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Jeon Nikolaev's Biography

Jeon D. Nikolaev


Basic Information

First Name:
Джеон, Jeon

Middle Name:
Дмитрий, Dmitri

Николаев, Nikolaev

Preferred Name:

"мальчик-волк" meaning "Wolf Boy"; A nickname his mother gave to him as a child because of his lonesome tendencies. He's also been called "emo" by a lot of strangers.



5'9" / 182 cms

156 lbs / 70 kg

Slender & toned

Skin Color:
Pale - White

Eye Color:

Hair Style:

Hair Color:
Ink black

Date of Birth:
October 28th

Place of Birth:
Busan, South Korea

Russian / Korean

Asian / Caucasian

Sexual Orientation:
Homosexual (closeted)

Religious Beliefs:
Agnostic, reluctantly so.

Political Beliefs:
Although he has no firm political views, he has a deep mistrust for modern society. "If you want something, take it, but always get it yourself."

General Appearance

He is lean but strong, standing at 5'9". His hair is black and quite long, reaching his shoulders and could only really be described as shaggy. It's usually tied back while he's working on cars but otherwise, he usually leaves it down. His eyebrows are dark and thick, a small brow piercing in the right. His skin tone is pale and snow-like in appearance, matching his dark, almost feminine eyes which have dark flecks of a dark blue, almost violet, and grey. He has a sharp jaw and high cheekbones. At times he looks sickly because he's quite bad at taking care of himself.


Jeon would have a snarky, dry sense of humor. He'd also be incredibly sarcastic, making fun of almost anything or anyone that crosses his path. He's also genuine, honest and loyal to the bone. He's a good guy at heart, but he fronts a harsh exterior at times when he's not at his best. In general, he's quite docile, but if aggravated, he'll turn rabid, especially if you mess with what's his. Not to mention, he also has a short temper. Possessive in nature, when it comes to his things and the people he loves, he'd go to the ends of the earth for them. He can also get quite jealous.

Jeon has anemia; a condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness. This is why his complexion is so pale and void of color. It is by no means life-threatening and barely recognizable.

Character Voice:

His voice would sound kinda like this, except he'd have a soft Russian accent.
(My favorite part, 3:29 "A cute guy with a dog likes you.. Hell yeahhh-")


He'd carry a pack of cigarettes and a plethora of miscellaneous items like masks, accessories, and snacks. At times, he'd have his electric guitar slung over his back.

Naturally, Jeon has been called an "emo" daily by friends and strangers alike. He likes to wear black, he feels like it's the only color he can pull off, maybe other than red.


Unfortunately, he's a bit of a loner. If he's not hanging out with friends or his boyfriend, Koji, he's at home writing, reading classic novels or playing his electric guitar. He also likes to sing occasionally, but it's rare he'll sing in front of anyone. Back in Russia, He'd also help his father, who eventually became a mechanic. They worked on old vehicles together as a way of bonding, although the bonding part never really worked. He still has a passion for cars and motorcycles to this day. On his lonelier days, he'd spend his time drinking or doing various assortments of drugs.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Jeon is a recovering addict. He was into alcohol, pills, injectables; anything that can give him some relief. However, his favorite was cigarettes. This addiction contributed greatly to the poor state his body is in (anemic). Fortunately, He's given up everything, although that brings on a heavy set of withdrawals that severely affect his mood swings from time to time. He has slip-ups every once in a while and relapses, but for the most part, he is on the way to a full recovery.

Jeon is a decent guitarist, he doesn't play professionally or anything, but he's put a fair amount of time into learning how to play. Where his real skills lie are in the world of mechanics. He understands the inner workings of a car like nothing else, and he's really honed his craft. Because of the time spent working with his father, who was a mechanic in the Russian army, he picked up on a lot of valuable tricks through his father's teachings.

Jeon absolutely despises liars and lies in general. The main reason why he hates them is because he has an uncanny sense of intuition, meaning he can very easily detect when a person is lying to him. He also hates when secrets are kept from him, it triggers his short temper.
Another little quirk is that he occasionally gives himself 'stick-and-poke' tattoos. He's not skilled at it or anything, it's just something he likes to do.
He also scratches at his arm, a nervous tick he developed. It happens when he's either stressed or going through withdrawal symptoms.


He's from a family of 5. A Russian father, Dmitri Nikolaev, and a Korean mother, Song Jie-un, and a pair of younger twins, Alec Nikolaev and Ilia Nikolaev.


The story of Jeon's birth was a wild one for sure. His parents, or at least his mother had always planned to live and raise their children in South Korea. Shortly before Jeon was born, it was revealed that Dmitri had to return to Russia so he could serve his time in the Russian army. Jie-un was heartbroken. Dmitri was given the option to return to Russia by himself, but there was no promise of him returning, and there was a risk that he would never see his family again. As a family, they decided to wait out the pregnancy and have Jeon born in Busan, South Korea, so he could have a Korean passport, like his mother. This made Jeon a Korean citizen, even though he'd be living out the rest of his childhood in Russia. His mother did this in hopes that they would return to Korea one day, but unfortunately, that never happened.

Once in Russia, Dmitri began his service in the army right away, becoming a tank mechanic. He'd spend months away from home, leaving Jeon and Jie-un at home. The move was a difficult transition for Jeon's mother despite her understanding the Russian language quite well. She was a professional translator, used to communicate with international college students back in Korea. With her knowledge, she decided to teach Jeon Russian, then Korean, back-to-back. Unfortunately, there weren't many other Korean families in Russia at the time, so she'd have no one to speak Korean to on a daily basis. For fear that she'd forget how to speak her own native language, and to teach her son about his culture, the culture he was born into, she decided it was wise to teach him Korean. This was also in preparation for moving back to Korea, which was never seen through.

His siblings, Alec & Ilia, were both born in Russia. His mother found it quite difficult to not only teach one but two children Russian so she never got the chance to teach them Korean. By the time Jeon was 10 years old, Dmitri was retired from the army. His father worked as a mechanic with his newfound skills to keep a roof over their heads. Jeon helped out where he could, learning about mechanic work from his father. Jie-un encouraged that they spend more time together because the two had been fairly distant from each other their whole lives. Maybe it was because he was quiet, or because he walked a certain way, but him and his father could never see eye to eye. Sadly, their shared love of mechanics never fixed that.

Later on in life, When Jeon was 15, his family moved to Japan. His parents were wanting a change of scenery from Russia, looking for a neutral ground where neither parent was more comfortable than the other. Jie-un tried her best to teach the family Japanese, one of her stronger languages. They all picked it up in varying degrees, Jeon is one of the first to grasp the language. He was more like his mother than his father after all, who still struggles with Japanese to this day.

It was around 16 years old when Jeon realized he was gay. He had been denying it his whole life because of the oppression and illegality of LGBTQ+ people in Russia. It took him a long time to accept who he is, but he's still closeted to his family. The divide between him and his father would widen if he ever find out, and honestly, he wouldn't make it out alive. Dmitri's years in the army took a toll on his mental health, and he became an angry man when he was drunk. He never took it out on anyone, and Jie-un was well able to scold him and put him back in his place if he was acting out, but all of his children had a certain fear of him when he was intoxicated. Unexplainable, but all too knowing. This is around the time where Jeon started experimenting with drugs, alcohol, and sexuality. After years of numb nights and health scares, he decided to quit.

To be continued..

Thanks for reading
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