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Level 39
"Having not much to lose and having so little to gain. Once again, I am found in a distant place. What sort of life have I lived, what sort of friends have I made, what kind of end would I take; that is not for me to decide no more. For my life has been nothing but hard work and opportunities, yet it also let others control it. I am in search of peace, but I am afraid of the day I find it, for that, I would not be amongst the living. For I was, or I said, ERAM."


Full Legal Name — Ji Kim Kaizen

Birthday — 15th of November

Age — 26

Place of Birth — Seoul, South Korea

Nationality — Korean & Japanese


Korean Native
Japanese Advanced
French Elementary

Religion —Atheist

Martial Status — Single


Towering a height of 6'3 feet, the posture that Ji would carry in his fit body would resemble that of a soldier—standing still without showing any significant evidence of ease. His white skin tone, alongside his medium-length wavy hair, which blackness would contrast the skin tone, styling the Korean middle cut, would let it fall towards the sides of his head, emphasizing Ji's face; a lack of expression shown in his sharp black eyes, evidently tired at first glance, presents a judgmental stance on the people he lays his sight on, in addition with his eyebrows, which would resemble a concernor rather concentratedlook on top of it. The way he carries himself shows a lack of severity; nevertheless, his smile, despite not being to its fullest extent, is shown to the people to whom he talks.


Coming from a judgemental and cold family, Ji is often referred to as a distant personsomeone with a severe look on his face and a deep and monotonous voice. The way he observes other people also contributes to his bitter attitude and figure, leaving no place to interpret whether or not Ji would be someone who could care less for the person next to him. The ones close to him, on the other hand, would tell another story; Ji, despite having such attributes haunting him, is a caring personality that would not stutter when it comes to helping others.

His values as a person do not stop only in his relationships. Ji shows a passion for learning and adapting to what he believes is the best scenario. Attitudes like this have made him an impressive workaholic, an independent individual who values the seeking of achievement and recognition in people rather than just living on a stale day without meaning.

The way he looks at himself, however, differs from how others might perceive Ji looks like. His insecurities had been a primary concern throughout his life; not being able to fulfill his family's expectations fully and people who have been judging him and setting the bar so unrealistically high are what worries Ji the most. His independent behavior also comes with a severe attribute of self-criticism, as he believes that even though he could achieve greatness, he would never be enough —or even worthy— to carry his family's last names. Such things also contribute to Ji's pessimism when facing uncertainty, as time has proven to him that there is more loss than gains on his journey.

STRENGTH - ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
PERCEPTION - ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ENDURANCE - ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
CHARISMA - ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
INTELLIGENCE - ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
AGILITY - ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
LUCK - ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
LOYALTY - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


As a Kim Nyeong Kim clan member, Ji's heritage comes with a remarkable history and influence in the Korean peninsula. Being the product of infidelity between Byeol Kim, a maiden, and Haruto Kaizen, an ex-military officer who resided in Korea during that time, Ji carries both the Kim and the Kaizen last names. Her mother, the niece of the head of the Kim Nyeong clan, and her sisters, Ara and Ae Kim, represented the base of Ji's childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. However, the controversy over Ji's existence set the stage for a distant and cold relationship between himself and his aunts, who never recognized him as a part of the lineage. On the other hand, his father's absence in his life soured his perspective on the Kaizens, a family that has never supported him despite the financial support his father often sent to him.

His family tree is protagonized by his step-brothers, Damian, Aleksander, and Hiroto Kaizen—people who he has met sporadically since he arrived in the city of Karakura. Despite this, Ji's relationship with the Kaizen household is resembled by his love for his nephews and nieces, whom he considers to be his own children; Riona, the youngest Kaizen, full of life and happiness, is a constant beacon of hope for Ji, who he appreciates having around, even if it is for a brief period of time. Ashley Kaizen, the oldest daughter of Damian, represents the carrying figure, contrasting the previous reality he had to live before meeting her. Ignacio Kaizen, the son of Hiroto, who has been taken into the custody of Aleksander, demonstrates the independence that Ji should always stick with. For that, the family constitutes a significant and essential base in Ji's life, people that he would never doubt and always love despite the undesirable past.


Due to his distant persona, Ji would possess a handful of people with whom he would consider to be friends. Despite this, the fruitful relationships he was able to harvest throughout his time in Karakura had developed an undying loyalty towards the individuals who had shown uninterested love and acceptance.

The first friend Ji was able to have during his first weeks in Karakura was a female named Kotone Tokugawa, a judge of the government. Their relationship, cordial and formal at first, quickly strengthened the day a controversy broke out inside the government. During that time, Ji felt under pressure and isolated himself from the rest of the people—his insecurities, as well as his lack of fluency in Japanese, began to show up for the first time, making Ji unable to perform appropriately in his profession. However, Kotone, in contrast with the rest, reassured and supported Ji, making her gain his trust and become a loyal friend for standing up for him when he needed it. Even though they do not talk as much as other friends would, Ji considers Kotone to be one of the few on his list.

Ji has a close bond with Kazuya Elyon-O'Sullivanor 'Kaz'a former ex-chef from Karakura High School. Their friendship started months after Ji became part of the Karakura government, where they quickly formed a fellowship, mocking each other and constantly seeking activities. Both personalities, one resembling order and firmness and the other disorder and flexibility, quickly resembled the Yin and the Yan of their friendship, agreeing that the bond, despite being contrast in personality, was stronger due to the differences in perspectives each brought to their lives. From that point onwards, Ji became Kazuya's lawyer until his friend left the city.

As time passed, Ji also developed a bond with Kokoro Asogi, the Detective Inspector of the Karakura Police Department, and the niece of his ex-attorney general, Goemon Asogi, Ji's boss. The constant visits to the Police station throughout his time as a lawyer formed the initial base of their fellowship. Their relationship was characterized by Ji's skepticism of the Asogi's opinion and Kokoro's previous romantic letdowns, each weakness providing a crucial base to support each other. Said base grew stronger once Ji and Kokoro started a romantic life together, living in the same household and providing for one another.

His visits to the Shrine of Karakura, Ji met one of the Maidens, Primrose Guerra. Due to her charming and calm personality, he quickly felt understood. Such attributes helped Ji trust her to the point of considering her one of his closest circle. Despite the clear contrast between the demands of Ji's stress and Prim's calmness, he was able to see in her a valuable person who, in contrast with his family, did not judge the way he was and constantly offered help.

While being a lawyer in the government, Ji's relationship did not stop with his personal life. His devotion to becoming a distinguished lawyer made Ji get closer to some of the other workers, people like Dracon Tyrannos, Fukuyu Yusaku, Avery, Mon, and Botan Asogi, as many others, helped Ji with his progress. Their good values as people, despite their human errors, created an undying appreciation and connection between his line of work and himself. He saw the workers as his family and tried to make them know that.


Born on a cold November 15th in a hospital in Seoul, South Korea, Ji was the youngest child of the Kim Nyeong clan, a distinguished and respected family whose backstory is aligned with essential positions in the country. His mother, Byeol Kim, a student at the time of her pregnancy, and Hiroto Kaizen, a generalissimo retired military officer, caused in Hiroto's love affair a child whose destiny would be marked by the lack of recognition by both of his families. At a young age, Ji and her mother were a target of discrimination by not only the people who knew about the incident but also by their own family members. The Kims did not recognize Ji as one of their own since the relationship between Hiroto and Byeol was not sacred; they were not married nor devoted to having a family when Ji was born, making them view him as a "Bastard Child." Life was not easy for the most part; not being supportive of him and constantly setting him apart set the stage for a distant and cold relationship between the family members. Her mother, in particular, knowing the situation her family was putting her own son in, decided to take action into her own hands, starting a strict and placing high expectations towards his son in order to prove the Kims wrong.

His adolescence was no different; studying at his local high school, Ji's remarkable grades surpassed the ones of his peers, who consequently isolated Ji due to them thinking that he got it due to his family status. The reality, nevertheless, was far from the truth. Her mother's high standards forced Ji to keep a perfect grade on every course he took. Such expectations created an incredible academic base but also weak social skills, and it was clear for her mother, who constantly had to stand for her son, who had perfect scores but subsequently left the opportunity to interact with potential friends. Once he graduated high school, Ji was immediately placed at the University of Seoul, where he started his new academic degree, Criminal Justice.

During his time as a scholar in college, Ji developed a passion for sports and debate. Despite his evident lack of social interactions, Ji presented a clear potential when it came to debating and physical exercise. He joined the university volleyball team and the student council, positions that his mother did not approve of but ultimately had to accept since she agreed that Ji needed to have the option to decide for himself. His love for learning, as well as his ability to help with both his college and his sports team, made Ji stand out from the rest of the students in the University. He became the captain of the volleyball team and vice president of the student councils, positions that clearly showed Ji's determination to achieve greatness. On top of that, his constant seek for a deeper understanding of the world of law granted him a research opportunity with Professor Hayashi, working together in the interpretation of recent laws and the correction of mistakes that could have been present in the courtrooms in Seoul. Such achievements granted Ji a scholarship to continue his studies, and he is now a prospective lawyer with a Juris Doctor degree. He subsequently accepted the opportunity, continuing his degree and involving himself once again in some extracurricular activities. Thanks to Professor Hayashi, Ji was able to secure an internship at a local law firm dedicated to legal disputes and focusing on contracts. Ji worked for them as an assistant and Junior Associate, helping the team file lawsuits and involving himself in resolving disputes, which mostly came to an agreement.

Upon obtaining his J.D. degree, Ji was offered an opportunity to continue his work in the firm, now as a Lawyer. However, Ji's interests differed with the opportunities he was being offered. With the money he gathered during his time in the law firm, he was able to partly pay his tuition for the continuation of his academic life, now reaching the Master of Law Degree. He rejected the opportunity to serve as a lawyer in the firm but permitted himself to continue his internship until his graduation. Once he earned his final degree in the world of law, he was suddenly presented with numerous job opportunities, ranging from the western parts of China to the busy life in Seoul and the developing parts of Japan. However, one of the options that got Ji's interest was a position to serve in the government of a growing city on a small island in Japan—Karakura.



"Mother. It's been a long since we last spoke, and I can safely say that I made it. It's my first week at work, and I am already getting used to it. There is not much going on, but I was already assigned to my first case. I am representing a Commissioner of the Police Department. A civil lawsuit, we already know how it goes. Anyways, the attorney general, Goemon, or Mr. Asogi, as I refer to him, has already introduced me to this place and taught me how I should work. There are definitely more things I need to be doing, but I will do it little by little. I love you, mother.
- Your son, Ji."

"Mother. This first month in the government could not be going any better. I met some of the people in the government—wonderful people so far. One of them is Aya Otori, a Judge. I wish I could update you on the details, but there has been a lot of work lately, and I wanted to let you know that I am doing well, and everything seems to be going perfectly."

"Mom. I am sorry for not writing to you for a few weeks. A lot has happened. Aya and I started dating, which is good, but I believe she is rather cold. I do not know; she reminds me of my aunts with that sort of behavior. Maybe I am wrong, and it is just me; I do not know. I also won my first-ever trial, but I have a lot to work on since Mr. Asogi told me that even though I won, my performance was far from desirable. I will need to improve my ways here at the government if I want to go somewhere."

"Dear mother.—Again, I apologize for the lack of communication. There has been a controversy inside the government due to my limited knowledge of the Japanese language. Mr. Asogi called me because of rumors that I was flirting with his wife, Avery Asogi. I would not do that since I was in a relationship then. But, now it is too late. Aya decided to leave me because I was not liked in this workspace, and maybe I was wrong all along, Mom. Maybe it would have been better for me to be in Korea instead of here on this island. I will think about my future soon, but I do not know what to do."

"Dear mother, thank you for the replies you have been giving me recently. I have been working on improving my knowledge of the local language and addressing this situation with the Mayor, Annabel Sturm. She either did not like the rumors or did not care about them. She made an announcement saying that she did not want to hear anything like this happening again, so I believe that is resolved. I would say that from all the people that I saw—or did not see for that sake, only one person was able to say that they believed in my side; her name is Kotone Tokugawa. I shall inform you more about my life since I will be staying here.
- I love you, Mother. Ji."

"Nothing much has changed. I am still talking to this one Judge despite my efforts to make some friends here in the city. Karakura is a big place despite being a small island. There are a lot of people, and most of them are not interested in talking for some reason.—which is probably the food. I mean, you would love to see the diet that some people have here. I would hate to eat ten apples a day. That does not sound good."

"From one person to another. Your son really does not have a break when it comes to date, mother. I have to admit that I am surprised that I have made more connections in Karakura than I did all my life in Korea. So far, I know three people, and one of them is who I am dating, Mahuen Igoop-Sacree, a local news reporter. If you would like to meet her, I will probably do it sometime in the near future. Apart from that, I have been working on my next case, as I was already assigned to another one. So, I have high hopes I win again!
- Your son."

"Mother. I won, once again. This time, I have improved some of my past performance, and I can say that Mr. Asogi seemed a little more satisfied. I have been doing well for the most part; I have met some new workers in the faction, one of them being a governor, a very interesting individual who was a high-ranking officer in the police department. Anyway, I will make sure to come up with more news later, as I am going on a date soon and will need to prepare.
- I miss you. Ji."

"Dear Mother, it has been a few weeks without writing to you, and I am sorry for it. It is just that I have been dealing with this leg problem. — During my first weeks in the government, I accidentally fell from one of the not-so-secured places, and I broke my leg. Now, do not worry about it, Mother. I am doing well, and I am healthy, but I have to keep walking with a wooden cane so it does not hurt that much. I am going to the hospital soon so this can be dealt with."

"Mother. Mahuen and I parted ways. We never talked that much, so I guess it was for the best. However, she seemed to be having some other compromises, if you know what I mean. Regardless of that, I am doing well. The doctors haven't properly checked the situation with my leg, as they did not tell me what I have. The government itself has been somewhat quiet recently, but I do not mind it that much. Now, I will need to focus on yet another case.
- Your son, who loves you, Ji."

"Dear Mother. I heard about your heart attack. I am sorry for not being there when you needed me. I will make sure to visit you once I am free from my duties as a lawyer. I had to defend a young girl against an officer who tased her. The case is complicated, but all I know is that she needs someone right now, and I cannot leave her. She is way too scared and ignorant about all of this, so it would be better to take care of the situation until I am once again free."

"I hope you are doing better today, Mother. Your son won the case. The girl will receive compensation for the unwarranted attack and will receive apologies from the Karakura Police Department. —I am growing more confident in the way I am doing my cases now, and I think that Mr. Asogi is noticing that. Who knows, maybe one day I will be able to step up as the new Attorney General. But for now, I still have much to learn from him.
- I miss you, Ji."

"Today, we received new lawyers from the government. Two of them caught my attention: Ms. Fukuyu and Mr. Corniele —They have very interesting personalities, to say the least, but they do show that they want to learn from everyone. This could be a way to step up and show Mr. Asogi that I can be a competent co-worker and help him with the lawyers' training. He will probably refuse, but there is nothing to lose.
- Hope for your recovery, Ji."

[More work will be written as Ji's story progresses]
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Level 39
Thread starter
Honestly I love how this is formatted its so :chef_kiss:
Honestly, I will start changing my previous characters' biographies to this standard. It looks way better, but I took inspiration from Oli's format, so all the compliments on formatting go to them!


Level 7


Level 0
My #1 Opp

I'm so glad you included Yusaku AND HIS NAME PROPERLY WRITTEN FORMAT WISE?! Thank you! Your biography is quite beautiful

(Love Ji Kaizen & Miamorecheetos but don't tell him that)


Level 39
Thread starter
Brother. . . I would have mentioned every single freaking government worker if it was for me, but I don't want to make this a two-page essay!! >:( Believe me, I got enough of those when I gotta prepare for a trial!


Level 7
Brother. . . I would have mentioned every single freaking government worker if it was for me, but I don't want to make this a two-page essay!! >:( Believe me, I got enough of those when I gotta prepare for a trial!
youre my opp.

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