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Denied JUDGE | A5YA's Application


Level 9

In-game Name:
A5YA — To add, the last time I was a part of the faction, I was under the name “Mimisakii”.

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have been banned only once, and you’re more than welcome to check out the appeal by clicking the link here. —

Discord Tag:
I check Discord very frequently, so there’s a high chance that you’ll get a quick response if you’re ever to DM me.

Do you have a working microphone?:
Of course, I have a fully functioning microphone that I use and I am 100% able to speak in voice-chats for any purpose.

Timezone & Country:
BST, EEST or GMT+ 3 | Turkey.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):






● JIN Application #1 —

● JIN Application #2 —

● GERMAN Application #1 —
*denied due to lack of detail.

● GERMAN Application #2 —

● FRENCH Application —

● KOREAN Application —

● JIN Application #3 —

● JIN Application #4 —


● ITALIAN Application — [ACCEPTED]

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been very active, as I've been hooked onto roleplaying for the past few months. Everyday, you'll see me online. In all honesty, I definitely think that I’ve been quite active on the server lately, ever since I came back after getting unbanned. I’ve taken time to settle in and catch up with everything, and I have been pretty active. I aim to be more active if I’m accepted, as I’m certain that it’s only naturally expected for a member of the faction to be active—especially if they’re new. I am already involved with a faction, being KPD and I have an overall idea of how active I am expected to be and I’m confident that I can fulfill that expectation. I’m usually online every day for at least an hour to two hours, and I’m online for five hours on average. I am pretty flexible as well, though all in all I can assure you that I intend on putting my time and effort into my role if I’m accepted. I have great motivation and interest for my position, which I believe will be able to satisfy the expected activity.


What position are you applying for?:
I am applying to be a Judge.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have a lot to mention. Firstly, I have been in the faction before when there weren’t much going on, I was the first person to receive the role ‘Chief Judge’ due to my contributions regarding the first ever case and guiding everyone involved such as doing practices and mock-trials before the trial, writing a trial summary and leading the Herrington & Popovich case. I like to think that I have motivation, and ever since returning to SRP, I’ve been wanting to reapply. However, until recently there was a rule implemented, players who were involved with the KPD faction weren’t allowed to apply.
In early 2018 or 2019, I remember seeing people with the role "Lawyer" along with others and it had always piqued my interest, wondering about the many roleplay opportunities it would offer. However, the position was removed from being a role, for reasons I'm unsure of. I believe that the role of being a judge in the server has many responsibilities and many positives that it brings to the server. I have always had an interest in becoming a judge or a lawyer myself, the inspiration coming from games including court scenes or let it be an entire game based on lawyers & prosecutors in a court like Ace Attorney, or movies like Suits where it would show how court cases would work and how every side would prepare for one in a real-life situation... and it always interested me and intrigued me so much. I am really, really excited for what the role has to bring and I cannot wait to be a part of the government faction! I've always had an interest in the law aspect of the server as well while I was a part of the hospital faction. Working alongside KPD will be interesting overall as well, as I am very well aware that they are also going to be working with us closely to enforce law and equality in the town of Karakura.
I am ready and looking forward to contributing to the faction with the best of my abilities. I have spoken to a few judges and I have bright ideas and suggestions to share with all of you, now that I have a broad understanding of law and court routines.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, in fact, I have read the laws and constitutional rights of Karakura several times due to being a Karakura Police Department member. Specifically being a detective requires a vast knowledge of the laws and constitutional rights when it comes to interrogations, questioning, etc. So I have acknowledged the laws and constitution as I have read it explicitly for KPD. To add, I have also read said laws and constitutional rights right before applying. I’m sure I will have to go through it a few more times if I am accepted into the factions, as I will be closely involved.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My character is a judge, personality and all. I am a passionate roleplayer who cares for building character and character development. Some of the members of the Town Hall will be familiar with her, Monica Blackwell. She has many ambitions, but all of them revolve around justice and equality.
As for myself, my first intention is to be unbiased. As it is a common thing for players to call how situations are handled "biased", I plan on making it completely equal and fair while making judgments and giving out sentences. To do this, I plan on listening to lawyers very carefully and understand the points they use to defend their side. After I am sure that I understand every statement made and take an overall look at the case, I plan on making a fair judgment on what sentence to give to the defendant in question.
I believe that my character's personality will also help her with her judgments as she is a woman with high morality and she is very smart. She is a logical person who goes over every perspective in a case to determine who is right and who is wrong. It is important to stay logical in cases, and she is pretty amazing at doing so, even her coworkers finding her a little too logical in real-life conversations. But she knows when to put a limit between her job and out of her job. I believe she will be a lovely addition to the Karakura Town hall. Shout out to Annabell Sturm!

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A judge is an elected or appointed official who conducts court proceedings. Judges must be impartial and strive to properly interpret the meaning, significance, and implications of the law. Judges must also recognize that justice means more than just interpreting the law — they must also show compassion and understanding for the people on both sides of the case.
Judges manage legal processes by taking into account the constitution, laws, and customs and taking their power from their conscience. They are to listen to lawyers, who present cases with arguments and evidence to defend their clients, and give out sentences with fairness and equality. They must have legal ability, the ability to reach concise decisions promptly, respond to issues in a clear manner and grasp quickly the real meaning of questions presented.
They must have the judicial temperament, patience, open-mindedness, courtesy, tact, firmness, understanding, compassion, and humility. They must have devotion to the improvement of the quality of justice. They must be equal to everyone and they mustn't be biased. When a case first comes to the court, the judge must decide whether there is enough evidence to support a reasonable belief that a crime has occurred and also that the person in question committed that crime.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Similarly, every applicant has to consider the possibility of a removal. They are fully responsible for their actions, and they are to be punished if they’re to show irresponsible behavior that cannot be tolerated. Yes, I understand and acknowledge that I am subject to being demoted if I am in the faction at any given time and that I am responsible for my actions and must follow the rules and instructions I will be given.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Absolutely, as an applicant, I acknowledge the fact that I must take the faction seriously. I have considered my activity, my willingness and dedication as well as motivation into consideration before applying for the faction. While applying, I am aware that I must give my time, effort and dedication and know what to put first while being involved with the faction. Otherwise, it may cause inconveniences, and I like to believe that I’m aware of what I should be doing.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I understand that it is my position and responsibility to make rightful, unbiased decisions for the sake of equality and for justice to be served. With that, I am aware that I am at risk of losing my role if I am to ever accuse, imprison or sentence someone falsely.
I understand that as a judge, I am to be impartial, fair, unbiased, to follow the laws of Karakura, as well as to listen to all evidence without passing judgment until all are heard. Falsely accusing, imprisoning, or sentencing someone will simply mean that I have failed to fulfill my duty, and it is only right for me to lose my role if I am to ever do such things. A judge must ensure that everything happening in the courtroom follows the rules set down by the law. If a judge is to go against it and give out sentences falsely, they are simply failing to do their job. A judge must ensure that everything happening in the courtroom follows the rules set down by the law. They must have morality and they must show qualities of patience, open-mindedness, courtesy, tact, firmness, understanding, compassion, and humility... but most importantly, morality. They are the ones to give a sentence to the defendant, and being corrupt would mean that they are not worthy of their role, and they shall get punishment for doing such things. I fully recognize and understand that I cannot be corrupt while holding my role and do such things as being bribed, being biased, and being unequal. Judges are to follow the law, as well as be fair and equal.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, as per the information that I have provided previously under another question, I have read and acknowledged the rules of the government faction rules. While being involved with one of the factions that are closely related to the law and the government faction itself, I believe I have familiarized myself with the law of Karakura as well as having a basic understanding of what judges are expected to do. I hope that my knowledge of the numerous law-related shows I have watched about lawyers, prosecutors, and judges as well as books and documentaries based on real court cases will help me in my path to this position! Of course, I am open to learning more once I am accepted, as I believe I must learn more and more throughout my position and learn more about the role of a judge, especially in the SchoolRP community.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am fully able to attend weekly meetings and events, as it shows dedication and motivation for the job. As I have stated previously, I am fully able to balance my activity while also being in different factions, and I am sure that I can show my dedication which is also attending weekly meetings and events.


Full name:
Monica Blackwell.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Judge Blackwell, Miss Blackwell, Monica Blackwell

Current age:
40 (Fourty) years old.

Date of birth:
August 25th, 1982.


Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree in Law as well as a Juris Doctorate (also known as J.D.)

Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Political Sciences

History, Psychology

Work experience:

2 Years Working Experience | in Tokyokyodo, Tokyo, Japan. (2019-2020)
Upon graduating, I moved to Tokyo and applied for Tokyokyodo. I shortly left after two years due to wanting to work in my home country.

3 Years Working Experience | in Freshfields, London, UK. (2017-2019)
After going back to my home country once working in Tokyokyodo for a year, I had many law offices I wished to work in. I was accepted by Freshfields and I worked there for two years. I decided to go back to Japan upon coming across a few issues joined with the feeling of homesickness.

Political background:
Moving between England and Japan, I always had an interest in politics. I followed politicians, followed the news on information regarding every representative, and being involved with the law requires as such. However, it wasn’t always the same. Throughout the entirety of my adolescent and student years, I wasn’t necessarily interested. It all seemed boring to me until I started law school. People find out about things they didn’t know they liked. Although my interest in politics is moderate, I don’t allow that to get in my way of judging. I’m not biased, though I will follow updated news on politics. As embarrassing as it may be to admit, I have always been a fan of the game franchise of Ace Attorney, which is a Japanese game with a lawyer who meets a lot of prosecutors and defends his clients. In the game, you're expected to question and listen to all sides of a case, gather evidence, and present necessary evidence accordingly. I have always loved playing every single game of the series, and it has inspired me to get into law and become a judge to take part in cases and court.

Nationality & born location:
English | London, England.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
English, Japanese, Jin.

Criminal record:
I have no criminal records, thankfully, as I have always found the idea of breaking the law so ‘overhyped’ growing up. My family has a tradition of doing things to bring justice, and I like to follow that. You may ask for further proof from the Karakura Police Department as well.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I am capable of viewing myself from a variety of angles. Others see me as a strong woman who can get her way with words. My coworkers regard me as brave and skilled with words, yet contrary to how I appear — an arguably attractive woman — I am intelligent. I possess leadership skills and am able to complete tasks quickly and easily. I'm a woman of discipline and convictions. On the other hand, I consider myself to be a person of justice and equality. Justice must be carried out, and to do that, the proper documentation and words must be used. I'm ambitious and won't hesitate to take the initiative if necessary. I am also respectful, — I know to respect my superiors and treat them as higher-ups. I respect my co-workers, treating them as equals. I am also very picky with evidence, as I'm pretty aware that if you don't have evidence, you might as well be doomed. I pay attention to what evidence is given and that the law is followed. I am also a good co-worker who is good at giving advice, who is always open to help.
I am also ridiculously good at empathizing, which is negative, a con in some cases. I have a good understanding of how others feel, no matter which side of a case it is. However, I know when to empathize and put boundaries, but it may cause difficulties upon working on a case. Justice must be served. I have high morality, and I am also seen as a woman who is "too logical" in some cases. However, it is only right to follow logic and the laws while determining who is right and who is wrong. It is no secret that this town is full of criminals, and the Karakura Police Department is taking care of them expertly, however, there is a line where we, as the government, promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens living in the town. All citizens, no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, age, and et cetera has the right to take a case to the court whether it be a normal evasion arrest or serious offense. I have seen acts of inequality in this town numerous times, and my hope is to make sure that cases are carried out with evidence and ensure fairness. I also hope to make decisions and give out sentences with morality and be completely unbiased.I must first make sure that I understand every case I come across, understand which points both sides stand and what the case is about, and understand the big picture. Then, I must understand the details of the case, making sure I have a good understanding of what is going on. I must listen to both sides patiently and ensure that laws are being followed, carefully understand each statement that both sides have made, and double-check if laws have been broken. Finally, I must summarize and interpret the information I have learned, and make a decision on what sentence to give to the defendant and how to finalize the case while making moral, fair, and unbiased decisions.
Finally, I am a mother. A mother who also has to be a judge in certain things when dealing with children. As cheesy as that sounds, I believe it has importance in characteristics and personality.
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Level 192
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,unfortunately I've decided to keep this Pending
  • This application will be review when there's a new spot open for the role
  • If you wish to have this denied or taken down, message me on the forums conversations or discord DMs - MikeShotZ#0960


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, your application has been: DENIED

We loved your application, however plagiarism isn't allowed as listed in the application's rules. You have been blacklisted from applying for the Town faction until further notice.

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