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KaiInTheSlide's Police Application (2nd)


Level 2
IGN: My in game name is, KaiInTheSlide.

Previous bans: I have no previous bans.

Do you have discord?: Yes, I have discord. My tag is, Kai#3610.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I have a microphone. It can sometimes act up, but most of the time it's clear and works.

Describe your activity on the server:
Summer, I am on between 10am EDT, to around 8-10pm EDT.
School, weekdays when school starts I will most likely be able to be on from 5-7pm EDT.
Weekends, I will be able to be on from 10am EDT to around 8-10pm EDT as well.

List your current and past applications:
I have applied for Spanish. (Accepted)
Police Officer. (Denied)
Another attempt at Police. (Denied)

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?:
Yes, I understand Japanese Laws and the Basic Conduct.

What is your motivation for applying?
I have been thinking of things to do around SRP, since most of my friends have either moved onto a different server, or have gotten banned. I have looked around and seen/heard that PoliceRP is a fun thing to do, and I'd love to try it out and make things more fun on my side of the screen. PoliceRP seems enjoyable, yet stressful, but it would give me something to do in my spare time.

What are the Police Ranks?:
Police Cadet
: First Rank. The Police Cadet is the position you get when first accepted into the Police Force. They are not able to patrol alone.
Patrol-Officer: Second Ranks. The Patrol Officer is the rank you get after completing the Cadet training. You are now able to patrol alone.
Corporal: Third Rank. The Corporal is in charge of training the Cadets.
Sergeant: Fourth Rank. The Sergeant oversees the training of the cadets.
Lieutenant: Fifth Rank. The Lieutenant is the next rank you get. And is now allowed to use firearm.
Captain: Sixth Rank. The Captain takes over the Police Force if the Commissioner is not there.
Commissioner: Last rank. The Commissioner oversees the whole Police Force.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
I have seen many Police role play as well as I have seen Police in real life do their jobs. Police patrol, do searches, they arrest, they do man hunts, and many more things. They have to be very fit though, in order to catch the running criminals. I have paid close attention as I wish someday I will be able to join.

Why are Police important on SRP?:
Police are very important on SRP, for example it keeps SRP more real. If there were no people on SRP, it would all go down hill into crime. Police keep things real, and set things back into the School concept. SchoolRP has turned away from the School figure, and the PoliceRP is there to help put kids back into school and stop the crimes.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?:
Yes, I acknowledge that I can be demoted at any given time if accepted.


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?

Kori is a 5'10 foot male, that would weigh in at 125lbs. Kori would have a fit physique with the scent of Vanilla coming off of him. Kori would have a tattoo on his left arm that would resemble a dragon. Kori is a male that can be very serious on job, but the complete opposite off of the job with his friends. He's kind hearted, and takes in other's ideas.

What's he like on and off of the job?
Kori is a used to be a shy person, until he got warmed up to people. He is now a serious male with the thought to complete something he started. On the job he is serious and puts all of his focus into what he is doing. Off the job, he can still be a bit quiet, but also loves to be around friends and hang out with them. Kori is not the type to be a rude man with no purpose, as he has never once been that type of person.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Well, Kori has currently not worked anywhere, as he has just moved back to Karakura after a few year break. His plans for the future would be to get his dream job and be able to fend for him and his best friend and family.


Kori was born and raised an American boy.
Kori used to be a student that would would get bad grades back in America. He would always not care, and/or not try. He was that type who didn't think school was a big deal, just there to party and have fun. He decided to drop out of school at the crisp age of 16, and move in with his mom. After he did this his mother got mad at him, as she kicked him out and told him to get his own place. He then decided he wanted a restart so he moved to Karakura, Japan. Once he moved, he thought he could try in school and get good grades, not show who he was before. He then made a best friend that he spent months with until they split and both moved away for a while. Kori just recently moved back, as he's getting used to Karakura once again.

Personal Details
Full Name:

Kori Haturi Rou
Mr. Rou
Given names:
Kori has only gone by Kori.
Preferred Name:
25 years old.
Religious Domination:
Kori has no religion.
Martial Statius:
Kori is single.
Kori is American.
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

Academic Details
Years of training:
2 years.
Working Experience: 2 years.

Academic Degree: Criminology, Criminal Justice.

Year of Graduation: 2019.
Major(s): Criminology
Minor(s): Criminal Justice

Native Languages:
Other Languages: Spanish

Other Notes:

I have previously applied, not knowing how to properly fill out the application without the right amount of details/filling it out wrong. I would like to try one last time, and see if I could get it right.
Thanks you for reading over this.​
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Level 185
News Lead
-You lack in detail with this application, when applying you should have at least 300+ words in the backstory itself
-Please don't make one application and then make another one afterwards

-You may re-apply in 14 days

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