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Jaydan Sasakato

Jaydan Gauthier Sasakato

Basic Information

First Name: Jaydan
Surname: Gauthier

Preferred Name: Jaydan

Aliases: The Cheerful Masked

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 7'5"

Weight: 125kg

Build: Tall Muscular Build

Skin Color: White/ (Albino)

Eye Color: One Eye being blue and the other being Green

Hair Style: Messy hair

Hair Color: Blonde But has Dyed it so Half would be blue

Abnormalities: He is Tall, His Eyes have an Extreme Sensitivity to bright Lights

Date of Birth: January 19th 2003

Nationality: Canadian/French/English

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: He does not have any

General Appearance

Appearance: He'd be a Male Standing 7'5", He'd Weight 125kg, He'd have blonde/light blue hair that would fall over his face, He'd have a strong muscular build, with a calm voice. He'd be an Outgoing person With ADHD. He'd smell of tangelo

Personality: He'd be an Outgoing person With ADHD.

Diseases/Illness: Chronic Depression

Character Voice: A Calming Voice

As of recently he has talked by trailing his sentences off
He Wears A mask with special lens in it keep bright lights from getting to his eyes But as of recently he wears a pair of sun glasses, He wears a bracelet with a heart pendent on his left arm
Wears White shoes with Blue jeans a Black Shirt and a Plaid Jacket
He Did gymnastics growing up, He would read a bunch as well
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
He Suffers from chronic depression, and he suffers from gigantism, he is easily angered if his Cousin is Talked about in a bad manner, He hears voices due to his depression, He has adhd, He cant be left alone for very long
He is Extremely agile as well as flexible as he is able to use his entire body to its fullest

Aydan Anarchisa "Wakato": Deceased
Hayden Kirikato "Akamine": Alive And Semi Healthy
Kayden [Redacted] Quinnanto: Alive And Healthy
[Make sure it's detailed.]
Jaydan Sasakato Is a Very Outgoing and Cheerful person. His Smile would be so infectious as it caused others to start smiling as well. From birth he had a strange sensitivity to bright lights and was physically unable to go outside without because of such. He was told to wear sunglasses but they would only bother or irritate him but he needed something to protect his eyes. They Soon started to realized that masks didnt seem to bother him at all when he wore them and could easily be modified to have special lens inside of them. As he grew up he would attempt to try glasses several times a year to see if they weren't bothersome but to his dismay they all were still uncomfortable. He Has tried to have Doctors Make a special pair of sunglasses that would fit like a mask But has not have any success with it. He Was a Rather well off Kid Who got all that he wanted. Though he was rather lonely as the other kids would think that he would be a freak since he would always be wearing a mask. The Age of 6 He was in first grade and was automictically called a freak because he would barely every show his face. By the Age of 8 He was taking Gymnastics as he was extremely bored. He started to show a strange change in his growth as he was above the average for a 10 year old. By the age of 12 he was Taller than all the kids in the 8th grade and had a very muscular build as he continued to take gymnastics. Due to his Flexible body he was able to do things the average person couldn't do. By the age of 14 He learned how to fight using his entire body to its fullest. He and his cousins were all living together under one roof. But as soon as they went to japan they soon found out about his Cousin Being Murdered which lead him down a hole of depression.
*(Look at Haydens bio as well for some more details)*

Ume Kubo: She is a guardian of his who watches after him and makes sure he stays out of trouble
Cyprien Gauthier: He is the one who adopted him after he moved to Japan
Eve A. Cartier: She is a good friend of his and also helps keep him out of trouble
Kayden 'Kylie' Quinnanto: She is one of his Cousins She is one who stands out
Hayden Kirikato: He is one of his cousins who ends up looking out for him, he also is a bit harsh on him
Juliette DeRose: She is a friend of his..
April Fox: She took in him and gave him a place to stay, that his other cousins are welcomed to come and stop by at.
Angel 'Lily': She is a girl who he looks after
*Work in progress*
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