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Denied Janitor Application

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In-game name-
Samton Q . Pints

Do you have discord - Yes BobbyTheCobby#3618

Have you ever been banned, if yes when and why - I was banned over 3 years ago at this point for racism I don't specifically remember all the details thought other then that none.

Describe your activity on the server and forums - I'm very active on both I do sometimes have to go away for trips though.

School employee role you're applying for- I am currently applying for the Janitor position

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee- The role of my chosen school employee mainly involves cleaning, buffing the floors, and emptying the trashcans

Do you recognize that you can be ICly fired- Yes I do recognize this of course if I am not active enough or fail to do my job around the school then I'd be fired for sure. I can assure you that this won't happen though.

Do you understand how to seriously roleplay?-
Yes I do understand how to seriously roleplay, my life in SRP mainly consists of serious roleplay already.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay? - I have loads of experience I roleplay on Garry's Mod, Minecraft, Roblox, and GTA. I can tell you with confidence that I am one of the best roleplayers on SRP.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server?- I have a lot of applications from applying to college and my ban appeal I can't link all of them because I honestly don't know how to find them on the SRP website but I'll link as many as I possibly can

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?-
I would try to see what's wrong with them and see if they have any at-home issues or if they have been having a bad day. If they're doing it just to mess with me I would report them to the vice-principal. There is no reason to talk to a school staff member like that unless they did something terrible to you even at that stage I'd suggest not doing still.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?- I'd do the job but with much caution, I'd see if the principal wants me to bring anything special that will help along the way of the job that he's asked me to do. Of course, I'd see if I was allowed to bring people along to help or if I was able to get out of the job if it was something I was far too uncomfortable with.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?- I would ask them why they are acting that way and tell them to act the way they are supposed to make sure to tell the principal if they're being rude to students or other faculty members.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? My character would act relaxed like any other day chill out talk to some other teachers and faculty to blow off some steam.

Provide us with at least 3 detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
NUMBER 1-/me Would clean the floors with absolute precision not missing a single spec of dust
NUMBER 2-/me Would shampoo the carpet to wash everything out of it to make it as clean as possible.
NUMBER 3-/me Would take the trash out of the trash bins in an orderly manner.

In-Character Section

Full Name:
Samton Q . pints

Age (Minimum age is 25): 33

Title (Mr,Mrs,Miss):

Academic Degree:
None currently

Year of Graduation:
Not yet.



Backstory: Samton Q.Pints is a half Irish-half American He's brave, proud, energetic, and perhaps a little too jealous. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with his position.

He was born in a middle-class family in a developing capital. He felt like he could do more with his life, such as sports he was fantastic at sports. He played soccer for a tiny portion of his life with some of his friends on a junior team. He was completely obsessed with learning and sometimes would stay up late trying to solve a lot of programming problems and other things like math and science his two worst subjects which later in his life turned out to be his two best.

There may have been some things wrong with him he has mild ADHD and sometimes cannot focus well. At 15 he began to be very attached to different types of things like Anatomy and exploring. He got attached to exploring and would explore places around him like nearby lakes or holes to see if he could find anything interesting. Some people called him a weird boy but to him, he was the exact opposite. In his family weird was normal and normal was weird. He moved around quite a bit as a child since his family was wealthy it wasn't a big deal at some points they moved into very very big houses.

He loved everyone in his family and was a very festive boy during the holidays mainly Christmas the holiday he began to love more and more year after year. He did have a sister but he has no clue where she went whether she moved or just died he met her one time and that was 3 years after he was born in 2005 on his birthday he hasn't seen her since. As for his other 3 siblings, he sees them every year at Christmas as a tradition that travels through his family.

In adult-hood, Samton would be a bit happier in life knowing he's done with school and all of those others things in life that angered him or made him upset but now that he was out his life would be so much better he could have a family or buy a shop or even marry someone he was so pumped to get out there maybe buy a store or get a job at the hospital or maybe at the school he couldn't decide but he knew he had to get a bigger education so he went to college and then applied for the position of counselor and was ready to get into the job.

The motivation for Joining KHS: My motivation is simple I've loved this school for years on end and taking it up a level would make me love it even more.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: I would be accepted over the other applicants because I have that passion that nobody else has the one that doesn't hate the job but instead the one who loves the job as a great man once said Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, however I have decided to deny this application.

- You didn't specify a In-Game Name; minecraft username.
- Your Out-Of-Character, /me's & Situations section are under detailed and require further elaboration.

You my re-apply in 14 days.
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