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Accepted Judge Application | Juurys


Level 10

In-game Name:
Juurys (Applying)
Sqxishy (Main)

Discord Tag:


Do you have a working microphone?:

Yes, I do.

Timezone & Country:

Central Time, USA

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Language/Character Applications
Korean Application - [Accepted]
Height Application - [Denied]
Gaelic Application - [Accepted]
Italian Application 2 - [Accepted]
Swahili Application - [Accepted]
Italian Application 1 - [Denied]
French Application - [Denied]

Faction Applications
School Nurse Application - [Denied]
KPD Application - [Denied]
EMS Application 2 - [Accepted]
EMS Application 1 - [Denied]

Describe your activity on the server:

I am very active on one of my two accounts, particularly my main account, Sqxishy. I spend the majority of my time there because it’s where I have most of my interactions and activities. Some activities I find myself enjoying the most include JockRP with my College Football Male teammates and also helping and coming up with team events between the College Football Males and the College Cheer team. I also include myself in DetailRP and have become pretty good at it in my five years of being on the server. There are times where I don’t feel like detailing, or including myself in JockRP, and I use this time to practice my favorite plugins like Basketball, Volleyball, Football, and cooking! On the other hand, my alt account, Juurys, tends to be much less active. This is primarily because I haven’t found as much to engage with on that account, leaving it idle and inactive. Recently, however, I’ve been feeling increasingly motivated to change that. I don’t particularly appreciate having an account sitting there, unused, when it could serve a purpose or offer new experiences.

Below, you can see my normal weekly activity.
DayTime (CST)
3pm - Midnight
2pm - Midnight
3pm - Midnight
2pm - Midnight
3pm - Midnight
All day
All day


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:

I am applying because I have yet to experience what it is like to be in a different faction other than the K.A. sports faction. I have been a part of the EMS faction before, but only for a short time. On top of that, this was a really long time ago. Other than that, I hear nothing but good things from my friends who have been a part of the government faction before. I want to experience what it is like to be in this faction and meet more people with whom I can get along and become good friends.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

Yes, I have a clear understanding.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

I have a couple of goals I want to achieve with this role. I want to help around the faction anywhere I am needed and, as I said before, meet new people and become friends with the other great peers in this faction. Another goal I hope to be able to fulfill is to be good at what I do. I love judges because of TV shows, movies, and even local judges in my town. So, it would be cool to get an idea of what they must go through in trials.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

A judge plays a crucial role in the town hall. They issue warrants for arrests and review cases, including criminal matters and lawsuits. Judges are also responsible for officiating marriages and filing restraining orders to protect those who feel unsafe. Additionally, they handle front desk tasks, such as issuing IDs and assisting citizens with their needs. When the front desk is not busy, judges use the time to catch up on other work. Most importantly, they attend trials for criminal cases or lawsuits, such as when a citizen sues an officer.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Yes, I am fully aware.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, I will be dedicated to my position.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes, I understand.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes, I have read and agreed to the faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Yes, I am able to attend.


Full name:

“My name is Noriaki Fujiya.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

“I prefer to be introduced as Mr. Fujiya.”

Current age:

“I am 44 years young.”

Date of birth:

“I was born on October 31st, 1979.”


“I am a male.”

Academic Degree:

“I graduated college with a masters degree.”


“I have a masters degree in Criminal Justice, and a bachelors degree in Macroeconomics.”


“I minored in Business Management.”

Work experience:

“Even though I didn't need to work when I was younger, I wanted a job. I worked as a dispatcher in Echizen, at the Takefu Station during my teenage years. I held that job until I turned sixteen. After that, I was offered an internship at Echizen City Hall, where I interned for a year and a half. This experience led to an opportunity to work as an assistant to a lawyer, a role I held for about four years until the lawyer retired. I then decided to go to college, and after earning my degrees, I returned to Echizen. I became the public works director while also working in the treasury department, and I had these positions until earlier this year.”

Nationality & born location:

“I am Japanese. I was born in Echizen, Japan.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):


Criminal record:

“My criminal record is cleaner than a green bean in a washing machine.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

“I am a good candidate for this job because I have the experience of being around the Echizen City Hall for my whole career. In Echizen, I have the reputation and integrity needed for this position, and all of my previous co-workers say they believe I can make it as a judge in Karakura. With my studies and education in my degrees and with my mentors and co-workers in Echizen, I can quickly adapt to any workspace, and from what I have heard, the Karakura Town Hall is very accepting. Another reason I am a suitable candidate is that I am a reliable person everyone can trust to get something done, and I am nice overall. With my experience working as an assistant in a law firm, I was able to see how a judge reacts to cases and the expectations a judge needs to meet. With my determination and knowledge of Japanese law, Echizen law, and my recent heavy study of Karakura law, I will be among the best candidates for this position.”


Noriaki Fujiya is a man of rich, Japanese descent. Fujiya had blue eyes and would seem to stand around 6 '1 and look very healthy for his age. The man had black hair, shaped normally that also matched his normal personality. Noriaki would rarely be seen in casual and rebellious, or as the kids call it ‘Y2K’, fashion. He would only be seen in business attire, not to flaunt himself, but because it is what he grew up wearing. Although Fujiya was strict about business fashion, he had a couple of tattoos. They were nothing special, so they would never be seen as he doesn’t wear shorts or short sleeves.

General Backstory
Noriaki Fujiya was born on Halloween night, 1979 in Echizen, Japan, located in the Fukui Prefecture. His mother, 23, and his father, 27. His father gave him the name Noriaki, that name meaning ‘Law’ and ‘Bright'. As a kid, Noriaki would easily fit into one group, and that group being the ‘wealthy’ group. From Grade-4 to Grade-9, Noriaki would be told by his parents that he wouldn’t need to worry about a job, that he would inherit the family’s wealth and business. That business is what drove him away from his parents' promises. The only Fujiya son was destined to find a job, and he did just that. At the age of 14, Noriaki found himself working in the Echizen Takefu Station as a ‘gopher’. A gopher just helps around where-ever needed. He worked his way up to eventually being a dispatcher. At the age of 16, Noriaki was offered an internship, an internship that would change his life. Fujiya transitioned to work in the Echizen City Hall, starting out by being an understudy to the public works director. Noriaki held this internship for about a year and a half. After that, he was offered a job to be an assistant for one of the local law firms top lawyers. In this job, Noriaki learned a lot of first hand knowledge on the Echizen Law, and became determined that this is what he wanted to do. Four years later, the lawyer Noriaki assisted retired. He then set out to go college. Noriaki attended a private university in Echizen, and there he acquired his masters degree in Criminal Justice, a bachelors in macroeconomics, and a minor in business management. Noriaki went back to the Echizen City Hall, and applied for a spot that he had plenty of knowledge in, public works director. Over the years, Noriaki worked at the Echizen City Hall for nearly 21 years. He left this job in hopes to relocate to another beautiful location. He found an opening in Karakura, and this opening being something that he practically went to school for.

(A reshaded version is currently in the making.)

I want to thank everyone for taking time out of their day to read my application, it means a lot!


Level 145
Government Lead

Thank you for applying! We have decided to accept your application. Please ping oinfi in the town discord help channel to receive your roles.

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