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Jun'ichi Santarossa | Biography V.2


Level 64
Character Name: Jun’ichi Santarossa ‘Juni’
[Click name to listen to his playlist!]

Basic Information:

Full Name: Jun’ichi Santarossa

Age:24 - December 22nd

Gender: Trans-male (he/him)

Height: 5’6

Weight: “Rude to ask somebody for their weight.”

Build: Jun’ichi holds what people call a strawberry body shape, big shoulders, and small hips. Yet he holds a rather muscular build - it's obvious that his small height was insecurity and he tried to make up with muscle mass.

Hair Color: Juni has curly black hair.

Eye Color: Brown.

Skin Tone: A soft ivory color.

Sexuality: Aromantic "..Karakura gave up on me with my love life, so I did the same.. I can't handle more of the same."

Mental Health: He has DID, separation anxiety, and depression.

Cosetto - Core - 25 [ 'Inactive personality' ]
'Sin' - Prosecutor - 23
'Seto' - Caregiver (Internal self-helper) - 37
Aiko - Little - Trauma holder - 4
Jigoku - Fragment - Original-Host - ??? - 24 [ CURRENTLY FRONTING ]
Ma - Protector - 405
Sparkles - ??? - ??? [ 'Inactive personality' ]


  • Place of Birth: He doesn’t remember at all.
  • Family: He cut all contact with them besides his little brother Episkey, otherwise he considers the Santarossa family his real family.
  • Childhood: He doesn’t remember.
  • Education/Training: Jun’ichi had a good upbringing educational-wise..

  • Traits:
[Positive ; Energetic, passionate, loyal, forgiving.]

[Neutral ; Devoted (gone wrong ; Obsessive) ]

[Negative ; Impulsive, socially unaware, overprotective, vengeful.]

  • Motivations/Goals: Juni wishes to work in the hospital as a surgeon.
  • Fears/Weaknesses: Juni struggles with many insecurities yet not that many fears. (Or so he believes.)
He hates being looked on as being feminine.

Phobias ;

Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed
Lockiophobia: Fear of childbirth

  • Hobbies/Interests: Juni enjoys writing.. Drying flowers and butterflies. That is his main hobby.
  • Habits/Quirks: He can speak at 200 mph if hes excited about something..
  • Morality/Ethics: ??? He needs help understanding his own morality and ethics.

Character's Journey:


‘Ethereal.. Almost ghostly.’

Jun’ichi was born into a family, of the wrong gender. And two parents who didn’t want him. He didn’t have much of a childhood as once he was able to walk, he was going around the house taking orders from his parents.. ‘??? Do this.’ ‘??? do that.’. He was never given a break until he went to school. He was always silent due to his not knowing how to speak yet.. He never tried, knowing that would bring the orders even more.

The more Jun’ichi aged, the more the abuse grew. Sooner or later, while earning his education his parents stopped considering him their child, banishing him outside with their dog.. And that's where the much trauma began, sitting outside in the rain with the dogs..

He was treated like one in every way possible, he wasn’t given great food so his main source was either from his parent's garden of vegetables or the small lunches he got at school.

‘Pray for us..’

During his high school years, he finally spoke up, he finally used the voice he was meant to. One of his teachers noticed how quiet Juni was in classes, pulling him aside. He didn’t know this was how he would be joining a new family, leaving his old one behind. Hearing his story, the teacher called child support, which led to a custody chase between the teacher and his parents.

Upon the teacher winning the custody battle, he was brought into the Santarossa family. Jun’ichi first started hearing voices, and hallucinations. Which eventually leads to blackouts.. This was when they were at their greatest, he doesn’t remember much of his high school years in Mainland Japan.

During his last year of high school, Juni moved. He moved to Japan, not much happened during this year.

‘Call me, Brutus.’

The story is currently being written.. Check back later.

Current Situation: ???

Key Relationships:

[Click on the persons name for a song, if there is one!]

( Sister ) Serena Santarossa

“Best and only sister I can ever have, to be honest, she is the only sister I will ever have.”

( Brother )Matteo Santarossa

“Still a bit mad at you for not protecting me from Sadara when I was getting targeted.. But it's fine, we’ll recover.”

( Brother )Andre Santarossa


(Brother) Favio Santarossa


(Little brother) Episkey ???

“Best little brother I could ever have.”

(Close friend / Serena's fiance) Jebediah Kirisuto

“Best future brother, ever.”

( Sister in law ; Matteo ) Fae R. Blackburn

“Stop leaving Matteo behind, yeah? He is your fucking husband, bitch.”

Close relationships

(Best friend) Tito Santana

"Only person that cares for me at this point."

"First time somebody has ever tucked me into bed- thank you."

(Close friend - ???) Riwoo Yeun

“There’s something about you, just being around you gives me butterflies..”

“You like sweets.. Has anybody told you you’re a sweetheart?”

"..Wont you please call it, if our time is through..? Nothing is new.."

"I should tell you.."

"I told people you would be the one I marry, something to be with before death- seems like I lied... you're just the last one I'm with."

(Close friend) ‘R.R.’ Rowen

“Closest friend right now would consider you a best friend.”

(Close friend) Sid Omori

“Bestestestest friends, oh GOD.”

(Close friend / roomie)‘McKenna’ ‘Nessie’ ‘Addison’

“I dunno why people hate you so much.. Like, cmon. Everybody murders a few in Karakura.”


(???) Molly Helvete
"Our little secret."

(Ex-situationship) Kirahoshi Ichikawa

“Where did you go? I miss talking to you. I scared you off- didn’t I?”

( Ex-fling) Gavin Santiago

( Friend) Enza Delarossa

(Friend) Valeria P. Casella

('Rival') Narcisa Borbon

“You won him, happy?”

(Close-ish friend) Cressida Onasis

(Hated) Akiyama Chiharu

“Girl, the world doesn’t revolve around you.”

( ??? ) Nathaniel Blackwell

“I still thank you for helping me get onto the cheer team.”

( Ex-Cheer captain) Mee-Young Jaibatsume

“One of the best captains.”

(Ex-Cheercaptain's) Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito | Patricia ‘Patty’

“I forget the both of you a bit.. Yet you were the two best captains I could ever have.”

(Ex) [ ???] Hao Miyushi

“Yeah, you kinda deserve what you got.”

(Ex) [DEAD] ‘Ketsu’

“I’m glad she fuckin’ killed you- damn.”

(Ex-friend) Amano N. Yamakawa

“Ha- no."

Character Arc:

  • Character Development: Dynamic character.
Cosetto Santarossa ARC
  • Socializing and nice
  • Gained violent tendencies
  • Joined the cheer team
  • Gained 'bitchy' / 'mean girl' title through their sister, Serena
  • Left Karakura "I won't ever come back to this hellhole."

  • Returned to Karakura ( Diagnosed with DID
  • Re-joined the Cheerteam ( didn't take on the 'mean girl' title as before )
  • Left the cheer team, with a newfound hate for the people who support the sport
'Sin' Santarossa ARC
  • Violent tendencies become worse
  • Joins 'ZEROS'
  • ???
Jun'ichi Santarossa ARC ( 'Call me Brutus')
  • Currently being developed.. check back later.
  • Evolution of Goals: W.I.P.
  • Challenges/Conflicts: Find out icly.
Fun Facts/Trivia:

  • Trivia: W.I.P.
  • Random Tidbits: Jun’ichi doesn’t know how to accept or give compliments.. He just says ‘thank you’ whenever they are given. He doesn’t know how to control his emotions.. At all.
Appearance References:

There stands a 5’3 Japanese male.. Holding many scars across his torso, some from human attacks, some fromt ghost attacks and some from personal attacks! He holds a scar that goes from the underside of his left eye to his chin. His hair seemed to be mostly dead from years of dying it green, yet now its his natural brownish black hair. And his probably extremely iritated eyes from contacts, where also now his natural color. He holds devil bites on his bottom lip and a nose chain piercing going across his nose. His whole torso covered in tattoos, covering old ones. Specifically one on his ribcage which was crossed out and replaced probably three times.. It didn’t look very artistic, yet it meant a lot to him. (Will add more.)

[ Facial ref's / art ] W.I.P.
Last edited:


Level 64
Thread starter

Added ' Character Development'
Updated some relationships
Added relationships to each character
Updated mental health
Updated sexuality ( Spoiler!!! He gave up on love.)​

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