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Judge || kiirobxtterflies Application


Level 10
Out of Character | Basic information

What is your in-game name?:

(The account I'm applying with is my alt. My most active account is aoiibxtterflies)

Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):

Do you have a microphone?

List your timezone and country:

How active are you on the server?:
I'm on at least everyday. I'm on for a few hours at a time and I'm usually hanging out with friends. Few hours ranging from 3-4 hours.
I'm on late a night too and during the weekdays when I'm home.

Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):
No, I do not have any previous bans

Link any past applications below:

Item Glitch || ACCEPTED
French Application || ACCEPTED
HS Council Application || ACCEPTED

Out of Character | Morals & ideas

What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:

One of my friends is currently a judge and she had told me that its really fun
and that she is enjoying it. I like being around my friends and the people that make me happy.
Being a judge would bring me closer to her and allow me to spend more time with her.

My knowledge in civics can benefit the team and help inform how certain government and
laws work. And how a court works in general. I find how interesting most governments work and how we have people
that are extremely knowledgeable in law (such as lawyers and judges), something that takes years
of education to learn. Law is not an easy subject to grasp for some and it really shows that you have to be really dedicated to
get into law school to become a judge or lawyer.

Do you have any plans for your spot or character with this role?:
I have plans for her to be involved in any court cases. I want her to give back to the community by teaching others how they can
follow the laws of Karakura and keep themselves out of trouble. I also want her to teach others
how they can be involved with the community of Karakura and how they can help to
make the town a safer place.

Are you aware that if you falsely accuse, imprison, or sentence someone you will lose your role?:
Yes. Judges should never falsely accuse someone of a crime they never committed.

Do you recognize that you cannot be corrupt in any way? (Being bribed, being biased, etc):
Yes. I will not allow others to bribe me nor will I be biased.

Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:

Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
I believe I'm not too familiar. I've watched a lot of criminal investigation shows
such as Law and Order and 48 Hours. I know what some general terms mean
like what first degree murder, jaywalking, arson, etc. I have friends that sometimes do GangRP and
they'll talk about what is legal and what is not.

Do you have a good understanding of this position?:

Summarize what your position does in the town:
In general, a judge is someone that presides over a court case or dispute in a court case
and makes the final decision. You have different types of courts like a small claims court,
which I've inferred is court where smaller disputes or lawsuits are handled. Like if its a case about
someone wanting money back on a construction job. Judges preside in those and make
the final decision.

However, you have bigger courts that run trials for more severe crimes such as murder and
involuntary manslaughter. A judge will be presiding and in most cases, a jury. The jury helps
with the case by looking over evidence and making a decision on who they believe
should be prosecuted or why the person should be prosecuted for their crimes.
However, the judge makes the final decision regardless.

In Karakura, that is what I have inferred the judges do. They help with cases like lawsuits
and more severe cases like murder.

In Character | Questionnaire
Pretend that it is as if your character is filling this out, not yourself

Full Name:
Annalise D. Bianco

Preferred name & Title:
Anna, Ms. Bianco
Current age? (25+):

Past job experiences?:
I worked as a secretary in a law firm and helped
with organizing case files for my co-workers. I then moved to Karakura and decided I wanted to
become a judge.

What plans do you have for the town?:
I want to help the community by solving cases that need to be
solved. I will make sure that every single court case gets solved
equally and the right decision is made. I also want to help
by teaching others how they can stay out of legal trouble and how they
can protect themselves in an ethical and lawful way.

What jobs will you execute with this position?
As stated above, I will help with court cases and will be available
as much as possible. I will also help mentor people that are
looking to become a judge and give encouragement to those wanting to
study law. I will be a role model for others.

Do you practice any sort of religion?:

How did you get into politics?:
When I was 5, my father had just got out of law school.
He always watched criminal shows or criminal trials on TV. I was curious and would always
ask my father what was happening. He would explain to me what they were doing and what certain
terms meant. I remember sitting with him in a court case when I was 8 and I was interested in
everything that was happening. I always showed interest in law and politics. I was in government
like clubs in highschool and eventually went on to law school.
My father was always there for me and helped me through law school and mentored me through college and
university. I always looked up to him as a child and he inspired me a lot. He showed me that politics
was fun and that I could really achieve anything if I worked hard enough.
I wanted to follow in his footsteps and here I am.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes:

Nationality & Born location:
I was born in Verona, Italy

Fluent languages: (Underline your native):
Italian and Japanese
Last edited:


Level 40

Congratulations on being accepted for your role of choice. Upon seeing this, be sure to join the Town Discord & ping Pros#1396 within the help channel to receive your roles & tags. For future reference, pay attention to formatting in order to make your application easier to read.

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