Level 77
This format is introduced by me, but it’s nothing special. So, if you would like to use it, please just tag me in it! I’d love to see everyone’s beautiful biographies!

"Tell me I'm pretty. TELL ME!"
"Confidence is the thing I pride myself upon. Head high, shoulders up- no matter how much shit you are dealing with."

RP Name:
Jiya Novák
Full Name:
Jiya Mahira Novák
Birth Name:
Jiya Mahira Novák
[Forename][Middle Name][Surname]
"Purp/Purple" , "Jee-Jee"
Name significance/meaning:
The meaning of the name “Jiya” is: “heart, spirit, soul”. Many people believe that the name can affect success in life, through their children's working career and other circumstances, so they choose more “respectable” names or name meanings as they believe that the name meaning reflects the personality of the child.
The meaning of name Mahira is "expert, skilled, talented, accomplished, adept". It is a beautiful name that is not only pleasing to listen to but also belong to many famous personalities.
She is currently 19 years of age.
19th July 2001.
Star Sign/Astrology Sign/Zodiac Sign:
Being a Cancer born on July 19th, you are known for your compassion, sensitivity, intuition and optimism.
Karakura, Japan.
Kežmarok, Slovakia.
Slovakian Model.
Head Cashier at Joyoung.
College Cheerleader.
Sorority Member.
CATEYES on Touko.
Model at Ghost Tailoring.

Physical Appearance:
Jiya is a very beautiful woman. She was a model for 8 years of her life, after all. As a child, she was always described as a doll. This is where her narcissistic behaviour developed from. She has strong cheekbones and jaw, making her facial shape sharp and noticeable. Her skin is tanned and smooth- she almost doesn't look real. Her sea-glass, slender eyes flit from object to object, possessing a cat-like similarity. Her gorgeous, thick purple hair falls down to the small of her back. Her hair is soft, and has the scent of Often, she pouts her plump lips- they're round and soft, always painted with some form of lip-gloss. The female withheld a slender physique, having the height of 5'7" and weighing around 124lbs.
Medium skin, sometimes burns, always tans.
Eye Colour:
Sea-glass green.
Hair Colour:
Jiya's hair is purple. Yes, purple. This originally was a modelling shoot gone wrong when the stylist dyed her hair the wrong colour. However, the fashion industry loved it. It was Jiya's signature- almost. No other model had purple hair, and pulled it off so well. So, Jiya kept it! A lot of people are confused as to why she willingly keeps her hair this colour but you have to get to know her and understand how she mirrors the behaviour of someone in particular.
Body Type:
Inverted Triangle
Women with an inverted triangle body have broader shoulders than the hips, with little to no waist definition. Their body follows the shape of a “V”, and shoulders may be straight, squared, or athletic-looking.
People with a mesomorph body type tend to have a medium frame. They may develop muscles easily and have more muscle than fat on their bodies. Mesomorphs are typically strong and solid, not overweight or underweight.
Jiya stands tall, with her back straight and her head upright, facing forward. She subconsciously almost poses, almost as if she was still modelling.
Left handed/Right handed/Ambidextrous:
Ambidextrous. She can use both her left and right hand freely to her ability.
Age Character Appears to Others:
Jiya appears much older than she actually is. This is because she has a mature attitude in everything that she does, even though she's slightly spoilt. There have been many incidents in her teenage years when she was mistaken for a young adult, not a young girl. She can get away with a Fake ID because simply, she just looks much older than she actually is.
Most of the time, Jiya wears her hair down so everyone can see her purple hair which she shows off very proudly. Her straight, glossy hair tumbles down to the small of her back. However, she can tie it up in a small bun on the top of her head whenever she pleases.
Jiya has a small nose piercing. Just a simple stud, nothing special.
Makeup Style:
Jiya's makeup routine is a lot to devote herself to. It consists of a foundation that fits her skin colour nicely. She applies lipstick every single day, it always being a different colour. One distinguished feature about Jiya is her eyelashes. They are thick, full and heavy. Obviously, they are fake. She contours her face to perfection, as well as her eyeliner. It's also very thick, and accentuates her different eye shape.
Clothing Style:
Alternative fashion is fashion that, at least at one time, stood apart from mainstream commercial fashion. In general, alternative, or 'alt', fashion does not conform to widely popular style trends of the times that have widespread popularity. Grunge blew into popularity during the 1990s with inspiration from the music icons such as Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. Grunge fashion includes clothing items like a plaid shirt, graphics or plain tees with skinny or ripped jeans paired with iconic boots from Doc Martens. Converse and other combat boots also pair well with grunge fashion with messy hair and usually no to very little makeup.
Clothing Size:
Jiya prides herself upon the fact that she fits into a size extra-small, although she is comfiest in a small. She will never tell anyone this information, though. She has to seem as skinny as possible.
Shoe Style:
Jiya mainly wears combat boots, she's never really seen in anything but that.
Shoe Size:
Japan - 23.0cm
Nail Appearance:
Jiya's nails are either acrylic, although they mainly stem from two colours. Black and Purple. When her nails are done, it either means her father has given her money or spoilt her- or it means she has just finished a modelling shoot. Most of the time, her nails are just painted in a simple black varnish. She has a habit of picking at her varnish when bored, so most of the time it is chipped.

It's no secret that Jiya Novák is obnoxiously loud. She adores being the centre of attention, so she tries to shine the spotlight on her at all times. Her voice is strong and overpowering. Attached to her words is a thick, Slovak accent that makes her words heavy and sometimes incomprehensible. As she is fairly new to being fluent in Japanese, she sometimes will accidentally transition to Slovak from Japanese.
Introvert or Extrovert:
Jiya is often described as the life of the party. Her outgoing, vibrant nature draws people to her, and she has a hard time turning away the attention. She thrives off the interaction.
Overall Personality:
Jiya Novák is a very fake, sly individual. However, that is just the surface of one of her many behaviours. Jiya craves one thing, and one thing only. Attention. She wants to be in the spotlight every second of the day, everyone's eyes stuck on her. Especially male attention. This purple-haired narcist is not a shy, timid individual. She is strong-willed and confident. Often, she will mistakenly lead people on. They get attached, she doesn't. Quite simply, she just enjoys the attention of someone catering for her, doing everything that she does not want to do. As well as this, she can be fairly flirtatious- she does not care if she is in a relationship, nor does she care if the other party is. However, sometimes she can get quite insecure and sensitive. Words hurt sometimes, meaning that some comments get under Jiya's skin and affect her negatively.
As well as this, Jiya has trouble controlling her anger. She can be described as hot-headed, or maybe even psychotic if you put her into perspective. Rarely, Jiya's anger will get the best of her and she will experience an uncontrollable fit of rage where she has no control over her actions, nor her words. After this, Jiya may be quiet. Is this a sign or guilt for the things she has said? Or simply exhaustion after verbally or physically assaulting others.
MBTI Personality:
People with this personality type enjoy spending time with other people. They have strong verbal skills and interacting with others helps them feel energized. ENTJ types prefer to think about the future rather than focus on the here-and-now. They usually find abstract and theoretical information more interesting than concrete details. When making decisions, ENTJs place a greater emphasis on objective and logical information. Personal feeling and the emotions of others tend not to factor much into their choices. ENTJs are planners. Making decisions and having a schedule or course of action planned out gives them a sense of predictability and control. They are highly rational, good at spotting problems, and excel at taking charge. These tendencies make them natural leaders who are focused on efficiently solving problems. One myth about ENTJs is that they are cold and ruthless. While they are not necessarily good with emotions, this does not mean that they are intentionally cruel. They are prone to hiding their own emotions and sentimentality, viewing it as a weakness that should not be made known to others.

✰Strong leadership skills
✰Good at making decisions
✰Assertive and outspoken
✰Strong communication skills
Whilst Talking
✰Always talks over others
✰Shortness of breath from talking too fast
Characteristic Noises
✰Laughing to fill in uncomfortable silences
Physical Mannerisms
✰Hair playing when flirting
✰Tilting head in thought
✰Raised eyebrows
✰Jaw clenching in moments of tension
Morning Person or Night Owl:
Morning people tend to be 'get up and go' types who feel proactive in the mornings, wide awake at an early hour, and prefer to be productive before lunchtime.

Jiya picked up the Cheerleading skill not long ago. She was eighteen and needed to dress up in a cheerleading outfit for a gymnastics company. Her modelling career was slowly going downhill, but it picked up once more after this shoot. As well as her modelling interest picking up, she picked up the interest of Cheer. When she moved to Karakura, she tried out for the Cheer Team since a member had sadly passed away, leaving an open spot. The rest is history.
Growing up, Jiya was a very beautiful young girl. She had chocolate brown hair that fell into Cinderella curls down her back, cupping her facial features. Her father- Marik was a very wealthy and known businessman. Of course, he often spent his time at the Gentleman's Club where he played poker, drank, smoked and dabbled in other activities. It was at that social club where he built a relationship with a distinguished adult male who owned a modelling agency. This modelling agency specified

Family Members
Aurelia Novák - Mother
Aurelia and Jiya are very close, they have a lovely relationship. WIP [I GOT LAZY]
Marik Novák - Father
Simply, Jiya and Marik do not have a very close relationship.
Kveta Novák - Auntie
Kveta is like a second mother to Jiya. They do not see each other often but that does not strain the relationship. Since Kveta is a Psychiatrist, she makes sure to care for Jiya's psychological health and well-being. Kveta and Jiya get along and Jiya often confides in her Aunt. Their bond is strong, meaning that they are
Beaux N. Zen - Step-Auntie
Beaux and Jiya have a very strained relationship. Ever since one encounter, when Beaux was arresting the Highschool Football Captain, whom Jiya was kissing before he was locked up- their relationship hasn't really been the same. Beaux is very angry at Jiya, thinking that she is romantically engaging with a criminal. Of course, Jiya denied these allegations as usual, simply brushing it off as a 'joke' between friends. In reality, Jiya was briefly romantically involved with his male and Beaux happened to stumble into it.
Emiliano Novák - Older Brother
Emiliano and Jiya had a very complicated relationship, even when they were children. Since Emiliano was the first-born child, Jiya and her twin sister Cassie coming next, there has always been tension. However, this began to spiral whilst they transitioned to Karakura. They started frequently arguing, fighting- sometimes even physically. Their relationship highly depleted once Emiliano slapped Jiya around the face.
Spartan Cheer Team
Her teammates are like her second family. She owes them a lot- as they are very close and they all get along very well most of the time. A lot of advice has been given by these girls and they helped Jiya settle down in Karakura since the big move from Slovakia. They are a lovely bunch of girls and Jiya treasures each and every one of them, even though it may not seem like it. Jiya hopes that these relationships will last for eternity, she does not want to let go of any of them.
Amorous Relationships
Roseanne Van Dalen - Former Girlfriend
Roseanne was not only Jiya's first girlfriend, but she was her first ever relationship in general. Jiya felt rushed into the relationship, she didn't really want to be in it. After a lot of arguing and childishness from both parts, Jiya and Roseanne had a very messy breakup in which it resulted in Jiya physically assaulting Roseanne in a fit of pure rage. They have not spoken since and Jiya would like to keep it that way.
Damien Hashirama - Former Boyfriend
Damien and Jiya had a short yet eventful relationship. It began because of Miyu introducing them and they quickly hit it off. They both discovered they had a passion for business and modelling. The couple were both employed at Ghost Tailoring! You could say they hit it off. . . too quickly. It's safe to say that when they headed down to Jiya's shared bedroom at the Sorority- it was an eventful encounter. A few weeks after the relations, Jiya found out she was PREGNANT?! Quickly, the spark between the couple faded and it resulted in a messy breakup in which Miyu and Rintaro were in the room.
Miyu Masayoshi - Current Girlfriend
Jiya and Miyu are a very odd couple. Miyu confessed her feelings for Jiya- the same day that the infamous love affair between Damien and Jiya fell apart. Luckily enough for Miyu, Jiya reciprocated those feelings and soon enough they became a couple. It isn't as easy as that though. Jiya and Miyu are both not content in the relationship and often experience urges to engage in other romantic encounters- and not with each other. This particular couple could be described as 'toxic', as they frequently have arguments and break up- only to reconcile hours later. They are both very prominent figures on social media- hence why they are very dramatic.
[REDACTED] - Current Love Interest
Despite Jiya being in a relationship- she does not feel fully content. Hence why she is seeking happiness through this individual. Her feelings are strong around this person as she cares deeply for them. Although Jiya seems like a cold, stonehearted b-word, she is secretly a serial romantic. Her feelings got so strong for this person that she wrote them an anonymous love letter- alas, they rejected her once they found out who the author was. Even though she understands that they do not feel the same- this will not stop her passion. Strangely, Jiya worships this being. Her every move and emotion is controlled by the actions of her passionate love for this person. It is safe to say, she is deeply psychotically in love with this individual.

Novák Family
The Novák family is a very notorious name in Slovakia. Why? They are infamous for many scandals and secrets, yet they still possess the regal demeanour of the royal family. There are several branches in the family, all stemming from one specific Novák. The Novák name began surfacing due to Marik Novák. Marik Novák is a very handsome man. Most importantly, he is very rich. He is more than willing to flaunt his own money and spend it on his family. In his younger years, Marik was a man who used his wealth to attract women. However, this was not the case for Aurelia. Aurelia is a very beautiful woman, who was very poor- yet strong-willed and independent who fell in love because of his passion. Marik and Aurelia married and soon gave birth to many children. They raised them all very well, even the twins. Now, they all reside in Japan. However, a lot of distant Novák family members are finding their way into Karakura to be with their family. After a messy separation with Marik, Aurelia moved to Japan in order to set up her own business. She created a hit gaming store called Joyoung. It's very popular in Karakura, and she is very proud of it. At her store, she made the decision to employ one of her children, her first born daughter- Jiya. Jiya Novák moved to Karakura with her mother and siblings. Jiya is a very beautiful girl who is popular amongst the modelling agencies in Slovakia. She became a childhood model and eventually started making her way onto the covers of very expensive, popular magazines. Whilst making her way into the life of Japan, she was lucky enough to make the College Cheer Team. Now, there are two very important members of the Novák family. Kveta and Milena. Siblings that were reunited and made their way to Karakura to be with their older sister, Aurelia. The most significant thing about these sisters is that they both share the same passion, medical science. They decided to move to Karakura together so that they could become EMS nurses, so they did that. After months of arguing and settling agreements and deciding who received what- Marik and Aurelia saw how their actions were affecting their children. The word "divorce" seemed to repulse the children and made them worry about the future of their family. So, Marik and Aurelia decided to give their relationship another try, for the own good of their children. Especially the younger ones, as they did not understand and just wanted their father to come home and live with them again. Now, they all reside in Karakura where they are accepting to all. You will often see them speaking to each-other in their language, Slovak. Overall, the Novák family is a very welcoming group that is a honour to be apart of. The Novák family is known for their secrets and behaviours. Each member is truly unique and individual in their own ways.
Modelling Career
Hang on Karakura, Jiya Novák has entered the chat.

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