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Denied Judge | Chachamoi_'s Application


Level 2

In-game Name:
Chachamoi_ (Account i’m applying with) | JustChamoyy (alt account/barely used)

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do!

Timezone & Country:
GMT+8 | Philippines

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):✍-◔◡◔.60988
(Sorry this is glitching for me)

Describe your activity on the server:
9 am - 11 pm9 am - 11 pm9 am - 11 pm9 am - 11 pm9 am - 11 pm9 am - 11 pm9 am - 11 pm
My time zone is currently GMT+8, and I am/or can be online for most of the day, and even sometimes stay up at night. It all depends on what time I will be needed for rp or other things.


What position are you applying for?:

I will be applying for the position of Judge, within the government of the city Karakura.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have been playing on SchoolRP for a few years now, and I have experienced quite a bit of the roleplay scenarios within the server. But one of the few things that I have not experienced is working within the government of Karakura. In real life, I am aiming to soon study political science, and continue to possibly become someone who works for the government as a lawyer or a judge. With my real life goals, I want to bring it into roleplay as well. I have been to trials, and have watched the roleplay of it all unfold within my eyes, which made me curious at first. What would be like to be in that roleplay scenario, and how things work behind the scenes. But soon, that curiosity grew more and more to the point where it has taken me quite a lot of time to finally get the courage to apply for a government position as a lawyer. Although my application was rejected, it did not stop me from wanting to try. Seeing as it only made me more motivated to do better, to write better, and to work harder.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Indeed, I do. I made sure to get the important and needed information about Karakura's laws and Constitutional rights, seeing as roleplaying as a judge within a game doesn't mean that I can just slack off and do whatever. Having a position within the government means that I will be taking on heavy sets of responsibility, and it will come with heavy sets of consequences with every decision I make, every step I take, and with every word that comes out of my mouth (or with every word I type in roleplay).

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My goals with this role is not only for my in-game character, but for myself as well in real life. I want to experience new things in roleplay, which includes working as someone within the government. Getting into politics has always been my in-roleplay character's interest, which came from the fact that my character (Charlotte), grew up with parents who dabbled in politics themselves. Her goal and my goals are quite similar, which is to build a reputation as a reputable and respectful judge who does her work to the best of her abilities. For smaller goals, I simply want to experience more with this character, and perhaps gain more connection to get more and deeper into roleplay.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
The position I will be applying for is the position of Judge. The Judge holds the position within the court in which they listen to the members of each party of both the 'accusers' and the 'defenders'. They are to make a non-biased judgement, basing their decisions and judgements depending on the evidence, the witness statements, and the words of the lawyers defending their clients. Most, if not all, of their rulings will be based on the sets of laws and constitutional rights that are within the country they are living in, seeing as with every country, comes with different sets of laws. Sometimes, a judge may use personal thoughts and feelings, but overall the ruling will be handled within not just the judge themselves, but other people working behind the scenes as well.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I completely understand, and accept any consequences that will come from any actions that I make regarding in-roleplay decisions and out of roleplay decisions.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I have accepted this fact even before I started writing this application. I have seen many other players who are within the government, and I can see the way they dedicate their personal time and effort to the roles they are given. Being a judge, governor, lawyer, etc in roleplay doesn’t mean just fooling around and doing whatever. It takes time, dedication, and actual effort to make things work and flow as smoothly as possible.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Indeed I am, and I see this as something that should be considered as common sense. Anything OOC should remain within OOC only, and should never cross the bounds of any in-roleplay scenarios. No matter our feelings oocly, everything that happens within roleplay should stay within roleplay, which is why the ‘No meta-gaming’ rule exist in the first place.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Applying for this role meant that I should make sure to agree and follow every rule that is set within the server itself, and that includes the Government Faction rules, for they are there for a reason. And it is to make sure that no one crosses any boundaries that are not meant to be crossed, and to keep everything organised.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I will make sure to always make time within my schedule to attend the weekly meetings and events. The only time that I will not be able to attend such meetings and/or events will be because of something urgent, or simply an emergency that I will be having in real life. But before I take off any time, I will make sure to inform any higher up that is incharge of the position I am applying for, beforehand.


Full name:

“My full name is Charlotte Elaina Saito.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“I would prefer the title of Ms.”

Current age:
“I am 34 years old.”

Date of birth:
“I am born on November 10th 1989.”


Academic Degree:
"Juris Doctor’s Degree.”

“I took Political Science, and Criminal Justice as my majors”

“The minors I took on when I was studying were Business Management, Law, and Philosophy.”

Work experience:
“After spending my college life in South Korea studying within the Seoul National University, I was able to get my Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, take LSAT to earn my Juris Doctor Degree, then pass the bar exam. Within the time that I am in South Korea, I have attended and participated in court proceedings, making sure that I am both experienced and knowledgeable of the events happening within the court itself, and what’s happening outside of it."

Nationality & born location:
“I was born within the city of Seoul, in South Korea. And my nationality is Korean.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
“The languages I speak are Korean, Japanese, English, and JSL. Korean and Japanese being the languages I spoke growing up.”

Criminal record:
“I have no history of committing any crimes, nor being related to any criminal records. I make sure to follow the law and the rules very closely, too closely at times.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“Being a judge isn’t just deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent. It takes patience, effort, sleepless nights, and sometimes disapproval from the public eye. But even so, I am confident in my abilities, and in myself that I am more than ‘good’ as a candidate for this job. I am a hardworking individual who wants to make sure that everything I start, I will finish. I make sure to keep enough confidence in myself, and other people I work alongside with, to make sure that every work we take on will be finished within the given timeframe, with little to no mistakes or issues whatsoever. Yes, I am still human so I make mistakes from time to time. But I am also willing to accept the consequences of those mistakes if need be. I know that I need to keep a good mental stability, as well as a clear and unbiased mind when doing this job. So I will make sure to do just that.”​
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Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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