Level 8

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name):
Previous bans:
I have many previous bans. Considering this factor I still strive to become a better individual every single day I play on SchoolRP. I believe that due to these consequences I have learned more from my actions and have become a considerably good player. I know a lot about the basic rules of SchoolRP too.
Describe your activity on the server:
I am extremely active on the server. I play very much, almost daily. When I play on SchoolRP I usually partake in GangRP, and GangRP breeds a lot of arguments which you can learn from. As a GangRPer you basically need to know all of the rules to succeed, and I do believe that I have an incredibly good memory of the rules and terminology.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, my discord is jared is#9210. I use discord extremely often, on a day to day basis. I check it often due to me being in the tailor shop so I can check skin requests and so I can stay updated on other events going on in the server, etc.
Do you have a microphone?
I do, and I use my microphone very often. It is properly functioning and I have not had any problems with this microphone at all. I am in calls with staff and other well-known players within the community a lot.
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
There are a variety of types of roleplay on this server and I've never actually experienced CopRP. I feel like by learning this type of roleplay it would make me a better player by learning more about this stuff and usually in a lot of situations I've been in the position of the GangRPer and I would love to experience the view point of a Cop. CopRP also seems like a very fun roleplay and I feel like I would be very active and be a great addition to CopRP due to my knowledge and experience.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I do pretty much get the idea of all of the Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct since I researched all of this online. It is now of common knowledge to me, most of it, and if I need to I can always ask somebody or look up something if I'm having trouble which I shouldn't have any difficulties or obstacles so I should be absolutely fine.
What are the Police ranks?
Head Lieutenant
Vice Lieutenant
Patrol Officer
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
Yes, I am quite knowledgeable of police work, although I haven't experienced it firsthand in roleplay I get the gist of it. I know the basics of being a cop and how they work and what they do and it is all fairly simple to me. Doing this type of work and roleplay shouldn't be of any problem and I should be able to execute tasks easily.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
GangRP is a very large part of SchoolRP and many people partake in this type of roleplay including myself. Police are very important and these two types of roleplay definitely go together and need each other so one or the other doesn't become too powerful. Police keep a balance within GangRP and give them a challenge too. The role of the Police is to eliminate all crime and convert Karakura into a peaceful town without any criminality. Without CopRP that would make doing illegal stuff way too easy and boring too. Police benefit the server a lot by scourging the city of any illegal activities and allow people to exist without worry.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do acknowledge this factor, and I will do everything in my power to stay as my position instead of deranking and I will absolutely do my best to move up the rankings too.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Edwin is a very kind individual. He's social to an extent, he hasn't made too many friends in the past although he has made some since moving from Russia to Karakura. He is very inspired and hopes to save many lives while being a cop. Being a cop and saving lives has always been his ambition, since he was a child. He's never driven off the path he's currently on now, and has always work his absolute hardest to get to where he is now. He's put so much effort into his work. Edwin is a very intelligent individual, on top of that he's got the brawn alongside his brains. He's never been too mean unless somebody really gets him angry, although that's highly unlikely.
What he's like on the and off the job?
On the job he will be mature and professional. He usually always is strict regardless of him being required to or not, and it's always just been his personality. He's never really made too many friends although his leadership is very remarkable, and even though he hasn't made many friends he's still social to a degree. On the job he doesn't slack off and is very hasty to get work done and takes much pride in what he does. He admires police work and considers it heroic how some cops perform. He is very polite and he's very inspired. He really only speaks when necessary. He doesn't change his personality and attitude just because he's on or off-duty, he cares very much about his reputation and wants to be an icon to individuals and he wants to be seen, to be known.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Edwin plans to work as a police officer until he retires. It is and always has been his ambition to save others and get rid of criminals and throw them into jail. He doesn't want to live in a society with countless amounts of thugs and gangsters, and it is his dream to extinguish horrific acts and put an end to them officially. He sees co-workers as individuals who share the same dream as him and he respects them extremely much.
Edwin as a child has always had the dream of becoming a police officer. Many people in his family joined the police force back in Russia, but it wasn't just because he wanted to carry on his family's tradition, it was solely because he truly had a passion for this. Saving lives, it always seemed so amazing to him and he wanted to save lives like the police did on T.V. and like super heroes did in cartoons. He's always been such a kind boy and has never done anything too bad in his years of living. He's a very hard-working male who didn't have many friends in school due to his effort on schoolwork mostly and he wasn't super talkative inside of school. He wasn't shy or anything, he was just always focused and the ambition of finally becoming a police officer and saving lives is what drove him all the way to where he is now. He has never had a change in mindset, nobody had ever convinced him to do drugs, or do anything illegal, no matter what offers he was given he always refused. He was a grade A student in school, and he kept up his efforts all the way to university where he finally got to study what he truly cared about, and now he might be able to make this dream into a reality.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Edwin Chernyshevsky
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): N/A
Preferred Name: Edwin
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: N/A
Nationality: Russian
Current Location: Karakura
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2 Years
Working Experience: Previously worked at a museum and as a security guard in 3 separate shops.
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree in criminal justice
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Law Enforcement
Native Languages: Russian
Other Languages: Japanese

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