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jayseph's BMD Application


Level 25

IGN: bound2you (Alts include jayseph_ and _jaywalking_)

Previous bans/warns/kicks:
I don’t have any bans on this account, but I do have three on my main jayseph_
  1. ERP: I was new to the server and unaware of the rules and what was considered ERP or not. It was a stupid sort of action and am now aware of the rules, this was about a year ago.
  2. Trolling: I was again, new to the server and was sort of messing around with my friend. I never got warned for it and so I appealed it and was accepted for that. This was also about a year ago.
  3. This last one is extremely complicated and I’m not really sure how to explain it. But it came down to falsified DMs and then appealing the ban and trying to explain it all in DMs again with an admin. I’d be much more willing to go into more about it all in DMs as I’m not comfortable getting too into it publicly.

List any applications you have created on the forums:


Put on Pending: (I've now put it as being no longer interested)

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server varies. I spend a lot of time on my main account while being involved with Akihito events or just the general thug behavior around Karakura. I also spend a lot of time writing off of the actual Minecraft server as I’m on the lore team. In terms of how often I’m online, I spend at least three to four hours online each day. Or at least try to take the time out of my day to do so. I’m currently in my senior year of high school so there is a commitment there that I have to prioritize, but otherwise, I tend to spend a lot of time doing all sorts of roleplay. Whether it be crime-based, average class going, messing around with friends ICly, or other things that go into your general SRP type of roleplay, I have at least dipped my toe in most different areas of roleplay.

Specify your Discord name and discriminator (USER#????) and if you have a microphone:
jayseph_#6986 and I do have a microphone.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I live in the United States, and I am in Central Time.

What are your motivations for applying for the black market dealer role?:
My motivations for applying for BMD come a lot from the specific character that I wish to use, but also a general curiosity about how it runs and what it’s like. Obviously, there are discussions about it and I’ve written a lot of the lore for it, but actually being inside the BMD and getting to roleplay as a character inside of it is a different story. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little interested because I’ve heard of the money that you can make, but that’s not my main reason, or even in my top reasons. I think that BMD as a career fits the character that I’m applying with the most, and would enhance the roleplay that I’d be able to do as well as others’ roleplay at the same time. It may be slightly selfish to apply in order to enhance my own roleplay, but I also think that it would give other players interesting roleplay that connects well with the lore that is written (and in the process of being written) in a way that wouldn’t be able to if I wasn’t a BMD. I also really want to be able to give ideas for KBM and other crime related events. Having worked with some of the first ones while I was in Kaku-Kai, with the Kaku-Kai v. Bonten war, I have a general idea of what goes well, what doesn’t, and how to properly get things from both sides to make them better.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I believe there are a few things that help me stand out from other applicants.

Lore Team: I think this one is the most obvious so I’ll get it out of the way as I don’t want to use it much as an actual edge. Obviously being inside of the Lore Team and writing the crime/black market lore gives me the advantage of being able to understand the history of the KBM and how it’s to be roleplayed out. Additionally, that way I can write things out properly based on the current system mixed with the base history for the KBM. As well as having that information before hand and knowing it well enough that I don’t need to go over it or be taught that historical piece of the KBM.

History within CrimeRP: While I don’t have the amount of time being on the server that some others do, I have been CrimeRPing almost the entire time that I’ve been on the server itself. Having been in Kanto, Kishi, Kaku-Kai, and then now the Akihito Clan, I know a lot of the difference between old ways of GangRP and some of the new ways that are being incorporated into CrimeRP now. I’ve also consistently spent time with making sure all of my characters are properly etched out in order to fit both the physical and mental toll that consitent crime can have on someone.

What I can bring: There aren’t many things that really would set me apart from other applicants. If I’m being completely honest, I know that there are people who have either been on the server longer than I have or may have more experience in CrimeRP than I do. And while I recognize this, I also believe that I could be a huge addition to the the KBM. I put a lot of thought into my roleplay. Piecing things together in order to fully understand situations and what my character would do in them. Though sometimes I do things on the fly, figure things out when asked them, I have an incredible knowledge base of how to roleplay out my characters properly. I make sure that everything I do ICly is exactly what my character would do, without putting anything in from any sort of OOC bias. (Obviously I’m in Akihito separately from this, and while my other character is extremely loyal to them, this character is not.) Additionally, I’m the creative type. I have constant ideas for things flowing through my mind that I’d like to be able to do within CrimeRP that I believe this would give me the chance to not only give, but also do them. Planning KBM related events is something that I also really want to bring to the table if chosen.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
I have a few previous experiences in working in teams, both on and off the server.

On SRP: While having been on SRP, like I said I’ve been in multiple gangs and also now on the Lore Team. While in Kaku-Kai, I was a higherup role and did lots of management from both the IC and OOC side. Having to read over applications, deal with things that happened with members (both ICly and OOCly), and keeping things together from a management perspective. In Kanto, Kishi, and not Akihito, I’ve been just a regular member like everyone else within the gangs which is a different perspective, but gives the sense of just being there normally like other people and not having a higherup role. Now in Lore Team, I work collaboratively with the other members that not only I’m assigned with for the lore I’m writing, but with all of the other team members in order to properly make everything work together.

Off SRP: I won’t get into everything that I’ve ever done outside of SRP because that isn’t super needed nor is it super relevant. But I have been a senior admin and moderated in a few different discord roleplay servers. So I know roleplay outside of just SRP and have some ideas of how some things could be implemented into SRP. I also have that sort of leadership role and idea of how it all should work.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
More Criminal Business and Corruption:
I know this is a popular suggestion and one that is being worked on in both the KBM and in other aspects, but I believe its one that still needs to be talked through. Businesses being corrupt or run by things like the Yakuza or even pseudo-Yakuzas are extremely common in Japan. And while I’ve seen the uprising in both the Fight Club becoming an illegal business and street racing truly becoming a thing on SRP, I have a lot of ideas for things that could actually be done in order to increase that sort of criminal business aspect in Karakura. Even then, I think there’s a place for more illegal businesses such as hitmen, actual alcohol smuggling and selling, money extortion, etc.

Lewk and I have talked a bit about the idea of corruption within Karakura and things like gambling rings, night clubs, and others which include more of a corrupt side. Obviously within the lore we’ve established that there was an entire corrupt family that controlled Karakura, and in some ways, I believe that the Yakuza shows some of the corruptness within Karakura. But, I believe that there is a place for things such as corrupt police officers and EMS workers in a different way that they’re seen as now. I think a big problem with corrupt officers now is that a lot of them just do what they want to in terms of corruptness when it comes to their friends. But if we’re basing the server off of more realistic things, I believe that having both corrupt EMS workers and police officers truly do things that are corrupt would be extremely interesting and add to CrimeRP. Things like covering up obvious murders, getting rid of evidence, even having EMS workers who decide to kill instead of help would be something to look into. Obviously there would be precautions and the act of having to ask before you do things would still be there, but having actual corrupt workers in the emergency faction would add to CrimeRP.

Making it more Japanese based: This is probably going to be bit off depending on who you ask but, Karakura is based in Japan and therefore I believe that things should be based a little bit more off of Japanese laws and crime there. Robbery is top crime within Japan and yet I don’t see that much at all other than small muggings. Additionally, both those who commit robbery and murder are usually found and prosecuted. Things like insurance, credit card, and even identity fraud are extremely common in Japan. Additionally vehicular assault is also common though I know that those sort of things have to be approved by staff. But just in general, I think things like biker gangs, Yakuzas, pseudo-yakuzas, and just other orginazed crime that falls under things that are more Japanese based would add to the realism inside of Karakura and CrimeRP.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I have read through all of the rules for the server as well as specifically for Crime/GangRP and the weapon profiles many times.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, I acknowledge that if I leave the black market, the lead (whoever it may be) will have permanent kill permissions on the character that I use.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I also acknowledge that if my character is killed and/or permanently arrested twice, I will be removed from the black market.

Are you familiar that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes, I acklowledge that as well. As someone who has been apart of many events in both Akihito and Kaku-Kai, as well as being in the Lore Team, keeping OOC plans secret isn’t a problem for me.

Full Legal Name: Katsu Otori
Criminal Alias: Invidia (For background, Invidia is one of the seven deadly sins known in the Christian belief. Also known as envy in English, in Latin, Invidia is seen as the Greek personification of Nemesis and Phthonus)
Age & Occupation: 27, currently unemployed according to the country of Japan.
Gender & Marital Status: He is a cis man and he is currently single.

Ethnicity & Race: Katsu is Japanese

Known Languages: Japanese, English, Cantonese, and Korean

Former Associations/Occupations:
  • Chunju Taekkyon - Korea Traditional Taekgyon Association
    • Trained under Jeong Kyung-hwa

  • Yamguchi-gumi Yakuza operating in Kyushi, Japan
    • From age 18-20
    • Was involved in weapon dealing throughout Japan.

  • Wo Shong Wo Triad operating in Hong Kong
    • From age 21-26
    • For the first two years, he was a security guard for a high profile night club.
      • There he also laundered money through alcohol sales.
    • After the night club closed, Katsu became a hitman for Wo Shong Wo.
      • Using his training in throwing knives as his specialty.
    • At age 25, he once again became involved in the alcohol and weapon trade within Hong Kong.

Highest Level of Education: A degree in integrative physiology from Wu Yee Sun college in Hong Kong

Physical/Mental Ailments: Though its not much of an actual ailment, the tip of his left pinky is missing.

Known Family Members:
Kinuo Otori - Father (Alive)
Azzura Russo - Mother (Alive)
Tetsuya Otori - Grandfather (Unsure)

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Katsu Otori stands at five foot nine inches with an average build. Though its obvious that the man takes care of himself, having the muscular build of an average martial artist. He has maroon hair that is cut up high and tight, similar to that of a military cut that you would see. Shaved on the sides that fades up to about two inches of hair on the top. With a square cut chin, his jawline chisels out his facial features and compliments the slim, short nose that he has. Nothing on him seems that out of the ordinary until you see that the tip of his left pinky is cleanly cut off. Missing the top knuckle of said finger.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
When you first meet Katsu Otori, he seems nothing shy of a goofy, down to earth guy who you can hang out with and talk to. Maybe grab a beer or a glass of whiskey with from the bar, have a great old time with a new friend. But that is not who Katsu Otori is. Simply, its an easy way of getting to know people who he may need things from in the future. Or, are potential targets.

But when you meet Invidia, the revenge seeking, envious man seeps through the mask he wears. Cunning and deceitful, just like the Ancient Roman stories of Ovid’s Invidia who had a poisoned tongue, Katsu’s actions are laced in poison. Everything that Invidia touches falls under him, doing anything and everything to get what he wants. And with poison, the victim doesn’t feel it instantly. Letting it seep into the weaknesses of his targets, Invidia takes everything that he has and crushes it under his feet.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:
Sent in DMS.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
The Mariner. A spot known to many criminals throughout Karakura, as well as your average citizen looking to just have a drink with their co-workers. Katsu Otori stepped foot inside the bar, fitted in red silk button down shirt and slick black pants, hair gelled back to keep it out of his face. His appearance looked as professional as this trip to the bar was for him.

“One glass of Shochu, please.” He placed the yen on the counter along with his ID, scanning the room for one person in particular. Giving a head bow towards the barkeep after receiving his drink, taking a small sip.

Katsu got up from his seat, walking towards the karaoke machine, drink in his left hand. Bumping into Tano Mai, drink spilling all over his obviously fancy clothing. The man in front of Katsu apologizing aggressively, Katsu shaking his head and promising that it was alright.

“Let me get pay for your shirt, or a drink! Please, let me do something for the hassle.” Tano was still apologetic, despite the fact that Katsu made it obvious it was alright. Instead, the two drank together and laughed over the initial interaction.

After the night had gone on, Tano offered Katsu to come over to his place. Continuing their drinks and conversation until there was a knock on the door. Katsu offering to grab it but there was no one there, he ran out in search of someone, leaving the door open. Soon enough, Tano called out, “KATSU? YOU OKAY?”

But as Tano walked towards the door, all he’d see is a masked man. Invidia showing himself in all black, voice deep and laced wtih poison as he entered Tano Mai’s residence. “You’re much too sweet.”

Pulling out small throwing knives that had been concealed up his sleeves, Invidia struck them directly at Tano’s throat. Having the knives themselves laced with a type of venom which stopped blood clotting. Never getting himself dirty as Tano Mai bled out on the floor of his own apartment.

The target had been killed and Invidia gathered his money from his contract. Never revealing his secrets and slipping into the shadows of the night.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: Katsu Otori is the grandson of Tetsuya Otori, the governor who was responsible for the entire Otori family reign. He’s also been in Karakura for longer than most think, knowing the ways of crime and having researched everything he’d ever needed. While he’s been in both a Yakuza as well as a Triad, he doesn’t find the Akihito Clan to worth while calling themselves a Yakuza. Nor does he think that many of the street gangs in Karakura are worth while in his time. He has ulterior motives, wishing to take over Karakura with a reign of his own just like his grandfather did. And he doesn’t care for anything to stand in his way, using whatever he can to flood the streets with corruption and crime once again.
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Level 34
* louder than anyone else *



Level 95

Thank you for taking the time to apply, the application was great however after discussion with my BMDs we have decided to deny this application at this time.

If you would like more information in regards to the denial feel free to message me on discord at LEWK#0666.​

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