[OOC Section]
Previous bans:
None! There was once an accidental ban which was resolved fairly quick!
Describe your activity on the server:
I am active almost everyday for a few hours, in these hours I roleplay and explore Karakura!
Do you have Discord?
Yes, and it is I'm vibing#1044
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I have a working microphone but I am relatively shy and would rather not use it unless it's an important situation!
List your current and past applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-spanish.21643/ [DENIED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/french-language-application.22842/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/college-application.23448/ [DENIED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/greek-language-application.26216/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hearing-loss-disability-application.27622/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/college-application.30013/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/reakis-psychiatrist-application.31261/ [DENIED, DUE TO LIMITED SPOTS]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/russian-language-application-please-remove-french.31283/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/jsl-application-please-remove-greek.33994/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/french-language-application.22842/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/college-application.23448/ [DENIED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/greek-language-application.26216/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hearing-loss-disability-application.27622/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/college-application.30013/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/reakis-psychiatrist-application.31261/ [DENIED, DUE TO LIMITED SPOTS]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/russian-language-application-please-remove-french.31283/ [ACCEPTED]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/jsl-application-please-remove-greek.33994/ [ACCEPTED]
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying as a journalist is my passion for writing and experiencing new things. From a rather young age I've always liked writing news stories, articles and texts along with essays and features. And ever since the school started accepting volunteers I've been considering joining the club since not only will it be extremely helpful for my OOC experience with writing, but it will also help me develop my character's story and roleplaying experience!
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
My basic knowledge of journalist work is that a journalist is always hard-working and striving to make a high-quality article for the audience to read and enjoy. Their job is to either educate and keep everyone up with the news, or simply entertain the audience by discussing various different topics with people all around the city. They'll always find something interesting to conversate about, and there'll always be interesting outcomes!
Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
From my perspective, I believe that reporters are extremely important as well as helpful for this server for countless reasons. They keep the city up-to-date with the latest news and events, they inspect and explain ongoing problems around the place to the citizens.
Similar to the reporters, Journalists are also responsible for the above, and for keeping people amused!
They share their interesting and novel articles to the public in order to announce the news and events that happen. Therefore, without reporters nor journalists, the world would be ignorant and rather unaware.
[IC Section]
Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Cheryl Castello is a female of Russian ethnicity. Standing at 5'4, her appearance is nothing out of the ordinary. Her dyed black hair is down, and her light brown eyes are shining, while her face (despite the mild acne appearing there) is bright and healthy. The woman is seen wearing eyeliner and sometimes natural makeup, while her attire is usually casual and rather professional. Oddly enough, her fingerprints are nowhere to be found, but that extremely tiny flaw is nothing to stop her from achieving her goals.
Cheryl is a rather curious and nosy person, who always goes around trying to find the solution and explanation to things, while this may be sometimes seen as a bad trait, her passion for journalism says otherwise. She is always in the mood for an adventure around the city, in order to find the perfect elements for an article. She is sociable and never shy to approach others and say 'Hello.' or 'Good evening!'.
On job, she is a respectful and caring person who is easy to work in a group of people. She knows well that she and her colleagues all have the same goals, and that they have to cooperate in order to achieve them. Despite the goals, she also wants to have fun and create new relationships and strong bonds with her co-workers and friends. She tends to be the team spirit, who makes sure that every sad and despairing situation ends up being a happy and hopeful one.
The first years
During a bright and sunny day on November 5th, 2000. A healthy girl was born Moscow, Russia inside a loving family of eight. Her name was Cheryl I. Castello, and she was a very innocent and cute child.
Cheryl was the youngest child in the family, and she often didn't have many common interests with her siblings, except for one, which was art. Cheryl loved to draw! Two of her siblings did as well, which was very lucky for her and their bond. They would always draw, and doodle, and think of all the things they could create together.
Despite that art was a thing that Cheryl loved, it didn't last for many years of her life. At the age of ten, she eventually got bored of it, and found a new hobby, which was basketball. She would get together with her male friends, rather than the female ones, and start playing basketball with them on weekends. She had a lot of fun with them and was always happy to team up with them 'against' the other neighborhood kids.
The teenage years, and the decision of moving out
At the age of 14, Cheryl and her other eight family moved in with some far-relatives, who lived in Kyoto.
Thankfully for Cheryl, she had two distant-cousins who were her age, but were sadly deaf. That forced Cheryl to get into the process of understanding the Japanese-Sign-Language (JSL) in order to communicate with them in ease. It took her a lot of trial and error, confusion and hope, but she managed to fully understand it in about four to five years.
By the age of eighteen, Cheryl had many loving relatives to help her through any gloomy days and make her feel loved, but she knew that she had to move out and begin a career at something. She moved to Karakura exactly a year later, and was surprised to find some of her sisters there. It made her very happy, and hopeful for her new life there. She got to become a student at Karakura-High, one of the best-known schools around there too!
The final decision
At the age of 20 though, as Cheryl was looking for a club to join, she noticed a small brochure with a fancy font on it..
Cheryl was thrilled, and started doing research about that club and it's members. She ended up applying for it, and got accepted. Cheryl was extremely happy for that, and finally knew what her career was going to be...
She was going to pursue the path of a journalist.
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name:
Cheryl Kyoto-Insante Castello
Given Name(s):
‘Cherry’ ‘Cher’ ‘Che’
Preferred Name:
20 years old
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, JSL
Current Location:
Town of Karakura, Japan.
Phone Number:
Other notes:
I would like to thank you for taking the time to review my application.
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