often looked after by Yumi on the Estates, so much so she earned the unofficial title of sister among the Jaibatsumes.

Beatrice was often quite sporty, enjoying physical activities but kept reserved when needed, making her a favourite among Ena and Mee.

Ena Jaibatsume [Alive]
Adopted Sister
Ena was adopted by Yumi, she had found the poor girl at the park, alone. Ena, being blind did not know how to find her way around the playgrounf, Yumi had taken Ena to the police in attempt to find her parents, however, after 2 weeks of no result, she had decided to legally adopt the girl and raise Ena herself.

Ena is still not quite versed with the environment and lives with Wick in Karakura.

Ena is universally loved by all her siblings, Wick included, often getting up to mischief with him.

Kim O'Sullivan [Alive]
Friend / Councillor
Kim randomly appear to Mee one day, she took a liking to her quiet reserved nature and frequently conversed with her before she had become a councillor, she now considers her a close friend.

Twig [Alive]
Crackhead Pet
Twig is Mee's childhood pet, a fox found on the estates injured in bad condition which the Jaibatsume children decided to foster, care for and raise.
Twig took a liking to Mee's reserved calm attitude and Wick's playfulness.

Henry Hamilton [Alive]
Father figure
Henry Hamilton, affiliated with Beatrice, often visited the estate to spend time with Yumi, a friend, Mee-young often saw Henry as her own true father figure.

Mazaki Harishima-hiden [Alive]
Mazaki and Mee-young had so much in common back then! Blue hair
They decided to become friend at the auction house and warmed themselves up over a burning oil drum in the spartans house at a party!

Piper Quinn [Alive]
Piper and Mee-young met on council, they spoke frequently and worked together on the team before Mee-young became the Vice-President.

After a few months of leave, Piper returned to Karakura and greeted Mee-young again. They now speak every so often. about the weather.

Raika Miki [Alive]
Raika met Mee-young on the track team, the two got to know each other through the team's bonding activities.

Raika eventually bacame the captain of the track team, which soon followed by Mee-young become the Co-Captain.

Lia Celestiasume [
Lia is Mee-young's cousin, living in karakura with her, she owns a room in her apartment.
Lia was the one that happened to bring Mee-young's odd behaviours and dissociative amnesia to her attention.
I love it and the models and such add to it a lot!


Level 146
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
Thread starter

[+] Updated age, occupations and mental health.
[+] Remade start display image to updated skin design and custom headpiece.
[+] Added two new sections which are currently being worked on: Arc lore
O] Starting updating relationships again, was busy after becoming Staff and Council/Clubs faction lead.
[O] Work in progress "shitpost stories" document coming soon.

Do you know Mee-young in-character personally? Message me at Customable#1590 to claim your spot in the biography and earn a place on the character render sheet!​


Level 197

[+] Updated age, occupations and mental health.
[+] Remade start display image to updated skin design and custom headpiece.
[+] Added two new sections which are currently being worked on: Arc lore
O] Starting updating relationships again, was busy after becoming Staff and Council/Clubs faction lead.
[O] Work in progress "shitpost stories" document coming soon.

Do you know Mee-young in-character personally? Message me at Customable#1590 to claim your spot in the biography and earn a place on the character render sheet!​


Level 231
Really awesome biography. I love how peoples biographies as of recent are beginning to depart from the original @Ducks template. This is a really awesome and unique usage of the forums very limited text and layout features

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