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Jessica M. Jeong's Biography


Level 3
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Jessica M. Jeong

AGE: 18

BIRTHDAY: March 21st, 2005


WEIGHT: 110 lbs

GENDER: Female

BUILD: Pear body shape



HAIR COLOR: Long curly black hair

EYE COLOR: Light grey

MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES: Abandonment Issues - Avoidant style


Jessica's early life was fraught with hardship and instability as an orphan until her grandmother stepped in and took her in at the age of 7. Growing up, she had no knowledge of her father, and her mother's struggles with untreated Schizophrenia made it impossible for her to care for herself or her children. Heather's mother's refusal to take medication worsened her condition, leaving her unable to provide proper care for her kids, including Jessica. As a result of these heartbreaking circumstances, Heather developed deep-seated abandonment issues.

Although Jessica's grandmother became her caregiver, the wounds of her past still lingered, and she felt a constant fear of being abandoned once again. Despite her grandmother's best intentions, she couldn't shake the fear that she might be given back to the foster system. This fear of losing the one stable figure in her life never left her entirely.

As Jessica grew older, she struggled with the lingering effects of her tumultuous childhood. The trauma she endured had left emotional scars that affected her relationships and self-perception. Her journey to healing and understanding her own worth was a challenging one.

After her grandmother's passing, Jessica took a brave step forward by moving to Japan at the age of 18. The decision to relocate to a new country was both a fresh start and an opportunity for her to explore new horizons. The change in environment and culture allowed her to gain new perspectives and, perhaps, find the strength to confront her past and continue healing from her past traumas.

In Japan, Jessica could embrace a new chapter in her life, away from the painful memories of her past and the shadow of her abandonment issues. It was a chance for her to discover her true self and build a life that she envisioned, one filled with hope, growth, and the possibility of finding healing and peace.

Though her journey was far from easy, Jessica resilience and determination were evident as she navigated life in Japan. With each step she took, she moved closer to understanding herself, finding healing, and embracing a future filled with hope and possibilities.

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