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Kanako L. Kijima's Biography

[ Kanako L. Kijima ]
(Face claim)

Basic Information

First Name:


Kanako L. Kijima

Preferred Name:
Kanako, Kana

Kanako's choice of alias as "Kanji" stemmed from a moment of spontaneous decision-making when she found herself in a predicament, unsure of how to respond. Guilt-ridden and feeling a sense of pressure, she quickly came up with a name without much thought.

The word "Kanji" holds a dual meaning, representing characters or letters in Japanese as well as feelings. Kanako, being a person inclined toward dramatic expressions, embraced this aspect of the name. Despite realizing that her impulsive choice may not have been the most well-thought-out decision, she remains unconcerned about the possible consequences.

Unfortunately, her brother's consistent teasing and mockery of her dramatic nature deeply affected Kanako. Perhaps her choice of the name "Kanji" also acts as a form of defiance, a self-embrace of her unique personality and an assertion that she does not care about her brother's opinion.

Ultimately, Kanako's decision to adopt the alias "Kanji" showcases her resilience and the willingness to forge her own path, whether others appreciate it or not. It serves as a reminder that labels and judgments should not define one's self-worth, and embracing one's true identity can provide a sense of liberation and self-acceptance.

Female, She/Her




72 lbs

Kanako has an Hourglass figure and credits her Pinterest board workouts for its success. By consistently following targeted exercises for her core, waist, and hips, she maintains her balanced physique. This demonstrates the effectiveness of her chosen workout routine.

Skin Color:

Kanako has a pale skin tone due to her being Korean

Eye Color:
Kanako has beautiful light green eyes.

Hair Style:
Kanako has a butterfly haircut, characterized by a distinct shape resembling butterfly wings. This bold and avant-garde hairstyle showcases her individuality and creative expression. Its unique appearance makes a statement and reflects her daring personality.

Hair Color:

Kanako's hair color is a medium brown shade, which falls between light and dark brown tones. This versatile and natural-looking color enhances her features and complements her aesthetic.


Kanako's amazing fashion sense shines through with her ability to flawlessly rock both very light and very dark colors. You can often find her in short dresses, shorts, and crop tops, showcasing her trendy and youthful style. Additionally, she adds a playful touch by donning Hello Kitty pajamas during her downtime, reflecting her fun-loving and whimsical personality. Kanako's versatile fashion choices allow her to express her unique tastes and make a confident fashion statement.

Kanako bravely embraces having a prosthetic left leg, taking a unique approach by painting it to resemble skin tones, even though the result may not be perfect. While certain metal parts are still visible upon close inspection, Kanako remains unperturbed by any potential imperfections.

Kanako's right leg, which she keeps covered in bruises, doesn't deter her from confidently wearing whatever attire she pleases. She refuses to hide her prosthetic leg or let it limit her fashion choices. Kanako's resilience and self-acceptance allow her to showcase her individuality and express herself freely, irrespective of societal expectations.

Her decision to display her prosthetic leg without inhibition is a testament to her strength and confidence. By wearing whatever she wants, Kanako sends a powerful message about self-empowerment and embracing one's unique physical attributes.

Date of Birth:
Kanako was born on June 12th, making her a Gemini.

Place of Birth:

Kanako was born in Seoul, Korea. The vibrant city likely influenced her diverse experiences, fashion sense, and cultural background.


Kanako has dual nationality, being both Korean and Japanese. Her mother is Korean, and her father is Japanese. This background provides her with a multicultural perspective and the ability to embrace and appreciate both Korean and Japanese customs, traditions, and values.


Kanako's race is Asian, representing her shared ethnic heritage with various cultures from the Asian continent.

Sexual Orientation:
Kanako identifies as pansexual, meaning she is attracted to individuals regardless of their gender. She believes love should not be restricted by societal expectations and embraces the idea of forming connections based on personal compatibility rather than gender.

Religious Beliefs:
Kanako has a nonchalant attitude towards religious beliefs, respecting the freedom of individuals to practice their own faith without judgment or interference.

Political Beliefs:

Kanako has a nonchalant attitude towards political beliefs, respecting the freedom of individuals to practice their own faith without judgment or interference.

General Appearance


Kanako has a distinct appearance characterized by light brown hair and light green eyes, which beautifully complement her features. She possesses a short and slender physique, emphasizing her unique style.

Despite her slim figure, Kanako occasionally faces unwarranted criticism regarding her weight. However, she remains confident and comfortable in her own skin, knowing that societal expectations and judgments don't define her worth or beauty.

Kanako pays attention to her eye care, ensuring her eye bags are clear and well-taken care of. She enhances her natural beauty with a touch of mascara, accentuating her eyelashes, and opting for lip gloss to add a subtle shine to her lips.

In total, Kanako's appearance is a reflection of her self-expression and personal style. She embraces her individual traits and confidently chooses how to enhance her natural features, regardless of any external opinions.


Kanako's personality is characterized by her strong affinity for sarcasm, which she considers a source of pride and joy. She has a quick wit and isn't afraid to use sarcastic remarks as a form of humor or to express herself. This facet of her personality adds a unique and playful element to her interactions with others.

At times, Kanako may come across as behaving in a somewhat assertive or blunt manner, leading some to perceive her as acting like a "bitch." However, it's important to remember that this behavior is likely a combination of her sarcastic sense of humor and a direct communication style. It is not necessarily indicative of her true character.

Despite her sarcastic and sometimes outspoken nature, Kanako tends to carry a smile on her face, suggesting a generally positive disposition. This suggests that she often finds joy and happiness in her interactions with others.

However, there are occasions when something triggers a significant change in Kanako's behavior. During these times, she withdraws and remains silent for an extended period of several months, without offering an explanation for her sudden shift. This behavior may stem from personal reasons or a need for solitude and introspection.

Kanako's personality is multifaceted, combining sarcasm, assertiveness, occasional silence, and a generally cheery demeanor. While she may have varying moods and responses depending on the situation, it is important to approach her with understanding and allow her the space she may need during her periods of silence.


Kanako's experiences have led to the development of certain health conditions. She has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which is a mental health condition characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy levels, and behavior. These fluctuations can range from depressive episodes to manic or hypomanic episodes.

Additionally, due to the challenging experiences she endured during her childhood, Kanako developed an eating disorder. This could involve distorted body image, unhealthy eating patterns, and an obsession with weight and food. These disorders can have serious physical and psychological consequences, requiring professional help for management and recovery.

Furthermore, Kanako also experiences asthma, which is a chronic respiratory condition that causes the airways to narrow, leading to difficulty breathing. Asthma can be triggered by various factors, such as allergies, stress, and exercise.

Character Voice:
( Voice claim: Maddie Perez )


Kanako prefers to carry a large purse that holds a majority of her personal belongings, allowing her to stay prepared and organized throughout the day.


Kanako enjoys wearing Y2K (Year 2000) clothing, which refers to the fashion trends from the late 1990s to early 2000s. Y2K fashion is characterized by a mix of retro and futuristic elements, often incorporating bright colors, bold patterns, and unique silhouettes.

Kanako's choice to wear Y2K clothing reflects her personal style and appreciation for nostalgic fashion trends. She embraces the experimental and vibrant nature of Y2K fashion, finding joy in expressing herself through these unique and often edgy looks.

In her wardrobe, Kanako may have items such as low-rise jeans, cropped tops, graphic tees, mini skirts, platform shoes, and colorful accessories that are reminiscent of the Y2K era. She enjoys incorporating these pieces into her outfits, creating a playful and nostalgic aesthetic

By wearing Y2K clothing, Kanako showcases her individuality and fondness for a specific fashion era. It allows her to stand out and make a fashion statement that resonates with her personal taste and style preferences.


Kanako's hobbies include cooking and engaging in debates or arguments, despite her personal dislike for eating food.

Although Kanako may not have a strong affinity for eating, she finds enjoyment and satisfaction in the process of cooking. Cooking allows her to be creative, experiment with flavors, and express herself through culinary creations. She may find pleasure in crafting delicious dishes for others to enjoy, even if she doesn't derive the same pleasure from consuming them herself.

Engaging in debates or arguments is another hobby that Kanako actively participates in. She enjoys intellectual discussions and the opportunity to present her opinions and engage in thoughtful exchanges with others. This hobby reflects her desire for intellectual stimulation, critical thinking, and expressing her viewpoints on various topics of interest.

Despite her personal preferences or contradictions, both cooking and engaging in arguments provide Kanako with outlets for self-expression and fulfillment. They give her opportunities to explore her passions and skills, even if they don't align with conventional expectations or interests.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Kanako faces several significant challenges including smoking, an eating disorder, bipolar disorder, and asthma, which may impact her physical and mental well-being.

Smoking poses numerous health risks, affecting the respiratory system and increasing the likelihood of developing asthma or exacerbating existing symptoms. Additionally, smoking can also worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorder, as nicotine can interfere with mood stabilization and disrupt the effectiveness of certain medications.

Kanako's eating disorder, as previously mentioned, can have serious physical and psychological consequences. It's crucial for her to seek professional help to address disordered eating patterns, distorted body image, and potential underlying emotional issues.

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, which can significantly impact daily life. It is important for Kanako to adhere to a treatment plan prescribed by healthcare professionals, including therapy and medication management, to help stabilize her mood and manage her symptoms effectively.

As mentioned, asthma, a chronic respiratory condition, can cause breathing difficulties and potentially be triggered or worsened by factors such as smoking. To effectively manage asthma symptoms, Kanako may need to engage in preventive measures, such as maintaining an appropriate medication regimen and avoiding triggers.

It's important to approach these challenges with empathy and understanding, as they can profoundly affect Kanako's overall well-being. Encouraging her to seek professional help, providing support, and fostering a non-judgmental environment can be crucial in helping her navigate and manage these serious problems, flaws, addictions, disorders, and disabilities.


Kanako possesses several notable skills, including fighting, writing, and yelling.

Fighting is a skill that Kanako has developed, indicating her proficiency in self-defense or martial arts. This skill may be a result of her dedication to physical fitness and a desire to protect herself or others when necessary. It's worth noting that fighting should only be used in self-defense or controlled environments.

Writing is another skill that Kanako has honed. Whether it be creative writing, storytelling, or conveying her thoughts and ideas effectively, she possesses the ability to express herself through written words. Writing can provide an outlet for her creativity and allow her to communicate with others in a clear and articulate manner.

Additionally, Kanako has developed a skill for yelling, which suggests that she has a powerful voice and the ability to project her emotions or opinions assertively. While yelling can sometimes be seen as negative or confrontational, it is essential to understand that effective communication is about using the right tone and approach. Kanako might have a skill for raising her voice when appropriate, such as in moments of urgency or when expressing strong emotions.

Overall, Kanako's skills in fighting, writing, and yelling reflect her ability to defend herself, express her thoughts and creativity through written words, and effectively communicate her emotions when necessary. It is crucial to utilize these skills responsibly, taking into account the appropriate context and considering the impact on others.

Kanako's quirk is characterized by her tendency to yell frequently. This unique trait sets her apart from others and adds a distinct element to her communication style.

Yelling a lot can serve various purposes for Kanako. It may be a way for her to express her emotions passionately or to ensure that her voice is heard in a group setting. Yelling can also be an outlet for her to release stress or frustration, allowing her to vent and find temporary relief.

While excessive yelling can sometimes be perceived as disruptive or aggressive, it's important to understand that Kanako's intention might not always be negative. Yelling may simply be her preferred way of expressing herself, and she may not always mean it as an attack or a form of hostility.

As with any quirk, it is essential for Kanako to be aware of the impact her yelling might have on others and to practice effective communication skills, such as actively listening and adjusting her volume as appropriate. Striking a balance between expressing herself assertively and being mindful of others' reactions can help her navigate social situations more effectively.


Kanako's family dynamics and relationships seem to be complex and difficult to put into words. Family dynamics can vary significantly from person to person, and it is not uncommon for some families to have intricate or confusing dynamics that are challenging to explain.

It's possible that the complexities within Kanako's family may stem from a variety of factors such as differing personalities, conflicting values, unresolved issues, or past traumas. These factors can contribute to a sense of confusion or difficulty in understanding the dynamics at play.

Explaining the specifics of Kanako's family situation without further context or information would be challenging. Family relationships involve deeply personal experiences and emotions, and it is important to respect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals when discussing their family dynamics.

If Kanako is comfortable sharing details or seeking support, it may be helpful for her to connect with friends, trusted mentors, or professionals who can provide guidance and assistance in navigating her family complexities.


Kanako Jung's backstory is a deeply tragic tale of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. Born to a North Korean mother and a South Korean father, her mixed heritage created tension within her family from an early age. Instead of receiving love and attention, Kanako found herself ignored and unappreciated by her parents. Her efforts went unnoticed, and no matter what she did, it seemed her parents were consistently displeased.

The cruelty she endured escalated to unimaginable levels when her father began locking her inside a cramped and suffocating closet. He berated her, deeming her "too big" and insisting that she fit inside. Hours would go by without any sustenance, only receiving food when she begged for it. The physical and emotional abuse she suffered left her devastated and broken.

One fateful day, Kanako managed to escape from the confining closet. However, her father discovered her, and the consequences were severe. He beat her mercilessly, leaving her body battered and her rib cage injured. Her mother, who had shown little concern for her well-being before, finally confessed that they no longer wanted to raise her. They decided to give her up for adoption, claiming financial incapability and an inability to care for her.

Placed in an orphanage, Kanako found a glimmer of hope and freedom from the emotional and physical torment inflicted by her parents. However, that hope was soon overshadowed by the news of her mother's tragic death in a car crash, delivered by a mysterious woman adorned with tattoos. The woman informed Kanako that she would soon be adopted, leaving her bewildered and filled with sadness at the loss of her mother under such tragic circumstances.

After three agonizing months, a small family named the Sakais arrived to adopt Kanako, fulfilling the prophecy made by the tattooed woman. Kanako never learned her adoptive parents' names and could only refer to them as Mother and Father. The Sakai family included her adoptive siblings: a young boy named Hiroto and two identical twin girls named Jin and Lin. Kanako felt a glimmer of happiness and belonging within this newfound family.

Unfortunately, this source of joy was short-lived. During a family vacation to a small park in Karakura City, the Sakai family intentionally distracted Kanako before abruptly abandoning her, leaving her all alone at just 14 years old in an unfamiliar city. Lost and vulnerable, Kanako was plunged into a deep sense of loneliness and despair.

However, fortuitously, Kanako's childhood best friend, Sevyn, emerged back into her life. Sevyn proved to be a pillar of strength and support, displaying anger and frustration at the treatment Kanako had endured. With unwavering determination, Sevyn helped Kanako enroll in Karakura High School, providing her with a chance at a fresh start and a glimmer of hope for the future.

Nevertheless, the scars of her troubled past have had a lasting impact on Kanako. Struggling with severe anxiety and profound abandonment issues, she has found it incredibly challenging to trust and build lasting relationships. The countless instances of being left and rejected have left her shattered and fearful of being abandoned once more.

Despite the overwhelming hardships she has faced, Kanako remains determined to seek happiness, acceptance, and a sense of belonging. She aspires to overcome her past traumas, heal her emotional wounds, and find the love and stability she has longed for throughout her life's tumultuous journey.


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