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Kana Thread #7: Casablushno


Level 130
Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman, their name was Casanono and Vampireblush. One day, they decided to go to the supermarket and meet each other for the first time. Upon meeting each other, they noticed something on each of their heads. They were both wearing the same headband. They decided it'd be an amazing idea to connect the headbands, causing the two to merge into one being. Casanono and Vampireblush merged into a creature only known as Casablushno. This monster was very scary, it held the power of a god. On top of all that, there was a divine item that they both shared. This item was known as a Kitty Hat. The Kitty Hat destroyed the world, and everyone died happily ever after.

I would like to attribute
Casanono @4thwallbreaker
vampireblush @hexfairies for their names being used in this Kana Thread.

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