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Jump Boost 2 Basketball Courts | erheiurthopirttd


Level 3
June 9th, 2023

Change the basketball courts from Jump Boost 1 to Jump Boost 2.

In many different ways, it would be both beneficial to the basketball sports teams & new players who seek out the sport.

Just to say prior, I only speak for myself and a handful of others who agree about this topic, which means I will not speak for the entirety of the basketball community on teams. With that being said, changing the courts to have Jump Boost 2 instead of Jump Boost 1 could lead to many new players finding the sport more enjoyable rather than having to play against people who already have Jump Boost 2. This in turn could lead to them finding more interest in the sport, which might lead them to want to join one of the teams. This would overall help the basketball community with the crippling decay that it's been going through. The problem with Jump Boost not working with acrobatics is one of many problems that the basketball community has been struggling to get passed.

Furthermore, another sport already has this addition to their courts. Volleyball has had Jump Boost 2 on their court for years and has positively affected the community allowing for all players, regardless of attributes, be able to perform moves equally. In basketball it is the same case, without Jump Boost 2 you are unable to dunk (jump and q-drop the ball into hopper) as well as making all other moves harder to perform. Players are less inclined to play a sport if they have to grind for weeks to achieve an attribute needed to simply make them competitive in the scene, thus driving players away.

Just as a reference, I have spoken to some members within the community who have unfortunately left due to this acrobatics bug, stating they don’t want to play a game that has so much inconsistency, having to change the way they play depending if the acrobatics plugin is working or not every other day. As mentioned before, I've talked to many people about this issue, that of which includes captains who speak about how their team relies on them to try and get a fix to this before the summer tournaments come around.​

Myself and many others have spoken before on the subject on how much Jump Boost 2 matters to the basketball players, and we all agree that the courts should have it permanently. With the issue of acrobatics working here and there, it greatly hinders the practice of the teams. I myself have been a basketball player for well over five months now, and ever since being forced to use Jump Boost 1 on the courts, it's been halting the progress of myself and many other players on the team. Since acrobatics randomly shuts on and off at random times, we can't really get used to having both Jump Boost 1 and Jump Boost 2 at random times. All the countless practice that the team members have gone through to get better accuracy with it has really wasted our time to try and adapt to both of the jump boosts on the court.

TL;DR: Majority of basketball players want Jump Boost 2 for the courts and there's no reason why it should be kept at Jump Boost 1.


Level 19
June 9th, 2023
Change the basketball courts from Jump Boost 1 to Jump Boost 2.
In many different ways, it would be both beneficial to the basketball sports teams & new players who seek out the sport.

Just to say prior, I only speak for myself and a handful of others who agree about this topic, which means I will not speak for the entirety of the basketball community on teams. With that being said, changing the courts to have Jump Boost 2 instead of Jump Boost 1 could lead to many new players finding the sport more enjoyable rather than having to play against people who already have Jump Boost 2. This in turn could lead to them finding more interest in the sport, which might lead them to want to join one of the teams. This would overall help the basketball community with the crippling decay that it's been going through. The problem with Jump Boost not working with acrobatics is one of many problems that the basketball community has been struggling to get passed.

Furthermore, another sport already has this addition to their courts. Volleyball has had Jump Boost 2 on their court for years and has positively affected the community allowing for all players, regardless of attributes, be able to perform moves equally. In basketball it is the same case, without Jump Boost 2 you are unable to dunk (jump and q-drop the ball into hopper) as well as making all other moves harder to perform. Players are less inclined to play a sport if they have to grind for weeks to achieve an attribute needed to simply make them competitive in the scene, thus driving players away.

Just as a reference, I have spoken to some members within the community who have unfortunately left due to this acrobatics bug, stating they don’t want to play a game that has so much inconsistency, having to change the way they play depending if the acrobatics plugin is working or not every other day. As mentioned before, I've talked to many people about this issue, that of which includes captains who speak about how their team relies on them to try and get a fix to this before the summer tournaments come around.

Myself and many others have spoken before on the subject on how much Jump Boost 2 matters to the basketball players, and we all agree that the courts should have it permanently. With the issue of acrobatics working here and there, it greatly hinders the practice of the teams. I myself have been a basketball player for well over five months now, and ever since being forced to use Jump Boost 1 on the courts, it's been halting the progress of myself and many other players on the team. Since acrobatics randomly shuts on and off at random times, we can't really get used to having both Jump Boost 1 and Jump Boost 2 at random times. All the countless practice that the team members have gone through to get better accuracy with it has really wasted our time to try and adapt to both of the jump boosts on the court.

TL;DR: Majority of basketball players want Jump Boost 2 for the courts and there's no reason why it should be kept at Jump Boost 1.
+ 1


Level 23
Neutral, I don't fully think it's unfair because those people grinded for it and was a real pain to do, I myself have had to do it for basketball and it took weeks to get done but at the same time I'd love to see it more popular and think it would bring more people.

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