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Denied kamcold Lore Team Application.


Level 105


List your discord name and tag (name#0000): (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team)

Yes I have complete access to discord and am rather active upon it.

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?:

Yes. I have a microphone and I am fully willing to hop into VC, whether this be for meeting reasons or for just a chat!

Your time zone and current country of residence:

I am British and my current timezone is BST.

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:


Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?:

Yes of course! This can happen due to an OOC reason such as toxicity or inactivity. Or it can be due to an in-server ban that will lead to a leave of all facitons.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.

Mental health/ Demotivation.
I struggle quite a bit when it comes to my mental health. This has really decreased over the last few months after my many month break between October 2023 and January 2024. I took a break through this time as this was around the time of my diagnosis. [If you wish to know my condition you can DM me as I'm rather open about it.] Since then I've gotten relatively used to it and the medication has helped so it doesn't really affect me.However. When it comes to my current state, I will only really be inactive or not writing when I plummet or things get bad. Lastly, something that's rather common among writers such as myself is a lack of motivation. Writing takes a great amount of effort and time that, generally, not many can keep up with or do consistently.

As a teenager its no real surprise that school will get in the way of my online-life. I am in my late years of school called the "GCSE Years" which are like final tests that decide the entirety of my life. When it comes to examination times, I think my activity will generally decrease slowly but as soon as the exams are over I will immediately be right back on track. School may also get in the way of my activity in the week. On the weekdays I can only really be on in the evening or active within the evenings due to school and other OOC responsibilities.

Areas of weakness.
Ok, honesty is indeed the best policy and sadly when it comes to me there is some weakness in what a writer can write. For me, this is generally surrounding folklore. However, when it comes to my writing I like to find some areas inside that weakness that I can summon some strength from. For example, in folklore I can often write rather good paranormal stories.

What makes you passionate about writing?:

In rather simple terms, I love the way that writing can be anything from a little flipbook with a pointless story to a completely complex and detailed book about the most fantastic and fantasy-like characters and plot! I love the way that writing can control the complete being and way that anything and everything acts like.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:

..Kinda? I guess that I have been writing as a tailor on this server for roughly a year now and since then have completed many orders that have contained me writing lore or backstories for characters. This can go from a simple backstory of a simple character, to an extremely complicated, mentally unwell, just distraught character that I, have written the entire backstory of. When it comes to lore I think I really enjoy writing this as its like an equation to the solution. The equation being the lore, and the solution being the character and how they act after that specific thing happened.
When it comes to creative writing, I think I've had a great amount of experience within that as well. When it comes to creative writing I've always had this idea of making my own way with life. I always enjoyed writing silly little things for each of my characters like backstories or something unique to that character.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:
Lore is like the instruments of a song to music. See, if you have a rock song, you'd want drums, a bassist and a guitarist, maybe two! But without those its just some random lyrics. Not music, more like poetry. There is no video game, nor any other form of media that is interesting that hasn't got lore. So, lore is the complete spinal cord of every single piece of media out there.

  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
  3. The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

[-] This is for a fake scenario that I made purely for this application [-]
Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

A castle upon a hill, a classic tale yet one that shan't be forgotten. This wasn't your little kings and queens story, no. This was a retired castle, now used completely for prison purposes. You can escape, if you wish to trek through 20 miles of snow in less than an hour. You know, so you don't die. Plus, outrunning snowmobiles whilst completely on foot is something that would be truely, truely impressive. Plus if you're caught its just another.. 120? Yeah 120 years on your sentence. So, good luck!

Tap.. tap.. tap. A prison warden slowly walked himself down the jail cells, his baton gliding roughly across the jail cell bars

Warden: "GET UP FOLKS!"

His taps would get slowly closer Johannes. On the bed would sit a rather poised male with a rather disciplined posture. His smile would be faint underneath his over-grown hair, tangling within itself forming a nest-like appearance. Had he been here a while? Well, no man has ever been there long enough to see the day that he entered the prison so it was just assumed he was birthed here..

Warden: "Johannes Hilshceid"

He smiled, an odd sight for this man. Johannes' splurted from beneath his viper like lips. His eyes sort of squinted as he looked upwards to the detective. His finger sort of scratching on the bed. Johannes: "Well done.. You know my name"

The warden smirked softly, his teeth being bared ever so slightly : "Get out. You never got that interview you were promised"

Johannes: "You're going to let me into a room where the outside world, can see me?"

Warden: "Is that an issue?"

[-] He remained silent. [-]: "No, no its not"

The officer would place him gently into cuffs before leading him harshly out the cell. As they both left the room the officer's grip tightened upon the cuffs, this odd sense of authority left Johannes smiling. Did he really think he was in control? Alas, they ended up at their final destination, a room adorned with glass. For some, it seemed like these windows meant nothing. Perhaps logic overtook assumptions.

Warden: "Detective Yurina will be in with you soon."

[-] ... Silence [-]

The detective stepped into the room, her demeanor somewhat commanding yet tinged with a scent of reluctance. Her jet black hair trailed out beneath her cap formed neatly into a ponytail. With pen and paper in hand, she sat herself comfortably upon the chair, beginning to read out the rights of the prisoner. Despite her sense of authority, Johannes would notice that this masked her true fear of him. Light glared upon the sunken male, a faint glare of a smile creeping onto his unclean face, an eery sight for someone who's getting interviewed for unimaginable criminal activity.

Yurina; "Your rights have been read, now for the questioning"

He remained completely silent, perhaps it was a fidget but his fingers tapped upon the table. One leg neatly crossed over the other beneath the table, his comfort almost mocking the fear of the detective. One tap, then another.

Yurina: "Ok then. You were arrested under the circumstance of many counts of murder. However we strongly believe that you got your weaponry from another source"
One tap, then another.

Johannes remained silent, yet his taps kept contemporary, his fingers kept an odd pattern..
-.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / - .... .- - / - .... . / .-.. --- -. --. . .-. / -.-- --- ..- / --.- ..- . ... - .. --- -. / - .... . / --.- ..- .. -.-. -.- . .-. / - .... .- - / - .... . -.-- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / --. . - / - --- / -- . ..--..

His smile would remain faint yet his eye-contact would almost pierce through the individual before him. His teeth would hide slyly behind his thin, heavily scarred lips as his eyes pierced through the females'.

Yurina: "You were cuffed for a reason, stop or I'll tighten them to you're chair. Now, we wish to know this source and so that we can stop any future incidents happening"
One tap, then another.
Johannes fingers tapped...
- .... . / -.- -. .. ..-. . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / ..-. .- .-.. .-.. / .-- .... . -. / - .... . / -.. .- --. --. . .-. / ..-. .- .-.. .-.. ... / ..-. .-. --- -- / - .... . / -.-. .-.. .- ... .--. / --- ..-. / .- / .-- . .- -.- / .... .- -. -..

Yurina, now fed up stood up abruptly and pulled up his hands before tightening them strictly against the wooden chair. Johannes smiled as he then continued tapping, now against the chair. His eyes sort of gazed towards the officer, his eyes locked on as if they were some missile-system. Yurina, giving in just sat back down: "Look, we just need to know a name or a location."
One tap, then another.
A teeth-bearing eerie smile creeped slowly onto Johannes face, his dented fangs visible beneath his bird-nest like brown hair. His eyes focused only on the table before him as he almost hunched over it. "I dont speak, and getting me to would only lead to a bad ending" he stated, his head tilted as an almost mocking smile was pinned to his face.
- .... . / .-.. .- ... - / -.-. --- .--. / .. ... / - .... . / --- -. . / .-- .... --- / .-.. .. ... - . -. ...
tap.. tap.. tap..
In an odd fiasco of an outburst the prison siren went wild. The walls almost shaking at the sudden blare of the sirens. Johannes smile continued as he continued tapping.
.- -. -.. / - .... . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / --- -. . / -.. --- .-- -. --..-- / .. ... / - .... . / --- -. . / .-- .... --- / .-. . ... - .-. .. -.-. - ... -.-.--
A sudden flick of the lights flashed across the detectives eyes, the sudden flash left him stunned, yet when he regained his awareness, he looked upon the chair. And there lied a pair of handcuffs, a broken paperclip. And the detectives personal information with the note "We have copies, and contacts" engraved with a charcoal looking substance.
A flash of colour flashed before the officers eyes as he ran out. A smile plastered upon his face, pure joy yet somewhat mocking. Then, turning round the detectives face would drop. Outside the glass pane would stand Johannes, not running like a normal escapee, yet standing almost death-staring the officer. His posture would remain pinpoint perfect and his hands seemed to rest in fists. He'd then turn and in one motion would get swept by a ladder from the sky. A helicopter? Perhaps. But what we did know, is that this wasn't the last we'd see.


Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.


Upon one windy, cold yet dark night. Two individuals by the name of Derivus and Tsuki found themselves wandering the deep and dark Ochiba forest. During there wander they would seem to come across a neat little nature sanctuary. Upon finding it then began to wander round, curious teenagers of course. Yet of course like any nature sanctuary, it would encase wildlife. As the stupid rebelious teenagers that they are they decided to try and taunt said animals. Venturing into an animal sanctuary as the clock slammed 12, the two would feel an odd rush of adrenaline as the cold night sky blanketed over their heads. They stepped forth into one specific part, trees circled around them making them look like-from above- a natural pentagram. In a sudden burst of energy- seemingly from nowhere- Tsuki turned to Derivus and just span. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she seemed to almost be lifted into the air. It seemed as if her lungs were wrenched as she was left gaping for air. Then silence. The haunting, ever echoeing silence.

Panic seemed to drown Derivus, the odd sense of future pulsing through his mind. His hands would thrust forth as he grabbed Tsuki, his face falling as his panic set in. "HEY HEY SPEAK TO ME!" he screeched. As his hands wrapped around Tsuki's hip he'd almost instantly get a shock from thin air, his flail body being launched backwards into a nearby tree. As he toppled back his eyes sort of looked up, reminiscences of fear and compelete utter confusion filling his eyes with somber tears. His eyes would be almost chained to hers. What was this? In one almost sudden burst Tsuki would shriek at the top of her lungs, her voice crackling in an odd rasp that sounded like relief and yet complete and utter pain. Her voice slammed into nearby trees, bouncing and breaking into the ears of every species around.

An eerie screech occured as the females flimsy body turned towards Derivus. A smile erupted upon her face, looking like it was two blades pulling the edges of her lips upwards. As her smile curved, she stated "My child". Dervius stood in fear. Could this be..?- "Speak truely, as i am only here now." the girl said. Her eyes sparkling like some form of electric shock was shaking within her. Derivus turned to the body, his arms being sprung out in a theatrical fashion "Mother..?". The girl screamed fully, her teeth baring wide, she collapsed completely. She then looked up to Derivus, confused she asked "Who are you?"



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Level 112
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying. After discussing with the team, we decided to deny your application due to the competitiveness of this role.

For any questions relating to the application, DM rexypoo on Discord with said question. Feel free to reapply and address these factors for the next wave of applications.​

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