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James Pretzel Biography


Level 10
Art Credit: abby_is_away
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Kei Suzuki [Best Friend]

Kei Suzuki is a college kid who is also one of James' best friends. They met when he had saved James from a fight at school, and Kei's been there for him ever since. He's one of James' oldest friends, having met him when he first moved to Karakura. Kei has helped James with countless things, and has stuck with him no matter how bad situations have gotten, proving himself to be a true friend of James.

Abby McCarthy [Friend]

Abby became acquainted with James through Kei Suzuki, her boyfriend, and is rarely seen without him. James considers Abby to be a dear friend whom he enjoys sharing alcohol with, in return for some cigarettes (some of which James may or may not have eaten). Once in a while she'd offer James some Alprazolam pills that she had stolen from her boyfriend. James believed that the pills she was offering were candy, so he'd happily oblige every time. James enjoys stealing blankets and pillows off of her bed, which, for some reason, seems to annoy her.

Jackie S. Adachi [Enemy]

This man is someone that James has never gotten along with, their negative history spanning back to when James had just moved to Karakura. They've fought far too many times to count, one fight resulting in James taking revenge by getting his gang members to help take Jackie's left arm. This, clearly, didn't make their relationship any better, and ever since, Jackie's been dead set on getting revenge on James.

Rinley S. Yamashita [Friend]

A relative of Jackie S. Adachi, however James had actually made friends with Rinley. She met James and Kei earlier on when James was new to Karakura, and came across the two as they were discussing ghosts. The same night, the group decided to go 'ghost hunting'. James believes that Rinley is deceased after they had used an Ouija board, as Rinley had switched personalities due to her personality disorder. From the moment she had swapped personalities, James had accused Rinley of being an imposter, and even attacked her thinking that this 'imposter' had killed his friend.

Natalio Dickinson Yao [Friend]

A young, bald menace that James befriended through his sister. As you can imagine, the two usually get into many shena****ns when they hang out together. James tends to imagine that he is slapping a conga when he slaps and taps Natalio's hairless head.

Thomas Wilde [Friend]

One of the many poor victims of James' random people-climbing, but unlike the rest, he didn't seem to mind it. The two actually managed to became friends, and James easily convinced Thomas to join his cult. James would consider Thomas to be a loyal and trustworthy friend, while others would likely question why Thomas was so easily persuaded into joining a cult about a Donut God...

Bonnie Z. Shima [Worst Person Ever]

A horrible redhead that James had tossed into a pond, which had nearly drowned the poor gal due to her inability to swim. James has also bitten her many, many times during fights, which had made Bonnie terrified of James for a long while. But, they eventually worked things out and mended their relationship, becoming friends, and eventually their relationship blossomed into a romantic one. However the relationship failed all because of Bonnie's hatred for his religion.

Sota Togomi [Friend]

It's not uncommon to see the pair get into tussles with each other, but the two have always remained friends, regardless of any broken noses that might have occurred due to their fights. Sota's family seems to hate James, and likely disapprove of Sota being friends with James... James considers Sota to be an amazing friend, despite how harsh Sota's advice may seem, because Sota has fought a bear for the sake of James. If that's not friendship then James doesn't know what friendship is.

Yuno L. Kawayama [Friend or Foe???]

Someone James met through his friend Kei Suzuki, and someone he used to consider a best friend. After she had taken his one eye, he was unsure of whether or not she was his best friend. He doesn't necessarily think she's 100% innocent, however he does believe that she still cares about him in some way, despite rarely seeing her at all after she'd taken his eye.

Michael H. Sada [Just a Good Guy]

Officer Michael H. Sada has arrested James on more than one occasion, their first encounter taking place at James' therapy appointment. What did he do this time, you may ask? James had bitten a psychiatrist a few days earlier and hobbled away as a pathetic form of a getaway dash. Michael has arrested him a few more times, all for biting people (to no one's surprise). At this point, because of James' track record, Michael just goes up to James and asks if he's bitten anyone recently. There was one instance where Michael even tried to bribe James with donuts to coerce him into answering. James doesn't mind Officer Sada's presence, as he seems to be a donut lover, a trait which is important to James.

Mizuki Kawasumi [Another Good Human!]

Mizuki is a librarian who James loves to talk to since she is clearly loves donuts and is just approachable. He often refers to her as Kawasomething which is usually followed by her correcting him on what her name actually is. When he goes to the library to talk to her he'll offer her donut before rambling her ears off with pure nonsense.

Aya Jökull [Sister]

Aya is often climbed on, and force fed donuts by James. She has been bitten by him many times when they've gotten into fights. Despite being bitten Aya still cares about James and has helped James out by carrying him to 11/7 to get donuts. It wouldn't be surprising if Aya's legs grew a six pack due to how much she carries him around. James does love Aya because she is his adopted sister and because she also rewards him with donuts.

Aiden Osiris and Izuki G. Osiris [Friends]

James has been getting trolled by Aiden and his brother, Izuki, for a while now and James still has no idea that they've been pulling his leg. They met near 11/7 when James had requested for help to find the donut shop. At the time Aiden and his brother Izuki were with their fellow college friends. The group decided to mess with James and ended up 'helping' him only to take him to a bear cave. Luckily the bears must've gone on vacation because James managed to explore the crooks and crannies of the cave without coming across a fuzzy beast. The group of college kids, after having their fun with James, took James back out of the cave. Ever since then, Aiden and Izuki have befriended James, or at least James believes that they're his friends, and have continued to mess with James.

Gage Utechno-Zakhaev [More like a Brother]

A friend was more of a brother to James. You see, Gage here would and has done a lot for James. Whenever James seemed to be crying due to some jerk picking on him, Gage would be right there; gathering the information he needed to get back at whoever had dared to hurt James. For example, many months ago -when James was still blind and still hurt from what his best friend had done to him- Gage helped James in a break and entry mission. It was the ultimate mission to help James to find something that Yuno had stolen from him. Of course the mission failed, and what they were looking for couldn't be found. But it was the act of helping blind, James in this break and entry plan that mattered more.

You know that saying where it states that some people would give the shirts off their backs to those in need? Well recently, after some jock from the swim team tricked James -shaving off James' hair and leaving only a few patches left- into giving him a very bad haircut. Gage had decided to make James feel better about himself by cutting off enough hair to help cover these bald spots that his ex girlfriend's stolen hair didn't. Just shows the kindness and love that Gage has for James in a brotherly way.

Yuiko Hinemiya Aiuchi [Seems like an Amazing Person!]

Another person, who is willing to do whatever for James. She once knocked out a bully -and rewarded the bully with an epic swirlie- who'd picked on James during school, to avenge the poor crippled man. However, she's also one who knows that James is a little too trusting. James trusts Yuiko so much, that he once followed her and her friends over to powerplant, where he was sparing with them on top of the roof. That was until the one guy he'd pissed off earlier, during school time, was spotted. Before this guy could even get 5 feet near them, they'd taken off through a hole in the fence, booking it as fast as they can out of fear of this dude. After fleeing, Yuiko brought James to her apartment to let him watch any TV shows he wanted. He'd then been convinced by Yuiko to text his sister, Julia, to come meet her and her friends. From what James understood, it was all for a play date. After finally convincing Julia, Yuiko and her friends left James, distracted by the TV, to go knock out poor Julia, who was EXTREMELY concerned about James' whereabouts. After being beat up and mugged, in hopes of finding -what she presumed was- her kidnapped brother. James just randomly popped out of the apartment with Yuiko and her friends. The whole night of looking for James wasn't too bad, considering that he'd sent Julia a picture of himself outside of townhall before being reunited.

V 'Karl' Auichi-Stark [The Best Papa]

Many know Karl as Karl, but to James. Well Karl is the most amazing father figure. A father figure who James' often calls as the 'Hello Kitty Man'. Karl is full of style, love, and good vibes. Unless you tick him off. In which case, that doesn't go well due to Karl's connections.. Back when James and Bonnie were together, dating as two lovers, he'd bring Bonnie to Karl's place. Allen, James' other papa was there. So it was sort of like a double date? With Bonnie and James wandering off in the apartment and Allen and Karl doing their own thing. Another time, James was in some serious, and Karl being the loving man he was helped to hide James, not once but twice! The first time was at Karl's place, and the other time was back in a very, very sketchy alleyway. Karl's always been someone that James has trusted since the beginning of meeting him. Though James spends majority of his time running around getting lost and into trouble, he always knows that Karl will be there for him.
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John Dough Pretzel and Pam D'Spray Pretzel were both peculiar parents who owned a bakery in their family's hometown; Stuart, Florida. A beautiful hometown that they'd raised their children in, whilst also running their family business. Since both of James' parents dedicated majority of their time towards their business, James and his siblings would often find themselves at their grandparents' house.

James' grandfather, Terry, would take James and his siblings out onto the ocean to sail whenever he'd have the chance to. Other times the Pretzel kids and grandpa Terry would be accompanied by grandma Tina, who'd insist on doing other activities with the children like collecting rocks, sea shells, and sometimes sea creatures that could all be found along the shore. Some of those items, like the rocks and shells, would be used to create art while others were just collected and to be sniffed and released. Amongst all the fun activities that James had been introduced to, sailing had been one of his favourites. It was the only other hobby that he loved that wasn't baking. The only issue he had with sailing was that you'd have to adjust to the weather when sailing, regardless of that inconvenience he still enjoyed sailing. However baking would always be James' cherished hobby, since baking often entailed tall tales and stories that would be shared by either of his parents -mainly his mother- and sometimes their grandparents. James' favourite story was about the spaces cows and moon rocks, which never got old regardless of how many times he'd request to be told that tale. And at the end of every baking session, James would sneak any cookies that had been made, keeping some for himself to munch on while storing any other cookies in his box that he had deemed to be 'too good' to be eaten. Every baking session always involved story telling, making the experience more memorable and special.

Even though Pam and John Pretzel loved their children as much as they loved baking, they'd still end up teaching their children outlandish mannerisms. Many of these mannerisms being taught due to how they'd run their household, with the help of their odd stories to retain the mannerisms that they'd teach their children. The Pretzel grandparents' aided in teaching these odd mannerisms by sharing these tall tales that they'd passed down to John Pretzel; their son, who'd passed it to onto his wife.

As a youngster, James would often cling to his family members, not wanting to be left alone. James and his two triplet sisters -Jesslyn and Julia- had a strong bond and would do almost everything together. Sometimes the triplets would catch frogs, or any other 'gross' critter, to chase their other siblings around with. Other times they'd use paint and would throw it at their family members, making
anyone and everything messy. When the triplets weren't teamed up causing chaos they'd wrestle amongst themselves to see who was the strongest triplet.

The News

As the waves splashed against the hull of the sailboat, the faint squabbling of seagulls could be heard amongst the strong gusty wind that filled the sails. James had sticking his hand in the water -watching as his hand sliced the water like a knife going through butter- while Jesslyn, his sister, had been steering the boat. It was a peaceful afternoon; especially with the occasional group of waves that would cause the bow of the boat to slap against the water, splashing James' face with water. Every time that had happened Jessie would chuckle, watching him wipe his face. He'd giggle as well as he kept a bright smile on his face as he wiped off the water, it didn't bother him none since he found it to be amusing as well.

As they approached their grandparents' house, they notice that their grandpa was waiting for them on the bench on the porch. This wasn't unusual of him to greet them, however, he appeared to be distressed as he stood up to meet Jessie and James. "Papa.. are you-" Jessie would ask out of concern before being interrupted by a sudden, firm hug. James stood behind Jessie, on the step below, observing the entire situation. He felt confused about what was going on, and yet despite feeling confused he still wore a smile. Everything remained silent for what felt like hours until his grandfather finally made eye contact with him. James' smile left his face as soon as he noticed the sorrow and pain in his grandpa's glassy eyes. Grandpa Terry would stand up, letting go of Jessie, as he cleared his throat, "Come on inside kiddos, we need to talk about your parents." Grandpa Terry looked and sounded like he was on the verge of tears as he spoke, trying to maintain his composure.

The remainder of the night felt unreal to James the moment his grandparents had broke the unfortunate news about how his parents' had passed away in the bakery accident. Strangled to death by a giant dough loop of a pretzel in an attempt to make a giant pretzel in celebration of Christmas. How could this have happened? Was this a hot fever dream? James was in complete disbelief that both of his parents had died baking; something that they'd literally been doing their entire lives. It was something they'd done as an occupation -opening and establishing their own, independent bakery- and were extremely good at. Yet, somehow, they had perished due to their own creation.

The Will of the Pretzels

As per John and Pam Pretzel's will, the uncle would be granted custody of the Pretzel kids as well as the family business as opposed to the Pretzel grandparents gaining guardianship of the Pretzel children. The Pretzel kids had spent nine months with their grandparents after their parents death as they waited for their uncle to get ready for the big move.

Having to live with his uncle Ben meant that James would have to move countries since uncle Ben resided in Karakura, Japan. James found it incredibly difficult to say goodbye to his beloved hometown, where he'd grown up with his family and childhood friends.

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Life in Karakura

Upon the first few months of living with his uncle Ben, James found it extremely hard to adjust to the way of life in Japan. His uncle would spend a lot of time teaching the Pretzel children Japanese and would do his best to expose them to the culture that Karakura offered. James missed what he'd left behind back home but he'd try his best to focus on the present and would cope with his family to this adjustment. Unfortunately uncle Ben had to eventually give up the family bakery due to how difficult it was to manage a business and a grieving family. It was one of the last things that uncle Ben had wanted to do, and was the hardest choice for him to make since this bakery meant a lot to the Pretzel family, but in the long run he knew it was for the best that he let it go.

A Pretzel in Ságe

James spoke to Jeff Hogglebird, the same rude man who had stolen James' lunch money -with the aid of his nasty friends- a few days prior. He'd spoken to James and after a lot of talking Jeff had convinced James to be apart of his gang. It didn't take much for James to agree since he thought it'd be a good way to make some friends. He wasn't wrong, he did make some friends within the small gang he had become apart of. And he learned a few tricks in fighting that he had learned during training. However despite getting pointers on how to win a fight, it did take James a while to get better at fighting since he was weak, and short.

After a month of being in the gang Ságe, James had been wronged by Jackie. Jackie was about to find out that he'd messed with the wrong person because James had received help from his gang members to get ahold of Jackie. After school had ended poor Jackie got taken by the Ságe gang members and got the beating of a lifetime. After being beaten to a pulp, Jackie would wake up to find out that his left arm had been taken. Of course it was obvious who had been involved since James neglected wearing his mask for such a crime..

When a gang war hit, the gang Ságe had begun to struggle due to being outnumbered. James had decided to leave the gang due his concern for how the leader of Ságe was handling the gang war.

Bad Luck in Karakura

After leaving the gang he was in, James was still out and about in Karakura causing trouble with the locals. Specifically friends of his one best friend, who's friends happened to be affiliated with gangs. Not people you really want to be messing with.

At this point in time it wasn't uncommon to spot James with his best friend Yuno since they had grown closer since he'd left Sage. Yuno didn't mind James, the only thing she didn't like were his odd mannerisms; such as the sniffing people, for obvious reasons.. James was going about his day like normal, sniffing people like a weirdo (as usual), as he hung around his best friend Yuno. She had been talking to her friend Ken when suddenly James had come up to her friend and decided to sniff the man -not once, and not twice- but multiple times.. As you can imagine Yuno's friend was less than impressed with James because of this, which resulted in a fight that James lost. A few days later, after this sniffing incident, Ken had been informed about how James had also been messing with one of his own friends. So to get back at James, after the first bad impression James had left on him, Ken lured Yuno and James into his apartment. At first James felt comfortable after receiving a delicious cookie from Ken until Ken disappeared and a strange, masked individual appeared in Ken's place. James being frightened and scared, fought this masked person and had somehow managed to steal the bat from the attacker. James had managed to knocked out the attacker, and had removed the mask only for Yuno and James to discover that it was Ken who was the attacker.. Upon discovering who this attacker was, after James nicely returned Ken's bat to Ken's unconscious body, Yuno and James attempted to leave the apartment only to discover that the apartment doors had been locked. Ken eventually woke up and knocked James out, resulting in Ken taking James' right leg afterwards.

Another time after school had ended, a few months after losing his leg, James got into a fight with an old lady who had stolen his shoe. James wasn't too happy about having his shoe getting taken so he pursued this old granny. Of course it was a slow hot pursuit that lasted hours since both him and the granny were as slow as snails. It probably would've been more entertaining to watch a snail race, none-the-less James still engaged in this chase for the sake of his cherished shoe. When James did eventually catch up to the old hag, he had found himself in a physical quarrel with her. A friend of this old hag's had shown up and came to her rescue, which didn't end well since he was just as ancient as she was, joining in on the fight! Sadly the two oldies ended up getting knocked out giving James, the crippled one legged menace, the ultimate victory of beating up two elderly folks at the same time. James was extremely happy because he felt proud to have beaten up these two helpless souls and to get his shoe back. Little did James know that the old woman he'd beaten up was the granny of one of Karakura's largest families. Of course, this family wouldn't let what James did slide after hearing about what James had done to their beloved grandmother. The grandchild who had been plotting revenge ended up finding out that Yuno was associated with James. Yuno, being told what James had done, agreed to help her friend to get revenge on James for what he'd done. So Yuno lured James into the apartment, telling him they'd watch movies and hangout like they usually did. James happily agreed, receiving a cookie as promised by Yuno prior to going to her apartment. As James settled down onto the couch, waiting for Yuno, he'd turn on the Tv before suddenly getting attacked by two masked folks. James had lost his left hand and received a glasgow smile scar that day, as She sat upstairs allowing her friend and another person take revenge on James.

Betrayal and Karma

Yuno eventually grew tired of trying to save James from the consequences of his foolish actions. James had pulled Yuno's final straw by getting into a fight with a Onchao, someone that James deeply hated. After James had knocked out the poor lad he had decided to dunked him into the water since James had deemed that messing up Onchao with food wasn't enough. At the apartment, after James had gotten into that fight, Yuno decided to take it into her own hands to teach James a lesson. She'd try to talk to him which quickly had escalated into a physical fight, which she had won. She took James' eye believing that James would learn a valuable lesson from this. She'd snack on a cookie as she waited for James to wake up so they could talk some more; which he did. At first James felt completely betrayed when he woke up to discover that his eye had been taken by his best friend. But soon he'd be in disbelief at how someone, especially his best friend, who'd literally been there for him could do such an awful thing to him.

A Not-So-Friendly Emoji

During a stroll in the forest James would come across a masked person who's mask was painted like a silly emoji. James wouldn't be frightened by the masked person due to seeing the emoji masked person as approachable. They seemed especially friendly due to the fact that they'd invited James to join them on a walk! Well a few days prior to this, James had bitten a girl during a fight that he had won. As you probably guessed this not-so-friendly masked person was that girl that James had fought. On the walk she'd take James up to a cool cave before dumping him onto the ground, catching James off guard, to fight and knock him out. She succeeded and took James' remaining eye, leaving James to be completely blind.

Visits and Gifts from Donut God

James was sitting on a bench waiting with Izuki for Aiden to return. James had been waiting with Izuki because he'd been told that they had wanted to introduced him to a very special friend, after they'd heard James jabbering on about how much he loved donuts. James loved his two college friends, Izuki and Aiden, and happily agreed to meet this special person despite not knowing a single thing about who he'd be meeting. A sudden deep, booming voice was heard that claimed to be the Donut God. Izuki had told James that this voice that James was hearing was indeed the Donut God. This voice that James failed to recognize however was his friend Aiden, posing as this deity. It didn't take much for Izuki and Aiden to convince that who he was speaking to and hearing was really a Donut God. James was extremely excited to be in the presence of what he believed to be a powerful deity that was speaking directly to him. During the conversation that James had with Donut God, he'd be dubbed by the Donut God himself with the title of 'Donut Lord'. The Donut God would vanish as quick as he had appeared, which would lead to Aiden returning to hear about James' visit with Donut God.

The two Osiris brothers, Izuki and Aiden, took James to a cruise ship, convincing James that it was a donut shop called 'Big Donut' with a giant pool of frosting. James was excited to go, and was especially excited to try to eat the walls of the shop since he was told that the walls of the shop were made of donuts. He did attempt to eat the walls, and got told that the walls were actually made of ice donuts which was why James couldn't bite through the so-called edible walls. Later on during their time on the ship, Izuki and Aiden convinced James to jump into the 'frosting pool', which was actually just the ocean. James blissfully jumped into the water with no hesitation, however after being pulled out of the water by Aiden he'd become slightly suspicious as to why the frosting pool was so.. well... watery. Aiden and Izuki would quickly distract James with another visit from Donut God. Aiden would do the Donut God voice, conversing with James, telling James about how proud he was of James and to keep up the good work -which was questionable as to what exactly James had done to make Donut God so proud. As a token from the Donut God himself, he'd present James with a princess tiara, declaring that the crown was going to protect his life. James enthusiastically accepted this gift.

One of James' relatives, Hoshi, was watching James and his collage friends from afar, looking through a window. Hoshi had stalked James after school to see where Aiden and Izuki and their other collage friends would take James, which ended up being a cabin in the woods. They had wanted to help James to create the Doble, a book to help James spread Donut God to Karakura. Of course, Aiden and Izuki and their friends were in it to keep their Donut God prank going since they had found it super amusing to watch James go on and on about Donut God. Aiden and Izuki spoke to James about how Donut god couldn't pay a visit tonight but how he'd passed on a gift to give to James as another token of appreciation. This crown supposedly had the power of strength. James was still has happy to be granted a gift, for doing so well, from Donut God even though he didn't get to hear the voice of Donut God. Sota, James' friend, got called by Hoshi about where James was and ended up showing up in the room where the group had been chilling. Sota and James argued a fair bit. James was upset due to Sota claiming the Donut God wasn't real and being told that he was mentally ill. The argument quickly turned into a tussle where Sota ended up pushing James out of the window; resulting in a broken leg.

A phone call from Izuki and Aiden was received, James had been told that they wanted to visit James. They brought a person who they claimed to be the Donut God in human form, someone who did not sound at all like Donut God. James was convinced none-the-less since Donut God was a supernatural deity and could likely do anything, plus Izuki and Aiden were friends with Donut God and confirmed that it was Donut God. James would welcome the stranger into his household along with his two friends so they could talk. For the first time, Donut God would tell James that he was not pleased with the lack of people in the cult. Donut God would tell James that he'd need to recruit more people or it could result in losing his title of 'Donut Lord' that was granted to him. James became worried since he had upset the 'Donut God', so after Aiden and Izuki escorted James to Plaza, he'd go around Karakura asking people if they wanted to worship Donut God and to join the cult. He'd surprisingly get quite a few people who had agreed to join this Donut Cult.

James felt his phone buzzing, while hanging out with Thomas, notifying him that there was an incoming call. It was Izuki and Aiden calling him asking to hangout as usual, and James willing obliged. He'd get Thomas to go to where Aiden and Izuki were at. Little did James know that he'd be gifted yet another crown, and this time with a cult member witness!! Aiden would approach James, telling him that Donut God wanted Aiden to pass on another gift as a reward for recruiting more people into the Donut Cult. He'd present James with a fancier crown, taking off the princess tiara as they replaced it with the new crown (this one would have donut images on it). The crown wasn't the only thing James would be gifted today though, because Aiden immediately handed over something else.. A toy sceptre! Aiden claimed that this new staff would grant James power! James was a little sad to lose one of his magical crowns and was a bit disappointed to not have his gifts presented to him by the Donut God himself. However James was still grateful for this gift.

Turmoil In The Heart

A specific red haired enemy captured the heart of James Pretzel after many months of fighting. No one really knows why Bonnie fell in love with the ignorant fool who had caused her so much pain and turmoil. Maybe it was because he’d become so crippled that she’d begun to pity him. Regardless of the reason, she’d take him all over Karakura so that they’d both enjoy each other's company. Away from the bustling city antics.

Every time James spent time with Bonnie, he felt comforted and supported since Bonnie seemed to respect and understand his religion and faith in Donut God. Bonnie’s family was extremely concerned about this romantic relationship due to the entire family’s experience with the dreaded James Pretzel. After all, they found him trespassing in their family household prior to dating. As well as hearing horror stories of how he’d treated Bonnie. She’d reassured her friends and family that she was safe and that she could fix the man she loved. After all she viewed James as broken and deeply troubled. But James’ obsession with the Donut God continued to grow and ultimately drove her away.

In their final moments before parting as boyfriend and girlfriend, they began to fight about James’ obsession with his religion and his Donut God. As per usual, the blind man bit Bonnie multiple times after screaming and accusing her of being a liar and a traitor and for working with the bagels he’d sworn to destroy and convert.

Sacrifices For The Donut God

Mumbling could be heard throughout the dimly lit donut themed apartment whilst James debated to himself on his course of action in regards to the recent issues that had been causing him emotional grief. As if rage and pain wasn’t enough from his break up with his ex. James had long grown tired of the many folks who’d decided to mock his God and his Donut God’s commands. James knew his God was real and that Donut God wasn’t a phony, like so many people claimed his God to be. Like Jackie and Harry. Man, James hated those two for their lack of faith in such powerful beings such as Donut god. And of course for how horribly they had treated him. James continued to ramble to Donut God alone in his apartment. Furrowing his brows as a trillion thoughts zoomed across his mind, fueling his anxiety and fear. James rocked on the sofa as he continued to paint the counter of his coffee table with Nutella. James was certain about two things out of all the thoughts that he had experienced. Bonnie was a bagel and Karakura was infected with many bagels. Suddenly a wave of relief and clarity came over James.
“Hey Siri, text Yui ‘I got a mission,” he’d command to his phone as a cheerful smile spread across his face. Finally he knew how to resolve the evil he’d witnessed in the town of Karakura, starting with his enemies and the people who hated his beloved Donut God.

His plan (or rather what he believed was Donut God’s plan) was simple. It was a two birds with one stone type scenario. He’d get revenge on his ex all whilst helping his enemies to meet his beloved Donut God in hopes to stop their bagelness. Ultimately showing the whole wide world that Donut God was in fact real and that he was not one to be mocked. All with the help of his cult members to enact the operation.

It took a few weeks of preparation to ensure that everything was all set for James’ preplanned sleepover. All that was left was to collect the two guests who James had planned the sleepover for. All that was left was for the guests’ arrival. Which would be left to the cult members’ to collect since James couldn’t successfully force his guests to come to the sleepover. Because of the reliability of his cult members everything went smoothly. Well in regards to collecting Jackie and Harry. More so Jackie since he had spent more time in James’ donut themed apartment.

The guests of the donut apartment would be treated to a huge variety of donuts, and just donuts. Encouraging a Donut God approved diet. However Jackie was quite ungrateful and would constantly complain about not having his medications and caused the Doble cult to punish Jackie for his ungratefulness. He was still given donuts though because it is believed that everyone deserves donuts to encounter Donut God.

Jackie and Harry spent a long long time at the donut apartment, as James waited for them to encounter Donut God. During this time, one of Jackie’s siblings had approached James demanding to know where his brother was. James was insistent that Jackie was not to leave until he met Donut God. And because of how salty Touji grew due to James’ stubbornness James decided to reunite Touji with his brother, Jackie. But it wasn’t in the way that poor Touji had imagined. Young Touji ended up kidnapped, together, in Jackie’s room. The only good thing was that James didn’t know about the tiny vent that was in Jackie’s room, nor was he notified about it by his trustworthy cult members. A few days later after being kidnapped, Touji would crawl out to freedom, leaving his brother in hopes of getting help.

The escape of the youngster didn’t remain unnoticed and struck fear and anxiety in James because he feared that his plan would fail. All he wanted was to rid Jackie and Harry of their bagelness and to show the world what Donut God could really do. The plan changed, and the Donuts would have to physically rid Jackie and Harry of their bagelness as opposed to letting them find Donut God on their own.

James clenched his jar of Nutella before patting the table for his bowl of broken donuts as he waited for Yui to bring out Harry and Jackie to the donut table. James sighed as he relaxed. Everything is ready… The sacrifice will be good.

James smeared the contents of Nutella onto Jackie’s and Harry’s body as he mumbled and hummed. Once they were both completely covered James would grab a handful of broken donuts as he sprinkled it all over his guests. James’ arms rose as he began to bellow “Sprinkles, Frosting, DOUGH. Donut God, come unto Jackies’ and Harry’s spirit as we sacrifice the bagelness of them both!” James would then grab two handfuls of just sprinkles as he tossed it upwards, like confetti, over the victims.
“Okay, they’re ready Yui,” James nodded with a satisfied smile, leaving Yui to handle the rest.

Harry and Jackie would get dumped somewhere beautiful in Karakura, the beach, after the sacrifice was over. Their lives were spared, but they both lost a part of themselves.. Literally.. Well and maybe a bit of their sanity too.
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Level 3
Harry will never forget the day his bagelness left him! That wasn’t the only thing that left him that day … he’s been seeing only half as much since then … weird …

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