Level 11
[OOC Section]
IGN (In Game Name): Ash1456
Previous bans: I don't really remember my last ban application nor could I get the link to those applications ( it's on a different account on here that I forgot- )
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server isn't doing so well right now due to exams, But Right now I'll try to go on SRP every now on then to check up and hang out, Since it is the weekend maybe i'll be able to go on more often and even doing the week days!
Do you have Discord? Yes I do have discord ( For some reason it won't let me put the username in the application so I can just add you! :) )
IGN (In Game Name): Ash1456
Previous bans: I don't really remember my last ban application nor could I get the link to those applications ( it's on a different account on here that I forgot- )
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server isn't doing so well right now due to exams, But Right now I'll try to go on SRP every now on then to check up and hang out, Since it is the weekend maybe i'll be able to go on more often and even doing the week days!
Do you have Discord? Yes I do have discord ( For some reason it won't let me put the username in the application so I can just add you! :) )
Do you have a microphone? Not at the moment but as for now I use my phone to talk to people on discord
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is mostly that I like to write irl, I've experienced writing random stories and a show I watch with like Journalist involved in it as well it makes me think "What if I try it? irl or not, You should always try something once" I am planning on trying to join the year book class in my school. Probably next year if I'm not busy after school
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
Journalist normally walks around the school and take notes and make magazines about the school and hands them out to everyone if they are interested in reading them on there free time. Journalist basically makes news paper's for the school. My knowledge for journalist work is that the news papers, Magazines etc. Shouldn't really have any mistakes with spelling so people could understand it and read it correctly.
Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
Reporters are important to SRP because if we didn't have any on srp who would know what's going on in the town? Reporters are supposed to keep up whats going on either in the school or town and take notes so they could tell everyone what is going on at the moment.
[IC Section]
Tell us about your character, how do they look,
what makes them unique? What makes my character unique is that she loves going around and making friends. After she got over her shyness she would always start circling around people. ( I know that's weird ) after that she would ask them what there name is and mostly ask if they could be friends. My character is also still known as "The shy girl" and sometimes the quiet girl.
What are they like on and off the job? My character off the job likes to go back to her apartment and relax until she has to go back to her job. She would also walk around the town and take notes on a notebook so she could make a magazine for what is going on out in the world the next day.
Outlook on their co-workers? My character would greet the co-workers and would help if they have any trouble with anything. She would try to earn they're trust and gain respect from them.
Plans for the future?:
My character's plans for the future is to have a wonderful family with either 2 or 1 child/children. She would like to get married sometime in the future, She would love to find a job that she'll like after being a journalist.
Marie's parents abandoned her when she was a little girl so she started living with her sister Zahra Hakimura, A few months after that she started living with one of her other siblings, They got along very well until one of her older brothers committed she was very sad ( depressed ) for a few months and wanted to be with her older brother thinking it should've been her that died.
About a few more months later her other siblings decided to go into town to see they're little sister older sister and brother, Sadly Marie had to break the knews to them about their brother committing yes they were all sad she ran into her sisters room and three of her brothers went up there to help her feel better since she was also going through a break up.
A year later Marie decided to change her name to Emily and her family was okay with it, One day they bumped into their parents and her mom was the first one to say "Marie hunny...I'm so sorry for what we did to you it was wrong" Marie was obviously upset and didn't want to see them at all for what they did to her when she was a child so her siblings told them to leave and get lost and so they did. A few weeks past by and Marie decided to start going to school ( KHS ) her sister Zahra also went to that school so she introduced her to some of her friends and they were all very good friends they would have sleepovers together and hangouts.
After Marie graduated highschool her siblings threw a surprise party for her for being able to graduate highschool with no worries, ( She had all good grades ) after highschool she made an application to her dream college and got in! She still goes to that college now and she can't wait to know what's going to happen in the upcoming future.
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name: Marie 'Emily' Ena. Hakimura.
Grade: College
Given Name(s): Marie and Emily.
Preferred Name: Emily or Emi
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Native Languages: German
Other Languages: Hawaiian and english
Nationality: American
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
Phone Number: 451143704
Other notes:
. . .

{R.K} SnowyAsh
M. 'Emily' E. Hakimura
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is mostly that I like to write irl, I've experienced writing random stories and a show I watch with like Journalist involved in it as well it makes me think "What if I try it? irl or not, You should always try something once" I am planning on trying to join the year book class in my school. Probably next year if I'm not busy after school
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
Journalist normally walks around the school and take notes and make magazines about the school and hands them out to everyone if they are interested in reading them on there free time. Journalist basically makes news paper's for the school. My knowledge for journalist work is that the news papers, Magazines etc. Shouldn't really have any mistakes with spelling so people could understand it and read it correctly.
Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
Reporters are important to SRP because if we didn't have any on srp who would know what's going on in the town? Reporters are supposed to keep up whats going on either in the school or town and take notes so they could tell everyone what is going on at the moment.
[IC Section]
Tell us about your character, how do they look,

what makes them unique? What makes my character unique is that she loves going around and making friends. After she got over her shyness she would always start circling around people. ( I know that's weird ) after that she would ask them what there name is and mostly ask if they could be friends. My character is also still known as "The shy girl" and sometimes the quiet girl.
What are they like on and off the job? My character off the job likes to go back to her apartment and relax until she has to go back to her job. She would also walk around the town and take notes on a notebook so she could make a magazine for what is going on out in the world the next day.
Outlook on their co-workers? My character would greet the co-workers and would help if they have any trouble with anything. She would try to earn they're trust and gain respect from them.
Plans for the future?:
My character's plans for the future is to have a wonderful family with either 2 or 1 child/children. She would like to get married sometime in the future, She would love to find a job that she'll like after being a journalist.
Marie's parents abandoned her when she was a little girl so she started living with her sister Zahra Hakimura, A few months after that she started living with one of her other siblings, They got along very well until one of her older brothers committed she was very sad ( depressed ) for a few months and wanted to be with her older brother thinking it should've been her that died.
About a few more months later her other siblings decided to go into town to see they're little sister older sister and brother, Sadly Marie had to break the knews to them about their brother committing yes they were all sad she ran into her sisters room and three of her brothers went up there to help her feel better since she was also going through a break up.
A year later Marie decided to change her name to Emily and her family was okay with it, One day they bumped into their parents and her mom was the first one to say "Marie hunny...I'm so sorry for what we did to you it was wrong" Marie was obviously upset and didn't want to see them at all for what they did to her when she was a child so her siblings told them to leave and get lost and so they did. A few weeks past by and Marie decided to start going to school ( KHS ) her sister Zahra also went to that school so she introduced her to some of her friends and they were all very good friends they would have sleepovers together and hangouts.
After Marie graduated highschool her siblings threw a surprise party for her for being able to graduate highschool with no worries, ( She had all good grades ) after highschool she made an application to her dream college and got in! She still goes to that college now and she can't wait to know what's going to happen in the upcoming future.
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name: Marie 'Emily' Ena. Hakimura.
Grade: College
Given Name(s): Marie and Emily.
Preferred Name: Emily or Emi
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Native Languages: German
Other Languages: Hawaiian and english
Nationality: American
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
Phone Number: 451143704
Other notes:
. . .

{R.K} SnowyAsh
M. 'Emily' E. Hakimura

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