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Accepted Judge Application | atcoffee | Observxbly


Level 10


General filing of information of the player and their availability.

In-game Name:

My current Minecraft username is "Observxbly"
[College]Kiyataka Sakura-Ki

(College role to be moved to last character slot)
Discord Tag:

My discord username is "atcoffee"

Do you have a working microphone?:

I do have a working microphone, dependant on the times I may not be able to speak but I should have no issues being able to join voice calls and typing. This will be explained further in the Time Zone section.

Time Zone & Country:

I currently reside in the United Kingdom so the time zone as of right now is GMT +1. As far as my availability goes, post 10pm on most weekends I will not be able to voice call, this applies to 9 on a weekday, I am able to join and listen but not speak.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:

As of lately, there have been less activity on my end as I had just finished college and have had a lot of closing and assignment work to finish up. With this in mind and as it is all complete, my activity is sure to continue to rise now that I have more time. A few hours a day or even longer dependant on if I am needed by anybody or not. I also have more roles to fulfil if I happen to be accepted to this role. My time zone and finishing college has allowed me to take up a gap year meaning that my availability is also heavily increased as well as how long I will be able to get on for dependant on what is needed and what is not. My schedule typically ends in terms of being able to get on at around 11pm at the latest on some days. I do also have a life and share a room.



What position are you applying for?:

In this application, I am applying for Judge which in the server's terms is the position in which the individual participates in the final dictation of whether a suspect in a trial is guilty and innocent after evidence evaluation. They also offer governmental services in general outside of simple and complex trials, these will all be expanded upon in the following sections and such when required.

What is your motivation for applying?:

OOC Answer:

My motivation stems from a variety of reasons, the root of such being that I seek more avenues to expand on my relationships and experience on the server. There are many more ways I can experience and enjoy the server as it is and I have not partook in any of these thus far. I also wish to view what the different minute factions have to offer and the people within them, thus expanding my knowledge for more complex situations and roleplays but as well expanding my repertoire. I also believe that there is plenty of room for growth in many different areas and using my skills in categories such as writing and such, I wish to have an impact similar to one of my inspirations on the server and one of my greatest friends, kettlesip. Who has made guides and expanded upon the systems of the shrine heavily as well as being respected. I believe that I can help people in the same way and doing so in the law faction is also very befitting of my character as she is a very consistent and, to a specific degree, lacking in the emotional empathy department for those who conduct such dreadful crimes. As a conclusion, there are many more people left for me to meet and understand, learning about how to enhance my own knowledge as well as enhancing my ability to roleplay consistently and learning about the law system in a more meaningful and deep way.

IC Answer:
"Being a judge is something that requires an immense amount of knowledge regarding the modern systems as well as prior cases. In short, an immense memory and capability of conducting an immense level of research is an absolute requirement in order to induce the most plausible outcomes in cases. All of which are skills that I possess and are capable of being used towards the benefit of society to ensure that those who commit such heinous deeds will face the appropriate consequence. Furthermore, I believe that this line of work is a way of further expanding upon my knowledge of the town and how the people tend to act, thus allowing me to create a safer environment within my abilities. As an individual holstering an absolute flatline level of bias nor guilt for the suspects of crimes, the appropriate punishment regardless of relation will always be issued. There are many ways society can improve and I am simply prepared to do my part."

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

OOC Answer:
I have an understanding to an extent although there is a lot of room for improvements and gaps in knowledge. I will be conducting the appropriate research on this topic. I will be sure to confront my peers and seek the appropriate knowledge to ensure that my provision of service is as perfect as can be.

IC Answer:

"I have been a resident of Karakura for quite a while now, despite not being born here, I have had a fair share of interactions as well as having a figure in my life who worked for the police department, despite such I have never found myself on the wrong side of the law and the knowledge I have most certainly can and will be expanded upon."

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

OOC Answer:
There are many goals I have whilst applying for this role and I believe that they can be achieved if i were to be accepted. One of which is to contribute more to the server in general as opposed to being limited to a minute amount of people. I can help the faction and people in it with new guides or an easy to understand document for those who are new. Furthermore, I wish to expand my range of people to roleplay with and knowledge about the In-Character and laws and legislations. Having more knowledge will mean that in the future, my characters will be more capable and have more knowledge of what they are talking about if ever found in converse on the subject. I also wish to progress my character who I have had for 2 years now as she is married to someone else who cannot have children or progress the family with them until I am given this age up.

IC Answer:
"Goals, Hm? Well, to begin with there are a variety of reasons that the position I choose happens to be a governmental position, perhaps part of the matter is due to my interest in such and how the country is run, the legal system, and a keen interest on detailed concepts and cases, I believe that I have the capacity to handle all of such and viewing such horrendous outcomes never has had a major impact on my ability to conduct my position. I also wish to contribute towards my family which will heavily progress once I have the opportunity at this position. I also wish to contribute in my own way and the way I believe this would function most successfully happens to be through judge. In the future, I wish to partake in other opportunities for positions in the City however for a long while I wish to understand and learn everything there is to being a Judge."

Prior life experiences that may assist you throughout this position?:

IC Answer:

"There have been many times throughout my life in which I have had the opportunity to engage in the legal system and understanding the process. Both in the police department side and government side as I often spectate trials whenever I am greeted with the opportunity. There have also been many controversies I have had the chance to view and understand. Thus creating resolutions and fixing situations or becoming the mediator alongside others has been something I have had the chance to be, thus of course reconciling with the requirement of a jury and Judge position as they work in a direction of deciding the verdict of cases."

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

The Judge is a post in which the individual hoists the power to determine whether a suspect of a crime is innocent or guilty based on provided evidence and testimonies from various parties and witnesses in court. Whilst this is one of the major factors, they must also conduct their own research on subjects and offer general governmental services to those who require such, for example provision of IDs, alternative cases such as forwarding warrants to search premises when the officers do not receive direct permission from the property owner, officiating marriages between couples who file for such and other smaller cases. These are the majority of the services that a Judge would provide however there may be special exceptions based on circumstances and what may have occurred if assistance is required of the character. Whilst many may prespecify the idea of the judge role when applying that they simply attend trials and conduct front desk work, they also have a huge hand in assisting the police department and directly working together.

Points listed above:
- Front Desk Work: S
imple tasks that may need to conducted at the front desk. This includes IDs and other greetings however they will have their own sections.
Trial Attendance and Decisions: Attending trials and offering the final verdict whilst also deciding whether to forward objections or cases, if working with the Jury. Determining whether the suspect is guilty or not based on the case.
Providing IDs: Whilst working at the front desk, having people who come in and request IDs to receive them through the simple process of taking their age and date of birth, then having them scan their fingerprint and pay 5000 yen.
Granting Warrants: When police require a warrant to search a premises or some other type of warrant, they will be in contact with a Judge to grant such. This is a case of the owner of such vehicle or property is not permitting them to enter but there is reasonable suspicion.
Officiating Marriages: Granting and completing the legal documents for marriages.
Filing Restraining Orders: Allowing a member of the public to file a restraining order on a specific individual or group of people.



Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

I am aware that being accepted to the role does come with its risks if I am not able to fulfil what is needed of me. Regardless of such, I am fully prepared to commit to the role. I am under the assumption that the removal will only take place with a substantiated reason.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, as aforementioned, I will be fully dedicated to the position and my character will also take her job very seriously.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:


Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

I have and do agree to the rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Yes, If I am ever not it will be due to the timing but there should not be any issues.

New Project (21).png

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Level 179
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me over Discord @Aania to start the process and get you set!

Welcome to the Government Faction :D

(PS: The I.D thing is really neat)

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