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Denied Judge | TooManyHoesRP's Application


Level 2

In-game Name:
My in game name is TooManyHoesRP

Discord Tag:
My discord tag is szaphi

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes,I do own a working microphone

Timezone & Country:
GMT+2 | Poland

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server depends on my personal life; however, I would say that I am active on the server. Engaging in roleplay activities frequently, almost daily, with occasional 2-day breaks every so often. When I am on the server, I aim to contribute to the commnity and pleasant expirience. I am trying to provide with immersive and enjoyable expirience to every player i meet.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for a judge position

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation to apply for a judge position is simple, I have had an unexpected interest in the legal world of Karakura, and not only that. I feel that joining such a position will help me contribute to it. I have a feeling that I will make a good asset for the role I applied for. I am excited to join a government fraction. I hope I will have the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills and to bring an immersive experience to the faction.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I believe I do have an understanding of Karakura's law and constitutional rights, both OOCLY and ICLY. I may not have memorized them, but I have familiarized myself with those documents prior to making an application. With time, I hope to learn more with the help of my fellows and in game experience. I am committed to making sure that every player on the server knows their own rights, both ICLY and OOCLY.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My goals:

My personal goal is to make the gameplay in the government faction more enjoyable for everyone. I also want to find something I can enjoy doing and where I can commit to the server or make a change in Karakura's legal world. I want to make friends within the faction, build, and uphold a positive opinion. I want to create memories and good times, but I also want to help new players find themselves on the server.

My character goals are:

Nilo's goal is to ensure that every citizen of Karakura, brought before court or not, will get the justice they deserve. His goal is due to his past experience. Garza wants to make sure that the community here grows healthier than it is now. Despite knowing that he can't bring justice to everyone, he will bring justice to everyone he can.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

The role of the judge is important to the government in maintaining order in the city, as they have the task of interpreting the law. Judges have to be aware of the weight they are carrying, which is to turn someone's life around. A judge needs to ensure that everyone gets fair treatment and the opportunity to present their case, they have to be clear-headed, and need to make an objective opinion not influenced by anything other than facts and Karakura's law. Judges have to issue adequate punishments to criminals standing in front of the court. Judges are not only needed to bring justice, they also have the ability to officialize marriages or to take front desk duty, assisting citizens in need, which includes handing out ID's.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I fully acknowledge the fact that I can be removed at any given time from the faction.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand that I am expected to be fully committed to the position of my choosing after being accepted, and I am ready to dedicate myself to the work.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I do understand that displaying bias to anyone will result in a punishment, and I promise to not show any sign of bias to anyone within the faction or not.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes, I did read the faction rules, I agree with them, and I will follow them to the fullest.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I am able to attend weekly meetings and events. If there was a case, I wouldn't be able to do so. I will contact the host of the event or meeting.


Full name:

"Hello, My name's Nilo Garza, Pleasure to meet you"

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
"I prefer "Mr.Garza, Please."

Current age:
"I am 29 years old."

Date of birth:
"I was born at June 17th, 1995"

"I am a Male."

Academic Degree:
"I got my academic degree at Osaka University, which is located in Suita."

"My major subjects were criminal law, labor law, and family law."

"I also received minors in political philosophy and legal ethics."

Work experience:
"In my time of studying, I applied to a family court, where I was able to gain experience in domestic violence cases and not only. My journey went under the guidance of a judge, Aika Sato. I was directly assigned to her, where I could watch her work. Judge Sato impressed me with her intelligence, commitment to work, which I adored, and unique sense of justice. She taught me most of the things I know now. Sooner than I thought, she deemed me ready to take on a case of my own, which she would supervise. Soon after that case, Miss Sato stopped being a judge, and I had the pleasure of working for the most part with Judge Riko Yamamoto, who taught me how to handle cases better and how to execute better research. Mr. Riko was a great teacher and even better judge, which he had proven in many cases he handled. He appreciated my work for him and called me one of his best students. When my practice hours came to an end, I went back to my academy with a strong sense of justice. I graduated from the academy being almost on top of the class thanks to my good teachers."

Nationality & born location:
"I was born here, in Japan, in Ojika, in Nagasaki Prefecture. My father was Spanish, and my mother was Japanese, Despite the differnce we only used Japanese in our household"

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
"I am fluent in Japanese and JSL due to having a deaf friend in my childchood"

Criminal record:
"I have clean record. Never commited a crime in my life."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"I believe I have a few qualities that would make me a good candidate for this job first, a strong sense of justice, which I developed back in district court. I am also dedicated to the job. I believe my communication skills are helping me express complex legal concepts. Due to my previous experience, I think I formed strong principles and ideologies of my own. I think that my decent experience and good knowledge make me stand out from most candidates. I also offer a dedication to learning, which is rare in the legal world. However, I do understand that I do not know something, and I am eager to be corrected if I am wrong. I also understand that behind every court case is a human who has feelings and family. I do not lack empathy for people, but I also do not lack the strength to make a fair verdict."​
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Level 185
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more. We appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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